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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit6Birdwatching检测题(新版)牛津版一、单项填空1.Nanjing is one of _ in China.A. beautiful cityB. more beautiful cityC. the most beautiful cityD. the most beautiful cities2.My brother is interested in _ languages.A. to studyB. studyingC. studyD. studies3.I want to provide you _ food and clothes.A. toB. forC. againstD. with4.I often see him _ uniforms.A. wearsB. wearingC. wearD. to wear5.What is your friend like?_.A. He likes footballB. He is outgoingC. He likes playing soccerD. He is like his father6.The twins are talking about the movie Finding Nimo. Its fun to _ them.A. joinB. join inC. take part inD. enter7.Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?_. It has rained for ten days. Its too wet everywhere.A. I hope notB. Im sure it isC. Im afraid it willD. I hope so8.The words are too small. I cant see them _.A. clear enoughB. enough clearC. clearly enoughD. enough clearly9.Not only English but maths _ my favourite subject.A. isB. areC. beD. were10.He made a fire _ himself _ warm.A. make; to keepB. to make; to keepC. to make; keepD. make; keep11.Jim is good at maths, while his physics is _.A. badB. bestC. worseD. better12.He _ some money.A. needB. needntC. needsD. doesnt need13.She did what she could _ us. Though 3,000 dollars is a lot of money for her.A. helpB. helpedC. helpingD. to help14.We must hurry up. There are few minutes _.A. to leaveB. leavesC. leftD. leave15.Im _ in what _ you.Well, dont follow suit. Just do what you like.A. interested; interestingB. interested; interestsC. interests; interestedD. interesting; interested二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Please tell the boy _ (not play) football on the road.2.I can hear him _ (sing) in the next room now.3.Youd better _ (not be) late for school again.4.Thanks for your _ (invite).5.I spent two hours _ (do) my homework yesterday.三、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.No one can p_ Jack from joining the society.2.Zhalong is a perfect place for many plants and animals, i_ different kinds of birds.3.Eating n_ food is good for your health.4.The Chinese g_ made laws to protect the endangered birds.5.Do you have anything e_?四、句型转换1.I find it is important to keep a balanced diet.(改为同义句)I find _ _ _ _ a balanced diet.2.The teacher said to us, “Dont speak to strangers.”(改为简单句)The teacher _ us _ _ speak to strangers.3.I think Eddie likes to eat chicken.(改为否定句)I _ _ _ _ to eat chicken.4.The box is too heavy for me to carry.(改为同义句)The box _ _ _ _ for me to carry.五、完形填空1.Were red-crowned cranes. We like living in Zhalong. It is an important living area for us. It (1) us with (2) and cover. Every year many (3) e to watch us. We need more people (4) and describe us. But some people want to change our home to make more (5) for farms and buildings. This means there will be (6) space for wildlife. And the number of us is getting (7) .We are in (8) now. But many people dont understand the (9) of (10) us.(1) A. takes B. offers C. provides D. have(2) A. foods B. food C. wetlands D. place(3) A. tour B. tours C. touristy D. tourists(4) A. count B. to count C. counts D. counting(5) A. space B. spaces C. rooms D. food(6) A. more B. many C. less and less D. a little(7) A. worse B. less C. smaller D. fewer(8) A. dangerous B. danger C. dangers D. dangerously(9) A. important B. more important C. importance D. importances(10) A. prevent B. protect C. preventing D. protecting六、书面表达1.假如你是王林。你所在学校的“爱心协会(Helping Hands Society)”将招收新会员。你想加入该协会,请根据下面表格中的内容及图片,用英语写一封自荐信。姓名王林性别男本人特点身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;与同学友好相处“爱心”表现(见图片)加入目的(1) (2) 要求:(1) 语句通顺,意思连贯;(2) 要点须包括表格和四幅图片中的信息,但不得使用真实姓名和校名;(3) 表格中“加入目的”一栏内容由考生自拟;(4) 词数:90左右。七、根据汉语意思完成句子1.这里一年到头有雨。It is rainy here _ _ _.2.让我先做一下自我介绍。Let me _ _ first.3.地球上的树木越来越少。There _ _ _ _ trees on the earth.4.扎龙是一个观察鸟类的好地方。Zhalong is a good place _ _ _ _.5.你应该持续锻炼以保持健康。You should _ _ _ to stay healthy.八、阅读理解1.Death Valley, an area in Nevada and California, is one of the most famous deserts in the United States. Almost 20 percent of this area is below sea level. Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and it is the lowest point in the United States.Long ago, the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”the land of fire. The present name, Death Valley, can date back to 1849, when a group of miners became lost in it and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has bee a National Monument (遗址) and is crossed by several roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human has hardly destroyed the special beauty of this place.Here there are a lot of surprising natural scenes. One of the most surprising and variable (多变的) parts of Death Valley is Devils Golf Course, where it seems hard for people to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures (沙雕) stand on the frightening ground, as evening shadows (暮色) move and lengthen.(1) _ is the lowest place in the United States.A. TomeshaB. Death ValleyC. NevadaD. Badwater(2) The name of the valley es from _.A. an Indian nameB. the death of the minersC. the local peopleD. a National Monument(3) From the passage, we can learn that _.A. no one had ever known the desert before the miners went thereB. it is still not easy to travel across the desertC. people can be provided with good services in the desertD. people have changed the natural sights of the desert(4) Devils Golf Course is famous for _.A. a lot of sandB. evening shadowsC. dream-like sightsD. the sand sculptures(5) We can say that the writer _ Death Valley according to the passage.A. enjoysB. is frightened ofC. dislikesD. is tired of2.The kangaroo is the worlds largest living marsupial (有袋动物). It was first found on the island of southwestern Australia. The animal was given its name by Captain James Cook, a famous English tourist of the 18th century.The kangaroo may be 7 feet tall when standing upright and the male can weigh as heavy as 200 pounds. The female (雌性) is smaller and lighter than the male. The kangaroos head is small, but its ears are large, and its feet are really small. The animal has strong back legs and long tail.The kangaroo usually covers from 5 to 10 feet with each jump. (4)The female is usually faster than the male. The mother kangaroo has a pouch (育儿袋) in its abdomen (腹部). The baby kangaroo grows up in the mothers pouch slowly.The kangaroo feeds on grass and other plants. It is always moving from one place to another, lying down to sleep on the ground during the night.(5)它喜欢享受温暖的阳光。When its in danger, it can use its back legs and its strong tail to protect itself.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(1) The kangaroo was given its name by an _ of the 18th century.(2) The male kangaroo is _ and _ than the female kangaroo.(3) 根据短文内容回答问题。Which part of the kangaroo is large?_(4) 请将文中的黑体字译成汉语。_(5) 请将文中画线句子译成英语。_


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