安徽省2019届中考英语总复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十四讲 八下 Modules 3-4课件(新版)外研版.ppt

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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十四讲 八下 Modules 3-4课件(新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十四讲 八下 Modules 3-4课件(新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十四讲 八下 Modules 3-4课件(新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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,中,考,英,语,2019,第一部分 考点知识过关,第十四讲 八年级(下) Modules 34,CONTENTS,目 录,PART 01 真题,PART 01 真题,2017安徽,40My deskmate is really . She likes to attend different activities after school. A. active B. quiet C. lazy D. honest,命题点,安徽历年中考真题回顾,A,命题点,2018全国中考真题优选,1.2018河北Did you hear the ? A scientist will visit our school. A. advice B. news C. praise D. choice 2.2018福建A卷改编I tried many ways to solve the problem, but of them worked. Never give up. Youll surely make it. A. all B. none C. neither D. both 3.2018宜昌How are you getting on with your cousin? Very well. He is really and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare time. A. polite B. strict C. active D.careful 4.2018重庆A卷I have a bad cold. Sorry to hear that. Youd better go to see a at once. A. doctor B. cook C. writer D. farmer,B,B,C,A,PART 02 考点,考点1,考点,reach 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,reach后面直接跟地点,表示“到达某地“。 例:He did not stop until he reached the door. 他到门口才停下来。 reach sth. 意为“够得到“。 例:Can you reach your toes with your fingers? 你能用手指触到脚趾头吗?,归纳拓展,beyond/out of sbs reach 意为“在(某人)够不到的地方;超出(某人)的理解范围“。 例:Keep medicine out of childrens reach.药品要放在儿童够不到的地方。,考点1,考点,reach 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,好题在线,1.2019预测When will Mr. Green Beijing? In a week. A. reach B. get C. arrive D. come 2.I havent r (达到) the end of the novel yet. 3.I put the candies on the top shelf, out of the of my son. A. hand B. place C. reach D. hold,A,eached,C,考点1,考点,none/no one 的辨析,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,妙辨异同,考点1,考点,none/no one 的辨析,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,好题在线,4.Dont be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake, will you? No, I wont. I know that of us is perfect. A. none B. each C. neither D. all 5.2019预测Who was hurt in the traffic accident? . A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. Both 6.I tried four bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but of them had it. A. either B. both C. neither D. none,好题在线,A,B,D,考点1,考点,ill 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,意为“生病的,不健康的“,作表语。 例:The boy is ill. 这个男孩生病了。 意为“坏的;有害的“,用于名词前。 例:He was unable to join the army because of ill health. 他因为身体不好没法参军。 作副词,意为“不友善地,坏地“。 例:The animals were ill treated by them. 这些动物遭到了他们的虐待。,考点1,考点,ill 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,妙辨异同,ill/sick,1.两者都可表示“有病的“。作定语时通常用sick;作表语时可用ill或sick。例:a sick man 病人;be ill/sick生病。 2.ill表示“有病的“时,不能作定语,但当它表示“坏的;有害的“时,只能作前置定语。 例:ill news 坏消息; ill luck 厄运; ill health身体不好 3.表示“病人“时,通常用the sick,当其作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 例:The sick were allowed to pass free. 病人可以免费通过。 4.在下列短语中,两者一般不能互换:sick pay 病假工资;sick leave病假;speak ill of sb.说某人的坏话; think ill of.把往坏处想,考点1,考点,ill 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,好题在线,7.He is unlucky, and he always suffers luck one after another. A. good B. terrible C. ill D. sick 8.He is in hospital, so he is taken good care of by his parents. A. bored B. ill C. healthy D. relaxed,C,B,考点1,考点,since/for 的辨析,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点1,考点,since/for 的辨析,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,好题在线,9.I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy? Yes. It has been almost 20 years we were together. A. since B. before C. after D. until 10.2019预测Ive been learning Chinese in Wuhan five years. A. for B. in C. since D. until 11.2018宜昌It has been much easier for me to go to work shared bikes appeared. But they also cause plenty of problems. A. since B. before C. unless D. though,A,A,A,考点1,考点,yet/still/already 的辨析,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点1,考点,yet/still/already 的辨析,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,好题在线,12.2019预测I havent finished my homework , for its too difficult. A. yet B. already C. ever D. never 13.The park will be opened on December 12th. But the tickets for the first day have sold out. A. ever B. just C. only D. already 14.Although he is now over seventy, he takes part in different activities. A. ever B. seldom C. hardly D. still,A,D,D,考点1,考点,find it+adj.+to do sth.句型,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,此句型中的it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式。类似的其后跟it作形式宾语的句型还有:think/feel/make/consider it+adj./+to do sth.。 例:I think it easy to study English well. 我认为学好英语很容易。 He considered it important to go to the university. 他认为上大学很重要。,提分速记,it可用作形式主语,此时常见句型为:Its+adj.+of(形容人的性格、品质等)/for(表示对客观事物的评价) sb.+to do sth. “对某人来说,做某事是的“。 例:Its very kind of you to help me carry the box. 你真好,我抬箱子。 Its helpful for you to do exercise every day. 每天锻炼对你有助。,考点1,考点,find it+adj.+to do sth.句型,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,好题在线,15.2019预测Did you have any difficulties in todays homework? No, in fact I found very easy to do. A. it B. one C. this D. those,A,


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