2019-2020年高一下学期3月月考 英语 含解析.doc

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绝密启用前2019-2020年高一下学期3月月考 英语 含解析题号一二三四五总分得分评卷人得分一、单项填空A. can have taken B. might have taken C. should have taken D. must have taken3. Good morning, Sir. You were looking for me just now? Yes. I _ have a talk with you. Will you e to my office now?A. had betterB. would ratherC. may as wellD. would like to4. When I was a child, I _ watch TV whenever I wanted to.A. shouldB. couldC. mustD. need5. When under stress, even a most gentle person _ be bad-tempered and get angry easily.A. shall B. should C. can D. ought6. My pain _ obvious the moment I entered the office, for the first man I met asked pitifully “Are you feeling all right?” ( )A. could beB. could have beenC. must beD. must have been7. - You neednt take an umbrella. It isnt going to rain.- Well, I dont know. It _ do.A. mightB. needC. wouldD. should8. The children _ lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.A. must have got B. must get C. should have got D. should get9. It was a fine day yesterday. I _ have taken my raincoat with me.A. couldntB. needntC. shouldntD. mustnt10. I _ myself more - it was a perfect day.A. shouldnt have enjoyedB. neednt have enjoyed C. wouldnt have enjoyedD. couldnt have enjoyed第II卷(非选择题)请修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分二、单词拼写11. Night fell, but the (轮廓) of the factory buildings could still be seen.12. It a him that she had changed so little in the past 10 years.13. China is developing _ (快速地).14. I think the fault lies with you. You should make an (道歉) to the teacher.15. Eating sweets just before meals will make you lose your e .16. The island originally _(属于)to India is occupied by Britain now.评卷人得分三、短语填空17. They drove along with all the car windows _ all the way. 18. I dont think what he said at yesterdays meeting was _ _ point.19. The world _ seven continents(大洲) and four oceans (海洋).20. _ _ _ _ (至于) learning English, he has no superiority.21. People all over the world _the Beijing Olympic Games in xx.22. The girl is very quick at _ excuses.评卷人得分四、完形填空20小题23. Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor _1_ and said, “Well, Mr. Green, you are going to _2_ some injections, and youll feel much better. A nurse will e _3_ give you the first one this evening, and then youll _4_ get another one tomorrow evening.” _5_ a young nurse came to Mr. Greens bed and said to him, “I am going to give you your _6_ injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?”The old man was _7_. He looked at the nurse for a _8_, then he said, “_9_ has ever let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?”“Yes, Mr. Green,” the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. “Where do you want it?”“Well, then,” the old man answered _10_ “I want it in your left arm, please.”1. A. looked for himB. looked him overC. looked after himD. looked him up 2. A. get B. give C. make D. hold 3. A. so B. but C. or D. and 4. A. must B. canC. had better D. have to 5. A. In the morningB. In the afternoonC. In the endD. In the evening 6. A. first B. one C. two D. second 7. A. confident B. surprised C. full D. hungry 8. A. hour B. minutes C. yearD. moment 9. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. people10. A. with a smileB. in timeC. in surpriseD. with tears in his eyes 24. On Easter Day 1722,some European explorers found a lonely island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They 1 it Easter Island. The explorers found that the island had good soil 2 the 200 natives living there survived with little food. Even more 3 , these people also lived among the ruins of what might have been a once great civilization. All that is left of it are around 800 giant stone statues 4 human heads. They 5 up to 270 tons and the tallest measures over 11 metres. The stone men face 6 , rather than out to sea, and their eyes are focused upon the sky. They are all carved from 7 volcanic rock (火山岩) and some have hats on their heads and eyes made from white coral. Since their 8 , these huge stone men 9 one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Who built them? Why did they do it? Some experts believe the stone men are 10 to Inca stonework, and suggest the figures were created by people of Peruvian descent (血统). 11 have even gone so far as to say that they came from outer space. The latest suggestion 12 the idea that Easter Island represents one of the worst cases of resource abuse in human history. It is said that a small group of Asians settled on Easter Island 13 between 400 and 700 AD. They developed a great civilization with huge forests and 14 food. At the peak of their civilization, the people began to build the giant 15 men. Why they did this is still 16 but it is possible the figures represent the settlers gods or ancestors. 17 the statues grew larger, the peoples lifestyles became more and more wasteful. The forest began to disappear, which 18 all the animals dying out. 19 couldnt get food and were forced to eat other humans. Society began to 20 and the islanders themselves finally destroyed the stone men.1. A. saidB. were calledC. namedD. spoke2. A. andB. butC. howeverD. still3. A. surpriseB. surprisedC. surprisingD. surprisingly4. A. lookingB. resemblingC. likingD. standing for5. A. weighB. liftC. getD. measure6. A. forwardB. outwardC. onwardD. inward7. A. brokenB. softC. hardD. burnt8. A. lookingB. invention C. discoveryD. covering9. A. have happenedB. have led toC. have taken placeD. have created10. A. usualB. monC. familiarD. similar11. A. AnotherB. OtherC. OthersD. Many12. A. is focused onB. is based onC. is depended onD. is concentrated on13. A. some dayB. one dayC. sometimeD. once14. A. plenty ofB. number ofC. much ofD. amount of15. A. cleverB. stoneC. woodenD. iron16. A. weleB. knownC. unimportantD. unknown17. A. WhileB. AfterC. WithD. As18. A. resulted inB. resulted fromC. createdD. lay in19. A. The islandsB. The peopleC. The animalsD. The Europeans20. A. break outB. break inC. break intoD. break down25. My parents ran a small restaurant in Seattle. It was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and my first? 1 ?job, when I was six years old, was? 2 diners shoes. My father had done it when he was young, so he taught me? ?3 to do it right, telling me to offer to reshine the shoes if the customer wasnt? 4 .Working in the restaurant was a? ?5 of great pride because I was also working for the? 6 of the whole family. But my father made it clear I had to? 7 certain standards to be part of the team. I had to be punctual, hard-working and? 8 to the customers. I was? ?9 ? paid for my work I did at the restaurant. One day I made the mistake of? 10 ? Dad I thought he should give me $10 a week. He said, OK, then how about you? 11 me for the three meals a day you eat here? And for the times you bring in your buddies for free sodas? He? 12 ? I owed him about $40 a week. I remember? 13 home to Seattle after being away in the Army for about two years. I had just been? 14 to captain and was full of pride as I walked into my parents restaurant. The? 15 thing Dad said was, How about your cleaning up tonight? I cannot? 16 this! Im an officer in the US Army! But it didnt matter. As far as Dad was? 17 , I was just another member of the team. I? 18 the mop. Working for Dad had taught me that loyalty? 19 a team es first. It doesnt matter? 20 that team is involved in a family restaurant or Operation Desert Storm. 1. A. true B. real C. natural D. happy 2. A. cleaning B. clearing C. shining D. sweeping 3. A. how B. what C. when D. where 4. A. happy B. puzzled C. pleased D. satisfied 5. A. source B. reason C. cause D. case 6. A. bad B. good C. right D. wrong 7. A. require B. have C. meet D. fit 8. A. good B. polite C. warm D. cruel 9. A. seldom B. ever C. always D. never 10. A. asking B. telling C. persuading D. advising 11. A. paying B. spending C. costing D. taking 12. A. figured B. wondered C. worked D. thought 13. A. going B. returning C. ing D. leaving 14. A. raised B. risen C. asked D. promoted 15. A. right B. just C. very D. first 16. A. understand B. know C. believe D. expect 17. A. thought B. considered C. hoped D. concerned 18. A. reached B. reached for C. fetched D. brought 19. A. for B. in C. to D. of 20. A. whether B. if C. until D. as long as 26. My parents had always prepared for hurricanes. It is what 1 people do in Florida because “you never know”. For us, that 2 a white metal cabinet?(储藏柜)?in our utility room (杂用间) filled with cans of food. We could 3 eat anything out of the cabinet because “you never know” when a hurricane will e. As a kid, I was 4 about the white cabinet.?I thought it was kind of?strange?to have food in the utility room. But, one look from my mother 5 me from opening the door to glance inside. One year, Channel 4 reported that Hurricane Dora was 6 for the northern part of Florida. Soon the storm got 7 and the wind blew. Then, the tall pine trees started to sway. And, by “sway”, I meant “ 8 over or crash down on anything in their way”. We were lucky, as the 9 went other directions and didnt take our power out. However, when my mother started cooking, the power was out. 10 I figured it was time to crack open that white cabinet. But, Dad thought it was time to 11 up the charcoal grill outside?where it was raining and windy. To this day, I never 12 a mans love for his grill. Our power came back for a while. So, my mother began cooking everything she could and 13 it away, to the neighbors, to friends without power, to anyone who was 14 up. I was hoping that the fried chicken was going to find its way to our 15 . But, it didnt. And, just as the last of the food was sent out and she began to work on our dinner, yes, we lost our 16 . It was time for 20 minutes eggs on the grill. Oh, the white metal cabinet? No. We never 17 it. We werent “that bad off” as I understand it. And, for years I 18 how bad off we would have to be to eat out of that cabinet. Perhaps it was just the 19 of it, the thought that it was there watching our backs 20 we wanted a can of beans or some potted meat. I dont know if that was what was in there. Anyway, I never looked inside.1. A. brave B. serious C. generous D. smart2. A. said B. meant C. showed D. presented3. A. forever B. always C. never D. ever4. A. doubtful B. concerned C. anxious D. curious5. A. banned B. kept C. defended D. protected6. A. reaching B. looking C. heading D. going7. A. round B. down C. far D. close8. A. fall B. trip C. fly D. tip9. A. walls B. poles C. trees D. bushes10. A. Yet B. Otherwise C. Nevertheless D. So11. A. start B. use C. break D. hold12. A. question B. mention C. investigate D. appreciate13. A. putting B. turning C. giving D. clearing14. A. full B. well C. high D. hard15. A. cupboard B. room C. bed D. table16. A. food B. power C. water D. money 17. A. opened B. locked C. fixed D. cleaned18. A. examined B. analyzed C. wondered D. imagined19. A. purpose B. problem C. thought D. conclusion20. A. wherever B. whenever C. however D. whatever27. When I became an amputee at age 29, I was forced to rethink the idea of physical perfection. My life became different, as I changed from an acceptably attractive woman to an object of pity and _1_.Too busy _2_ physical pain and obvious mobility limitation, I was not aware of this change at first. I was determined to _3_, feeling good about the progress I had made, as I moved forward._4_, as I made my first excursion outside the hospital, society had already assigned me a new status. Happy to be free of my restriction in the hospital, I rolled through the shopping mall a _5_ survivor, feeling like a war hero. Unfortunately, I had a rude _6_ as I discovered that others did not view me in the way I had e to view myself.All eyes were upon me, yet no one dared to make eye contact. Their efforts to _7_ my eyes forced me to realize they saw only my missing legs. Mothers _8_ held their children closer as I passed. Elderly women patted me on the head saying, “God Bless You!” with _9_ in their eyes. While I sat thinking about what had happened, a small girl came up to me. She stared with unembarrassed _10_ at the empty pants. Finding nothing there, she looked up at me with a puzzled look, she innocently asked, “Lady, where did your legs go?”I explained that my legs had been sick. Since my legs hadnt been strong and healthy like hers, the doctors had to _11_ them. Leaning her head upwards, she asked, “Did they go to Leg Heaven?”That incident made me think about how _12_ children and adults react to the unknown. To a child, an odd appearance is an interesting curiosity and a _13_ learning experience while adults often view the same thing with fear and horror. I began to realize that, I, too had been _14_ of the same inappropriate reactions before I knew what life was like for an amputee.To fulfill the wholeness of my mind and spirit, I now smile warmly, make eye contact, and speak in a confident manner. By using a _15_ approach, I attempt to enlighten society about the fact that having a not-so-perfect body doesnt mean having a poor quality of life. 1. A. fort B. fear C. hatredD. sadness2.A. crying withB. figuring out C. holding backD. dealing with3.A. endure B. quitC. revenge D. succeed4.A. Instead B. MoreoverC. HoweverD. Therefore5.A. calmB. poor C. proud D. rare 6.A. awakening B. ending C. happening D. proceeding 7.A. turnB. hold C. catch D. avoid8.A. softlyB. protectively C. reluctantlyD. pleasantly9.A. pityB. angerC. depressionD. upset10.A. curiosity B. determinationC. enthusiasmD. satisfaction 11.A. loseB. adjustC. remove D. stretch12.A. differentlyB. positivelyC. strangelyD. sympathetically13.A. painful B. potentialC. similarD. mon14.A. conscious B. guilty C. ignorantD. short15.A. creativeB. flexibleC. positiveD. scientific28. Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling anyone, tried to 1 my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a tiresome 2 from one end of the city to another and to 3 among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the 4 , so the friendship I knew at school was 5 . I put up with it for a short period. It was 6 long a walk on cold winters nights and it was hard to put my 7 into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued writing poetry at home.By chance, I 8 some prizes and awards for literature. A young woman from a 9 pany came to the college one day. She told me that I won a national poetry award. I 10 at her in astonishment(吃惊) and disbelief. She wanted to make a short 11 about me, to which I said, “ No, I couldnt do that.” Not that I had any real 12 . I was just frightened. In the end she 13 me that I should do it the following day.So I did. They made a short film of me reading one of my 14 and I became 15 interested in literature than ever. I 16 what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not 17 myself spending the rest of my days dealing with machines. So one evening, I hesitatingly (犹豫地) told my parents that I wanted to _18 to school. They were greatly surprised and a little afraid, but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was 19 , and if I knew what it meant and 20 I realized that if I gave up my job training, it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could stop me, and they asked about the matter no further. 1. A. stop B. go on C. continue D. walk2. A. talk B. journey C. job D. walk3. A. do B. sit C. talk D. work4. A. family B. class C. city D. country5. A. absent B. missed C. lost D. over6. A. too B. very C. much D. quite7. A mind B. heart C. soul D. thought8. A. defeated B. beat C. won D. hit9. A. TV B. radio C. shoe D. food10. A. looked B. fixed C. shouted D. stared11. A. talk B. film C. conversation D. speech12. A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. wish13. A. advised B. suggested C. agreed D. persuaded14. A. poems B. stories C. speeches D. plans15. A. less B. much C. far D. more16. A. wandered B. considered C. discussed D. wondered17. A. think B. consider C. spend D. imagine18. A. drop B. leave C. return D. go to19. A. sure B. clear C. curious D. true20. A. whether B. that C. how D. what29. 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking, 1 she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me. Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 2 . She wanted to know how I thought we should 3 things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew 4 about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her 5 . It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to 6 them. She trusted me to plete things, so I pleted them perfectly. She loved

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