八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.,Section A (1a2d),课后作业,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1. Tom got first place in the dancing _ (比赛). 2. _ (哪一个) boy is your brother? The one in a black shirt. 3. What did you think of the school trip? It was _ (极好的). 4. When you have dinner with foreigners, dont speak _ (大声地) with food in your mouth.,competition,Which,fantastic,loudly,5. Im sorry I forgot. Im just not thinking _ (清楚地) today. 6. Tina is _ (外向的) than Tara. 7. Sam is much _ (重的) and taller than Tom. 8. I am _ (瘦的) than my sister. 9. The baby is sleeping in the next room, so they talk _ (轻声地). 10. I think the most important thing is _ (学习) something useful and have fun.,clearly,more outgoing,heavier,thinner,quietly,to learn,二、单项填空 ( )1. Your computer is _ same as _. A. the; me B. /; mine C. the; mine D. /; me ( )2. She is _ to make many friends in a short time. A. enough friendly B. outgoing enough C. enough kind D. hard-working enough,C,B,( )3. Who _ the competition? Jean _. A. won; did B. wins; has C. wins; did D. win; does ( )4. The _ you study, the _ grades you will get. A. harder; better B. hard; good C. harder; good D. hard; better,A,A,( )5. Is that Tara? No, it isnt. _ Tina. A. Its B. Thats C. This is D. Theres 三、完形填空 We often see groups of students at school. The groups are called cliques (小圈子). These students do almost everything together: eat lunch, do homework, 1 sports and go to the movies.,A,We all need friends. They help us with lessons. They help us out when we get into 2 . They listen to us when we complain (抱怨) about something 3 . But not everything is 4 perfect. If your close friend, Sally, has a fight with Joe, what will you do? Sally 5 talking to Joe, and thats not all. She also wants you to stop talking to Joe, 6 Joe and you have been friends for years.,What should you do? The best 7 is to tell Sally that you do not want to be in the fight. 8 her that this fight is not between you and Joe. Tell her that you want to be friends with 9 of them. If she sees you 10 her good friend, she will understand your feelings. Then, you should also try to help them talk with each other again! ( )1. A. give B. play C. make D. like,B,( )2. A. trouble B. illness C. activity D. happiness ( )3. A. quickly B. angrily C. greatly D. happily ( )4. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always ( )5. A. practices B. begins C. enjoys D. stops ( )6. A. but B. or C. before D. so,A,B,D,D,A,( )7. A. way B. question C. language D. lesson ( )8. A. Speak B. Tell C. Talk D. Say ( )9. A. all B. both C. none D. neither ( )10. A. for B. with C. as D. on,A,B,B,C,Section A (Grammar Focus3c),一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级 1. quiet_ 2. interesting_ 3. quickly_ 4. much_ 5. easy_ 6. wet_ 7. well_ 8. fine_,quieter,more interesting,more quickly,more,easier,wetter,better,finer,9. friendly_ 10. important_ 二、按要求完成下列各题 1. I am a little taller than her. (改为一般疑问句) _ 2. Tony is 15. Toby is 16. (用比较级合并句子) _ 3. Linda speaks more loudly than I. (改为同义句) _,friendlier/more friendly,more important,Are you a little taller than her?,Tony is one year younger than Toby. / Toby is one year older than Tony.,I speak less loudly than Linda.,4. Miss Li is popular in our class. Mr. Wang is more popular. (合并为一个句子) _ 5. My hair is short, but his hair is shorter. (改为同义句) _,Mr. Wang is more popular than Miss Li in our class.,His hair is shorter than mine. / My hair is longer than his.,三、单项填空 ( )1. Adam always makes us _. He is much _ than Blake. A. laugh; funnier B. to laugh; funnier C. laugh; more funny D. to laugh; more funny,A,( )2. Jack works _. Hes more _. A. harder; hard-working B. more hard-working; harder C. hardly; hard-working D. hard; harder ( )3. Now the air in our hometown is even _ than it was before. So we must do something to stop it. A. dirty B. better C. worse D. more better,A,C,( )4. I think English is _ math. Yes, I think so. A. much important than B. so important as C. as important as D. as more important as ( )5. What do you think of the film? Its _ than the last one, I think. A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. more interested,C,C,( )6. Which room is _, this one or that one? A. the big B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest ( )7. Its possible to get 100 a day in this company. If you work harder, you may get _. A. much B. more C. little D. fewer,C,B,( )8. Steve is good at writing short stories. So he is. But he writes _ than us. So he cant get good grades in writing. A. most carefully B. more carefully C. less carefully D. least carefully ( )9. Look, this is my new house. How do you like it? Hmm it is beautiful. But it is not _ ours. A. large than B. so large than C. so large as D. as larger as,C,C,( )10. The book I lent you last week is quite _. Really? I will return it to you as _ as possible. A. cheap; soon B. expensive; soon C. cheaper; sooner D. expensive; sooner,B,四、短文填空 It is very hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. 1. _ a good friend can make your life happier and easier. 2. _ to make friends? If you are in a new class, dont be nervous. Be 3. _ to others and they will be friendly to you, too. Give your opening mind 4. _ other students. They will like you soon. The 5. _ interest is important. Singing,Making,How,friendly,to,same,and dancing are most students hobbies. If you have one of them, they will get 6. _ to you. At last, in order to 7. _ a good friendship, we should help, understand and respect 8. _ other. In a word, 9. _ a good friend, giving others more means getting more from 10. _.,close,keep,each,as,others,Section B (1a2e),一、翻译下列句子 1. 这个女孩和她姐姐很像。 _ 2. 朋友不在多而贵在好。 _ 3. 我很害羞,因此我不容易交到朋友。 _,The girl is similar to her sister.,You dont need a lot of friends as long as they are good.,Im very shy so its not easy for me to make friends.,4. 事实上,我对音乐不感兴趣。 _ 5. 我最好的朋友帮我激发出自己的所能。 _ 二、单项填空 ( )1. How can I learn English well, Wendy? You should _ talking with your friends and classmates in English. A. practice B. to practice C. practicing D. practiced,In fact, Im not interested in music.,My best friend helps to bring out the best in me.,A,( )2. Would you please help me get the kite back from the tree? I cant _ it. A. see B. arrive C. bring D. reach ( )3. Dona is _ to her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin. A. different B. kind C. friendly D. similar,D,D,( )4. My friend Lily likes to _ her food _ me. A. share; with B. share; to C. have; to D. have; for ( )5. His parents found _ to tell him everything that had happened. A. it necessary B. that necessary C. it is necessary D. necessary,A,A,三、阅读理解 Being outgoing is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Even shy people can be outgoing. You can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. But the real challenge comes when you meet strangers or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return,your smile. In this way, you may have some talks. Start a talk. Just a simple “Hello!” or “How is it going?” is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read news in newspapers and prepare your views, or surf the Internet for new information and then keep that in mind. The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step.,Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there. ( )1. You can start to be outgoing with _. A. your parents B. your teachers C. your best friends D. your new friends,C,( )2. When you start a talk with a stranger, you can say “ _”. A. Whats the matter? B. Whats your name? C. How is it going? D. Are you healthy? ( )3. The easiest way to be outgoing is _. A. talking B. smiling C. playing D. going out,C,D,( )4. The underlined word “challenge” in Paragragh 2 means “_” in Chinese. A. 机会 B. 措施 C. 挑战 D. 麻烦 ( )5. Which is NOT the writers view? A. Being outgoing is really difficult. B. Being outgoing is good for our lives. C. Being outgoing helps people have more fun. D. Being outgoing with strangers is not easy.,C,A,四、信息归纳 请阅读下面两封信,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。,Information Card,He doesnt know how to make friends in a new city,Neighborhood, the library and churches,To join an art class or a sports club,Try to be active, but just be yourself and dont try too hard,Five / 5,Section B (3aSelf Check),一、写作仿写 1. as long as 只要;既然 【例句】You dont need a lot of friends as long as theyre good. 朋友不在多而贵在好。 【仿写】(汉译英) (1) 只要你小心开车,你就会很安全。 _,As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe.,(2) 只要我努力学习,妈妈就给我买一部新手机。 _ 2. bring out 使显现;使表现出 【例句】My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 我最好的朋友(能够)帮我激发出自己的所能。 【仿写】(汉译英) (1) 艰难困苦方能显示出一个人的优秀品质。 _,As long as I work hard, my mother will buy me a new mobile phone.,Difficulties can bring out a persons best qualities.,(2) 要想获知真相是不容易的。 _ 3. be similar to 与相像的、类似的 【例句】My best friend is similar to Larry. 我最好的朋友和拉里很相似。 【仿写】(汉译英) (1) 他们的房子和我们的差不多, 只是我们的花园大一些。 _,It isnt easy to bring out the truth.,Their house is similar to ours, but ours have a bigger garden.,(2) 我的老师的教学风格和大多数教师相似。 _ 二、书面表达安 (Ann)和安娜(Anna)是一对姐妹,请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍她们姐妹俩。内容包括:,My teachers teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.,作文要求: 1. 注意连词和比较级的使用; 2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:中等身材 medium build;学业 schoolwork Ann and Anna are sisters. _ _,Ann is as tall as Anna and they are both of medium build. Ann has longer hair than Anna. Ann is outgoing, but Anna is more outgoing than her. Anna is very popular in their school. They both have a lot of beautiful,_ Though the sisters are different in some ways, they are good friends.,clothes. But Annas clothes are much cooler. They are in the same class and are both good at schoolwork. However, Anns grades are a little better than Annas.,

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