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2019-2020年高二英语3月月考试题(II)说明:本试题分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分150分,请将I卷答案涂在答题卡的相应位置。考试结束只交答题卡和第II卷。第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers doing? A. They are talking about the runners. B. They are watching the opening ceremony. C. They are listening to the radio.2. When did the woman visit the Summer Palace? A. Last June. B. Last July. C. This April.3. Where will the man go tomorrow? A. To a river. B. To a lake. C. To the ocean.4. Why will the man go to London? A. To study. B. To buy some things. C. To organize a program.5. What does the woman mean? A. She will try to help the man. B. She is unwilling to help the man. C. She doesnt like French.听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. Why cant the speakers go to eat at once? A. The man is working on his report. B. They havent decided what to eat. C. The man is not hungry.7. What does the woman want to eat? A. A steak sandwich. B. A tuna sandwich. C. A chicken salad sandwich.听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。8. Why did the man make the call? A. To talk with the assistant manager. B. To apply for a job. C. To make an appointment with the woman.9. What is the most important thing, according to the woman? A. The starting time. B. Education. C. Experience.听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10. When does the woman want to move in? A. Next month. B. In the middle of the month. C. At the end of the month.11. To move in, how much should the woman pay? A. 900 yuan. B. 1,800 yuan. C. 2,250 yuan.12. What can we learn about the apartment? A. There is a washing machine on the second floor. B. It can be furnished or unfurnished. C. There isnt a parking space.听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13. Where did the conversation most probably take place? A. On the plane. B. At the airport. C. Over the phone.14. What did the woman lose? A. Her keys. B. Some luggage. C. Her purse.15. To claim the item, what should the woman do first? A. Fill out a claim form. B. Describe it in detail. C. Call the office.16. What will the woman do next? A. Claim her car. B. Describe the things she lost in detail. C. Go to the office.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. In which country did Halloween begin? A. America. B. Ireland. C. The UK.18. How long is the holiday for Irish children? A. A week. B. One day. C. Two days.19. Which of the following is on 2nd November? A. All Souls Day. B. All Saints Day. C. All Hallows Eve.20. Which of the following traditions began in Ireland? A. Killing animals to store. B. Dressing up in fancy dress. C. Trick or treating.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ASchools out. Its been a long day, so you head home to relax. Youre greeted by a friend whos happy to see you, listens to you talk about rest, tells you a new joke, helps you put away your school stuff (东西), and reminds you to text your cousin happy birthday. And thats before he helps you with your homework.This is your future, and it all starts with a knee-high robot called NAO (pronounced NOW). It kind of looks like you, walks and dances, listens and talks, and even learns and thinks for itself. Its creators predict that the state-of-the-art robot could be a panion at home by the year 2040.This $16,000 robot recognizes human facial features, so it knows who you are. NAO can evenexpress emotions. It represents the new generation of “autonomous” or self-guided robots. These robots can sense, think, and act. Other robots might do two out of the three. For example, a robot might sense things using cameras and think using puters, but with no arms, wheels, or claws, it cant act. Other robots can move and sense things, but cantthink for themselves. These arent self-guided robots. But NAO can do it all. “You can program your puter to give NAO what could be called personality,” says Natanel Dukan of Aldebaran Robotics, the French pany that built NAO. The robot has cute, childlike features a high voice, small body, big eyes, and a large head. “These are things that are known to have an emotional appeal to people,” robot expert Dan Kara says, “NAOs friendly design helps in one of NAOs main functions to teach people how useful personal robots can be. Someday it may help you pass a test!”21. What do we know about NAO from the first two paragraphs?A. It is as tall as humans. B. It is highly intelligent.C. It is widely used in schools now. D. It is designed to help with the housework.22. The author develops the third paragraph mainly _.A. by cause and effect B. by order in time C. by parison D. by process23. According to Dan Kara, NAO is _.A. silent B. low-cost C. lightweight D. user-friendly24. The main purpose of the text is to _.A. ask people to buy the robot B. introduce a new kind of robotC. do an experiment about robots D. pare different kinds of robotsB The Forbidden City is well known for being full of Chinese cultural and historical relics. But Masters in the Forbidden City (我在故宫修文物) does not just focus on the stories of the past. Instead, the documentary movie, which came out on in Chinese cinemas Dec. 16, focuses on ordinary people-the restorers (修复者) of relics and antiquities (古董). The stories are told at a slow and leisurely pace, reflecting the restorers work. Restoration of cultural relics and antiques can be time-consuming, and sometimes boring. Yet these restorers patience and peace of mind are especially precious in a society where everything is changing so fast. “If you choose this job, you have to stand hours of work sitting on a chair. You need to be quiet and get used to being quiet,” says Wang Jin, an ancient clock repair expert. A touching part of the documentary is the spirit of craftsmanship in the restorers. “Years of humdrum work require not only skill, but also faith and spirit,” China Daily mented. “Looking for preciseness and perfection, devoting yourself to work, patience, endurance, loneliness all these qualities e form thecraftsman spirit.” But unlike the popular idea of stuffy (古板的) experts who sit around being serious, the documentary shows off the enthusiasm of the restorers. They play their guitars and make jokes about each other after a long day of restoration work. One scene that has been very popular with Internet users features a young female restorer riding a bicycle through the empty Forbidden City on a Monday. While she is doing this, a narrator says, “The last person to do this was Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.” Masters in the Forbidden City has proved wrong many peoples ideas about antique restorers, allowing them to realize that they are not old, dull professors, but people in their 40s, 30s, and even 20s who can be quite pleasing to the eye.25. According to the passage, whats the main purpose of the documentary Masters in the Forbidden City ? A. To display relics seldom seen by ordinary people. B. To praise the craftsmanship of Chinese antique restorers. C. To draw attention to Chinese antique restorers lives. D. To show people how antiques are restored.26. According to Wang Jin, we can learn that _. A. there is no need to do restoration work fast B. antique restorers need to be patient and peaceful C. he often gets tired with his work D. it takes years of hard work to adapt to antique restoration27. The underlined word “humdrum” probably means _. A. boring B. different C. relaxing D. unusual28. The bicycle-riding scene in the documentary is used to _. A. show the strange hobbies of young antique restorers B. show that the documentary breaks from the old, dull image of antique restorers. C. remind the audience of the last Qing emperor D. encourage the young to consider a career in antique restoration in the futureCIts time to study like a rock star! Many rock stars are smart enough to know that its cool to go to a top-rated school. Lets check out these musicians who went to Ivy League colleges. Rivers Cuomo The lead singer and guitarist of the band, Weezer, is an Ivy League rocker, graduating from Harvard with outstanding performance. Rivers Cuomo earned his bachelors degree in English after 10 year on-off work at this famous university.John Legend The Grammy Award winning singer and songwriter had scholarship offers from Harvard, Georgetown and Morehouse before attending the University of Pennsylvania, where he majored in English with an emphasis on African American literature. John Legend famously contributed to Kanye Wests album, “The College Dropout (辍学者)”. He always supports education reform and has even taken part in a public performance for dropout prevention for free. Lisa Loeb It was just a few years after she graduated from Brown University with a degree in parative literature that singer Lisa Loeb had a hit single (畅销的单曲唱片) with her song “Stay”. The smart rocker made history with “Stay” as the only artist to ever have a number one single before being signed to a recording contract. Greg Graffin The lead singer of the L.A. punk band, Bad Religion, earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University. He later worked at the University of California at Los Angeles as a life science professor. Greg Graffin has said, “Evolution (进化) is a controversial topic that I research both on an academic (学术的) level and in my music.”29. We can learn from the text that John Legend _.A. won a Grammy Award at college B. majored in parative literatureC. became famous for The College Dropout D. once performed to help school dropouts30. Which of the following musicians taught at a university?A. Rivers Cuomo. B. John Legend. C. Lisa Loeb. D. Greg Graffin.31. Which university did the singer of “Stay” graduate from?A. Harvard University.B. The University of Pennsylvania.C. Brown University. D. Cornell University.32. The text mainly aims to _.A. advise readers to pursue their studiesB. advise readers to learn to enjoy rock musicC. show the importance of entering a top-rated schoolD. show the relationship between education and musicDIt was September 5, xx. Lexi Youngberg, then 16, was on vacation in Spring Lake, Michigan. She was riding on a small boat with her friends, Robby and Kaitlin, when a motorboat crashed into them. The sound was so loud that other boaters heard it over the roar (轰鸣声) of their engines. The teen boy who had been driving the motorboat stepped on the gas by mistake. Kaitlin, 23, had only small cuts, but Robby, 15, had been badly cut by the propeller (螺旋桨). And Lexi was floating facedown in the water. When one boater swam to Lexi, she was breathing. However, she was unconscious. She had a deep cut on her head. And the lower part of her left leg, just below the knee, was gone. A doctor rode up in another boat and tried to save Robby, but it was too late.For Lexi, the good news is that she survived while the bad news is that she lost one of her legs forever. When Lexi looked at her swollen leg, she felt hopeless. But as time passed, Lexi began to feel stronger. She was grateful that her life had been spared, and she decided to make the most of it. At the end of November xx, Lexi met with Dr. John Hardy, who was an expert at making artificial legs. She hoped he would help her get back to doing the things she loved.Three years after the accident, Lexi moved on with her life. In spring xx, she joined a soccer team in her school. That fall, she started college. Lexi is thankful that she can still do the things she loves. One day, she wants to be a physical therapist (理疗师) and work with those with disabilities. But first she plans to pete in the Paralympics. Whatever Lexi decides to do, one thing is certain: Nothing is going to get in her way.33. How was Lexi in the accident?A. She had a small cut on her head. B. She was unable to feel anything.C. She was badly cut by the propeller. D. She lost the lower parts of her legs.34. Whats the right order of the events about Lexi?a. She went to college.b. She met with Dr. John Hardy.c. She had one of her legs removed.d. She played with her friends on a boat.e. She joined a soccer team in her school.A. d, c, b, e, a B. c, b, a, e, d C. d, c, e, a, b D. c, d, a, e, b35. The main purpose of the text is to _.A. persuade us not to go boating B. entertain us with sports newsC. tell us the story of a brave teen D. show how to survive an accident第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 When touring Europe, people usually visit the UK, France, Germany, or Italy. 36 Its a hidden treasure in Europe. The Kingdom of Belgium is a country in northwest Europe bordered by the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France. 37 However, its population is over ten million, thus making it one of the most crowded countries in Europe. 38 About 58% of people live in Flanders to the north, who speak Dutch. Approximately 41% of Belgians live in southern area. Less than ten thousand people living in the east speak German which only occupies 1%. Belgian university, TV channels and newspapers nay use Dutch, French and German. For most of its history, Belgium was controlled by foreigners, starting with the Romans over 2000 years ago. People from the area that is now Germany also ruled part of the country, and France fought two other kingdoms over control of Belgium in the 17th and 18th centuries. Belgium finally won its independence in 1830 and has its own place in Europe. 39 If you like sweet food, Belgium is a wonderful place. Its famous for its different kinds of chocolate. Belgium produces more than 170 million kilograms of chocolate each year. In fact. Belgians are also heavy user in it. 40 Another thing that all Belgians share is beer. There are also hundreds of kinds of beer, of which average Belgium consumes 100 liters per year. Whether you wish to try a strawberry beer or walk through the street of old Europe, Belgium is the place for you. e to Belgium and experience something new.A. The average person eats 6.8 kilograms of chocolate a year. B. Why not visit Belgium? C. Beer is as important to Belgians as wine is to the French. D. Belgium is linguistically divided due to its history. E. The nation covers 30,000 square kilometers. F. Belgium bees one of the most attractive destinations. G. Today, the capital city, Brussels, is home to the European Union.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I was a shy kid. To me, people were plex and unknown. I didnt even like to answer the 41 for fear that Id have to talk to somebody I didnt know. However, I 42 exploring the hills near my home by myself. At school, reading was my 43 because it could be done alone. I also spent a lot of time studying and was 44 with good grades. But I simply could not get up in front of the class to 45 anything. 46 I went to college. I decided that Id had enough of being shy. One day while on campus, I 47 an advertisement for positions on the local radio station. I realized that I could take the 48 to change myself. I didnt really 49 the job. I just want to know that I could speak onto a taper and talk to a(an) 50 . I was terrified but I 51 to the interview anyhow. I was even more terrified to discover that I really 52 the part-time job after two weeks. At night and on weekends, I sat in the on-air studio, playing recordings and talking to thousands of 53 people. After a few months, I realized that talking to people was not 54, but actually fun. Im glad I 55 to make a change in my life that day on campus. 56 I now still spend many hours each week talking to people, Im basically a quiet person. Perhaps it is my 57 voice and my quiet nature 58 help draw people. My former shyness is an 59 , as I can understand people who feel 60 when they talk to others.41. A. question B. bell C. telephone D. letter42. A. admired B. enjoyed C. envied D. hated43. A. practice B. show C. action D. choice44. A. put off B. paid off C. taken off D. given off45. A. speak B. see C. hear D. argue46. A. Hardly B. Regularly C. Rarely D. Eventually47. A. noticed B. observedC. watched D. looked48. A. possibility B. risk C. chance D. fortune49. A. find B. acceptC. take D. want50. A. interviewee B. interviewer C. lady D. gentleman51. A. got through B. got out C. got in D. got up52. A. lost B. found C. gainedD. missed53. A. unkind B. unknown C. unhappy D. unusual54. A. real B. scary C. pleasant D. strange55. A. studied B. hesitated C. forced D. determined56. A. Although B. Because C. If D. Since57. A. high B. low C. soft D. light58. A. what B. which C. that D. who59. A. opportunity B. error C. honor D. advantage60. A. sad B. fortable C. nervous D. angry第II卷 非选择题(共50分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。You buy a new toy online. 61 should e today. Knock, knock. You open the door, but cant see a delivery person. Instead, a drone (无人机) 62 (put) the package at your door!It may sound 63 something from a science fiction movie. But drone delivery is 64 (real) happening around the world. Amazon is one of the worlds 65 (big) online shopping panies, 66 used a drone to deliver goods in the United Kingdom on Dec. 7. The drone took a bag of popcorn and a smart TV stick. It 67 (fly) for 13 minutes to get to a customers home.In the United States, 7-Eleven used a drone to deliver a sandwich and coffee to a customer in July. Meanwhile, in China, S.F. Express, China Post and JD all tried 68 (deliver) goods by drone this year.But the drone cant deliver everything. Take Amazon as 69 example: Packages 70 (weigh) more than five pounds (2.3 kg) cant be delivered. It can only happen during the day. Also, the drone can only deliver a package in clear weather.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分; 满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除和修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2.只允许修改10处。多者(从第11处起)不计分。November 24, xx was my 18th birthday. It was so an important day for me because it meant I became fully grown person. My father has promised he would give me a big present then. He took my mother and myself to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family. When we arrived in Thailand, I couldnt help hang around. I could see many different kind of statues everywhere. Riding elephants were one of the most famous travel projects. I rode an elephant and it was extreme exciting. My father kept his promise or I was so thankful to him.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,收到澳大利亚表弟(Harry) 的电子邮件,邮件中提到他父母想看他的微信朋友( WeChat Moments), 他对是否同意和父母分享微信感到犹豫。请你给他回信,要点如下:1. 说明赞成或反对的观点; 2. 主要理由; 3. 提出个人建议。注意:词数10

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