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2019-2020年高三英语下学期寒假开学考试试题第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man probably do? A. A shop assistant. B. A policeman. C. A postman.2. How old is the mans daughter? A. Six months old. B. One year old. C. Two years old.3. When did the woman plan to go to Spain? A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn.4. Where will the speakers go first? A. A restaurant. B. A cinema. C. A hospital.5. What does the man think of the lecture?A. It was interesting.B. It was far beyond his understanding.C. It was long but easy to understand.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the man usually do at home? A. Do the washing-up. B. Wash clothes. C. Clean the car.7. What does the man promise to do at last? A. Do all the housework from next weekend. B. Clean the kitchen after cooking. C. Prepare meals every day.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How long will the man most probably rent the bike? A. From 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. B. From 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. C. From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.9. What will happen if the man brings the bike back after 7:00 pm? A. He has to pay for the helmet. B. He cant get the 50 dollars back. C. He has to pay 50 dollars extra money.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why is the woman a bit nervous? A. She is afraid of getting up late. B. She is a newer to the school. C. She isnt ready for the ing exam.11. What must the students do before morning reading? A. Hand in homework. B. Do morning exercises. C. Go to the teachers office.12. What can the students do if they feel hungry? A. Ask the teacher for some food. B. Have something to eat in class. C. Eat something during the break.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where is the woman going first?A. Bergners. B. Pennys. C. Lisas.14. When should the woman have called Helen?A.At 3:45. B.At 4:15. C.At 4:45.15. Whats the mans telephone number?A.61199621. B.61299621. C.61299622.16. Whats the relationship between the man and the woman?A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and employee. C. Friends.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What kind of English lessons does the speaker remend? A. Examination skills.B. Reading and writing. C. Listening and speaking.18. How can a learner take the lessons when he is not online? A. By using the downloaded sound files. B. By making conversations with others. C. By reviewing words, phrases and idioms. 19. What is mentioned as an advantage of the speakers online course? A. It helps learners to make friends. B. It offers learners better study methods. C. It improves learners listening and speaking skills quickly.20. What is the speakers idea about learning English? A. Being confident in learning. B. Learning English little by little. C. Having clear learning goals. 第二部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADo successful businessmen need an office? Increasingly the answer seems to be no. Chris Ward, author of the book Out of Office explains how President Barack Obamas first inauguration (就职) speech was written by 27-year-old Jon Favreau sitting in Starbucks (星巴克); how Richard Tait, creator of Cranium, started the board game in a coffee shop; how Michael Acton Smith invented the childrens virtual world Moshi Monsters in his local Caff Nero; and how JK Rowling, the novelist behind Harry Potter, believes a caf is the best place to write. It is a convincing view, and for basic start-ups it makes much more sense to work from home and public spaces such as cafs than renting an expensive office. Offices are hard to find, costly to decorate and involve much tiring administration. Moreover, by staying independent you avoid the misery(痛苦) of a daily mute(往返上下班), which for many is the worst part of a job. Thanks to mobile munications, WiFi and cloud storage, together with the increasing heavy-duty equipment such as photocopiers, fax machines and desktop PCs, the traditional office is being redundant(多余的) for many sorts of organizations and workers. Of course, factory managers, surgeons, chefs and industrial chemists are still tied to special locations. But many of us from software engineers and copywriters to architects and fashion designers can operate almost anywhere. That freedom, and a willingness to adapt, can make ones career more enjoyable and, sometimes, more efficient. 21. The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us_. A. Obama didnt write his inauguration speech by himselfB. People dont have to work in an officeC. A caf is the best place to writeD. Many writers like to write in a coffee shop22. Which of the following careers is tied to special locations? A. Software engineers. B. Copywriters. C. Surgeons. D. Fashion designers.23. The traditional office is being redundant due to the following EXCEPT_. A. mobile municationsB. WiFi and cloud storageC. heavy-duty equipmentD. the misery of a daily mute24. What can we infer from the text? A. Many people hate muting daily. B. The tradition office will no longer exist.C. Working in public places will reduce efficiency.D. Chefs can work anywhere. BThe ruins of Moore, Oklahoma, a town destructed for the fourth time in 14 years by a major tornado(龙卷风), are a reminder that current building codes(规范) cant do much to prevent property destruction and loss of life, especially when a powerful tornado cuts through town. But the total death number can be reduced when people take shelter in underground storm bunkers(碉堡)and hardened safe rooms.The tornado that carved a path of destruction through Moore took 24 lives. Its winds were clocked at 400 kilometers per hour. With only 15 minutes warning, residents fled town or took refuge(避难)in the firmest corners of their homes. The luckiest were able to climb into shelters or move to safe rooms. In Moore those rooms saved lives. But at two schools destroyed by Mondays tornado, no such shelter was available. Leslie Chapman Henderson is CEO of a non-profit group called the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes. Shes an advocate for tornado safe rooms. “The safe room is an interior(内部)room of the home that has been reinforced(加固)and tested to withstand high wind. In fact, weve already heard of stories of survival of people who were in safe rooms, either above or below ground,” she said. Better storm forecasts give people more time to react. But they need someplace safe to go. Buildings can be built to resist strong winds, but not like those in the F-5 tornado that touched down in Moore. Chapman Henderson says even the building codes that do exist are not widely adopted or enforced. As its residents prepare to rebuild, Moores mayor is pushing for an order to make safe rooms pulsory in all new construction. Similar proposals were made following each of the previous tornado strikes, but none were adopted.25. According to Chapman Henderson, which of the following does she probably agree with? A. Building codes make a difference in preventing property destruction.B. If people take shelter in safe rooms, nobody will die.C. It is urgent to build tornado safe rooms.D. Safe rooms can be built only underground.26. What can we infer from the text? A. Moore has gone through tornado 4 times in total.B. Chapman Henderson is Moores mayor.C. Mondays tornado took 24 lives at two schools.D. The Moores proposal might not be approved.27. The underlined word “withstand ” in paragraph 4 probably means_.A. oppose B. resist C. prevent D. defeat CWith eight bloodshot eyes fixed on a flying object, the pains of a two-year project were about to bear fruit.It was Wang Hongyis first test flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (无人机)designed and assembled(组装)with his teammates from the Aero-Sport Club (航模队)at Shanghai Jiaotong University.Wang is a senior mechanical engineering and automation major. He has been a plane model fan since childhood. As a freshman, he spent two nights building a model aircraft and took it to the sports field just for fun. Wu Junqi, the coach of Shanghai Jiaotong Universitys Aero-Sport Club, spotted Wang and told him his model was outdated. “I was a little angry, so he took me to the lab,” says Wang. He was immediately drawn to the modern equipment and decided to join the club. As a technology fan, Wang spends most of his spare time in the lab. “He loves what hes doing, so he can stand the loneliness of doing research that others seldom have the persistence to carry out,” says coach Wu. When Wang and his teammates were building UAV, they lived together in the lab. “We tried to spend as much time together as possible because there were thousands of problems that needed to be solved,” Wang says. They didnt even have time to celebrate when the first test flight of the UAV went well. “We needed to list the problems that occurred during the flight and analyze them to find solutions,” he says. “Our UAV isnt finished yet, but there are many design projects and people with similar interests waiting for me,” Wang says. “The UAV is just the beginning, not the end of my aircraft journey.”28. Why did Wang succeed in doing the research? A. He majored in mechanical engineering and automation.B. He had a good coach and wonderful teammates.C. He loved what he did and would stick to it.D. He was highly thought of by Wu Junqi.29. Which of the following words can best describe Wang Hongyi? A. Diligent and creative. B. Proud and quarrelsome. C. Outstanding and rude. D. Kind and talented.30. What does the writer want to do by writing the passage? A. Encourage students to learn from Wang Hongyi.B. Tell readers about UAV development in China.C. Inform readers about Wang Hongyi and his UAV.D. Call on readers to do what interests them.31. What message does Wang Hongyis story convey to us? A. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.B. Two heads are better than one.C. Interest is the best teacher.D. Actions speak louder than words. DBangkok has bee the worlds top tourist destination, with 15.98 million visitors projected to visit Thailands capital city this year, according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday. Based on data MasterCard collected from governments, central banks, related public agencies and airlines so far this year, the projection (预测) for the entire year says Bangkok is surpassing(超过)London, the previous holder of the top place, by a very narrow margin. Mondays report marked the first time any Asian city has been projected to be the top-ranked tourist destination. London came in second, with 15.96 million visitors expected in xx, and Paris, third, with 13.92 million visitors. MasterCard looked at 132 cities. Other Asian cities that made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in xx include Singapore at number four, with 11.75 million visitors; Kuala Lumpur at number eight, with 9.2 million visitors; Hong Kong at number nine, with 8.72 million visitors; Seoul at number 11, with 8.19 million visitors; Shanghai at number 14, with 6.5 million visitors, Tokyo at number 16, with 5.8 million visitors, and Taipei, with 5.19 million visitors. The study found that Bangkok is experiencing a large increase in its number of tourists in xx, up 9.8% from xx. That pares to New Yorks increase at 5.0% and Londons at 3.8%. Paris, meanwhile, saw a small dip in its number of tourists (negative 0.7%). Caroline Lledo, who was visiting Bangkok from France, said Thailand has many offerings. “We like culture and the people are so nice. We also love shopping here,” Ms. Lledo said. MasterCard Worldwides global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited(引用)overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive. That is true for Thailand overall as well. 32. From the passage we can know that_. A. Bangkok defeated London by a wide margin B. there are 15.96 million visitors visiting London in xxC. London Topped List of Worlds Tourist Destinations in xxD. Paris is experiencing an increase in its number of tourists33. How many Asian cities have made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in xx? A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Nine. D. Ten.34. What attracts visitors to Thailand?A. Culture and natural scenery. B. People and buildings. C. Shopping and environment. D. Culture, people and shopping.35. What can we know about MasterCard? A. MasterCard collected data from private agencies.B. It is the third time that MasterCard has released the Index.C. Caroline Lledo was MasterCards adviser.D. MasterCard surveyed 131 cities.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。We all see and hear about extraordinary people around us and wonder why cant we be more like them? Its not the big things that make someone extraordinary. Here are some small things that extraordinary people do every day: 36 Just because youre the boss, doesnt mean you are right every time. Learn to back up your decisions with reason. Use logic(逻辑) to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite criticism, but you will also get an opportunity to improve.They are generous with pliments(恭维). Remember the time, when you worked really hard but got nothing in return. Not even a thank- you._37_ So every chance you get to praise someone, do it. A simple, “That was some great work, keep it up,” can go a long way in making the employees feel great about themselves. 38 They are helpful. Never hesitate to help someone. Its fairly simple but it goes a long way. Dont be non-mittal(不负责的)and say something vague(含糊)like, “Can I help you?” because they might just say, “No, Im good.” 39 “I had the same problem with this coffee machine in the morning. I think I have figured a way to make it work.” Offer in a way that feels mutually beneficial(互利).Theyre in charge of their emotions. Sometimes it is very important to stay silent. Especially when youre angry, you dont want to end up saying things you didnt really mean to. So they take their time to think back to what happened, and then e to a decision about how to deal with it. 40 Never be too casual with words or actions.A. They are sensitive to others.B. The key is to be specific.C. A pliment can have a positive impact on their lives.D. When you feel awkward receiving a pliment, give the person a smile.E. They are open to criticism.F. It hurts when your efforts are not recognized.G. Before you say anything, consider others feelings. 第三部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Even as I write this story, I am still smiling. The past few weeks have been rather 41 , but when a large number of Smile Cards arrived in my 42 the other day, having traveled all the way from the United States to my home in the Netherlands, I knew things were about to 43 .I 44 where to leave the cards as I went to bed that night: the train, benches at the station, at work, libraries, mailboxes, the gym - the possibilities 45 endless.I woke up, went to work, and afterwards, I went 46 to the shop to buy some candy bars, planning to leave them as anonymous(匿名的) 47 for people on the train. However, 48 my early morning train, my train home was extremely crowded. An elderly man must have seen me searching for a place to 49 a Smile Card, because he asked me if I was looking for something.Right then I 50 that my first Smile Card would not be anonymous. With a big smile and cheeks 51 with excitement, I told him that I 52 what I was looking for, 53 him the candy bar and Smile Card I had in my hands. He had only just finished reading the card 54 I arrived at my stop, but he was still smiling and 55 his candy as I waved at him from the 56 . 57 having worked a full day, I almost bounced(跳) home. Before I entered my apartment, I delivered a few more Smile Cards and candy bars to peoples mailboxes. I added an 58 candy bar for a neighbor who I knew was in a difficult financial 59 , but who I saw working hard everyday to get the very best for her young son. I figured they both 60 a tasty little treat. 41. A. pleasantB. simple C. toughD. mon42. A. office B. room C. mailbox D. hands43. A. turn away B. turn around C. turn up D. turn down44. A. required B. asked C. concerned D. plotted45. A. came B. had C. occurred D. felt46. A. slowly B. smoothly C. freely D. straight47. A. surprise B. gifts C. notice D. intention48. A. unlike B. unusual C. unsure D. unlucky49. A. drop B. give C. leave D. hide50. A. wondered B. decided C. doubted D. suggested51. A. filled B. faced C. satisfied D. content52. A. found B. inventedC. forgot D. remembered53. A. transporting B. delivering C. sending D. handing54. A. when B. while C. until D. once55. A. readingB. enjoying C. buying D. carrying56. A. entrance B. office C. platform D. bench57. A. Because B. Despite C. Although D. Though58. A. affordable B. availableC. extra D. excellent59. A. situation B. pany C. staff D. state60. A. admired B. deserved C. won D. rewarded第II卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Hotel: Good afternoon, Rainbow Hotel.Robinson: Good afternoon, my name is Steve Robinson 61 Paris. Id like to book a room for the 20th March, please.Hotel: A room for the 20th March. Your 62 (nation) is French?Robinson: Thats right. Im French.Hotel: Well, how long do you intend 63 (stay)?Robinson: Well, let me see. The conference will finish on Wednesday. Then Id like to visit some of my friends there after 64 conference. Ill leave on Friday. Hotel: Youre leaving on Friday. Thats the 24th March.Robinson: Yes, thats right.Hotel: What kind of room do you like, a single or 65 ?Robinson: Id like a single room. I prefer a room away from the street. I hate noise. Hotel: Ok. A single room away from the street.Robinson: How 66 is it?Hotel: $60 for one night 67 (include) an English breakfast.Robinson: It 68 (sound) good.Hotel: All right, Mr. Robinson. Can I have your passport number, please?Robinson: Of course. My number is H33049795.Hotel: H33049795. Ok,


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