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姓名:命题:贾玉兰 编审:薛琴1、单项选择(15分)( )1. In China, People like giving big gifts to _. A. someone else B. else someone C. other someone D. someone other( )2. I like to dance _sing an English song. A. rather than B. instead of C. over D. instead( )3. My parents are _ famous writers. A. all B. none C. both D. most( )4. She is a _ girl. A. thirteen years old B. thirteen year old C. thirteen-years -old D. thirteen-year-old( )5. Singing English songs doesnt _ you can speak English well. A. ways B. means C. mean D. know( )6. Ellen _ interest in playing football. A. becomes a B. is a C. takes an D. was an( )7. -What should I get my grandma for her birthday?- Why _ you _ a scarf?A. not, buy B. dont, buy C. dont, to buy D. not, to buy( )8. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about _ to visit your grandmother?A. go B. going C. to go D. gone( )9. People dont need to spend _ money buying gifts.A. too many B. much tooC. too much D. many too( )10. -When did you get the gift? - _ my _ birthday.A. On, sixth B. In, sixth C. On, six D. In, six( )11. This room is _ small _ hold these people.A. so, to B. too, that C. too, to D. such, that( )12. Mother _ me, while I _ my dog _.A. takes care well of, look after, goodB. takes good care of, look after, wellC. takes care good of, look well, afterD. takes good care, look after, well( )13. -Why dont you get the book? -Thats _. A. not important enough B. not enough important C. enough not important D. important not enough( )14. He rather than I _ going to give away a gift to you on Christmas Day. A. is B. am C. are D. were( )15. She is _ teacher in our school. A. the most popular B. more popular C. popular D. less popular2、完型填空:10(四选一)When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman (爱尔兰人) was _ them on TV in a hotel room. There was an Englishman in the room_. And he said to the Irishman, “The Americans are very _, arent? they are going to send some men to the moon. Its a very _ way from our world.” “Oh, thats _,”the Irishman answered quickly.” “The Irishman are going to send some men to the sun in months _. Thats much _ away than the moon, you know. “The Englishman was very _ when he heard this. “Oh, yes it is,” he said, “But the sun is too _ for people to visit.”The Irishman laughed and answered, “Well, the Irish are clever, too, you know. We _ go to the sun during the day, of course. Well go there during the night.”( )1.A. reading B. watching C. making D. mending( )2.A. too B. also C. of course D. only( )3. A. kind B. bad C. clever D. good( )4. A. short B. long C. far D. near( )5. A. nothing B. all C. wrong D. great( )6. A. later B. ago C. long ago D. time( )7.A. far B. never C. farther D. longer( )8.A. angry B. surprised C. glad D. sorry( )9.A. warm B. big C. cold D. hot( )10. A. dont B. wont C. want to D. must3、阅读理解:30(四选一)(A) 仔细阅读下面的文章,然后选择正确答案Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice-cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice-cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). Its important for us to eat our meal at regular(规律)time each day. When we feel worry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges often decided whether a man was telling truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow(吞)the bread, it meant that he wasnt telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish they thought it was good way of finding out truth. A man who is worrying something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry, because he loses his appetite.( )1. Good eating habits make us _.A. stronger B. happierC. more beautiful D. more polite( )2. Its good to eat sweets and icecream _.A. after a meal B. before a mealC. when we are happy D. when we want to eat( )3.Its good for us to have our meal _ every day.A. earlier B. at the same timeC. at any time D. at the different time( )4. The judge in old England thought if a man didnt tell me the truth, he can _.A. drink milk or tea B. eat a lot of dry breadC. hardly eat dry bread D. swallow dry bread easily( )5. A person who feels _ may not want to eat.A. happy B. shyC. unhappy D. well(B)仔细阅读下面的文章,用所给动词的适当形式填空。Yesterday afternoon two thieves wearing police uniform arriving at the museum and ask the guard (1)_ (show) them Monets paintings. They said that they had received a telephone call at the police station that morning telling them that the paintings were in danger. The guard immediately let them (2) _ (see) the paintings. The thieves told them (3)_(turn off) the alarm system and then suddenly they made him (4)_(lie) on the ground and they tied his arm and legs. They worked very quickly and carefully and when they had collected the best paintings they (5)_(leave) the museum quietly and calmly through the front door.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_(C)阅读下面短文。根据短文内容,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Mothers Day is an important day.Its a day when children can show their mothers how much they love them.Many children give flowers to their mothers.This makes them very happy.Most of the people who live near Mrs Taylors flower store are poor.The children dont have money to buy flowers.Mrs Taylor helps them.The children work one hour for Mrs Taylor.They can clean the windows,sweep the sidewalk,and mop the floor in the store.Then Mrs Taylor gives each of them flowers to take home for their mothers.The mothers who live near Mrs Taylors store all have a wonderful Mothers Day.( )1.Many children make their mothers happy by giving flowers to them.( )2.When the children work for Mrs Taylor,they grow flowers.( )3.The children in the story often buy flowers for their mothers.( )4.You can tell that Mrs Taylor is a kind-hearted woman.( )5.The story is about Mrs Taylors birthday.4、英汉互译:完成本单元单词、短语、重点句子151.立刻,马上_ 2.穿上_3.加塞_4.打扫院子_5.没问题_6.not at all_7.get out of_8.English-speaking country_9.in the future_10.wait in line_11.do the dishes_12.go shopping_ 13.帮我做作业_14.照顾你的小表弟_15.介意做某事_5、选词填空:10pets,wallet,photo album,take care of,enough,calendar,flowers,watch,personal,expensive1.I dont want to get her a camera. Thats too _.2.I have a new _.It can tell me the time.3.She is putting her money into the _.4.Whats the date today?Let me have a look at the _.5.Dont ask her _ question. Or she wont answer it.6.Could you _my little dog while Im away?7.She gives me some _on my birthday.8.Most of children like to keep _.They are good companies.9.I want to put these photos in the _.10.I dont like cats.They are not friendly _.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._8._ 9._10._6、句型转换:101. He was kind enough to help me. (改为同义句) He was _ _ _ he would help me.2. Youre too young to go to school.( 改为同义句) Youre _ _ _ to go to school.3. Would you like to go fishing with us?( 改为同义句) _ _ _ fishing with us?4. I dont buy the watch because its expensive. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ the watch?5. My mother gave it to you. (对划线部分提问) _ _ it to you?6. I got a goldfish for her. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ for her?7. This pet is usual.(改为否定句)This pet _ _.8.Why dont you buy a scarf?(改为同义句)_ _ buy a scarf?9.I got my camera only tenth birthday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ get your camera?10.She thinks cats are easy to take care of.(改为否定句)_ _ _ cats are easy to take care of.7、书面表达:10妈妈终于同意Lily养一个宠物了。但她为养什么而发愁。你能给她提些建议吗?请阅读Lily的信,并给她写封回信。(50词左右)Dear friend,I have a piece of good news. My mother agreed that I could have a pet. But I dont know what kind of pet is easy to keep. Could you give me some suggestion?Thank you.Yours,Lily参考答案:1、单项选择:15(四选一)1-5 AACDC 6-10 CBBCA 11-15 CBAAA2、完型填空:10(四选一)Key: 1-5 BACBA 6-10 DCBDB3、阅读理解:30(四选一)(A)15AABCC (B)1.to show 2.see 3.to turn off 4.lie 5.left (C) 1.T2.F3.F4.T5.F4、英汉互译:完成本单元单词、短语、重点句子151.right away/in a minute2.put on3.cut in line4.clean the yard5.no problem6.一点也不7.从出来8.说英语的国家9.在将来10.排队等候 11.做家务事12.去购物13.help with my homework 14.look after your little cousin 15.mind doing sth5、选词填空:101.expensive2.watch3.wallet4.calendar5.personal6.take care of7.flowers8.pets9.photo album10.enough6、句型转换:101. so kind that 2. not old enough 3. Would you mind /What (How) about going /Shall we go 4. Why dont buy 5. Who gave 6. What did get 7.is unusual 8.What about9.Why not10. She doesnt think7、书面表达:10要求:书写工整规范,句中无明显错误,并尽可能地使用所学句型及单词。Dear Lily,Im glad to hear that you can keep a pet. That sounds great. Ive kept different kinds of pets before. So Id like to give you some suggestion. Maybe you can keep some goldfish. Fish are easy to take care of. They are quiet and beautiful, but they are a little boring. If you want to have a good company, you can keep a cat. But cats are not friendly enough. In my opinion, I think you can keep a parrot. Its beautiful. And also you can teach it how to speak. Isnt that interesting?Love,Ted

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