2019-2020年高中英语 小题集练-非谓语动词.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 小题集练-非谓语动词1、The use of several senses gives the brain more connections and associations, making it easier _ information later, which assists memory and learning. AfindBfindingCfound Dto find2、I have learned a lot about Asian customs, _ in the small village for three years in the early 1990s. AlivedBto liveChaving livedDto have lived3、Successful people make a plan to deal with each new problem rather than denying or _ that it exists. ArealizingBprayingCjudgingDignoring4、Children are not born with their habits already _. Ato makeBto be madeCmakingDMade5、It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _ by my head teacher why I was late for school. AquestioningBhaving questionedCquestionedDto be questioned6、There are about 85% of adults _ the idea of a ban on smoking. AweleBto weleCweled Dweling7、He spared no efforts to make himself _ but failed. AunderstandBunderstandingCunderstood Dto understand8、Where is he exactly?I dont know, but I saw him _ an experiment in the lab when I passed by. Ato conduct BconductedCconductingDconduct9、The houses for the low-ine families _ at present in our city will be pleted next year. Ato be builtBbuiltCbeing builtDhaving been built10、If you want to get your ability _, you have to show it in your work rather than plain all day. Ato recognize BrecognizingCbeing recognized Drecognized11、一Can I have the document right now?一Of courseWait a minute and I ll have my secretaryit for you. Ato printBprintingCprintedDprint12、It happens that I am quite familiar with the professor _ to give us a speech on environmental protection next Monday. AinvitingBto be invitedCbeing invitedDhaving invited13、The pipes have oil or water inside them, which is heated and sent to the storage tank until _ to produce electricity. AneededBneedingCto needDhaving needed14、Having manners shows good character, consideration and respect for others, taking you where degrees and money cannot and _ a better world. Ataking overBadapting toCmaking for Dfitting into15、_ out how to put our furniture or well have to wait for another week to move in AFiguringBTo figureCFigureDFigured16、_carefully for a long time,the opening was a great success ATo have been preparedBHaving been preparedCTo be preparedDBeing prepared17、We will have six-day holiday during the ing APEC meetings traffic on the roads Ato easeBeasingCeaseDhaving eased18、_ around the Water Cube,we were then taken to see the Birds Nest AHaving shownBTo be shownCHaving been shownDTo show19、_in the sports world,a sportsman needs to train constantly to keep himself in best condition ASurviveBSurvivingCTo surviveDSurvived20、Passers-by rescued a motorcycle driver _ under a burning car Awas trappedBtrappingChaving trappedDtrapped21、_ the sight was impressive on the top of the mountain, I made an effort to climb onto it ATo knowBKnowCKnownDKnowing22、Some countries have banned smoking in public places _ public health AimproveBto improveCimprovingDimproved23、_Wuhu with Shanghai,to be frank,and youll find its more convenient to live in the former ATo pareBparingCpareDpared24、-How can I make progress in my study,Sir?-_ an effective learner,you should find some good approaches ABeingBHaving beenCTo have beenDTo be25、An investigation group _ five men and two women has been sent to the spot to look into the matter. Aconsists ofBis consisted ofCconsisting ofDconsisted of26、Difficult as part of the passage was _, I managed to catch hold of its meaning in the end. Aunderstanding Bto be understoodCto understandDbeing understood27、China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, _ its military power on an unprecedented scale. AdisplayedBdisplayingCto display Dhaving displayed28、Millions of people around the world suffer from a painful addiction to biting their nails,which can be harder_than smoking cigarettes Ato be quittedBto quitCto have quittedDto quitting29、If you go to the wildlife park,you will find the places there more dangerous than monly_ AsupposingBsupposeCto supposeDsupposed30、_ the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up early ACatchingBCaughtCCatchDTo catch 答案1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、

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