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全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 中級初試聽力測驗,第一回 模擬試題,第一部分 看圖辨義 For questions 1 and 2, please look at picture A. Question 1. Where are they? A. Theyre in a movie theater. B. Theyre in a bookstore. C. Theyre at the reception desk(櫃檯). D. Theyre in a restaurant.,Question 2. Please look at picture A again. Who are they talking to? A salesperson. B. A teacher. C. A bartender(酒保). D. A receptionist(接待員).,For questions 3 and 4, please look at picture B. Question 3. Look at the woman. What is she doing? Shes playing the trumpet(小喇吧). B. Shes playing the piano. Shes playing the violin(小提琴). Shes playing the guitar(吉他).,Question 4. Please look at picture B again. Where is the woman? A. In the concert hall(音樂 廳). B. In the museum(博物館). C. In the classroom. D. In the department store(百貨公司).,For question 5, please look at picture C. Question 5. Which sentence best describes the picture? (最適當的敘述) A truck just ran through (闖越) the red light. B. The car just hit the bus. It was a bad accident(嚴重的事故). C. A car just broke the traffic(交通) rules. break the rules(破壞規矩) D. The girls hat flew away.,For question 6 and 7, please look at picture D. Question 6. What do you see on this map? The bank is between 7-11 and the school. B. The hospital is across from the park. 在對面 C. The bakery(麵包店) is next to the bank. 在隔壁 D. The coffee shop is across from the hospital.,Question 7. Im at the bakery. How do I get to the hospital? (到達) Turn left. Go straight ahead(往前直走). B. Go across the street to the coffee shop, and then turn left. C. Go across the street to the park, and then turn left. D. Go straight for one block. It is on your right. (在右手邊),For question 8 and 9, please look at picture E. Question 8. What time did she go to class(上課)? A. At 8 pm. B. At 8 am. C. At 11 am. D. At 11 pm. Go to class=get to class=arrive at class,Question 9. Please look at picture E again. What is she doing at 9am? She is waiting for the bus. B. She is getting on the bus. C. She is getting off the bus. D. She is standing in the bus. Get on 上車 Get off 下車,For question 10, please look at picture F. Question 10. Which sentence best describes the picture? A. The boys looking for a book in the bookcase. B. The books are all over(到處都是) the floor. C. The boy is in the bathroom. D. The boy is reading a book in the library.,For question 11 and 12, please look at picture G. Question 11. Look at the prices. Which sentence is correct? A. The sweater costs eight hundred and ten dollars. B. The shoes cost two thousand and nineteen dollars. C. The shorts are the most expensive. D. The shorts are the cheapest. Sweater:套頭毛衣、shorts: 短褲,Question 12. Compare the prices. Which sentence is correct? The T-shirt is more expensive than the shoes. (較貴的) B. The sweater is less expensive than the shorts. 較便宜的 C. The shoes are the most expensive. D. The shorts are the cheapest.,For question 13 and 14, please look at picture H. Question 13. Look at the picture. Which statement is correct? This is a church. B. This is a western wedding(西式婚禮). C. This is a Chinese wedding. D. Everyone is very sad.,Question 14. Look at the picture H again. Which announcement(廣播) would you hear in a place like this? The game will begin in 5 minutes. B. Lets make a toast(敬酒) to this new couple. C. Today, were having a sale in our sporting goods department. D. Please note(注意) that the 3:10 class will move from room 113 to room 208.,For question 15, please look at picture I. Question 15. How long have they been playing in the park? A. For half an hour. B. For two hours. C. For one hour. D. For one and a half hours.,第二部分 問答 Question 16. You should pay more attention. pay attention (專心、注意) Thats all right, thank you. B. Im sorry, Ill try. C. Im hungry. D. I dont think so.,Question 17. What is John doing in his bedroom? A. Im not sure. B. Not now, please(不要現在). C. All the time(總是). D. Only once(一次) a week.,Question 18. Did you have a good weekend? (有個愉快的週末) I think I am a good person. B. I dont know if this is good or bad. C. It was not bad, thank you. D. No, I am fine.,Question 19. I hear Susan is sick. I cant do that. B. There is not much to do there. C. Ive been to that hospital. D. Oh, I hope it is nothing serious(嚴重的).,Question 20. What would you like to drink? Thats nice. B. Im not thirsty right now, thank you. C. From time to time(有時). D. Not since yesterday.,Question: 21 Where is Billy? I cant find the problem(問題). B. No, I dont. C. His mother can. D. In the living room.,Question 22. I really like this restaurant. A. So do I. B. I am hungry. C. Just a moment. D. In Taichung.,Question 23. How do you want to go to Kaoshiung? We can take a bus, take the train or fly. A. The plane will save(節省) us time. B. I like the good companies. (company 同伴、公司) C. I am training(train 訓練、 火車) to be a flight attendant(空服員). D. About 300 kilometers(公里).,Question 24. Have you ever been to Japan? A. Yes, weve been to there many times. B. Yes, I do. C. No, but I would like to go. D. No, I am already late. Have been to Japan 去過日本 Would like to go 想 去,Question 25. Are there any problems(問題)? A. As far as I know(就我所知是的). B. No, she wont come today. C. Yes, I have one. D. No, it is sunny.,Question 26. Did you feel the earthquake(地震) last right? Where were you? B. What is wrong? C. The earth is not really round. D. Yes, and I was scared(害怕).,Question 27. I lost my wallet(皮夾). (lose/lost遺失) It is expensive. B. Im sorry. I dont know. C. Dont worry, well find it. D. Not today, maybe tomorrow.,Question 28. How are you today? Every day. B. Cant complain, thanks. (沒什麼好抱怨的:表示大致安好) C. He left yesterday. D. From time to time(不時、偶爾).,Question 29. Tell him to study harder. I will. B. In Senior High School. C. Dont worry. Everyone is here. D. Far from it.,Question 30. I think I need more exercise. He likes exercise(運動). B. Where do you live? C. I also think so. You are unfit(不健美的). D. I think it is the fruit.,第三部分 簡短對話 Question 31. W: Would you like some coffee? M: I dont care for (想要) anything right now, thank you. Question: What does the man mean? A. He doesnt care about (感興趣) the woman. B. He doesnt care if it is coffee or tea. C. He doesnt have time right now. D. He doesnt want anything to drink right now.,Question 32. M: So, what can I do for you today? W: Im not sure. I just want something different. I think I need a perm(燙髮). M: All right. I think it should be a little shorter as well. W: Okay, You are the professional(專業人士). Do what you think is best. Question: What is the mans job? A doctor. B. A hair stylist(髮型設計師). A dentist(牙醫). A professional (專業的) baseball player.,Question 33. W: What do you think of my new dress? M: Very nice. Where did you buy it? W: At Sogo. It was on sale(拍賣), so I had to buy it. M: How much did you pay? W: Only eight hundred dollars. M: That is very reasonable(合理的).,Question: What does the man think of the dress? A. He likes it and thinks it was not too expensive(昂貴的). B. He likes it, but thinks it was too expensive. C. He doesnt like it, but he likes Sogo. D. He doesnt like Sogo, but he likes the woman.,Question 34. W: Good morning. M: Good morning. Could you update (更新日期) this savings book(存摺) for me? W: Sure, just a moment. M: Could you also tell me the latest (最近的) exchange rate(兌幣匯率) for the US dollar? W: Youll have to go to the foreign exchange counter(櫃檯) for that information(資訊). It is counter number one. M: Thanks.,Question: Most probably(最可能), where is the man? In a language school. B. In a bank. C. At the tax office(稅捐稽徵處). D. In a bookstore.,Question 35. W: Isnt it your turn to(輪到去) do the dishes(洗碗)? M: I thought I did that last night. W: No, you took out the garbage(丟垃圾) last night. M: And what did you do? W: Well, I did the cooking and the laundry (煮飯和洗衣服). M: Really? I dont think so.,Question: What are they arguing about? (argue爭論) Who should pay for(付錢) the meal(一餐). B. Their furniture(傢俱). C. Housework(家事). D. Their kitchen.,Question 36. M: So what did you think of it? W: Too violent(暴力的) for me. I didnt like the plot(情節) either. M: I liked it a lot. The characters(角色) were believable (可信任的) and I think the director(導演) did a great job. W: Im glad you liked it, but next time Ill choose. I also want to choose(選擇) the theater. M: Okay. No problem.,Question: What are they discussing? discuss (討論) A test theyve just written. B. A CD theyve just listened to. C. A book theyve just read. D. A movie theyve just seen.,Question 37. M: Yes, Samantha, what can I do for you? W: Well, Smith. I think Ive shown(show 表現、 呈現) that I can do this job and I was wondering(wonder 猜想) if I could get a raise(加薪)? M: Youve only been here one month and want a raise? W: Yes, I think Ive earned(earn 賺得、贏得) it. M: Ill tell you what youve earned. Youve earned the right(權利) to look for another job.,Question: What happened here? The worker asked for more money and the boss gave it to her. B. The worker asked for more money and the boss fired(fire 開除) her. C. The worker asked for different job and the boss gave it to her. D. The worker asked for an easier job and the boss fired her.,Question 38. W: That was a good workout(健身)? M: Yes, I feel good and Ive worked up (一步步建立、發展) a good sweat(一身汗). W: How long did you work out(鍛鍊) for? M: Oh, just an hour. And you? W: Well, I did aerobics(有氧運動) for an hour and then the treadmill (腳踏車) for 15 minutes. M: Well done.,Question: Where is this conversation taking place (發生)? A. In a gym (gymnasium 健身房、體育館). B. In a restaurant. C. In a pub (酒店). D. In an internet caf.,Question 39. W: Good morning. May I help? M: Yes, I have a reservation (預約) for tonight. My name is Frank Jones. W: Just a moment, let me check. I am sorry I dont have your name here for a reservation and we are fully booked (預約客滿). M: But I have my reservation number. It is 89766B. Here it is. W: Let me check again. Very sorry, but I dont have that reservation number.,M: Well then, I want to see the manager(經理) immediately(立刻)! Question: Which of these four statements is the truest? A. Frank Jones is famous. B. Frank Jones is a regular guest(常客) at this hotel. C. Frank Jones is upset(不痛快) because the hotel doesnt have a room for him. D. Frank Jones knows the manager well.,Question 40. M: So what is the problem? W: Things(一切事物) are not the way they used to(過去習慣) be. M: Yes, but things change. That is normal. W: But you dont seem to care anymore. M: That is not true. W: So why did you forget our wedding anniversary(結婚紀念日) again?,Question: Who is having this conversation? A mother and daughter. B. A husband and wife. C. A boyfriend and girlfriend. D. A boss and an employee(員工).,Question 41. W: We need some supplies(補給品). Can you go and pick them up? M: Sure. What do we need? W: Well, we need paper for the copier(影印機), some paper clips(迴紋針), staples(訂書針) and a few erasers(橡皮擦). M: No problem. Ill pick everything up on my way back from the meeting.,Question: Which store will the man probably go to after the meeting? A furniture store. B. A bakery(麵包店). C. A stationery store(文具店). D. A car dealer shop(車行).,Question 42. M: So Judy, why did you do so badly on your test(考的很不好) ? W: Well sir, I didnt have much time to study. M: Why is that? W: My father went to the hospital and I had to stay with him all weekend. M: Thats too bad. Well, in that case, I think I might give you a retest(重新測試). W: Thank you sir. M: Well do it on Friday, okay? W: Thats fine, sir.,Question: What did the teacher decide(決定) to do? A. Let Judy write the test again. B: Visit Judys father in the hospital. C. Punish(懲罰) Judy on Friday. D. Decide what to do on the weekend.,Question 43. M: So what do you think of the new product(產品)? W: We are not happy and we wont be ordering(order 下訂單) this again. M: Why is that? W: Well, there are a few reasons(理由), but the main(主要的) one is that it is of bad quality(品質). M: Im sure we can improve(改進) that. W: Im sorry, but my directors(主管) have already decided.,Question: Why does the businesswoman not like the new product? It is too expensive. B: It is too shiny(發亮的). C: It is not beautiful enough. D: It is not good enough.,Question 44. M: What do you think of these clothes I bought today? W: Well, the shirt looks good on you, but the pants(褲子) seem a little tight(緊的). M: Really? W: Yes, trust(信任) me.,Question: What does the woman think of the mans new clothes? She likes the shirt and the pants. B. She likes the pants, but thinks the shirt is too big. C. She likes the shirt, but thinks the pants are too small. D. She likes the shirt, but thinks the pants are too big.,Question 45. M: So how was your trip(旅行)? W: Not that great. I was a little disappointed (失望的) actually(事實上). M: Why was that? W: Well, the sights(風景) were interesting, but the accommodations(住宿) were below average(水準之下) and the food wasnt very good. I thought for the money we paid, things should have been better. M: Im sorry to hear that.,Question: Why was the woman unhappy with(對於或關於) her trip(旅行)? A. It was too long and tiring(tire 疲倦). B. The hotels were bad and the food was not that good. C. The restaurants were too expensive. D. The hotels were fine, but there was nothing to see.,解答 第一部份:CDBAC CCCBA ACCBA 第二部份: BABDB DAACA DCBAC 第三部份: DBABC DBACB CADCB,


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