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2019-2020年高二英语上学期第二次段考试题(I)选择题1-60:用2B铅笔涂在机读卡上;其余答在答题卷上。第卷(选择题)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the woman mean?AMartha wont e BMartha will e at 7:00 CMartha will be late2Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a store BIn a lab CIn a hotel3Why does the man like his new job?AHe can use what he has learned BHe can learn a lot from the new iobCHe has more free time and higher pay4What can we learn from the conversation?AThe man likes the weather in New York very muchBThe woman will stay in New York for a long timeCThe man is planning to visit New York5Who went on vacation yesterday?ARobert BMrJones CMrsPorter第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选顷中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时问阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白渎两遍。6How many books can one student borrow at most at a time?ATwo BFive CTen7What do we know about the books the man wants to borrow?AThey are probably about the same topic BThey are all new onesCThere are more than ten8What does the man think of traveling by air?Afortable and speedy Bfortable but dangerousCSpeedy but dangerous9What is the man most probably?AA salesman BA secretary CA doctor请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What do we know about the bicycle? AIt has ten speeds BIt was bought half a year ago- CIt cannot be used in the hills11How much will the man have to pay for the bicycle if he takes it now? A$100 B$150 C$20012Why does the woman want to sell the bicycle? AShe is badly in need of some money BThere is not enough room to keep it. CShe has just got a new one请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How will the woman travel? ABy plane BBy train CBy car14Where does Tom live? AOn the West Coast BOn the East Coast CIn Montreal15What do we know from the conversation? AThe woman likes going home BThe man lives far from his parents. CThe man failed to get a flight ticket16Who is a translator probably? ATom BDavid CSam请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17Who is the speaker talking to? ASome scientists BSome students CSome tourists18Whats the population of Anchorage when the speaker visited for the first time? A40, 000 B80, 000 C180, 00019What will the speaker most probably do next? AWrite a letter to the government Be up with a solution CShow some pictures20What is the speaker? AA government official BA tour guide CA professor第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项A You must know that the P.E. exam has bee more and more crucial in China. It makes up 30 points of the whole points of the high school entrance exam in many provinces. But lots of students dont care more about sports. So Id say: Dont begin exercising until you enter Grade Nine or before the exam! Start now! In middle schools in America, teenagers have to run a mile if they want to pass the P.E. test. They are timed , and many students pare their times with others. It might be difficult for students who havent got enough exercise to run the plete mile. They have to finish by walking! Students who are out of shape are out of breath after running! They get poor grades and some of them even have to take the class over again! For the 7th and 8th grade students, I think you still have plenty of time to get interested in sports. There are many different sports to try. As you know, the P.E. exam could include football in the ing years. Make sure you can find some sports that interest you!There are many advantages to get fit! You will feel better and look better. You wont have to rush to get ready for your P.E. exams when you bee a 9th grade student. The most important is that you wont be trying to catch your breath while other students go quickly past you in physical situation and life!21. If your full points are 680 including your P.E. points, the points of cultural courses are _.A.650 B. 30 C. 680 D. 71022. In America, if a student cant finish the running, he or she _.A. neednt be timed B. has to walk to the finishing line C. might ask the teacher for a rest D. cant take the P.E. class over again23. Which sport might be included in your high school entrance exam in the future?A. Running. B. Walking. C. Football. D. Basketball.24. Whats the best title of the passage?A. High School Entrance Exam B. Get Fit EarlyC. How to Be Thin D. How to Have the P.E. ClassB “Cool”is a word with many meaningsIts old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit coldAs the world has changed,the word has had many different meanings “Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street,maybe you will say, “Its cool”You may think,“Hes so cool,”when you see your favourite footballer We all maximize the meaning of“cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”Heres an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is usedA teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one students paper was just the one sentence,“Its so cool”Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of wordsWithout “cool”,some people have no words to show the same meaningSo it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性)Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I canAnd I think they are also very cool 25We know that the word“cool” has had _. Aonly one meaning Bno meanings Cthe same meaning Dmany different meanings26In the passage,the underlined word“express”means“_”. AknowBfeel Csee D show27If you are _ something,you may say,“Its cool” Aafraid ofBangry about Cinterested inDunhappy with 28In the passage,the writer suggests that the word “cool”_ Amay not be as cool as it seems Busually means something interesting Ccan make your life colourful D can be used instead of many words CSummertime is a great opportunity for kids to learn how to work and earn a little bit of spending money. If your child needs a summer job, here are a few options to consider:Lemonade/Cookie StandBenefitsCreates a concept of running a business :Your child will be his own boss, set his own price ,and run the show. Its a great introduction to running his own business.Limited Start-Up Costs: The things used to make lemonade are cheap, so your child should be able to get back his investment with a handful of sales.What Kids Learn About Money:Your child will learn a very valuable lesson about pricing.The price of his lemonade will decide how much he can sell, if he will recover his investment and the amount of profit.Yard WorkBenefits:Repeated Customers: If a homeowner needs help raking (耙地) this year, hell probably want help again next year.Your child should be able to maintain a regular set of customers after one season.Safety : Yard work is generally safer than a lawn-mowing job. Without having to operate machines, your child will be much safer.What Kids Learn About Money:Because of the variability (变动) in pay, your child will need to learn how to negotiate(谈判) a fair price with homeowners if they ask.LifeguardBenefits:Responsibility: Kids learn a lot about responsibility when lifeguarding. They are within rights to tell whether a certain activity is safe and are allowed to take action as they see fit.Exercise: Lifeguards need to be proficient at swimming and must exercise to stay in shape.What Kids Learn About Money:To be a lifeguard, one must be certified. Your child may have to pay for lifeguard training, although some employers provide it on-site.29. What are the benefits of selling lemonade or cookies for children?a. To lower the risk of losing money.b. To learn profit and loss.c. To learn how to run a business d. To own repeated customers.A. abcd B. acd C. bcd D. abc30. Which is suitable if you want your child to learn munication and negotiation?A. Yard WorkB. Lemonade/Cookie StandC. LifeguardD. All of the above31. If your kid wants to be a lifeguard, he or she has to do all the following except _.A. receiving training for freeB. excelling at swimming C. keeping a good figureD. learning to take action when necessaryDWhat killed King Tut? Historians and scientists have long believed that ancient Egypts most famous king was probably murdered. But a recent scientific study claims to have found a different solution to this more than 3300-year-old mystery.Tuts full name was Tutankhamen. He was just 9 years old when he became ruler of Egypt in 1348 B.C. His treasure-packed tomb was displayed to the world almost a century ago. Tuts tomb was filled with royal riches, including a solid-gold coffin, and a gold mask. It made him one of the best-known Egyptian kings of all time.But Tut did not have much time to enjoy his vast wealth. The time when he was in power was cut short at the age of 19. Many experts have thought that Tut was killed by one of his advisers, named Ay, who wanted to be the king himself. Thanks to a major modern science project, it seems that Ay is off the hook.Researchers set out to solve the mystery of King Tuts death by using the tools of science. They began to look into Tuts mummy (木乃伊) by conducting an autopsy (尸体解剖). Scientist Carsten Pusch conducted the tests on Tut for the new study. A scan of Tuts mummy showed that his leg was broken. He thinks a broken leg contributed to the young kings death. The DNA also indicates that the ruler had an illness that causes bones to go bad. More than 100 walking sticks were found in King Tuts tomb. This supports the autopsy findings. Many of the sticks were well-worn, showing regular use. But how could a person die from a simple broken leg? Pusch also found DNA evidence in Tuts remains that indicates he had malaria, a disease carried by mosquitoes (蚊子). Malaria severely weakens the immune system. Finally, the young ruler was just too weak to recover.32. According to the text, King Tut is famous because _.A. his death was a mystery in historyB. his tomb was found packed with treasures C. he was likely to be murdered by his adviserD. he brought much wealth to his people when he was in power33. By saying “Ay is off the hook”, the author means _.A. Ay cant get away with itB. Ay escapes from prisonC. Ay should be punished D. Ay is free from the blame 34. We can know from the text that _.A. King Tut died from a weak body and a careless playB. a jealous adviser named Ay is likely the real killer in King Tuts deathC. the malaria bined with the bone disease caused King Tuts death D. King Tut fell to death because of his leg problem35. The writer of the passage mainly wants to tell us that _.A. King Tut was the greatest king in Egyptian historyB. historical mysteries should be solved by scienceC. history never put the blame on a good man without solid evidenceD. King Tuts mummy murder mystery has been solved 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。答案如果是E,请涂AB,如果是F, 请涂AC,如果是G, 请涂AD。 Everyone has got two personalities-the one that is shown to the world and the other one that is secret and real. You dont show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behaviour, but when you are asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you .In a normal night,of course,people frequently change their position. 36 .If you go to sleep on your back, you are a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You dont like to upset people,so you never express your real feelings. 37 .If you go to sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you are always easily upset. You are very stubborn, but you are very ambitious. 38 .This means that you enjoy having a good time.If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and you are often defensive(防御的). You are shy and you dont normally like meeting people. 39 You are easily hurt.If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. 40 So you wont be self-conceited(自负的) or self-abased(自卑的)。You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious, but you dont often get depressed. You always say what you think even if it annoys people.A. Your facial expression suggests you are dissatisfied.B. Sleeping position might decide on your character.C. Youre quite shy and youre not very confident.D. You usually live for today not for tomorrow E. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.F. You prefer to be on your own.G. You know your strengths and weaknesses.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Recently we carried out a survey of 1,000 people from different countries to find out what they think 41 will be like in the future. The results clearly show both our 42 and fears.The survey suggests that 43 - one of the most important human relationships - will change greatly. People will make friends through the Internet. puters will bee really 44 by 2050. Even now, some people describe them as their best friends! Others, 45 , say that we will bee much more isolated (孤立的) from each other 46 we will have little real human munication. Education will 47 a lot too. As more and more children will be using puters in schools, certain 48 , such as mental arithmetic (心算), won t be necessary. Even writing by hand will have bee a thing of the 49 .According to the survey, home life will be 50 . Most people believe that by 2050 robots will be doing the housework and we will be eating 51 food. A lot of people think that we might only cook for fun in the future. Space exploration will bee increasingly 52. Fifty percent of the people we talked to 53 that man will regularly (定期地) visit Mars.Pollution is something that seems to 54 many people. Some fear that it will 55 to get worse, and that our planet will bee 56 to live on. Others even 57 that one day we Ii have to pay for clean air.58 , people seem to be quite optimistic about genetic engineering, as they think scientists will use it to 59 diseases like cancer and AIDS. No matter how dark or bright it may seem, it is up to us to 60 our planet and try to make it a better place.41. A. educationB. spaceC. natureD. life42. A. tearsB. hopesC. rightsD. plans43. A. marriageB. leadershipC. friendshipD. neighborhood44. A. privateB. perfectC. necessaryD. expensive45. A. howeverB. insteadC. anyhowD. therefore46. A. untilB. unlessC. becauseD. although47. A. provideB. plete C. receiveD. change48. A. factsB. abilitiesC. goalsD. thoughts49. A. endB. pastC. momentD. future50. A. busierB. saferC. easierD. sadder51. A. unhealthyB. frozenC. over-cookedD. ready-made52. A. famousB. cheapC. popularD. difficult53. A. doubtB. believeC. rememberD. warn54. A. confuseB. frightenC. satisfyD. worry55. A. stopB. continueC. refuseD. begin56. A. coldB. freeC. suitableD. impossible57. A. expectB. promiseC. predictD. wish58. A. As a resultB. In other wordsC. In a similar wayD. On the other hand59. A. catchB. preventC. spreadD. carry60. A. look afterB. take overC. pay forD. think about第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Allan goes everywhere with Laura Anderson,a 50-year-old woman. He 61. (move) around her office at work and goes shopping with her. Most people dont seem to mind Allan, and hes my 62. (four) child, says Laura. She may think of him and treat him that way, 63. (buy) his food and paying his health bills, but in fact Allan is a dog. Laura and Allan live in Sweden, a country 64. everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to rules laid down by the government. The government also provides a high level of care 65. its people, which costs money. Swedish people pay taxes on everything, so arent 66. (surprise) to find that owning a dog means yet more taxes. Some people are paying .as much as 500 Swedish kronor a year in taxes for the right 67. (keep) their dog. The money is spent by the government on dog hospitals and medical 68. (treat) for a dog that falls ill. In Sweden dog owners must pay for any damage their dog does. A Swedish Kennel Club official explains 69. this means: if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car, you, as the owner, have to pay for any damage 70. (do) to the car, though your dog has been killed in the accident. 阆中中学校xx年秋高xx级第二学段教学质量检测英语答题卷 (总分:150分 时间:120分钟 )第卷(非选择题)第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61._ 62._63._ 64._65._ 66._67._ 68._ _69._ 70._第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Air travel has three advantage over train travel. First, it can save much time. We can fly from one place to other place in a long time,but by train we have to spend more time. Second, air travel is more fortable because the plane flies so smooth that we can have a good rest during the trip. Third, the train is crowding sometimes and passengers have to sit for a long time,what makes them tired. But train travel also has its own advantages. For an example, traveling by train cost only a little money. Besides this, we can enjoy the view out the trains windows.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你自制了一些木质冰箱贴(fridge magnet)。给开网店的美国朋友Tom写封信,请他代卖,要点包括:1. 颜色形状各异,大约长5厘米宽3厘米。2. 一共三个系列(series):风景,名人,汉字。 汉字系列最受欢迎。3. 每个售价2美金。4. 可以用作礼物或装饰。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好。Dear Tom, How are you ? _

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