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xx届高三12月模块过关测试试卷2019-2020年高三上学期12月英语模块过关测试试卷含答案一、单项填空:每小题1分,满分15分。1. Your exciting speech will encourage students _attending university and help them achieve their dreams.A. look forward toB. looking forward toC. to look forward toD. to looking forward to2-Oh my God! I forgot what my luggage looks like? -What do you think _over there?A. thisB. itC. thatD. the one3. After a night of fighting with his _, Peter decided to tell the truth to the police the next day.A. conscienceB. consensusC. consciousnessD. consequence4 -I want to change my job, but Im afraid that I wont be able to find a better one. - _ You never know until you try.A. Forget it.B. Go for it.C. Think nothing of it.D. Got it.5. The government _ air quality in urban areas from levels one to five; excellent, fairly good, slightly polluted, poor and dangerous.A. classifiesB. arrangesC. distributesD. divides6. -Are you in favour of Toms suggestion _ we work around the clock to meet the deadline?-No. But _ Jimmy suggested to me sounds practical. A. which; whatB. that; thatC. which; thatD. that; what7. The _fact is that some European countries are heavily in debt, _Chinas economy is generally in good shape.A. simple; soB. bare; neverthelessC. obvious; becauseD. clear; despite8. What a pity it is that Bob _the habit of smoking at such an early age!A. developed intoB. slid intoC. switched intoD. slipped into9. -Tom got the last place in the exam. I saw the record posted on the wall of the classroom. -Really! But I think it goes against the rules to give away students _ information.A. contemporaryB. consistentC. confidentialD. conservative10. _other applicants, he seems to be well _to the ordinary but vital job, where he can fulfill his dream.A. In contrast with; suitedC. In contrast of; suitableB. In parison with; fit D. By parison of; qualified11. Its really _of him to explain the idiom to me again and again because it is above my _.A. typical; municationC. spiritual; prehensionB. considerate; prehensionD. deliberate; munication12. Its stressed that measures to control the house price will be high on the _of the government.A. altitudeB. agencyC. agendaD. acmodation13. Varieties of programmes in the TV station _many different types of interest and taste among the public.A. cater toB. take toC. subscribe toD. apply to14. -Im sorry, sir. My mind _. What did you say?-You are always absent-minded today. A. is wanderingB. was wanderingC. wanderedD. had wandered15. - The film we saw last week is very romantic. - _. I didnt think it romantic at all.A. With all due respectC. As predictedB. I beg to differD. I cant agree with you more二、完形填空:每小题1分,满分20分。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 “But what if I break my arm again?” My five-year-old daughter asked. I knew how much she wanted to learn to 16 .Yet ever since she fell off her bicycle and broke her arm, shed been 17 . “Oh, honey,” I said. “I dont think youll break 18 arm.”“But I could, couldnt I?”“Yes,” I 19 and found myself struggling for the right thing to say. At times like this, I 20 I had someone who might help me find the right words to make my girls problems disappear. But after a painful 21 , Id decided to remain single.“I dont want to ride,” she said and got off her bike.“You know, honey,” I said. “Almost everything you do es with 22 . You could break your arm jumping rope. You 23 breakyour arm at gymnastics. Do you want to stop going to gymnastics?”“No,” she said. And with a 24 spirit, she agreed to try it again. I held on to her bike until she found the 25 to say, “Lets go!” I spent the rest of the afternoon watching a brave little girl overe a 26 .As we walked home, she 27 me about a conversation I had. “Why were you and grandma arguing last night?”My mother wanted me to marry again, 28 I told her I didnt want to meet the Mr. Perfect she 29 for me. She said she knew Steve was the man for me.“Its nothing,” I told her.She shrugged, “Grandma said she just wanted you to find someone to 30 .”“What grandma wants is for some guy to break my 31 again!” I lost control.She was 32 for several minutes. Then she said something 33 me to think about. “So I think love isnt like a broken arm.”Unable to answer, we walked in silence. Later I did what my brave girl did that afternoon. I 34 to meet Steve.Steve was the man for me. We married soon. It turned out mother and my daughter were 35 .16.A. speakB. rideC. walkD. drive17.A. disappointedB. satisfiedC. shamedD. afraid18.A. bothB. the otherC. otherD. another19.A. sighedB. regrettedC. admittedD. whispered20.A. wishedB. thoughtC. realizedD. decided21.A. experienceB. divorceC. memoryD. mistake22.A. luckB. surpriseC. risksD. results23.A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. must24.A. determinedB. frightenedC. fortedD. encouraged25.A. destinationB. senseC. strengthD. courage26.A. shynessB. fearC. difficultyD. disadvantage27.A. toldB. saidC. askedD. reminded28.A. butB. thenC. andD. so29.A. referred toB. set sideC. gave awayD. picked out30.A. trustB. loveC. helpD. accept31.A. glassesB. habitC. heartD. power32.A. nervousB. quietC. sadD. serious33.A. forB. ofC. withD. by34.A. agreedB. pretendedC. continuedD. stopped35.A. interestingB. curiousC. carefulD. right三、阅读理解:每小题2分, 满分26分。 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AJane Eyre tells the story of a good and independent woman, who does not rely on others and does not give up even in the face of many difficulties. Jane is poor and an orphan and is treated badly by her rich aunt and cousins. She is sent away to a school where the pupils are treated very badly. Jane remains strong, because she knows she is good. And when she has the chance to escape and live independently, she does. Jane takes a job as governess in the house of a rich man called Mr. Rochester.Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester who is twenty years older than her. Jane is sad when Rochester brings a beautiful woman Blanche to his house. Jane thinks Rochester will marry Blanche. So she decides to leave. Rochester asks her to stay but she will not. She tells him she loves him and says that she cannot bear to see him married to Blanche. She tells him that just because she is poor and not beautiful; it does not mean that she has no feelings. She speaks to Rochester as a spiritual equal and not as his inferior.Rochester asks Jane to marry him and she agrees, but on the day of the wedding she finds out that Rochester is already married. Jane decides to leave and even though Rochester says his wife is mad and begs Jane to stay, she cannot. She is a moral woman. Jane will not stay with a man who is already married. She has no family to protect and no money, but she is proud and she wants to do the right thing.Jane is an idealistic young lady who does what is right even if it is a struggle. She is good, intelligent and independent- the equal of any man. Some argue that Jane is the perfect role model.When Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was first published, it was called an autobiography and was talked about by critics as such. One of the critics in 1847 said that the story was, so like the truth that it is difficult to avoid believing that many of the characters and incidents are taken from life.In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, like Charles Dickens, shows the double-standards in Victorian Britain. The poor and especially orphans were victimized and not given any protection by the lawthey were seen as animals not humans. The rich lived a life of luxury and by giving a little money to charity they thought they had done their best.36. The first paragraph tells us that _.A. Jane Eyre was criticized by many peopleC. Jane Eyre hated to be born in a rich familyB. what kind of woman Jane Eyre isD. the main idea of the book Jane Eyre37. The double-standards in Victorian Britain refers to _. A. the unequal rights between men and womenB. the different thoughts between adults and childrenC. the different lives between material and spiritual worldsD. the huge differences between the rich and the poor38. The passage is mainly about _.A. British life in the 19th centuryC. the book Jane Eyre and its valueB. Charlotte Brontes life and works D. English literatureB A classic joke goes like this: A nurse rushes into an exam room and says, “Doctor, doctor, theres an invisible man in the waiting room.” The doctor says, “Tell him I cant see him.”Pretty simple, right?Heres how I tell it: “A nurseher name is Joycefeels a presence in the waiting room. She looks around but sees nothing. She jumps up from her desk, carefully replaces her chair, and runs down the lavender-hued hallway to the doctors office. She knocks on the door. No response. Hes not there. Where can he be? She continues down the hall, admiring a lithograph of an 18th-century Mississippi paddleboat along the way.” By this time, my audience has left, but I soldier on. “She bursts into the exam room and says. Doctor, doctor! The doctor, I should mention, is a urologist with a degree from Ohio State, which is where my nephew”You get the idea. Im an embellisher. I cant leave a simple gag alone.Im not the only joke-challenged member of the family. My sisters worse than I am. Her problem: She cant remember them. “A nurse rushes into an exam room and says Uh, let me start all over again. A nurse rushes into a waiting No, its not the waiting room. She just came from the waiting room. Let me start all over again. A doctor rushes into No, wait”My uncles different. Hes guilty of taking a perfectly fine joke and selling it as the second ing of Oscar Wilde, “Okay, this is a good one. Ready? No, really, ready? Okay, fasten your seat belts. Ready? A nurseGot it? A nurse? Okay, ready? A nurse rushes into an exam room and says, “Doctor, doctor, theres an invisible man in the waiting room.” Now, this is where it gets funny. Ready?”No one is ever ready, so they leave before he gets to the punch line.My fathers on Wall Street, so he hears all the jokes before they hit the Web. And he lets you know he knows them all by telling you all of them. He also knows that most people dont like jokes. So he slips them in under the radar: “I was chatting with Ben Bernanke the other day. You know Ben, dont you? The Fed chief? Anyway, we were reviewing the Feds policy on long-term interest rates, and he told me it had evolved into its current iteration only after a nurse rushed into an exam room and said, Doctor, doctor, theres Hey, where are you going?” My brother Mark understands that the secret to good joke telling is to know your audience. When he entertained my grandmothers bridge club one evening, he made it a point to adapt the joke to them: “A beautiful blonde nurse rushes into a consulting room”No one in my family has ever finished this joke.But as bad as it is not to be able to tell a joke, theres something worse: not being able to listen to one. Take my cousin Mitch for example.“Why couldnt the doctor see him?” he asked.“Because hes invisible,” I said.“Now, I didnt get that. I thought the doctor couldnt see him because he was with a patient.”“Well, yeah, okay, but the fact that the guy was invisible”“Could the nurse see him?”“No. Shes the one who said he was invisible”“Howd she know he was there?”“Because he”“When you say he was invisible, does that mean his clothes were invisible too?” Heres where I tried to walk away.“Because if his clothes werent invisible,” Mitch said, stepping between me and the exit.“Then the doctor could see him, right?”“Yeah, but”“At least his clothes.”“I guess”“Unless he was naked.”“Okay, he was naked!”“Why would he go to his doctor naked?”Next time you see my family and someone is telling a joke, do yourself a favor: Make yourself invisible.39. Which of the following is true according to this article?A. No one in the writers family is good at telling jokes.C. Mitch is very sensitive to all kinds of jokes.B. Mark is the best at telling jokes in his family.D. A typically classic joke should cover all the details.40. What is inappropriate about Marks adaptation of the joke?A. He knows the audience very well.B. He shouldnt have entertained a bridge club.C. He shouldnt have begun the story with a beautiful blond nurse.D. He shouldnt have told old people jokes.41. Mitch stepped between me and the exit because _.A. he wanted to go out with meB. he wanted to block my way outC. he was trying to repay the situation in the consulting roomD. he wanted to show that the doctor could see the patient42. Which is the best title of the passage?A. I earn to Amuse Others C. How to ruin a Classic JokeB. Where to Find DoctorD. A Story about a Funny FamilyCFor years, people living near the Taj Mahal have burned fuel and garbage. Slowly, tiny pieces of those fires are changing the marble on the Taj Mahal from bright white to brownish yellow. The pollution leaves particles(微粒) that change the marble s color.The 17the century monument is located in the busy, industrial city of Agra in northern India. Many have long blamed the citys air pollution for discoloring the famed monument.Researchers from two American universities and several Indian institutions led a year-long study to test the idea. They placed small pieces of clean marble on the Taj Mahal. They left them there for two months, and then studied the particles that landed on their surfaces.Professor S.N. Tripathi at the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur is one of the authors of the study. He said that the particles came from many sources especially from diesel trucks(柴油车).“We have an increase in diesel vehicles nowadays in cities, especially large vehicles and trucks; that is number one , and that is a major emission(排放) source for black carbon and organic carbon.”Mr. Tripathi said burning garbage and cow dung(牛: 粪)was another major source of discoloring organic carbon. Especially now, when it is cold, he said, people bum almost anything to keep warm.Over the last ten years officials have banned vehicles within 500 meters of the monument. They have also tried to support clean fuel and improve the power supply to lessen the effect of diesel machines.But despite these measures, a xx study found that the non-stop growth of industry, population and traffic has only worsened air pollution in Agra.Preservationists, or people trying to keep the monument safe, say that the monument needs more targeted protection.Ratish Nanda in New Delhi said some changes were to be expected in a monument that is over 360 years old. He believes that the single issue of discoloration should not cause an over-reaction.But Mr. Nanda said the scientific munity needed to be more involved in observing and preventing damage to the monument. And he said that it needed more money to protect the Taj Mahal.“The whole preservation mechanism(机制)of the Taj Mahal needs to changed Absolutely, the one thing that is absolutely essential is to put in a system or even a law of conservation, requiring that whatever cleaning is done should be sensitive and have absolutely no long term impact.Since 1994, authorities have been giving the monument mud pack treatments to dislodge the discoloration. The treatment is just like the beauty treatment women have used on their faces and bodies for centuries. A mud pack treatment involves covering the Tajs surface with clay, and then taking it off. The monument received the treatment for the fourth time, but experts warn the process could have unwanted side effects.In xx, nearly 6 million people visited the monument. It is considered one of the finest examples of Mughal art and architecture in India.43. The passage mainly wants to indicate that _.A. the Taj Mahal is one of the finest Mughal arts C. pollution is changing the color of the Taj Mahal B. modem industry is destroying ancient arts D. India is trying to save and protect the Taj Mahal44. What can we learn from the passage?A. Ratish Nanda thought the Taj Mahal wasnt worth protecting.B. Because of its discoloration, the Taj Mahal attracted fewer visitors than before.C. The dust brought it by vehicles passing by damaged the Taj Mahal seriously.D. The researchers have confirmed the pollution source of the Taj Mahal.45. Professor S.N. Tripathis words imply that _.A. the Taj Mahal s situation will get even worse C. garbage and cow dung are Indias main fuelB. diesel trucks are the main vehicles in India D. some people are surprised at something normal46. Efforts to protect the Taj Mahal have _.A. greatly changed the situationC. caused more and worse side effectsB. been made but are not so effectiveD. been scientifically carried out recently47. Mr. Nanda thinks the key to protecting the Taj Mahal is to _.A. raise enough money to repair itC. beautify it with mud pack treatmentsB. cut down the number of vehiclesD. preserve and repair it professionally48. What does the underlined word “dislodge” mean?A. .Remove.B. Analyze.C. Improve.D. Change.四、单词拼写:每小题1分,满分9分。根据句子意思和首字母及中文提示,在空白处填上一个在语法和意思上都恰当的词。49. The government expressed their apology to the victims in the explosion on Nov.2 in Fuquan, (弥补,补偿)each a lot to the satisfaction of their families.50. -Why did he refuse the drug the famous doctor prescribed for him?-He did not want his life to be prolonged by (虚假的)means.51. The government is taking (试探的)steps towards tackling the countrys economic problems.52. He was first called to be questioned about the stolen necklace, as he was a prime (嫌疑犯).53. I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and enormous a .54. Her political activities brought her into c with the law, so she was sent to prison for seven years.55. Now they have f working hours. That is, they can start work either a bit early or late as long as they work eight hours a day.56. He was faced with the d of whether or not to return to his country. 57. The customers are advised to d money and valuables in the hotel safe.五、任务型阅读: 每小题1分,满分10分。请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填1个单词。Dont talk to strangers. This is a social norm we stick to when muting by bus or train, or traveling by air. But new research suggests people are deeply wrong about the misery of striking up conversations with strangers.Contrary to expectations, people arehappier after a conversation with a stranger, the study revealed. The study was carried out by a team by Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.For research, Epley and his team approached train riders in Chicago. In return for a $5 Starbucks gift card, they agreed to participate in a simple experiment during their train ride. One group was asked to talk to the stranger sitting next to them on the train that morning. The other was told to follow standard muter norms and keep to themselves. “Everyone seems happier and has a more pleasant interaction when they connect than sit alone,” Epley said. Perhaps e


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