2014人教新目标英语七下unit1《Can you play the guitar》同步检测6(无答案).doc

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2014人教新目标英语七下unit1《Can you play the guitar》同步检测6(无答案).doc_第1页
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2014人教新目标英语七下unit1《Can you play the guitar》同步检测6(无答案).doc_第2页
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Unit1 Can you play the guitar一汉译英: 1. 我们足球队招收运动员(广告语)Players _ _ Our Football Team2. 我们的摇滚乐队需要两名优秀的音乐人。We _ two good _ _ our rock band.3. 李梅想参加音乐俱乐部吗?是的,但是她妈妈却想让她参加英语俱乐部。Does Li Mei _ _ _ the music club?Yes, she does. But her mother wants _ _ _ the English club.4. Look. They are dancing(正在跳舞)。Lets _ _. 看!他们正在跳舞,我们和他们一起跳吧。5. 他的英语说得很好。He _ English very _. 6. 她能给我看看她的照片吗? Can she _ me her _? 7. 我可以看看你的新球吗?(两种结构)Can you _ _ your new ball?Can you _ your new ball _ me?8. you speak English?Yes, I can. Im _ _ _(我的英语很出色)。9. 学校足球队招收运动员。Players _ _ our football team.10. 加音乐俱乐部吗?是的,但是她妈妈却想她参加英语俱乐部。Does Li Mei _ _ _ the music club?Yes, she does. Her mother wants _ _ _ the English club. 二填空,完成句子。1. (1)Do you eat _ food every day (good/well)? Its very important.(2)The runner eats _ (good/well).She eats healthy food.2. 用speak,say,tell,talk填空。(1). Tom _ he can _ a little Chinese.(2) Do you often _ with Kate? No, I dont. (3) My father often _ me funny stories.3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)I can _. But I am not a good _. (swim) (2)She wants to be a famous _. So she _ every day. (dance)4. 用join, join in填空。(1)Kate plays the guitar well. She is _ (join, in) the rock band.(2)Ahan wants to _ (join, in) the basketball club. Now he is _ (in, at) the basketball club.(3)Will you _us for lunch?(4)When do you want to _ us?(5)She listens but she never _ singing. 5. 用and, or, but填空。(1)He cant write_ read. (2)She can sing _ play the piano. (3)He likes playing basketball_ he doesnt like playing football. (4)Which watch do you like, the big one_ the small one?三 单项选择1. Dr. White can _ French very well. A. speak B. say C. tell2. People usually _ “hello” to each other when they make a phone call. A. say B. speak C. tell3. Can you draw?_A. Yes, a little.B. No, Im not.C. Yes, please.D. No, I dont.4. My sister can _.A. singB. singsC. to singD. singing5. Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help _ sports.A. ofB. withC. forD. in6. Tom can play the guitar but he cant play it _.A. wellB. goodC. niceD. fine7. Bill can play _ piano. He can also play _ soccer. A. the, theB. the, C. , theD. ,8. I can _ Chinese Kung Fu.A. makeB. doC. thinkD. have9. He wants to join the _ club. He can _ chess.A. chesss, play theB. chess, playC. chessing, playD. chess, plays the10. Come and join _.A. weB. ourC. usD. in us2

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