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Unit 1,Fresh Start,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,By the end of this unit, you are supposed to grasp the authors purpose of writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Fresh Start. comprehend the topic sentences in Text 1 thoroughly and be able to paraphrase them. get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. be aware of the cross-cultural differences of a freshmans experience in college.,Text 1. Fresh Start,Do you remember your first days at college? Did anything special happen then? Are you afraid of making mistakes that cause embarrassment?,The passage can be divided into three parts. Part One: (Paragraphs 1) this is the introductory paragraph. 1. What does “first-gradish” mean? (“having the qualities and characteristics of a first-grade student”) 2. Why did the author have the impression that “everyone on campus was watching me”? (being too sensitive, was uneasy with her identity as a freshman. She thought a new student would attract others attention, as what she did or said was liable to be too naive to be right.),Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-9) The writer recalls a few incidents during her first days of college. 1. Why did the author exclaim “what confidence, what reserve, what muscles!” when saw the football player? (college life is new to her, it shows her excitement about the new college life.) 2. Why did a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck? (she found she was in a wrong class.) 4. Why did she remain in the wrong room? (She didntt want others to notice her ignorance.) 5. How did the students react when she slipped and fell down? (They cheered and clapped. She felt embarrassed and humiliated.) 6. Why did she dine on junk food for the next three days? (She thought she had become the laughing-stock on campus. She couldntt stand by being laughed at by the students in cafeteria.),Part Three: (Paragraph 10-14): This is the concluding part. 1. What was the key lesson Evelyn Herald learned during her first few weeks in college? (The key lesson was that since people grow by trial and error, one should relax and be oneself.) 2. What lessons have you learned from Evelyn Heralds experiences after reading the article “Fresh Start”?,LANGUAGE WORK,Distinct: clearly seen, heard, felt, understood, etc.; noticeable E.g. 1) Now that the boss no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude. 2) The children have distinct memories of their grandfather in his last days.,Clutch: vt. to hold or grasp tightly; vi. to try to grasp or seize E.g. 1) The frightened woman clutched her bags to her breast. 2) He clutched at the rope we had thrown to him but could not reach it. Reserve: self-restraint in expression; the habit of not showing ones feelings or thoughts E.g. 1) Being a man of reserve, Mr. York was never popular with his colleagues. 2) Judy has tried every moment to break through the reserve of her stepson.,Whereabouts: n. approximate location; ad. about where; in, at or near what location E.g. The orphans whereabouts is/are still unknown. Whereabouts do you live? Tip off: to give an advance warning or hint to E.g. Somebody must have tipped off the burglars off that the house world be empty.,Flail: to (cause something to) wave or swing about wildly E.g. 1) I flailed her arms to get her attention. 2) The babys feet flailed under the quilt. Rear end: buttocks Somebodys heart goes out to somebody: used to say that someone feels a lot of sympathy towards another person E.g. His heart went out to Mrs. Bradshaw and her fatherless child.,Slink: to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way; to move as if one feels guilty or ashamed, or does not want to be seen E.g. 1) She tried to slink out of the office so that nobody would see her. 2) The cat slunk through the grass toward its prey. Malicious: having the nature or wish to hurt others E.g. a malicious remark,Shackle: a metal fastening, usually one of a pair, for encircling and confining the ankle or wrist of a prisoner or captive; a restraint or check to action or progress, often used in the plural form E.g. 1) The policeman placed shackles on the suspects hands. 2) It is hard to break through the shackles of habit.,QUESTIONS,What is the text concerned with? What is the message of the text?,MAIN IDEAS 0F TEXT 2,A University Stands and Shines was the authors response to a toast in his honor. In the text, he highly evaluates the significance of university and the honor of being a member of a university. A Topic to discuss How do you think a university is even more enduring than religions and dynasties?,

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