2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 10《Frightening Nature》说课稿 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 10《Frightening Nature》说课稿 新人教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 10Frightening Nature说课稿 新人教版一、教材分析本课是人教社全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)高中英语第二册上第十单元的第一课时的教学设计。这一课时里要完成三个小模块的任务:warming up,listening及speaking。本单元主题为Frightening nature。作为该单元第一课时,主要是激活学生关于自然灾害的思维,引起学生对自然与人类日常生活关系的思考,并能就自然问题,表达感情、焦虑和畏惧。二、学生分析自然灾害与人类日常生活关系密切,很容易调动学生的积极性,投入到课堂中来。但在完成任务时,学生仍有一定难度,尤其是听力部分涉及到美国地图及天气情况介绍。对美国地理知识了解不多的学生会在完成听力训练任务时有一定难度。因此在处理教材时,会根据情况有所调整以便降低学生完成任务的难度。三、设计思路本堂课主要采用任务型教学途径,这种途径强调以应用为动力,以应用为目的,以应用为核心,即为用而学、用中学、学了用的教学途径。学生带着任务学习,在完成任务的过程中逐渐生成知识,形成技能。本课将通过任务型教学,努力达到课堂活动目的。四、教学步骤Teaching content:Unit 10 Frightening Nature: warming up, listening & speaking.Teaching aims:To talk about natural disasters: volcano hurricane and typhoon. To motivate students to get more information about nature. To strengthen students ability of listening and speaking.To inspire students to express emotion, such as anxiety and fear.Teaching important and difficult points:Make sure students get aware of what our topic is in this unit and know what to say about this topic.Enable students to know something about geography and weather in America.Practice expressing their feelings.Teaching methods:task-based; students-centered; equipment-aided; dialogue.Teaching procedures:Step Greetings and lead-inBy asking questions like “What is the weather like today?” the teacher can guide the Ss to talk about weather. They can answer its fine/ cloudy/ rainy/ snowy. Its an ordinary day. The weather is usually normal. Ill show them pictures.In this way, students can brainstorm as many words as they can by describing the pictures. The useful words and phrases to describe weather are as follows:cool and dry air; warm and moist air; showers; thunderstorms; snow; strong winds; storms; hurricane; typhoon; sunny; cloudy; rainy; fine/ nice The words may help Ss have a better understanding of the following listening text.Step Listening一、Listen to the first paragraph of the listening text and answer the following questions: 1 What do we call this type of radio message?2What are the place and the time that this radio message is for ?Then show them a map of the USA and motivate the Ss to talk about what the weather may be like in different parts of the USA and which areas hurricanes are most likely to hit.二、Listen to the text again and fill in the blanks with information from the text.Rain or not temperaturesThe NorthwestThe MidwestYES68-72FThe EastYES100FYES75F三、Listen to the text once again and discuss the following questions.1How should you prepare for the day if you go fishing in the Great Lakes region?2In which part of the USA should car drivers be careful?3Which letter would the name for the sixth hurricane in xx begin with?4What happens when a hurricane hits the coast?By answering these questions, Ss may get aware that nature has much to do with our daily life; on the other hand, the fourth question can guide us to talk about bad weather and how we feel about it.Step SpeakingJust now, we talk about hurricanes and what happens when a hurricane hits the coast. Now, lets look at some pictures about hurricanes and just think how youll feel and behave in such a situation. Student can brainstorm many words and expressions by talking about the hurricane:How terrible! I dare not go out.I think it is very frightening.Its a frightening thing. Ill stay outside.Im frightened/ scared to death whenI get very upset! I think its very unpleasant.Im afraid ofIt makes me feel very worried.Whats really scaryHe gets into a total panic whenIt makes my hair stand on end.What terrifies meThen listen to a dialogue and practice talking about things like lightning, volcanoes, earthquake snakes, drought, sandstorms and something else. The expressions they brainstorm will be of great help.Ask Ss to work in pair and to act out their dialogues in front of the other Ss. Prepare some models and pictures showing natural disasters or frightening scenes to create an atmosphere.Step HomeworkWrite a short passage describing something frightening you once experienced.分析:1利用多媒体制作课件,加快了课堂的节奏,调动了学生的积极性,使课堂呈现更具直观性。2 充分利用电化教学手段, 创设一定的情景,把生活中的交际场面搬到课堂上来,让学生在听时就身临其境,在角色参与中得到听与说的训练。3教学过程体现了素质教育的全体性,课堂步骤由浅入深,由易到难,环环相扣,使学生循序渐进的生成知识,形成技能。4使用图片的呈现功能,降低学生理解文段的难度,充分树立学生学习的信心,达到交流的目的。

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