2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 20 Humour 人教版大纲第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 20 Humour 人教版大纲第一册I单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1humourous 2bitterness 3intention 4certainly 5amusement 61augh 7actual 8type 9traditonal10rapidly 11appreciation 12existence 13operation 14fortunate 15silent 16rudeness 17Confusion 高考须掌握的短语:1tongue 2fun 3back 4of 5on 6off 7on/upon考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1intend vt想要;打算;意指 eg:Ive made a mistake,though Ididnt miend to虽然不是有意,但我犯了错。 The chair was intended for you,but she took it away那椅子原来是要给你的,可是她拿走了。用法拓展:intend to do/doing打算/意欲干某事 intend sbto do sth打算让某人干某事 be intended for为计划;打算 intend that(should)+动词原形 建议/主张某人/某物该干某事 案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例题 分)-May I go to the party with you, Dad? -No, dear. The party is for adults only. A. intend B. intended C. intending D. to intend考题1点拨:答案为B。be intended for为计划;打算。答语为:“不可以,亲爱的。晚会是专为成年人而举办的。”2certai adj确定的;无疑的;某(种)eg: There is no certain cure for this|llness这种病并无绝对有效的药可治。 There are certain laws about drinking and driving喝酒开车受某些法律管制。相关链接:certainly adv无疑地,确定地certainty n确定;铁定的事实用法拓展:make certain弄清楚 be certain to do sth肯定干某事 be certain of/about sth确保某事 It is certain that某事是真的 Sbis certain that某人确信某事是真的eg: It is certain that he is an honest boy他是个诚实的孩子,这是真的。 Im certain that he is an hone,st boy我确信他是个诚实的孩子。特别提醒:It is certain that句式中,不可用!sure替代certain,如考题2。考题2 (典型例题分)It is that his English is perfect. A. sure; very B. rigKt; rather C. exact; fairly D. certain; quite考题2点拨:答案为D。考查It is certain that句式,quite是副词,“相当”,修饰形容词perfect。句意为:“他的英语相当好,这是真的。”3suffer vt经受;遭受;忍受 eg;She suffered ftom headaches她受头疼之苦。 相关链接:suffering n痛苦,苦难用法拓展:suffer from经受(不愉快的事)考题3 (典型例题)The performance of the host, intended to.please the audience, a cold silence, however. A. suffered from B. suffering C. suffering from D. to suffer考题3点拨;答案为A。!suffer from表,if-c,遭受/经受不愉快的事”。句意力:“主持人的表演本朱打算取悦观众,不料却遭受到了冷淡的沉默反应.”4confuse vt使迷惑;打乱;混淆eg; Im always confusing saIt and sugar我老是分不清盐跟糖。相关链接:confusion n混乱,杂乱 confused adj困惑的;烦恼的 confusing adj使人困惑的;使人烦恼的用法拓展:英语中有许多动词的现在分词和过去分词可用作形容词,动词的-ing形式表示“使人的”,动词的-ed形式表示“的”。 eg:surprising使人吃惊的surprised吃惊的nloving使人感动的moved感动的pleasing使人愉悦的pleased高兴的特别提醒:注意动词的-ing形式和-ed形式作形容词用时表达意思上的不同。考题4 There was a look on his facewhen he met with the problem., A. confusing; confusing B. confused ; confusing C. confusing; confused D. confused, confused考题4点拨;答案为B。a confused look困惑的表情,the confusing problem使人困惑的难题。二、重点短语5date back to回溯至。始于 eg:The hostility between the two nationalities dates back to ancient times这两个民族之间的敌对状态始于古代。相关链接:date ftomdate back to始于 eg:The custom dates from the time when men wore,swords这种习俗始于人类佩戴刀剑的时期。特别提醒;date back to/date ftom无被动式,如考题5。考题5 ( 典型例题分 ) back to the Ming Dynasty, the temple can offer us much useful information about history. A. Date B. Dated C. To date D. Dating考题5点拨;答案为D。date back to无被动形式,主语the temple与之是主动关系,故用现在分词形式。6look on/uponas把看作 eg:The,students look on their teacher as their friend学生们把他们的老师看作他们的朋友。用法拓展;have asregardaa consideroas 这三个短语与look on/uponas,一样。都可表示“把看作”, 通常可互换。考题6 (典型例题 分 ) We look on John _ a good monitor, so wed like to vote him. A. for; for B. as; for C. for; against D. as; against考题6点拨;答案为B。look on sbas把某人看作;vote for sb投某人的支持票。三、重点交际用语7It is their clothes,make-up and the way they walk that make people laugh 逗人们笑的是他们的衣着、装扮和走路姿势。 用强调句式It is/was一that(who)来强调句子中除谓语外的其他部分,起到加强语气的作用,突出了重点。 eg:It is 1 who am wrong是我错了。 It was at 5 oclock that he arrived他是在五点钟到达的。考题7 (-典型例题It was only when I reread the book I began to appreciate its beauty. A. until B. that C. then O. so 考题7点手心:答案为B。在这个强调句型中,强调了时间状语从句only when I reread the book。句意为:“只有当我重读这本书时,我才体会到里面的美。”四、重点句型8The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebodys way of dressing or telling an amusing story演员逗我们笑,靠的是拿别人的衣着开玩笑,或是讲个逗乐的故事。 make sbdo sth使某人干某事eg: The boss made the boy work aIl day Iong老板让那个男孩成天干活。相关链接:make sthdone使某事被做eg: I wll make my bicycle repaired next wee k下周我要让人修理自行车。用法拓展:let/have sbdo sth使某人干某事eg: Let Tom post the Ietter for me 一Have Tom post the letter for me让汤姆给我寄这封信。 get sbto do sth使某人干某事eg: Get Tom to post the letter for me让汤姆给我寄这封信。特别提醒:make sbdo的被动式为sbbe made to do;1et和have没有被动式。 eg: The boy was made to work all day long这个男孩被迫成天干活。考题8-1 ( 典型例题 分 )-What terrible weather! I simply cant get the lorry -Why not try the engine with hot water?. A. started; to fill B. starting; to fill C. start; filling D. to start; filling考题8-2 ( 典型例题分 ) The teacher couldnt make himself attention to because the students were so noisy. A. to pay B. to be paid C. paid D. pay考题8-1点拨:答案为D。根据第一空,排除c项,get the lorry to start/started/starting皆可,根据第二空只能选D,try doing sth 表示“试着干某事”。考题8-2点拨:答案为C。make himself paid attention to使得他自己被注意。 五、词语辨析 9rapid;fast;quick 三者都有“快的,迅速的”意思。 rapid侧重于运动本身,隐含速度快得出人意料之意。 eg: He has made rapid progress in English study他在英语学习方面进步很快。 fast侧重于速度快。 eg:Fast reading was one of the courses I liked in college快速阅读是我在大学里喜爱的课程之一。 quick强调迅速、敏捷或持续时间短。 eg: All the interviewees are required to give a quick answer to the question 所有参加面试者都被要求对所提问题立即作出回答。考题9 (典型例题) Unex-pectediy, he had a recov-ery from his illness. A. fast B. quick C. rapid D. soon考题9点拨;答案为C。从unexpectedly一词上可看出,该句强强调他康复得出人意料地快,所以选c。语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余动词的-ing形式作定语或作宾语补定语1v-ing形式作定语时,可表示所修饰名词的用途,如:a swimming pool一个游泳池,a walking stick一根拐棍;也可以表示所修饰名词正在进行的动作eg: a sleeping baby正在睡觉的孩子130 you know the boy playing football there?你认识那个正在踢球的男孩吗?2v-ing形式作宾语补足语时,可跟在感官动词listen to,see,hear,watch,notice,feel, find等的宾语后作宾补,v-ing形式表示宾语正在进行的动作。 eg:I heard her singing in the next room我听到她在隔壁唱歌。 Did you feel the ground shaking?当时你感觉到地面在震动吗? 也可以在使役动词have,get,leave,keep等宾语后作宾补,表示宾语持续的动作。 eg:Im sorry to keep you waiting so long很抱歉让你久等。 Ill have the car waiting for you at the gate我让车在大门口等你。 考题1点拨:答案为C。inviting him to与letter是主动关系。考题1 The professor has received the letter to give a lecture in Princeton Institute. A. being invited B. to be invited C. inviting him D. invited 考题2 We saw new houses wherever we went on our visit. A. built B. being built C. building D. to build考题2点拨:答案为B。see+宾语+宾补(v-ing)句式,表示看到耒物时,后面的动作正在进行,在此句中表示房屋正在被建,所以用being built表示正在进行的被动。 IV专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:专题详解:下面例题是近年高考失分最多的几个词汇题及分析。例1It is widely accepted that young babies leara to do things be-cause certain acts lead to Arewards Bpmze Cawards Dresults答案:A。造成错误的原因在于:1对句子后半部分“婴儿的某些行为能有所回报”不甚理解。2词义不清。将reward,pmze, award都只简单地理解为“奖励”,产生了混淆。例2The life of London is made up of many different Aelements Bsections Cmaterials Drealities答案:A。造成错误的原因主要是对句子不能理解。很明显,句子的主语是“life,是个抽象概念。“生活是由诸多要素构成的。”“elements符合此意。而“section通常为机构、地理范围的组成部分,当然不能选用。而多数同学都选了该选项。例 3. Whatever rank you maybe m,it would be wrong to the law into your own hands. A. bring B. hold C. take D. seize答案:C。表面看四个选项十分简单句意也不复杂。但是牵涉到的词组是同学所不熟悉的,因而差错极多。例 4. Her talent and experience her to the respect of the colleagues. A. permitted B. qualified C. deserved D. entitled答案:D。错误原因在于对于词意理解不深,结构不熟,对句意不甚了解。句意为“她的才智和经验使其获得同事的尊敬。”错误在于对“entnle”这一单词只知有“给予权力,冠名”之意,而引申不到“使其获得”的意义上去。实际上用排除法,则可以解出此题。A结构有误,此句中respect是名词。B与句意不符。C deserve无复合结构。V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试考点8 (典型例题分) Helen had to shout above the sound of the music. A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to Make herself heard1D 点拨:不定式作目的状语。不定式中运用了make+宾语+过去分词充当宾补句式,宾语与宾补之间是逻辑上的被动关系。 回顾2 测试语法 (典型例题A cook will be immediately fired if he is found in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked2B点拨:find sbdoing句式。表示发现的时候,宾语正在干某事。 回顾3 测试语法 (典型例题分)when the first English settlers arrived in the New World. the Indians jewel- lery made of animal bones greeted them warmly.A. wearing B. to wear C. worn D. having worn3A点拨:现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的动作。xx年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 年考情预测预测1:动名词的复合结构 预测根据:sbs doing sth是高考考查的重点,也是考生难以驾驭的一个难点。在近几年的高考题中。-这是一个必考的内容,估计考情预测 年高考题中将继续存在。 命题角度预测:动名词的复合结构在单项选择或短文改错中进行考查的可能性最大,考生要特别注意:充当宾语的动名词复合结构,可用宾格代替所有格,而动名词的复合结构作主语时,必须用所有格。预测2:动词-ing形式的否定式 预测根据:动词-ing形式的否定式,应当把not放在v-ing形式的前面,这是考生易出错的地方,也是高考对v-ing形式的考查易出题的一点。 命题角度预测:v-ing形式的否定式,在单项选择中出现的频率较高,不管是v-ing形式的一般式还是完成式,都应把not前置,考生务必牢记这一点。预测3:v-ing形式作补语 预测根据ning形式作宾补或主补时,与宾语或主语构成一种逻辑上的主动关系,v-ing形式表示主动和进行,这是高考对v-ing形式进行考查的一个重点,也是近几年高考题中浮现几率较高的一个问题。 命题角度预测:v-ing形式作宾补或主补,在单项选择、完形填空或短文改错中出现的几率都很大,通常设题会与过去分词、不定式、动词原形等放在一起,要求考生根据搭配和语境作出正确的选择。预测4:need/want/require/be worth后接doing表被动含义 预测根据:动词的语态是高考考查的重点,也是考生感觉最难的一部分内容。考纲要求考生掌握need/want/require+doing need/want/require+幻be done以及be worth doing表示被动的情况在考情预测 年的高考题中,出现该句式的可能性大。 命题角度预测:need/want/require/be worth+doing表被动的句式,在单项选择或完形填空中都有可能出现。考生务必清楚其特殊用法。 预测5:话题预测 本单元的中心话题是“幽默”,具体涉及“什么是幽默”、“笑话”、“喜剧”、“喜剧职业”等。语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“幽默”这一中心话题设计的。在高考题中,涉及本话题的考题有可能在阅读理解上体现出来,考生应从文章所表达的幽默话语中,真正明白其所要表达的真正含义。二、考题预测 备考1测试考点1 Those flowers were for your. mother on her seventieth birthday, but as she is awa, y, I would be glad, if you accept them. A. devoted B. produced C. intended D. supplied1c点拨:be intended for sb为某人而准备的。 备考2测试考点 5 This custom the 8th century when people knew little about the earth On which they lived. A. is dated B. goes back in time to C. dates back to D. dates to2c点拨:date back todate from起源于始于,the custom作主语,用第三人称单数。 备考3测试考点6 We look on her our friend. A. as B. for C. to D. by3A点拨:look on/uponas把当作。 备考4测试语法 Weve booked seats for a car. A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. sleeps4B点拨:a sleeping car卧铺车,sleeping作定语,修饰car,表用途。

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