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2019-2020年高一英语第二次月考试题新人教版 时间:90分钟 满分:150分 命题: 审核: Class: Name: Marks: 第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1. riseA. admitB. frightenC. possibleD. distance 2. umbrellaA. productB. successC. usefulD. circus 3. eagleA. meantB. seasonC. beautifulD. great 4. excellentA. exchangeB. expandC. expert D. example 5. steal A. greatB. breadC. react D. steam第二节 情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Hello. Wele to our Talk Show. Im Julia. Today our honored guest is Mrs. Zhang, a teacher from No.1 middle school. Hello, Mrs. Zhang.B: Hello, Julia. A: 6 B: Nowadays, lots of students especially girls are losing weight to keep slim. Some even dont eat anything for a few days. 7 A: Why on earth would she do that? 8 That sounds crazy. B: Yeah. But thats what she did.A: I really cant believe that.B: To be honest, its not the girls fault. You can see and hear this sentence “Its better to be thin” everywhere. A: 9 B: I think students need to do more exercise. You know students spend much time sitting at the table. Exercise can make body stronger. Besides, they should have a balanced diet. A: 10 Thanks for your advice.B: Thats all right. A. Are you losing weight these days?B. What do you think of losing weight, especially for students? C. Once in my class a girl passed away without eating anything for days.D. You mean that she didnt eat any food for days on purpose?E. What do you think they should do?F. I cant agree with you more.G. What should they need?第三节 语法和词汇知识 (共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)11. I go to work by car and I usually drive at speed of 50 kilometers an hour. A. a; B. a; aC. ; D. ; a 12. Jim hates parties. He is so shy that he will feel out of before strangers. A. date B. distance C. place D. shape13. Here a lot of delicious food and you are free to eat whatever you like.A. isB. hasC. are D. have 14. As a senior high school student, is very important to develop a good habit of living and studying. A. thatB. itC. whatD. how15. Is Mike out of danger? better than before, Im afraid.A. No B. Rather C. Much D. Any16. To tell the truth, I think this is a piece of work which I can be proud.A. withB. about C. for D. of 17. Jim was not in the way a romantic, but he decided to bring Joanna some roses. A. partial B. ordinary C. special D. simple18. I borrow your motorbike tomorrow? Sure! No problem.A. Should B. MustC. Will D. Could19. Can you tell me to impress the interviewer? Just be yourself.A. whoB. whatC. howD. why20. We went to Weihai during the summer vacation. we had at the seaside!A. What a fun B. What fun C. How funD. How a fun21. along the street, I met an old friend of mine, whom I hadnt seen for ages.A. Walking B. WalkedC. To walk D. Having walked 22. How long has it been they last saw each other? About half a year.A. beforeB. sinceC. whenD. after23. Dont you like playing football? I enjoy it very much.A. No, I dont.B. No, I do.C. Yes, I do.D. Yes, I dont.24. It doesnt often rain in summer here. , we have to water the vegetable garden.A. In other wordsB. In fact C. As well D. As a result25. Li Ping is a girl. She lives on the second floor of a apartment block.A. fifteen-years-old; six-storeysB. fifteen-years-old; six-storeyC. fifteen-year-old; six-storeys D. fifteen-year-old; six-storey第四节 完形填空 (共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)A battle was being fought. The 26 was covered with dead and dying men. The air was hot and the sun shone down without 27 on the wounded soldiers who were 28 in the blood and dust. One of these soldiers was a nobleman (贵族), whom everybody 29 for his gentleness and kindness. Yet now he was no better off than the 30 man in the field. He had been wounded, and would die; he was suffering much with 31 and thirst. When the battle was over, his friends 32 to him. A soldier came running with a 33 in his hand. “Here, Sir Philip,” he said, “Ive brought you some water from the stream. Ill raise your 34 so that you can drink.” The cup was placed to Sir Philips mouth. How 35 he looked at the man who had 36 the water! Then his eyes met those of a dying soldier close by. “Give the 37 to that man,” said Sir Philip quickly. 38 the cup toward him, he said, “Here, my friend, take this. Your 39 is greater than mine.” What a brave, noble man he was! The 40 of Sir Philip Sidney will never be forgotten, for he 41 had the good of others in his mind. Was it any wonder that everybody cried when it was heard that he was 42? It is said, that, on the day when he was 43 to the grave (坟墓), every eye on land was filled with tears. Rich and poor, 44 and low, all felt that they had 45 a friend, the kindest, gentlest man that they had ever known.26.A. floorB. parkC. groundD. street27.A. pityB. surpriseC. forceD. fear28.A. runningB. lyingC. workingD. standing29.A. protectedB. missedC. caredD. loved30.A. busiestB. rudestC. poorestD. shortest31.A. noisesB. dangerC. illnessesD. pain32.A. hurriedB. shoutedC. pointedD. cried33.A. flowerB. cupC. giftD. letter34.A. headB. handC. eyesD. glasses35.A. terriblyB. thankfullyC. proudlyD. sadly36.A. broughtB. chosenC. enjoyedD. stored37.A. moneyB. prizeC. waterD. gun38.A. WavingB. SendingC. ThrowingD. Pushing39.A. dreamB. successC. needD. chance40.A. messageB. nameC. planD. advice41.A. alwaysB. oftenC. sometimesD. finally42.A. crazyB. deadC. hungryD. ill43.A. helpedB. returnedC. showedD. carried44.A. old B. kindC. cleverD. high45.A. forgottenB. killedC. lostD. found第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AA rabbit and two ducks were good friends. They used to meet on the bank of a river and play together. One day the ducks told the rabbit that they had found a carrot farm on the other bank of the river. The rabbit was excited and quickly asked for the help of his friends to cross the river, reach the farm and enjoy the carrots. The ducks agreed to carry him across the river.They made a wonderful plan to cross the river. The two ducks entered the river and stayed close to each other. The rabbit carefully got on their backs and stayed still. Then the ducks slowly swam across the river, staying close to each other. The rabbit cautiously stayed on top of the moving birds.Right before they reached the center of the river, the ducks suddenly saw a large number of fishes swimming together. In the excitement of finding a delicious meal in the water, the ducks quickly swam to either side to catch the fishes. They forgot about the poor rabbit on their backs, who fell down into the deep river as the ducks moved away. The ducks remembered their job only after they finished their meal. However, by that time the poor rabbit had already drowned (淹死). The foolish ducks were sorry to miss their good friend. From this short story, we know love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which is shown it in action. 46. The rabbit was excited because . A. the ducks would bring him some good foodB. the ducks would prepare a good meal for him C. there was good food on the other bank of the riverD. he would be able to play on the other side of the river 47. The underlined word “cautiously” in Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”.A. bravelyB. carefullyC. exactlyD. fluently 48. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The ducks played a trick on the rabbit. B. The ducks were too tired to carry the rabbit. C. The rabbit was drowned because of his carelessness. D. The ducks forgot their job when they saw the fish.BTennis lessonsThis event takes place every Wednesday from May 9 to July 17. These lessons are open to all from plete beginners to seasoned pros (熟练的行家). Playing tennis is a great way of getting fit. Contact The Bridge to find the time for your age group.Cost: 4.80 adults, 3.30 under 16s per classContact: Laura ReynoldsTel: 020 8778 7158Street dance classesThis event takes place every Wednesday from February 27 to December 25. The classes are set up for 3 to 6-year-olds. They provide an environment where each child can bee confident in his or her efforts and successes. Our school believes “If You Aim High You Will Succeed”.Cost: 4 per student Contact: Hayley ReaEmail: infoaimhighacademy.co.ukChildrens workshops in clay (陶土)This event takes place every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from April 15 to July 1. The workshops are suitable for children aged five years and above. The children will be shown different methods of making many things in clay. Cost: 75 for 10 lessonsContact: Shirley StewartEmail: shirli_stewartyahooCaterpillar (毛毛虫) musicThis event takes place every Tuesday and Friday from October 18 to December 31. The classes are set up for 0 to 4-year-olds. We use puppets (木偶), actions, songs, instruments and games to entertain and introduce a love of music to your little one. The classes last 40 minutes and each week we have a different theme.Cost: 6 per classContact: Angela CapriatiTel: 020 8698 843949. If a couple and their 10-year-old boy want to take 5 tennis classes, they should pay .A. 12.9B. 38.7C. 64.5D. 77.450. If you are interested in making things with hands, you may contact .A. Hayley Rea B. Shirley StewartC. Angela CapriatiD. Laura Reynolds51.What can we learn about Caterpillar music?A. The event lasts about four months.B. The class is different for every child.C. The theme of the class changes every week.D. The event teaches how to play different instruments.52.Where can we probably find this passage?A. In an official report.B. In a textbook.C. In a guidebook.D. In a popular magazine.CSam Braxton says he never thinks of himself as a gardener at least not until Saturday.“Its not something that I would usually do,” he said in an interview with the local TV station. “But its kind of cool.”On Saturday, Sam and other kids in the Kalispell area helped get a munity (社区) garden ready for spring, as part of Global Youth Service Day. Its a day “to find out what really interests kids and then get them involved in (参与) a volunteer project,” according to its founder, Steven Culbertson. Global Youth Service Day is actually three days. This year, it is from April 26th to 28th.In Billings, Montana, kids who like art helped create a mural (壁画) on a wall along a bike path, according to the Billings Gazette. “My mom knows I love to paint, so she signed me up for this,” said 12-year-old Cassie Langton. “Im glad she did.”In Saint Stephen, South Carolina, kids from Saint Stephen Elementary School volunteered at a local nursing home. “I just want to help the people living there feel better and cheer them up,” fourth-grader Nukell Moore said.And in Evansville, Indiana, nearly 600 kids turned out on Saturday for a great project to help clean up the city. They said they found a lot of cigarettes. “A lot of people who smoke like to litter,” 10-year-old Isaac Koch noted.Organizers of Global Youth Service Day say other kids focused on things such as hunger and homelessness.In the end, the mission (使命) of Global Youth Service Day is to show you that you dont have to wait until youre a grown-up to make a positive difference in your own munity.53. Why did Sam work as a gardener on Saturday?A. Because he thought it was coolest.B. Because he was free those days.C. Because he wanted to help in a garden.D. Because he decided to have a TV interview.54. Global Youth Service Day aims to let children know that .A. they can do what they like B. they should thank their parents C. they should not throw rubbish aroundD. they can make a difference to their munity55.Which activity did Nukell Moore take part in?A. Painting on the wall.B. Cleaning up the city.C. Helping old people in need.D. Picking up cigarettes.56. Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?A. To report local news.B. To introduce a festival.C. To praise some children.D. To offer some activities.DWhen Abraham Lincoln was invited to give a speech in Brooklyn, he was already famous in Illinois, but no one in the East knew who he was or what he looked like. Easterners had just read an article about him. The presidential election (选举) was near, and Lincoln wanted to increase his popularity. So he accepted the invitation to the East happily. Then he took the long trip across the country.When Lincoln arrived in New York, he was surprised to learn that so many people had bought tickets for his speech that it had been moved from a small Brooklyn church to a New York City college. Now, Lincoln would speak in the Great Hall at Cooper Union.Lincoln got to town tired. His suit was badly ruined, and his bag was old. Worst of all, his plain face, unruly hair, and awkward (笨拙的) manner shocked those who greeted him. However, his admirers, New York Republicans, decided to have Lincoln photographed. On the morning of February 27, 1860, Lincoln was taken to the gallery by the citys most famous photographer, Mathew Brady. Brady walked over to Lincoln and, with a sudden pull, pulled up Lincolns shirt collar as high as it would go. Surprisingly, Lincoln said, “I see you want to shorten my neck.” Lincolns speech that day was a success. So did the photograph. Brady insisted that this picture was a good helper to Lincolns election nine months later.57. Why did Lincoln accept the invitation to the East excitedly?A. He was well-known all over Illinois.B. He hoped to introduce himself to new voters.C. He had never been to the East before. D. He wanted to give a speech in New York. 58. At first, the speech would be given in .A. a Brooklyn church B. IllinoisC. a New York City collegeD. the Great Hall at Cooper Union59. What did those people who greeted Lincoln think of him? A. They thought he was very poor. B. They had a bad opinion about him. C. They judged he was upset. D. They felt he was in trouble.60. According to Brady, what made a difference to Lincolns election?A. Lincolns admirers.B. Lincolns face.C. Lincolns shortened neck. D. Lincolns successful speech.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从下框的AF选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。A. Shop online.B. Spend half on clothes you want.C. Check whether some items are on sale.D. Use your credit card.E. Discuss price with the storekeeper.F. Shop at a consignment store (寄售店).Five ways to buy things for lessA dollar saved is worth two dollars earned. Here are some tips on buying things for less:61. Look at how much you spend over the course of a year on clothes. Suppose that number is $10,000. Make it your job this year to buy whatever you are going to buy, but for half the price.62. One day I went shopping with one of my best friends, and watched her negotiate (商谈) with the boss to lower price of everything. It was an eye-opener for me. I realized that most of the time, all I have to do is to negotiate. People who dont negotiate have to pay full price.63. Just about every piece of furniture in my house was bought from a consignment store last year. Why do you often pay high price for the new? Consignment stores can be a great way to find practically new stuff at a much lower price. Look for these stores in the neighborhood, and youll find many useful things that are never used at all.64. Once youve found a brand you like, check it online before you buy. I often try on my favorite jeans at department stores to figure out what size works, and then buy them online. It will save you a lot.65. Develop a habit of checking with stores to see if the items you want are on sale. Once upon a time I had my eye on a pair of chairs from Frontgate. Each week I checked its stores, and at the end of the summer I bought them for half the original price.第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,写出对应单词的正确、完整形式,每空只写一词。66. Its a long (距离) to the train station from our school.67. When air is heated, it expands and when cooled, it (收缩).68. Their latest CD is a (混合物) of new and old songs.69. You can (漂浮) very easily on the Dead Sea because its so salty. 70. We moved into a small room with (电) but no running water.71. Wish you a happy (旅程).72. Many people will (饿死) if food doesnt arrive quickly.73. It really (烦扰) me that he had forgotten my birthday.74. Its very dangerous to lose ones way in the (沙漠).75. Are you sure to pass the job (面试)?第二节 短文改错 (共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Traveling is a very good activity. When you were free, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of the nature. You can make new friend or learn about different cultures. However, traveling isnt always pleased. For example, you may be caught by the rain and may catch a cold. Sometimes, you may have your money steal. Therefore, when going on a trip, you must prepare you carefully. You should have clear information about the weather and very careful about what you go to avoid accidents. If not, you will surely enjoy yourself.第三节 书面表达(满分30分)假设你们学校正在举办英语征文比赛,题目是“ A Lesson in Life”。 请根据以下内容写一篇文章,向此比赛投稿: 两年前,你玩电子游戏上了瘾。这造成了严重的后果:1. 你整天沉迷于游戏,学习成绩下降了;2. 你时常熬夜,健康状况下降了;3. 你与朋友交往越来越少,与他们变生疏了。幸运的是,你最终在父母和老师的帮助下戒掉了电子游戏。注意:1. 不要逐条翻译,可以适当增加细节。 2. 词数不少于100。参考词语:玩电子游戏上瘾:get addicted to playing puter games参考答案:1-5 BABCD6-10 BCDEF11-25 DC ABA DB DCB ABCDD26-45 CABDC DABAB ACDCB ABDDC46-50 CBDCB 51-55 CDCDC 56-60 ABABC61-65 BEFAC 66. distance 67. contracts 68. mixture 69. float 70. electricity 71. journey 72. starve 73. bothered 74. desert 75. interview短文改错Traveling is a very good activity. When you were free, you can go to a beautiful place to areenjoy the beauty of nature. You can make new friend or learn about different cultures. However, friendstraveling isnt always pleased. For example, you may be caught pleasing或pleasant by the rain and may catch a cold. Sometimes, you may have yourinmoney steal. Therefore, when going on a trip, you must prepare stolenyou carefully. You should have clear information about theyourselfweather and very careful about what you go to avoid accidents. be where If not, you will surely enjoy yourself. soOne possible version:A Lesson in LifeTwo years ago, I got addicted to playing puter games. I showed no interest in anything except playing games. Every day, as soon as I got home after school, I would sit before my puter, absorbed in the magical world. As a result, I suffered a lot from it. First, my academic performance became worse and worse. I was a top student before. However, I fell behind in my studies gradually because my mind was only focused on the puter games instead of my lessons. Second, I fo


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