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1、知识准备:,(1)询问对方姓名的句型及答语是: -Whats your name? -Im./My names ./直接用姓名作答。 (2)初次见面的问候语。 Nice to meet you. _Nice to meer you,too. / -How do you do? -How do you do ?,Unit 1 My names Gina. Section A(2a-2d),Learning aims(学习目标),A .我能学会:本节课重点单词 his,and,her,yes,she,he,no,not B.我能掌握:如何询问或确认他人姓 名的句子及其答语: (1)-Whats his /her name? - -Shes .Hes./直接回答姓名 (2)-Is he/she .? -Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isnt. C.重难点: 主格人称代词和形容词性物主代词的用法。,Work in groups 1.(小组活动1) 1. Read new words in P18 loudly . 2. Read one by one in groups.,(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮),Listen and finish 2a and 2b,Studying by yourself (自主学习),Listening,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.,2,3,4,2a,Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller,Listen again. Circle the names you hear.,2b,合作探究(work in groups),大声朗读2a中的对话 ,总结对话中出现的句型: (1)如何询问他(她)人的姓名的句子结构是? _ 答语用: _ (1)如何确认他(她)人的姓名的句子结构是? _ 答语:,What is + his/ her +name ?,His/Her name is +姓名。/ Hes / Shes +姓名。 / 直接回答姓名,(2)Is he/she .? Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isnt.,Pairwork,Yao Ming,Whats his name? (his: 他的) His name is Yao Ming. / He is Yao Ming.,Look at the picture. Who is he / she?,Zhang Ziyi,Whats her name? (her: 她的) Her name is Zhang Ziyi. / She is Zhang Ziyi.,Whats his name?,His name is Jay Zhou.,He is Jay Zhou.,His name is He Jiong.,He is He Jiong.,Whats his name?,His name is Yao Ming.,He is Yao Ming.,Whats his name?,Whats her name?,Her name is Yang Lan.,She is Yang Lan.,Her name is Wang Luodan.,She is Wang Luodan.,Whats her name?,A: Hello! Whats your name? B: My names A: Im B: Nice to meet you!,A:Whats his name? B: His name is A: And whats her name? B: Her name is ,Practice the conversations in pairs.,合作探究(work in groups),1. How many people are there in the conversation? 2. Who are they?,2d,Read 2d and answer the questions.,Two.,They are Linda and Helen., Good afternoon! My names Linda. Are you Helen? Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda. Nice to meet you, too. Whats her name? Shes Jane. Is he Jack? No, he isnt. His names Mike.,Role-play the conversation.,教师点拨,Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is/ Im/直接用姓名 我叫 。 Whats his/her name? 他/她叫什么名字? His/Her names /直接用姓名 他/她叫,1. 询问对方或他人姓名。,2. 确认对方或他人的名字。,Are you? 你叫吗? Yes, I am./No, Im not. 是的/不是。 Is he/she? 他/她叫吗? Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she isnt. 是的/不是。,I you he she 我 你 他 她 (指人在句中作主语,后面不加名词) my your his her 我的 你的 他的 她的 (指人与物体或人与人之间的所属关系,后面必须加名词),3. 主格人称代词与形容词性物主代词,Who is the best!,谁是最棒的!,Exercise,1. Good morning! _ Dale. Hello, Dale. My _ Jenny. 2. _ you Mr. Green? _, I am.,Fill in the blanks.,Im,names,Are,Yes,names isnt yes Im whats she his are,3. _ his name? _ names Tony. 4. Is _ Ms. Brown? No, she _. Shes Ms. Miller.,Whats,His,she,isnt,names isnt yes Im whats she his are,Well done!,自主反思:,我学到的单词组:_ _ 我学到的重点法:_ _,Jane,假如你学校新来了三位美国的交换生,你初次见到他们三人,你想认识一下他们,便于他们进行交谈,请写出你们之间的对话。,Mike,Mary,You: Hello. Im Whats your name? Jane: _ You: _ Jane: _ You: _ Jane: _ ,

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