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Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points,速效提能演练,Unit 1,重点难点探究,Section ,重点难点探究,1Everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet? 每个人都要吃饭,但你吃的是健康的食物吗? 品味经典 A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important for health. 均衡的饮食和有规律的运动对健康都是很重要的。 No sugar in my coffee,please.Im dieting. 请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。,自我探究 diet nC,U日常饮食,规定的食物 vi.节食。,归纳拓展 I really ought to go on a diet.Ive put on so much weight since I gave up jogging. 我真应该节食了。自从我放弃慢跑后,我的体重已经增加了这么多。,易混辨析 diet,food,She had a stomach trouble and had to follow a strict diet. 她的胃不好,必须遵守严格的饮食规定。 Man must have food to eat and clothes to wear. 人类必须吃饭穿衣。 Milk is a good food. 奶是很好的食物。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2011年石家庄高一检测改编)我在节食,因为我很容易发胖。 Im _ ,since I _ easily. 答案:on a diet;put on weight 用diet和food填空 (2)The doctor put him on a _ to keep fit. (3)We have _ to live,but not live to eat. (4)The patient must not go without _,but she should have a _ without sugar. 答案:(2)diet (3)food (4)food;diet,2What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet? 要是你不平衡饮食会发生什么事呢? 品味经典 He balanced a cup on his head. 他把一只杯子在头上放稳。 You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages. 你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 She kept her balance and rode the bicycle. 她保持平衡,平稳地骑着自行车。,She lost her balance and fell off the balanced beam. 她失去平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。 自我探究 balance vt.平衡;权衡 n天平;平衡。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2011年郑州高一检测改编)To begin with,we learn how to _(保持身体平衡) when skating. 答案:balance our body (2) Each of us shall care about _(自然平衡) 答案:the balance of nature,(3)莫斯科战略与技术分析中心主任鲁斯兰普霍夫说,一艘航空母舰不会改变势力的平衡,但对国家荣誉和安全来说却很重要。 Ruslan Pukhov,president of the Moscow Strategy and Technologies Analysis Center,said that one aircraft carrier _ _. 答案:doesnt change the balance of power but that it is important for national pride and safety.,3 Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight? 肥腻的东西吃够了吗? 想减肥吗? 该句是典型的广告用语,是省略句,省略了主语和谓语的一部分。其完整形式为:Are you tired of all that fat? Do you want to lose weight?,(1)tired of 品味经典 Im tired of your complaint. 我厌倦了你的抱怨。 He got tired of living abroad. 他厌倦了住在国外。 自我探究 be/get tired of (doing) sth.对感到厌烦。,归纳拓展 be/get tired from. 因而疲劳 tire sb./oneself out使疲劳 tiring adj.令人疲劳的,累人的 tireless adj.不知疲倦的,不倦的 tiresome adj.令人厌烦的,讨厌的 They were tired from their long journey. 他们因长途旅行而感到疲劳。,Looking after the children really tires me out. 照料这些孩子真的把我累坏了。 I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. 刚开始时我觉得很累,不过很快就适应了。 He can be a very tiresome child at times. 他有时候会是一个非常令人讨厌的孩子。 He was above all a good and tireless writer. 他首先是一位优秀的、不知疲倦的作家。,一言辨异“tire” You may be tired from reading,but you shouldnt be tired of it. 看书可能使你疲劳,但你不应该厌倦读书。 I found it tiring to sit two hours,because the speech was very tiresome and made all of us tired. 我发现坐两个小时很累,因为演讲很乏味,使得我们大家都感到疲劳。,牛刀小试 选用单词或短语完成下列小片段 My mother never (1)_ doing housework and likes to ask me to help her,though I (2)_ doing it.But sometimes when I see my mother (3)_ without any complaint,I will blame myself and determine I wont have her (4)_ doing housework. 答案:(1)tires of (2)get tired of (3)tired out (4)be tired with,用tire的适当形式填空 (5)Why are you _of climbing mountains? (6)Looking after the _boy made him _all day. (7)The film was rather _and I almost went to sleep. 答案:(5)tired (6)tiresome;tired (7)tiring,(2)lose weight 品味经典 If you want to lose weight,you have to diet. 如果你想减肥,你得节食。 自我探究 lose weight减轻体重,减肥。,归纳拓展 He has put on a lot of weight over these years. 这些年他胖了很多。 Eggs are sold by weight in this supermarket. 这个超市鸡蛋按重量卖。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (8)It is easier _(增加体重),but it is quite difficult to lose weight. (9)Eggs are sold _(按重量)in this supermarket. 答案:(8)to put on weight (9)by weight,4Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. 王鹏在好奇心的驱使下,走了进去。 品味经典 He is full of curiosity. 他好奇心很强。 Curiosity killed the cat. 谚 好奇心,惹祸根。,自我探究 curiosity nU好奇,好奇心。,自我探究,Looking up,I saw his eyes fix on me in/with curiosity. 一抬头我看到他好奇地盯着我。 Children are always curious about everything around them. 小孩总是对他们周围的一切感兴趣。 He was curious to know what was happening in the office. 他很好奇办公室里正发生什么事。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2010年高考天津卷改编)People have always _(对很好奇) about exactly how life on earth began. 答案:been curious (2)The boy stared at the beggar in the street _(好奇地) 答案:with/in curiosity,5He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉! (1)get away with 品味经典 How did he get away with cheating in the exam? 他考试作弊,怎么没受到惩罚呢? Dont think you can get away with telling lies. 不要以为你撒了谎会不受惩罚。,The thief got away with her purse. 那个小偷偷了她的钱包跑了。 He robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money. 他抢劫了银行并携巨款潜逃。 自我探究 get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚;拿潜逃。,归纳拓展,I wont be able to get away (from the office) before 7. 我7点前不能离开(办公室)。 Two of the prisoners got away from the prison. 两名囚犯越狱逃跑了。 Were hoping to get away for a few days at Easter. 我们盼着复活节度假休息几天。,牛刀小试 完成句子:使用以上短语填空 (1)Dont talk too much.Lets _ the experiment. (2)I _ the life 3 years after arriving here. (3)Have you _ with him?How are things _ with him? (4)He cant _ the habit of smoking.,(5)Try your best to _ the difficulties when you meet them. 答案:(1)get down to (2)got used to (3)got in touch;getting on (4)get rid of (5)get over,(2)tell lies 品味经典 Its wrong of you to tell lies to your teacher. 你向老师撒谎是不对的。 Its a white lie. 那是一个善意的谎言。 Its no wonder that she lied to/told a lie to her parents. 难怪她对父母撒了谎。,自我探究 lie n谎话;谎言 vi.说谎。,归纳拓展,易混辨析 lie,lay,He lay on the grass,looking into the sky. 他躺在草地上,望着天空。 Shandong lies in the east of China while Japan lies to the east of China. 山东位于中国的东部而日本位于中国的东方。 West of the lake lies the famous city. 那个著名的城市坐落在湖的西面。,牛刀小试 用lie的适当形式填空 (6)Were having a new carpet _ in the bedroom. (7)His success _ in his hard work. (8)There _ a lovely dog sleeping quietly under the table. (9)The enemy _ down their arms. 答案:(6)laid (7)lay (8)lies (9)laid,完成句子 (10)(2011年绍兴高一检测改编)躺在地上的男孩对我撒谎说他把书放在桌子上了。 The boy _on the ground _to me that he _ the book on the table. 答案:lying;lied;laid,6Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. 也许打点折,写个新的招牌,能再赢回顾客吧。 (1)discount 品味经典 If you do want to buy it,well give you a 10% discount. 如果你确实想买,我们可以给你打九折。,自我探究 discount n. 折扣。 归纳拓展 at.discount at a discount of.以折扣 discount v. 打折扣 He bought a pair of new shoes at a discount of 20%/at a 20% discount. 他以八折买了一双新鞋。 The manager promised her to discount the price of the dress at 10%. 经理允诺这件衣服以九折优惠给她。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2011年宜昌高一检测改编)After searching the mall for a whole afternoon,the mom finally bought a nice skirt,as a present for her young daughter,_(在打折)yesterday. 答案:at a discount (2)Theyre offering _(九折)on all sofas this month. 答案:a 10% discount,(2)win back 品味经典 How can I win back her trust? 我怎么才能重新赢回她的信任呢? 自我探究 win.back 把赢回来。,归纳拓展 She won a bronze medal. 她得了铜牌。 The speaker soon won his audience. 演讲人很快赢得了听众的好感。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (3)最终,王老师名利双收。 _ 答案:Finally,Mr.Wang won fame and fortune. (4)她具有一种天性,可以很快地获得同事们的友谊。 She has a nature that quickly _ of her colleagues. 答案:won her the friendship,(5)我们说服他赞成我们的观点。 We _ our view. 答案:won him over to,7The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided plenty of energetic food. 王鹏餐馆里的食物的优点是它能提供含有足够能量的食物。,品味经典 Spoken English is her strength. 英语口语是她的强项。 The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths. 能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。 He hasnt got enough strength to lift the box. 他没有足够的力气搬起那个箱子。,自我探究 strength nU,C强项;长处 U力量。,易混辨析 energy,force,power,strength,牛刀小试 用strength,force,energy,power填空 (1)Tolerance is one of his_. (2)The new government will come into _next month. (3)We had to use _to get into the house. (4)Plants absorb _from the sun. 答案:(1)strengths (2)power (3)force (4)energy,8“Nothing could be better,” he thought. “再没有比这些更好吃的了,”他想。 品味经典 What a wonderful novel! I have never read a more moving one. 多么好的一本小说啊! 我从未读过比这更感人的了。,自我探究 本句是比较级和否定副词连用,表达最高级的含义。 归纳拓展 形容词或副词的比较级和not,never,nothing等表示否定意义的词连用,表示“再也不过分,再没有比更的了”。,It cant have left us a deeper impression. 它留给我们的印象再深刻不过了。 Lets go out for a swim. 我们出去游泳吧。 Good idea.I cant agree more. 好主意。我非常赞同。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2010年高考大纲全国卷改编)Mr.Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory _(从未这么受欢迎过) 答案:have never been more popular (2)我从来没有比这更心烦的日子。 I have never spent _. 答案:a more worrying day,(3)没有比我更爱你的人了。 _ 答案:Nobody loves you more than I do. (4)没有比旅游更愉快的事情了。 _ 答案:Nothing is more pleasant than traveling.,9Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. 突然间,他看到他的朋友李昌匆匆走过。 品味经典 Last night I woke up and heard the wind blowing. 昨晚我醒来,听到风在刮着。 I watched the children playing games. 我看着孩子们做游戏。,自我探究 在英语中,有些感观动词(如see,feel,hear,listen to,look at,notice,observe,watch等)后可跟复合宾语,即“宾语宾语补足语”。 易混辨析 see sb.do sth. see sb.doing sth. (1)see sb.do sth.“看见某人做了某事”,强调动作全过程的结束。 (2)see sb.doing sth.“看见某人正在做某事”,强调see的动作与do的动作同时进行。,牛刀小试 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (1)When I waited for the bus,I saw a man _(enter) the house secretly. (2)The missing boy was last seen _(play) near the river. 答案:(1)entering (2)play,10He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉! 品味经典 I cant have them wasting their time like this. 我不能容忍他们这样浪费时间。 He wont have his daughter arriving home late. 他不容许女儿晚回家。 Dont have the horse running so fast! Its dangerous! 不要让马跑得这么快,危险! She had us laughing all through the meal. 在吃饭期间,她让我们笑个不停。,自我探究 could not have sb.doing sth. have sb./sth.doing. 短语用于否定句,表示“不容忍;不允许;不听任”之意。不能容忍某人做某事。 短语用于肯定句,表示“持续进行”之意。,归纳拓展 (1)have sb.do sth.(make/let sb.do sth.) 让某人干某事 (2)have/get sth.done 请别人做某事;蒙受,遭遇 I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park. 我要他在公园门口等我。 He had his leg broken when he fell off his bike. 他从自行车上掉下来,把腿摔断了。,牛刀小试 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 (1)The naughty boy _his new car _(使跑) the whole morning. (2)The cruel boss in the Fushikang Company _his workers _(使工作) 14 hours a day. (3)Unfortunately,the poor old lady _(被掏腰包了) 答案:(1)had;working (2)has;work (3)had her pocket picked,用所给动词的适当形式填空 (4)The TV that I had _(repair)went wrong again. (5)I cant have you _(speak)to your mother like that. (6)Do you have any question _(ask)? 答案:(4)repaired (5)speaking (6)to ask,译文助读 COME AND EAT HERE(1) Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.It had been a very strange morning.Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs,roast pork,stirfried vegetables and fried rice.Then by lunchtime they would all be sold.By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.,But not today!Why was that?What could have happened?He thought of his mutton,beef and bacon cooked in the hottest,finest oil.His cola was sugary and cold,and his ice cream was made of milk,cream and delicious fruit.“Nothing could be better,” he thought.Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.“Hello,Lao Li,”he called. “Your usual?”But Li Chang seemed not to hear.What was the matter?,Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a new small restaurant.He saw a sign at the door. Tired of all that fat?Want to lose weight? Come inside Yong Huis slimming restaurant. Only slimming foods served here. Make yourself thin again!,Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.It was full of people.The hostess,a very thin lady,came forward.“Welcome,”she said.“My name is Yong Hui.Ill help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.” Then she gave a menu to Wang Peng.There were few choices of food and drink on it:just rice,raw vegetables served in vinegar,fruit and water.,Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices.It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant!He could not believe his eyes.He threw down the menu and hurried outside.On his way home he thought about his own menu.Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find out.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research!,At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Huis far too little.Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Huis food,they were not eating enough energygiving food to keep them fit.They would become tired very quickly.Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home.Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.So he wrote:,Want to feel fit and energetic? Come and eat here!Discounts today! Our food gives you energy all day! The competition between the two restaurants was on!,这里来用餐吧(1) 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。这个上午真是怪得很。通常他很早就起床,准备他的菜肴烤羊肉串、烤猪肉、炒菜和炒饭。然后到午饭时分,这些菜都会卖完。这个钟点他的餐厅本来应该是宾客盈门的,但今天却不是!为什么会这样?发生了什么事?他想起了他用滚烫的精制油烹制的羊肉、牛肉和腊肉。他的可乐又甜又冷,冰激凌是用牛奶、奶油和美味的水果制成的。,他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”突然间,他看到他的朋友李昌匆匆地走过。他喊道:“喂,老李!你还是吃老一套吧?”可是李昌似乎没有听到。怎么回事呢?要是李昌不像往常那样到他店里吃饭,那问题一定严重了。 王鹏跟着李昌来到一家新开张的小餐馆。他看见门前有一块招牌: “肥腻的东西吃厌了吧!想变瘦吗? 请到雍慧减肥餐馆来。 此地只供应减肥食品, 让你恢复苗条!”,王鹏受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去。里面坐满了人。店老板,一个清瘦的女人走上前来说道:“欢迎光临!我叫雍慧。您要是每天来这儿用餐,我可以在两周内帮您减肥并让身体健康起来。”然后,她递给王鹏一张菜谱,菜谱上有很少几样食物和饮料:只有米饭、蘸醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水。王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对价格。这价格比在他餐馆里吃一顿好饭还要贵。他几乎不敢相信他的眼睛。,他甩了菜谱就急急往外走。在回家的路上他想起了自己的菜谱。那些菜让人发胖了吗?也许他该去图书馆查查看。他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!他最好做一番调查! 在图书馆,王鹏很惊讶地发现,他餐馆的食物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧餐馆的食物脂肪含量又太少。尽管顾客吃她餐馆里的饭会变得苗条,但他们摄取不到足够的热量来保持健康,很快就会感到疲乏。开车回家时,王鹏觉得又有了希望。也许写个新的招牌、打点折,能够赢回顾客吧。于是他写道:,“想保持健康又精力旺盛吗? 到这里来用餐吧!今天打折! 我们的食物能够给您提供一整天所需的热量!” 这两家餐馆之间的竞争开始了!,速效提能演练,本部分内容讲解结束,点此进入课件目录,按ESC键退出全屏播放,谢谢使用,

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