2019-2020年高一(承智班)下学期期末考试英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一(承智班)下学期期末考试英语试题 含答案第卷(共100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1Where does this conversation take place?AIn a market.BIn a kitchen.CIn a garden.2What are the two speakers going to do this evening?ATravel on a ship.BWalk along the seaside.CDrive out to have a swim.3What do we know about the two speakers?ATheyve missed their train.BThey are on the wrong train.CThey cant find Tommy in the train.4What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman will make the copies.BThe machine has just been repaired.CThe clerk doesnt like to be troubled.5What time does the next bus leave for New York?AAt 9:30. BAt 10:00. CAt 10:30.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What is the weather like now?AIt is sunny. BIt is cloudy. CIt is rainy.7Why do the speakers hope for sunny days?AThey feel bored with the rain.BThey cant do anything in the rain.CThey are worrying about their vegetables.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What do we know about the man?AHe is getting lost.BHe has lost something.CHe is going to the hospital.9Why is the man here?ATo get on a business trip.BTo help to do some farm work.CTo take a vacation in the country.10What kind of work does the man do?AOffice work.BFarm work.CMedical work.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What is the relationship between the man and the woman?AHusband and wife.BSportsman and saleswoman.CCustomer and clerk.答案1C2.B3.C4.A5.B6.A7.C8.A9.C10.A11.C附:听力原文(Text 1)M:Your tomatoes are growing fine. I think theyll be on the market soon.W:Yes,the weather has been great, so I dont have to water them as often.(Text 2)W:Its a beautiful evening, Rudy. Why dont we drive out to the seaside?M:Thats a fine idea. I enjoy walking along the seaside.W:So do I. We can also watch the big ships. If only I could take a trip by ship!(Text 3)M:What seems to be wrong with you,Jane?W:Something is missing, but I cant think what it could be.M:Forget it! Weve got on the train and it is starting.And. wheres Tommy?W:Tommy? Oh,God!(Text 4)M:Im still waiting for the clerk to e back and make some copies of this paper for me.W:Why trouble him? I can work the machine.(Text 5)M:When does the next bus leave for New York?W:Buses leave for New York every thirty minutes. You just missed the nine thirty bus by five minutes.(Text 6)M:Hi,its good to see the sun again.W:Yes,we have been looking forward to this change for many days.M:But its supposed to cloud over this afternoon.W:Oh,I cant believe it. The vegetables in my garden do need sunlight. They are getting yellow.M:The same with mine. But I dont think we can do anything but wait.W:What did the weather report say?M:It said just what I told you.W:Oh,my God!(Text 7)W:Can I help you? Are you looking for something?M:No, I havent lost anything, but Im not sure of the way.W:Where are you going?M:Im going to the town. Am I going the right way?W:Im afraid not. This way takes you out to the hospital. Youll go the right way if you turn back. Let me show you the way.M:I hope Im not making you late.W:Oh, no. Im not hurrying anywhere. Are you a stranger here? On a visit perhaps?M:Yes. Im a secretary in a pany in London. Im on holiday now.W:But Im sure you are not here to see the sights. This town is full of industry. The buildings are very ugly.M:I work in the city, but I e from the country. I miss the life on the farm and the animals.12.Where are the sporting goods?AOn the 3rd floor.BOn the 4th floor.COn the 5th floor.13What does the man want to buy?AShoes.BToys.CSporting goods.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14What does the woman ask the man to do tonight?APlay some sport.BJoin her for dinner.CHelp with her school.15What is the man going to do in Miami?AGo sightseeing.BAttend a wedding.CSet up a coffee shop.16Where is the woman going now?ATo the tennis court.BTo the coffee shop.CTo her school.17What does the man decide to do at the end of the conversation?APut off his trip.Be back early.CTake tennis lessons.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18When is this weather report for?AToday.BTomorrow.CDay after tomorrow.19How high are the temperatures expected to reach in Berlin?A21 degrees.B24 degrees.C25 degrees.20What will most of the travellers in Athens probably wear?ABathing suits. BRaincoats. CTshirts.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AI was born and raised in Minnesota, the USA, but as an adult I have mostly lived in Europe and Africa. I teach crosscultural management at the International Business School near Paris. For the last 15 years, Ive studied how people in different parts of the world build trust, municate, and make decisions especially in the workplace.While traveling in Tokyo recently with a Japanese colleague, I gave a short talk to a group of 20 managers. At the end, I asked whether there were any questions or ments. No hands went up, so I went to sit down. My colleague whispered to me, “I think there actually were some ments, Erin. Do you mind if I try?” I agreed, but I guessed it a waste of breath. He asked the group again, “Any ments or questions?”Still, no one raised a hand, but this time he looked very carefully at each person in the silent audience. Gesturing to one of them, he said, “Do you have something to add?” To my amazement, she responded “Yes, thank you.” and asked me a very interesting question. My colleague repeated this several times, looking directly at the audience and asking for more questions or ments.After the session, I asked my colleague, “How did you know that those people had questions?” He hesitated, not sure how to explain it, and then said, “It has to do with how bright their eyes are. ”答案12.B13.A14.B15.B16.A17.C18.A19.B20C附:听力原文(Text 8)W:May I help you?M:I hope so. Im looking for the shoe department.W:Womens or mens?M:Uh,childrens actually. Im here with my son.W:OK,the childrens shoe department is on the third floor. And right now were on the fourth floor. Oh,youll also find childrens shoes in the sporting goods department right over there. See the tennis hats on the wall?M:Oh,OK,I see. Now,wheres my son? Is the toy department over there too?W:No,its on the fifth floor,next to the restaurant.M:Hmm. Maybe hes in the restroom.W:Oh,thats on the fifth floor, too,just by the mens wear department.M:OK,great. Thanks.(Text 9)M:Oh,Christina,is that you? How have you been?W:Ive been Okay. Ive just been busy with school. We really should get together and have a chat. How about joining me for dinner tonight?M:Id love to, but Im leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my brother is getting married on Saturday morning.W:Congratulations! I hope that you have a nice time there.M:Well,what are you doing now? Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while.W:I really wish I could, but Im on my way to the tennis courts.M:Tennis courts? I didnt know you could play tennis.W:Im taking tennis lessons. My roommate is on a tennis team and shes gotten me interested in the sport. Do you know how to play?M:A little,but I havent played for years. When I e back from my trip,Ill join you in taking lessons.W:Its a deal. Just give me a call when you get back.M:Youve got it.(Text 10)ing up on News Netall the latest news and scores from the sports world. But first, heres the weather in major cities across Europe. London will be cloudy and cool with a forecast high of 14 degrees. In Paris,temperatures are expected to reach 21 and rain is forecast late this afternoon. Berlin will be warm, with temperatures expected to rise as high as 24 degrees. No chance of rain there. Rain clouds over Rome are expected to remain for the next 24 hours as temperatures fall to 22 degrees. Madrid will continue to see rain with temperatures forecast to reach 25 degrees. And in Athens,theres no end in sight to the ongoing heat wave.Expect the beaches to be crowded with sunbathers today as the temperature will climb even higher to 33 degrees.He continued, “In Japan, we dont make as much direct eye contact as you do in the West. So when you asked if there were any ments, most people were not looking directly at you. But a few people in the group were looking right at you, and their eyes were bright. That indicates that they would be happy to have you call on them. ”I thought to myself I would ever have learned from my upbringing in Minnesota. Since then, I try to focus on understanding behavior in other cultures I encounter, and keep finding the bright eyes in the room.21What can we conclude from the first paragraph?ALife in Minnesota has made the author worn out.BThe author enjoys traveling around the world.CDifferent cultures are kind of familiar to the author.DThe author may start his own business in the future.22Hearing the colleague whispering, the author _.Awent back to his seat and got seatedBknew his colleague had some questionsCowed a big debt of gratitude to his colleagueDthought his colleague would get nowhere23Where does the authors colleague probably e from?AAmerica. BAfrica.CJapan. DFrance.24Which is the proper title for the passage?ALooking at Another Culture in the EyeBFocusing on Behavior in CulturesCAdmiring the Beauty in the EyeDSharing Different Cultures in TokyoBA new German study has uncovered evidence that there is a strong link between traffic jams and developing a heart attack. It has been found that individuals were three times more likely to develop a condition if they had recently got stuck in traffic, most probably because of the exposure to the car fumes and other pollution they breathed.The researchers analyzed data of heart attack cases between February xx and December xx. They interviewed nearly 1,500 patients to gather information and figure out what could be potential triggers for a heart attack. The participants were asked a standardized set of questions, such as what they were doing on the day of the heart attack, where exactly they went, what means of transportation they used and how much time they spent in a traffic jam.The experts found that driving a car turned out to be the most mon source of traffic exposure. However, using public transportation and riding a bicycle were also other forms of traffic exposure. The researchers reported that 8% of all heart attack cases were specifically linked to having been in traffic. In general, time spent in any type of transportation in traffic was associated with a more than 3 times higher risk of experiencing a heart attack within the first hour immediately following the exposure.The team has also found that women, elderly men, patients who were unemployed, and those with a history of angina(心绞痛) appeared to be particularly sensitive and were affected the most by traffic. Female participants, in fact, were more likely to have a 5 times greater risk of a heart attack following such exposure, pared to men.25The underlined word in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by _.AdirectionsBeffectsCtendencies Dcauses26The researchers came to the conclusion _.Aby doing experiments in hospitals答案本文是一篇记叙文。作者自身是一个有多种文化背景的人,但是在日本的讲学使他懂得了眼神交流的重要性。21C推理判断题。依据文章第一段可知,作者在美国长大,成年之后长期生活在欧洲和非洲,15年来,他又潜心研究不同地区的人们是如何建立信任、交流和作决定的,由此可知他对各国不同的文化背景均有所了解,故选C项。22D细节理解题。依据文章第二段中的“I agreed, but I guessed it a waste of breath”可知,听到同事说想再问一问的时候,作者认为他问也是白问,不会有什么进展的。故选D项。23C细节理解题。依据文章第五段中的“In Japan, we dont make as much direct eye contact as you do in the West”可知,作者的同事很有可能是一位日本人。故选C项。24A标题归纳题。根据全文内容及文章最后一句中的“keep finding the bright eyes in the room”可知,通过在东京的这次经历,作者懂得了如何通过眼神来了解对方的想法。故选A项。德国的一项新研究发现,陷入交通堵塞和患心脏病之间有很大联系。25D词义猜测题。根据第二段的内容和第三段中的“driving a car turned out to be the most mon source of traffic exposure”“8% of all heart attack cases were specifically linked to having been in traffic”以及最后一段中的“greater risk of a heart attack following such exposure”可推知,trigger意为“诱因”,与cause同义。Bby observing the traffic in the streetsCby surveying patients in hospitalsDby interviewing drivers trapped in traffic jams27What could be the best title for the passage?ATraffic Jams Are a Great ConcernBBe Sure to Avoid Traffic JamsCTraffic Jams May Lead to Heart AttacksDGet Your Heart Away from Traffic JamsCWhich do you think is the best way to keep healthy?With the development of the society, people no longer worry about where their next meal es from as they did in the old days. They bee more and more concerned about their health problem. Different people e up with different views: eating green food, doing outdoor exercises or going to hospital for medical treatment frequently. As far as I am concerned, the best way to keep healthy is to develop a good quality of psychology(心理)According to some surveys, nowadays, most patients are not physically sick but mentally(精神上)ill. They feel the burden on their shoulders is much heavier than others, so they cant step out of the shadow of depression(抑郁) and sadness. They need to release their spirit to the nature.Besides, if you have developed a good quality of psychology, youll bee more sociable and thus more willing to play your part in the society. Joining in some keepfit clubs or attending some travel agency, which by themselves are various versions of physical exercise, will benefit you a lot.As a poem says, youth is not a period of time; its a state of mind. Everybody wants to keep young at heart because youth is a symbol for endless energy and passion for living.Keep a good quality of mind, or keep a sense of humour, even if you are 80, and youll never be old.28According to the passage, in the old days, what people cared most might be _.Afood BexercisingCclothing Dhealth29According to the writer, the best way to keep healthy is to _.Ahave meals regularlyBdo outdoor exercisesCgo to hospital frequentlyDkeep psychological health30The most probable reason for patients who are mentally ill might be _.Aburden BdepressionCsadness Dspirit31The best way to develop a good quality of psychology might be _.Ataking social responsibilityBexercising in keepfit clubCgoing on journeysDtaking physical exerciseDWhen policy experts debate climate change solutions, they often talk about“a price on carbon”. They are arguing about whether panies should pay when they put carbon pollution in the air. But heres the secret that most people seem to be missing: There already is a price on carbon, and its paid by the taxpayers.Carbon pollution, like every other form of pollution, has an impact on the environment. Throwing waste into a river 答案26.C推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They interviewed nearly 1,500 patients.”可知,研究者通过调查医院的患者,然后分析结果的方式得出结论“there is a strong link between traffic jams and developing a heart attack”。27C主旨大意题。文章第一段提出研究结果“there is a strong link between traffic jams and developing a heart attack”,下文就此展开论述,所以C项作文章标题最佳。28A细节理解题。从第二段第一句With the development of the society, people no longer worry about where their next meal es from as they did in the old days. 可知A项正确。29D细节理解题。从第二段最后一句As far as I am concerned, the best way to keep healthy is to develop a good quality of psychology. 可知。30A细节理解题。从第三段第一、二句According to some surveys, nowadays, most patients.They feel the burden. 可知。31D细节理解题。从第四段第二句Joining in some keepfit clubs or attending some travel agency,which by themselves are various versions of physical exercise, will benefit you a lot.可知。will cause the fish to die and the people who drink the water to get sick. And when you produce carbon pollution, you get climate changesea level rise, stronger storms, severe droughts, damage to agriculture, and more.All of those impacts cost money. Insurance rates go up when storms get more destructive. Taxes increase when cities have to rebuild bridges and roads. Military budgets go up when droughts and population changes cause conflicts. Not to mention impacts on agriculture and health care costs.In other words, the price on carbon is what we all pay when there is no market force to limit the pollution that causes climate change. So the debate is really about who will pay that pricethe panies who are making a profit from the fossil fuels, or the taxpayers who pick up the cost now.Right now, we have private profit and public cost.Its just like if we allowed every business to throw its garbage in the street because its too expensive to have it moved away properly. Does it add a little bit to your dinner check to require that restaurants throw away their trash properly? Sure. But it would be more expensive for you if the city had to clean the streets of their garbage every day. So just like we put a “price on garbage” we need a “price on carbon pollution”Now, a “price on carbon pollution” can mean a lot of things. You could tax panies based on the amount of carbon pollution they produce, and return the money to taxpayers. You could put a limit on how much they can produce, thereby requiring them to invest in ways to conduct business in a less polluting way.32What do the policy experts argue about carbon pollution?AWhether taxpayers could get profit from it.BWhether the panies should pay for it.CWho have the ability to change it.DHow much should be paid for it.33Whats the main idea of the Paragraph 2?ASome other forms of pollution.BThe effects of carbon pollution.CThe signs of carbon pollution.DThe way to reduce carbon pollution.34The author referred to restaurants in the passage mainly to _.Aprove every business doesnt perform its dutyBwarn readers to protect the environment aroundCexplain the damage of no policy on carbon pollutionDshow some restaurants throw away their trash randomly35According to the passage, what does the “price on carbon pollution” mean?ATelling the taxpayers to refuse to pay taxes on carbon pollution.BMaking the government invest to reduce carbon pollution.CIncreasing prices of the products from panies.DTaxing panies on carbon pollution they produce.第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you feel depressed, its best to do something about itdepression doesnt just go away on its own. In addition to getting help from a doctor or counselor, here are four things you can do to feel better.Exercise. Take a 1530 minutes walk every dayor 答案32.B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They are arguing about whether panies should pay”可知,政策专家讨论的是公司是否应为碳污染买单。33B段落大意题。第二段第一句“Carbon pollution, like every other form of pollution, has an impact on the environment.”为该段的主题句,所以该段主要讲碳污染的影响。34C推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“So just like we put a price on garbage we need a price on carbon pollution”可知,作者谈及饭店是为了说明没有有效政策来约束碳污染的危害。35D推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段第一、二句可知,作者建议向排放碳的公司征税,故D项正确。dance, jog, or bike if you prefer. People who are depressed may not feel much like being active. _36_ Once you get in the exercise habit, it wont take long to notice a difference in your mood.Cherish yourself with good nutrition. Depression can affect appetite. One person may not feel like eating at all, but another might overeat. If depression has affected your e


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