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2019-2020年高一人教版英语必修四课时作业:Unit4Bodylanguage(4)含答案Multiple choice1. Shes very _to pay a visit to me tonight.A. likely B. possibly C.probably D. perhaps2. You d better avoid _in the center of town.A. to drive B. driving C.being driven D. drive3. That gesture _that he is satisfied with my answer.A. express B. indicate C.greets D. means4. How could you do that?_ . I didnt mean to hurt you.A. Thats all right B. I wont regret C. I m really sorry D. Excuse me5. He would sit alone and listen to Mary _the piano.A. to play B. playing C. played D. to playing6. Her kind words_ him at ease.A. make B. let C. have D. put7. Hundreds of people had to be_ from the stadium.A. turned down B. turned away C. turned off D. turned up8. There are a lot of peasants _in the rice fields.A. who works B. who worked C. work D. working9. I m sorry to have kept you_.A. wait B. to wait C. waited D. waiting10. _ it rained heavily, we kept on walking in the forest.A. Even if B. Since C. As though D. As soon as11. As we all know, China is a_ country.A. developed B. development C. develop D. developing12. The black horse refused_ the stone wall.A. its jumping B. to jump C. jumping up D. to jump at13._hello, he reached out his hand.A. Said B. Saying C. Talked about D. Talking to14. Mother caught the boy_ in the er.A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. being smoked15. The report was so_ that they were all_.A. inspiring; exciting B. inspiring; excitedC. inspired; excited D. inspired; exciting16. Many panies have already begun reforming the way_ they do business.A. in which B. for which C. at which D. in that17. He sent me an e-mail, _ to get further information.A. to hope B. hoping C. hoped D. hope18. Professor Smith likes growing vegetables_ flowers.A. as well B. in addition C. like D. as well as19. There was not a man_ a child in sight in the street.A. nor B. neither C. and D. besides20. For_ reason, he was late for the plane.A. certain B. other C. some D. a few

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