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Chapter 12,英语词汇的国别特征,Teaching focus: 1. American English and British English 2. Canadian 3. Australian 4. Neuzeland,1. American English words 1.1 History of American English 1607 Jamestown: permanent colony 1773-1783 War of Independence 英国政府于1773年颁布茶税法企图垄断北美的茶叶生意,他们给予东印度公司在北美倾销茶叶的专卖权。此举激起了殖民地人民的强烈反对。12月16日夜晚,“自由之子社”的部分成员登上三艘停泊在港口的英国运茶船,将船上343箱茶叶统统倒入大海。这就是有名的波士顿倾茶事件。 年月日,大陆会议通过独立宣言,宣告美利坚合众国诞生。 1783年9月3日,英国正式承认美国独立。,1882 Noah Webster American English Dictionary: American language Two wars of the world led to the changes of political status of Britain and America: The degradation of Briton The hegemony of America 霸主 Sir Earnest Gowers: symptoms of surrender by the older competitor to the younger and more vigorous,1.2 Causes leading to the differences between British and American English 1.2.1 The development of English American colony: the 17th century English Britain has developed. 17th English/American now in English Gotten got Mad生气的 疯狂的 rare未煮熟的 罕见的,稀罕的 fall,意为“秋天”, 来源于the fall of leaves(落叶时节),而标准英语从乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,约13461400年)就开始用“autumn”一词(来自法语)表示“秋天” bug一词在美国英语中泛指“虫子”,而现在在英国英语中却专指“臭虫”,1.2.2 The independent development of American English Assembly President Senate Congress Harmonica Tar and feather Telephone To advocate ,1.2.3 American English words borrowed words from other cultures: Indian language: chinquapin美国栗树, chipmunk金花鼠, hickory山核桃, hominy玉米粥, igloo园丁茅屋 French: bureau局, cache地窖, prairie, pumpkin Spanish: abode住处, lasso套索, ranch庄园, corral畜栏, cockroach Dutch: boss, scow敞舱驳船 German: noodle, poker拨火棍, seminar, semester, hamburger, frankfurter牛肉香肠,1.2.4 Mutual influence of British and American English: 1775-1783: the predominance of British English over American English 1861-1865: the gradual independence of American English After the Civil War to date: the predominance of American English over British English,1.3 Differences between British English and American English,1.3.1 In vocabulary Same words, different meanings Different words, same meanings 1.3.2 In spelling and pronunciation 1.3.3 In grammar,1.3.1 In vocabulary Same words, different meanings Different words, same meanings Words used only in one country,same word, different meanings,Different words share the same meaning,More examples: American English 900 I guess youre right. British English 901 I suppose youre right. P.350-351,Words used only in one country America characteristic words: Britain characteristic words: P.350,1.3.2 Difference in spelling p.352,美式拼写使有些词符合拼写规则或与读音一致 美式拼写省略重写辅音字母 省略不发音的字母 其它 P.352-353,Consistency between pronunciation and spelling,British Fibre Centre Realise Defence Favour Enquire Gasolene Catalogue,American Fiber Center Realize Defense Favor Inquire Gasoline Catalog,Omission of the second consonant,British Traveller Waggon Programme Cigarette Whizz,American Traveler Wagon Program Cigaret Whiz,Omission of the unvoiced sound,British Axe Good-bye Plough,American Ax Good-by Plow,British Pedlar Sceptic Cheque Smoulder Mediaeval Draught Fuse Tsar,American Peddler Skeptic Check Smolder Medieval Draft Fuze Tzar,1.3.3 In grammar,British Ive just had lunch. Have you finished your homework yet?,American I just had lunch. Did you finish your homework yet?,British have Have you got a car? She has got a beautiful new home. He hasnt got any friends.,American do Do you have a car? She has a beautiful new home. He doesnt have any friends.,In preposition,British Fill in a form Meet somebody Monday to Friday Stay at home,American Fill out a form Meet with somebody Monday through Friday Stay home,In subjunctive mood,British I insist that you should attend the meeting. I move that Mr. Smith should be appointed secretary.,American I insist that you attend the meeting. I move that Mr. Smith be appointed secretary.,Canadian English,P.354-356,Australian English,P.356-357,New Zealand English,P.357-360,China English VS. Chinglish,China English: 1980 年葛传槼先生提出“中国英语”的概念。 谢之君认为“中国英语以规范英语为基础,能够进入英语交际,其使用频度和交际效果与使用者的水平有关”。 罗运芝简单概括为“中国英语是载汉语语言特征的英语变体”,科举 翰林院 五四运动 赛先生 德先生 白话文 双百方针 人民公社 四个现代化 菜篮子工程,imperial examinations hanlinyuan May Fourth Movement Mr. Science Democracy baihua wen Two hundred policies peoples commune four modernizations vegetable basketproject,小康水平 计划经济”,fairly comfortable standard of living planned commodity economy,China English,第一种, 按汉语习惯说出的英语与其本族语者的英语并没有区别。如,economic control system宏观调控体系, a collective ownership employee集体所有制员工等。这些词是按照汉语习惯翻译的, 但也符合英语的语言习惯。,第二种, 有些中国英语虽然不符合或不完全符合英语本族语者的习惯, 但符合语法。如, running dogs走狗, work units工作单位, one country two system一国两制等。这些词语英语本族语者一般不会使用, 具有鲜明的中国特色, 但翻译出来也符合英语的语法, 也能被英语本族语者的语言习惯。,第三种, 有些中国英语虽然不符合语法, 但是可能符合英语本族语者的习惯, 能被接受。如, Hainanese海南人等等。这类词都是根据英语本族语者的语言习惯创造出来的词。,第四种,有些中国英语目前确实还没有被所谓的“规范英语”接受, 但是对于英语本族语来讲意思十分清楚, 理解不成问题, 或者一经解释就会明白, 并且对于中国人来讲学习起来不费功夫, 用起来得心应手, 能够发挥语言作为工具的功能。如, people mountains and people seas人山人海, iron rice bowl铁饭碗, running dogs走狗等等, 这类词往往最具中国特色, 最具中国标志. geli, ungelivable (2010年中国网络英语新词汇),Chinglish 中国式英语则是指中国的英语学习和使用者由于受母语的干扰和影响,硬套汉语规则和习惯,在英语交际中出现的不合规范或不合英语文化习惯的畸形英语。,你的身体很健康。 张老师 你吃过了吗? 好好学习,天天向上 给你点颜色看看 方便面 人山人海,Your body is very healthy Teacher Zhang Have you eaten up ? Good good study, day day up. give you some color to see see Convenience food mountain people, sea people.,你的身体很健康. 张老师 你吃过了吗? 好好学习,天天向上 给你点颜色看看 方便面 人山人海,You look very healthy. Mr. Zhang How are you? Study hard, and make progress every day ? Fast food A sea of people,Ex. 5, 7, 8 P.365-368,Ex. 5 P.364,1. block of flats 2. solicitor/barrister 3. pram 4. luggage van 5. gallery 6. bank note 7. grilled 8. draughts 9. guard 10. biscuit (sweet),11. biscuit (unsweetened) 12. turn-ups 13. pack 14. nappy 15. drapery 16. chips 17. rubbish 18. dynamo 19. tramp 20.bonnet,21. caravan 22. crossroads 23. sitting room 24. digs 25. pillar box 26. flyover 27. parcel 28. record player 29. jug 30. compulsory,31. jumble sale 32. timetable 33. gymshoes 34. toffee 35. undercut 36. roundabout 37. boot 38. dinner jacket 39. roller blind 40. zip,Ex.7,1. draft 2. plow 3. liter 4. offense 5. pajamas 6. check 7. flier 8. skepticism 9. harbor 10. insure,11. cozy 12. maneuver 13. civilize 14. anemic 15. jail 16. inflection 17. mustache 18. esophagus 19. cue 20. show,ex. 8,1. counselor 2. remold 3. ax 4. cigaret 5. jewelry 6. omelet 7. story 8. good-by 9. specialty 10. toward,11. wagon 12. catalog 13. aluminum 14. leveled 15. molt 16. program 17. judgment 18. license 19. amid 20. practice,

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