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2019-2020年高二英语上学期12月月考试题(II)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 听面5对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where are the two speakers? A. In a train. B.On a plane . C. On a bus. 2. What time is it now? A.3:00pm B.4:00pm C.4:30pm 3.What is the man? A shop assistant. B.A bank clerk. C. A hotel clerk. 4.Where will the woman place the flowers? A.In the sitting room. B.In Jims bedroom. C.In the mans bedroom. 5.What did the woman most probably think of the concert? A.Terrible. B.Exciting. C.Enjoyable. 第二节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 听下面5段对话或对白。从题中所给的A, B, C中选出最佳选项。每段对话或读白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6,7题。 6.What did the two speakers? A. They took a shower. B.They went to the bank. C.They went shopping. 7.How will the two speakers go back home? A.By subway. B.By bus. C.By taxi. 听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。 8.Where did the woman probably get the information? A. In a newspaper. B.On some websites. C.From some friends. 9.Why does the woman consider the apartment on Liberty Road? A.Because it is quiet there. B.Because it is near the city center. C.Because it has a garden behind it. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.What day is it today? A.July 10. B.July 13. C.July 15. 11.What is the woman doing there? A.Posting a parcel. B.Asking about a parcel. C.Receiving a parcel. 12.What is in the parcel? A.Some used books. B.Some exam papers. C.Some valuable stones. 听9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.Who will get together tonight? A.Some colleagues. B.Some former classmates. C.Some relatives. 14.What did the woman plan to do tonight? A.Celebrate Roses birthday. B.Watch a show. C.Work overtime. 15.What will they do before going to the show.? A.Hold a birthday party. B.Eat at a Chinese restaurant. C.Buy some candles for a party. 16.How long will the show last? A.For an hour. B.For one and a half hours. C.For two hours. 听第10段材料,回答第17 至20题。 17.Who is most probably speaking? A. teacher. B. a parent. C. a staff member of the camp. 18.How long does the camp last at most? A. 3 weeks. B. 6 weeks C. 8 weeks. 19.How many children does the camp accept each time? A. 160 B. 200 C. 250 20.What number should you call for more information? A. 9146931711 B. 9146397111 C. 9146937111. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Dear Jorge,Are you enjoying your break from school? My family are now in Sacramento, California. We are here paying a visit to visit to my aunt Gloria. We have been to the California State Capital Building, the nature center, and the zoo. I have seen many interesting things, but one stands out above the rest. This morning we drove from my aunts home to Calistoga to see Californias Old Faithful Geyser(老忠实泉). I had read about it in my book, Sightseeing in California; Where You Should Go.You have probably heard of Old Faithful, the geyser father north in Yellowstone National Park. This California geyser is sometimes called“ Little Old Faithful.” When we arrived Californias Old Faithful was only a calm pool of water. The geyser didnt look very deep. “ Whats the big deal?” I wondered. As I turned, I saw some steam rising from the water. Before I knew it, there was hot water shooting up about 60 feet into the air. We could not believe our eyes! It continued for almost three minutes.Aunt Gloria told me that the water came from an underground river. She also said that the water temperature was about 95. This water can sometimes shoot 170 feet into the air.My aunt said that other geysers around the world reach hotter temperatures and shoot water even higher than Californias Old Faithful Geyser. Id love to learn more about this geyser and other geysers in different countries when I get home. Ill see you soon! Your friend, Bennetto 21.According to the text, Bennetto _. A. visited his aunt Gloria by himself. B. had never heard of Old Faithful Geyser. . C. thought nothing of Old Faithful Geyser at first. D. flew all the way from Sacramento to Calistoga.22. The water Bennetto saw high in the sky _. A. disappeared at once. B. was too hot to touch. C. came from a deep sea. D. was 170 feet in height.23. What was expressed in Bennettos letter? A. Anger B. Doubt C. Courage D. Excitement24. Bennetto wrote the letter mainly to_. A. talk about his holiday experiences. B. ask Jorge to visit Old Faithful Geyser. C. express his thankfulness to Aunt Gloria. D. give Yellowstone National Park some advice. B In the last 30 years, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has granted nearly 300,000 wishes worldwide to children battling life-threatening illnesses, throwing light on worlds darkened by diseases and bringing hope to children and their families. With a foreword(序)by Make-A-Wish cofounder Frank Shankwitz, Once Upon A wish shares the wishes and stories of eight children. These families generously invite us into their worlds, allowing us to bee part of their darkest moments, their unimaginable realities, their greatest hopes, deepest fears, and unbelievable successes. Experience the story of Katelyn, a little girl, being a medical marvel(奇迹)after lighting all the odds stacked against her and making it her life-long goal to raise $3 million for St. Jude Hospital; read about a wheelchair-bound boy, Garrett, giving the gift of mobility to disabled Cambodian men and women; cheer for a little boy, Dakota, who collects millions of pennies each year to help others fight the disease he once fought. Bee inspired and forever-changed by the generosity, hope, courage, and optimism of these children and their families and experience the power of two words - I wish. Once Upon A Wish is a celebration of hope, revealing how wishes-e-true can bee motivators and cherished gifts that will last a lifetime. Price: $9.99 Where to download: Available on the iPhone , iPad , iPod touch, and Mac. Category: Biographies & Memoirs Published: Mar 05, xx Publisher: BenBella Books, Inc. Seller: The Perseus Books Group, LLC Print Length: 352 Pages Language: English 25. We can learn that the Make-A-Wish Foundation_. A. was set up in the early 1990s. B. was set up to help poor people all over the world. C. aims at helping severely sick children fulfill their wishes. D. mainly offers free treatment to severely sick children. 26. What is Once Upon A Wish mainly about? A. The history of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. B. Wishes and stories of eight children. C. Some childrens experiences of helping others. D. Frank Shankwitzs personal experiences with some children.27. Dakota spends the money he collects in helping_.A. to set up St. Jude Hospital . B. people infected with AIDS.C. disabled Cambodians move around .D. those who are fighting the same disease as he once had.CThat woman carried a new blanket over her arm. Wordlessly, she gave it to me.“Is it finished?” I asked.She shook her head. “No. It is ready,” she replied. I handed her the money and took the blanket.“It is beautiful, so skillfully woven(编织),” I said to my mother. “But what did she mean when she said it was not finished? How can it be ready if it is not finished?”“I will tell you later,” my mother said, “but first I will take you to the Navajo village.”We went down to the village. A group of young men were making sand pictures. We walked through the whole village, watching the different things the people were doing. It was not until that evening that my mother finally explained the Navajo womans words.“Did you notice anything about the things the people were making?” my mother asked.“What should I have noticed?”I looked at her and asked.“Each thing the Navajo make has one small part that is not plete. The designs in their sand pictures are often not perfectly done, for example-the line of a circle may not quite close. If you look carefully at your blanket, you will probably find a stitch(一针)missing.” I took the blanket off, but it looked as perfect as any design could be. Then suddenly, I noticed that sure enough a stitch was missing!“But why do the Navajo intentionally leave some tiny part unfinished?” I asked.“They believe that when anything is pleted or finished, it means the end has e-it will not be perfect until then. Then too, with a circle, they believe that they must leave a pathway for the bad spirits to run away and the good spirits to e in. So, often, they do not make the line close.”28. The blanket the author received_ . A. was poorly woven. B. made her think a lot. C. cost her a lot of money. D. was finished, but not ready.29. Why was the author shown around the village? A. To buy more things made by the Navajo. B. To make friends with some of the Navajo. C. To have a deeper understanding of the Navajo. D. To look for the woman who sold her the blanket.30. Which of the following may the Navajo believe? A. A stitch in time is very important. B. Life only bees perfect when you die. C. He who makes no mistake is a perfect man. D. You must always try to make your life plete.31. Whats the main idea of the text? A. The Navajo are good at making things. B. The Navajo are brave and hard-working. C. A blanket tells a lot about the Navajo culture. D. Skills are needed to do business with the Navajo.DThe way we cook is important. In many countries, the two sources of heat used for cooking are natural gas or electric stoves. The World Health Organization(WHO) warns that millions of people are dying every year from indoor air pollution. The WHO finds that poor cooking, heating and lighting technologies are killing millions of people each year.Indoor air pollution results from the use of dangerous fuels and cook stoves in the home. WHO officials say nearly three billion people are unable to use clean fuels and technologies for cooking, heating and lighting. And they say more than seven million people die from exposure to indoor or outdoor air pollution each year. Of that number, the WHO says about 4.3 million people die from household air pollution given off by simple biomass(生物燃料)and coal stoves.These findings show that the home use of poisonous fuels is to blame for many of these deaths. These fuels include wood, coal, animal waste and so on. Carlos Dora is Coordinator in the WHO s Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health. He says people should not use unprocessed coal and kerosene(煤油)fuel indoors. He says opening a window or door to let out the harmful air will not correct the situation. It will only pollute the outdoors. “New technologies and clean fuels can rid people of this problem.”The United Nations found that more than 95 percent of families in sub-Saharan Africa depend on solid fuels for cooking. It says huge populations in India, China and Latin American countries, such as Guatemala and Peru, are also at risk.Nigel Bruce is a professor of Public Health at the University of Liverpool. He says researchers are developing good stoves and other equipment to burn fuels in a more efficient way.“There are already many technologies for clean fuels available now. An effective and reasonably low-cost ethanol(酒精)stove that is made by Dometic (a Sweden-based pany)is now being tested out. Another interesting development is electric induction stoves.” In India, you can buy an induction stove for about $8. And in Africa you can buy a solar lamp for less than $1.32. How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed? A. By making classifications. B. By listing numbers. C. By following time order. D. By describing a process.33. According to Carlos Dora, what is the best solution to indoor air pollution? A. People should use an effective air cleaner. B. People should use new technologies and clean fuels. C. People should open a window or door to let out the harmful air. D. People should prevent themselves from being exposed to harmful air.34. What can we learn from the passage? A. Most of the deaths from indoor pollution are in developing countries. B. Burning solid fuels can help limit indoor air pollution . C. People can buy ethanol stoves made by Dometic in India. D. There are already two technologies for clean fuels available for use.35. Which would be the best title for the passage? A. The way we cook is changing. B. Cause of indoor air pollution. C. The development of electric stoves. D. Indoor air pollution kills millions each year.第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。BedroomsBedrooms are very important. In fact, you spend one third of your life in yours. This means that your probably dont want a boring bedroom. You will not want a bedroom full of so many things that you cant get to your bed,or that is painted in your least favorite color. 36 When you are designing a bedroom and you dont know what to do with some space in the corner, you may want to see if you can fit in a desk or a small sitting area. 37 You might want to fill this space to get some more storage space or have somewhere to have some privacy. Furniture is not the only thing to consider when you design your bedroom. 38 If you arent sure what to do, just keep your walls and furniture white , and make sure that little things are also in the same style.39 You can put up dry erase boards, chalkboards, and pictures to give your room some style. You may also want to put in a bedside table. Those are great ways to show others some of your favorite photos and lovely toys . Finally , try to find something that adds energy and life to your bedroom. 40 A. You also need to consider color.B. You could also put in a bookshelf to create space.C. Besides, you might have some wall space to use up.D. This means you will need to plan out your bedroom.E. Dont choose a heavy, large bed for a small bedroom.F. Of course, plants help a lot and they can also keep the air clean.G. If you love to read in bed, a small bedside table probably wont work.第II卷第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Our family raises sled dogs(雪橇狗). In 41 Mom and Dad take people driving in a dog sled, and its super fun!When the dogs were born, I was so 42 .Thats when I saw my favoritelittle Jip. Every 43 I had, I put little Jip in my arms. I carried him around and played with him, not just because its fun to 44 dogs. Getting them used to human touch makes a 45 sled dog, Dad says.When Jip was eight weeks old, he got his first 46 .All he had to do was 47 wearing a light leash to get used to the 48 of pulling something behind him.When he was ten weeks old, I started 49 Jip to e when he was called. It was 50 time to try out a harness(挽具)around his body. The harness can be a little heavy, 51 we left it on for just a short time each day. 52 , I put Jip s harness on him at mealtime. I 53 him to a heavy chair. And I placed his 54 just far enough away so that when he ate, he had to pull on the line.The dogs 55 fast! When they were four months old, we tied old shoes to their harnesses. 56 wolves, sled dogs like to run after anything thats moving such as a rabbit. We started teaching the 57 “On by!” That means leave the rabbit alone! A sled dog must stay on the trail(路线).Jip wont be fully grown and ready to pull a heavy sled 58 hes almost two years old. But now that hes nine months old, hes 59 enough to go on short runs with the big dogs. Dad says that maybe next winter I can 60 in the sled when Jip goes on practice runs. I cant wait!41. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter42. A. proud B. excited C. nervous D. shy43. A. chance B. choice C. promise D. suggestion44. A. look after B. play with C. deal with D. bring up45. A. pet B. strong C. guide D. good46. A. job B. trip C. house D. prize47. A. get up B. fight back C. move around D. stop by48.A. thought B. feel C. fear D. Use49. A. advising B. allowing C. teaching D. helping50. A. never B. just C. even D. also51. A. for B. so C. or D. once52. A. Later B. Finally C. Luckily D. First53. A. showed B. took C. tied D. sent54. A. toy B. food C. leash D. harness55. A. changed B. grew C. ran D. worked56. A. Against B. Except C. Before D. Like57. A. order B. method C. story D. talk58. A. and B. but C. until D. Unless59. A. quiet B. clever C. careful D. big60.A. wait B. ride C. sing D. continue第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be very difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possible - and it can be surprisingly 61 (benefit) to your physical and mental health. So far, research 62 (show) that people who forgive can have more energy, better appetite and better sleep. “People who forgive show 63 (little) anger and more hopefulness,” says Dr. Frederic Luskin, who wrote the book Forgive for Good. “So it can help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people 64 (feel) more energetic.” So when someone has hurt you, cool down first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something 65 gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Dont wait for an 66 (apologize). “Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing,” says Dr. Luskin. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they just dont see things in 67 same way. So if you wait for people to say sorry, you could be waiting a very long time.” Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean 68 (accept) the action of the person who upsets you. Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things 69 the other persons perspective. You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to 70 (you) from that persons point of view.第二节 书面表达( 满分25分)假设你是合肥第三中学的李华,将参加主题为“LetsRideBicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:1. 目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;2. 骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等。参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbonlife);节能(energysaving)注意:1. 词数:100词左右;2. 演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,请将其抄写在答题卡上且该部分不计入总词数。Goodmorning,everyone,I am Li Hua

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