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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习第二部分题型突破专题14完形填空夹叙夹议文对点特训A(xx广东“四校”高三期末联考)I made a name for myself when I was about 26.It never means anything _1_ to me, but of course I cant say I am free from vanity(虚荣). When a signing event was organized for my book at its _2_ sale or when I was invited to deliver a speech at a meeting, I would be _3_ and cheerful, especially if there were lots of participants._4_, I have never been controlled by such _5_, for I have my own idea of it. To me, a(n) _6_ remains popular only for three seconds. This morning somebody _7_ me on the way and said, “Ah, thats Zhu Deyong!” I was glad to be _8_ by a stranger and enjoyed myself, “_9_, I am famous!” But such enjoyments _10_ only three seconds. He passed by and turned to the person walking with him, “What shall we have for lunch?” No _11_ of me any longer. Shall I _12_ my life cherishing those three seconds? Is it necessary to make efforts to _13_ such threesecond enjoyments? No, I dont want to.As life is _14_ and only es around once, it is of great value to the person himself, but of no value to others. For most people, ones name remains _15_ only for three generations: ones _16_ generation, the second(your son may say “Ah, its my dad.”) and the third(your grandson may still _17_, “Ah, its my grandpa.”) If a member of the fourth generation is asked about you, he might be _18_, “Who is it?” If he is shown a picture of you, he might give it a glance, put it aside and _19_ forget it. It amounts to nothing more than a _20_ with an unknown name.体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:个人经历主题:朱德庸的名声观语篇导读:著名漫画家朱德庸通过自己的经历向我们介绍了自己对名声的态度。1AimpressiveBreasonableCappropriateDimportant【解析】D根据下文的but of course I cant say I am free from vanity表转折可知,前一分句表示这对作者并不重要,故选important(重要的)。impressive使人印象深刻的;reasonable合理的;appropriate恰当的,合适的。2A.uniqueBfirst CbestDfinal【解析】B此处指新书发布会,故选first(首先的;第一次的)。3A.happyBupset ChesitantDnervous【解析】A由设空后and连接的cheerful(高兴的)及especially if there were lots of participants可知,设空处应选与cheerful具有相同感情色彩的词,故选happy。upset不安的;hesitant迟疑的;nervous紧张的。【状元点拨方法】利用词汇复现,轻松锁定答案在把握语篇、依托语境的基础上,运用词汇复现技巧能更快地找出正确答案。词汇复现是指某一词汇以原词、词形变化、同义词/近义词、反义词、上下义词等形式重复出现在语篇之中,使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯,意义统一完整。比如本题可以利用and后的同义词复现确定答案。4.A.LikewiseBThereforeCHoweverDMeanwhile【解析】C根据上下文可知,作者在新书签售会及应邀在会议上作演讲时,都会很开心,再根据设空后的I have never been controlled可知,“感到兴奋”和“不被支配”之间是转折关系,故选However。likewise同样地;therefore因此;meanwhile与此同时。5A.discouragementsBembarrassmentsCexcitementsDdisappointments 【解析】C根据文章第二段可知,作者在新书签售会及应邀演讲时非常高兴,再结合空前的such可知,此处即指上文中的“开心”,四个选项这种只有excitement(兴奋)可以描述happy和cheerful。discouragement泄气;embarrassment窘迫;disappointment失望,故选C项。6A.speechBname CbookDevent【解析】B根据文章第一段I made a name for myself when I was about 26.及最后一段第二句中的ones name remains可知,此处选B项。7A.sawBhitCpattedDintroduced【解析】A陌生人和作者打招呼,是在看到作者之后,故用saw。句意:今天上午,有人在路上看到我hit打;pat拍;introduce介绍。8A.spottedBrecognizedCnoticedDliked【解析】B根据陌生人的话Ah, thats Zhu Deyong!可知,此处指作者被陌生人认了出来,故用recognized(认出;辨认出)。spot发现;notice注意到;like喜欢。9A.TotallyBAbove allCFinallyDAfter all 【解析】D作者走在大街上,有人同他打招呼,作者认为毕竟自己出名了,故选After all(毕竟)。totally完全地;above all最重要的是;finally最后。10. AmaintainedBstayedClastedDremained【解析】C有人认出了作者,再根据下文He passed by and turned to the person walking with him可知,那个陌生人接着转向别人,作者的喜悦只持续了3秒钟。last在此作动词,意为“持续”,故选C项。maintain保持;stay保持(某种状态),维持;remain仍然是,保持不变。11A.mindBidea CthoughtDmemory【解析】C根据上文的He passed by and turned to the person walking with him, “What shall we have for lunch?”可知,陌生人认出作者后,便从作者身旁过去,和友人商量午饭该吃什么。也就是说,对作者不再关心,所以选thought(关心;思索)。mind思想;idea主意,想法;memory记忆力。12A.wasteBspare CdevoteDafford【解析】A句意:我应该浪费(waste)我的人生去珍爱那三秒钟吗?spare腾出;devote致力,献身;afford买得起。13. AreachBacquire CofferDhonor【解析】B句意:有必要去努力得到(acquire)这三秒钟的欣喜吗?故选acquire(得到;获利)。reach到达,抵达;offer主动提供;honor尊重,给荣誉。14A.easyBordinaryCtoughDshort 【解析】D人生短暂,并且只有一次,故选short。easy容易的;ordinary普通的;tough艰苦的,艰难的。15A.weleBpersonalCrespectableDknown【解析】D对于大部分人来说,一个人的名字只能为三代人所知(known):自己这一代、第二代和第三代。16A.pastBown CfutureDnew【解析】B根据下文的the second(your son may say“Ah, its my dad.”)and the third (your grandson)可知,这里指的是“自己(own)这一代”,故选own(自己的)。17A.rememberBmemorize CremindDbelieve【解析】A根据空后的Ah, its my grandpa.可知,你的孙子可能还会记得你的名字,故选remember。memorize记住,强调过程;remind提醒,使想起;believe相信。18A.annoyedBinterestedCpuzzledDfrightened【解析】C根据空后的问句Who is it?可知,第四代人可能已经不记得你了,因此他会很困惑(puzzled)。annoyed恼怒的;interested感兴趣的;frightened害怕的。19. AquicklyBseldomCdeliberatelyDotherwise【解析】A对于一个不认识的人的照片,他会扫一眼,放到一边,很快(quickly)便会忘记。seldom很少;deliberately故意地;otherwise否则,要不然。20A.friendBwriter CgrandpaDstranger【解析】D根据空后的an unknown name可知,此处指陌生人,故选stranger。BMy grandma is good at gardening. She could make anything bloom(开花). _1_ me. In my eyes, she was inspiring and _2_. For most of her life, she lived on a farm, where she _3_ four children, and buried my grandpa. I visited her on weekends. After the gardening work, I was _4_ to climb the mountain,singing songs and gathering flowers. Sometimes the plants scratched me. She would say, “Beauty has a _5_. I hope it was worth it.”“Yes, mama,” Id say. _6_ was.I loved gathering flowers on my own. _7_ what I loved best was gathering them with her. Even then, as a child, I knew what I _8_ most from my grandma was not her flowers, but her _9_. Shes been gone for years, but sometimes, when I _10_ down to pick a flower or pull a weed, I see her _11_, not mine. I thought Id _12_ to be a gardener too. I told myself, someday, _13_ my children had children, Id be a gardening grandma. Then the _14_ started showing up, and I discovered Id much rather run after them than go _15_. Actually Im no gardener. Im a picker, not a planter. I _16_ from my grandma in lots of ways, but this: I will always carry _17_ me a heart she made from her own.I _18_ plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They _19_ and plete me with a beauty that is worth any price. All I need to do is _20_ them with time, water them with love,and hope that someday, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand.体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:人际关系主题:感悟亲情,传递关爱语篇导读:本文主要讲述了作者小时候被祖母关爱,从而把这种爱在孩子们中传递下去的感人故事。1ANotBOnlyCEvenDOften【解析】C句意:祖母可以让任何事物都开花,甚至是我。根据对全文的整体理解可知,作者的祖母不仅照顾花儿,而且也照顾年幼的作者,如呵护花儿一般,此处有比喻的含义,故选C项。2A.famousBcaringChumorousDamusing【解析】B根据空格前的inspiring,并结合上文My grandma is good at gardening.可知,作者的祖母是一个充满爱心的(caring)人。3A.brought upBtook inCrelied onDturned to【解析】A根据本句中的For most of her life, she lived on a farm可知,祖母一生基本上都是在农场里度过的。在这里她抚养(bring up)了四个孩子,埋葬了祖父。take in吸收,欺骗;rely on依赖;turn to转向。4A.determinedBanxiousCcuriousDfree【解析】D根据语境climb the mountain, singing songs and gathering flowers可知,做完园艺工作之后,作者在祖母那里自由地(free)爬山、唱歌和采花。determined有决心的;anxious焦虑的;curious好奇的。5A.standardBrangeCqualityDprice【解析】D结合最后一段第三句中and plete me with a beauty that is worth any price可知,此处表示美是需要代价的(price)。standard标准;range范围;quality质量。6A.ItBICSheDThat【解析】A与上文I hope it was worth it.在形式上相呼应,表达作者赞同祖母的观点,认为它是值得的,故选A项。7A.SoBOrCButDAnd【解析】C根据空格后的what I loved best was gathering them with her可知,空格前后句表示逻辑上的转折关系。8A.wantedBlearnedCpickedDborrowed【解析】A根据上文what I loved best可知,作者知道自己最需要的是什么。9A.possessionBpromiseCbeautyDtime【解析】D根据最后一段第四句中All I need to do is _ them with time可知,作者需要的是祖母花时间来陪自己,关心自己。10A.climbBlookCreachDsit【解析】C根据语境to pick a flower or pull a weed提示可知,此处表示作者伸手去摘花或是拔草。11A.smileBhandCsoulDspirit【解析】B根据文章最后一句中的they might see my hand可知,此处表示作者看到了祖母的手。12A.sign upBe upCgrow upDstand up【解析】C根据文章内容可知,想要成为一个园丁,对于当时年纪还小的作者来讲只是一个长大后(grow up)的梦想而己。sign up签名;e up出现;stand up站起来。13A.sinceBwhenCuntilDunless【解析】B根据句意可知,此处表示当作者的孩子有孩子的时候。when当时,引导时间状语从句。14A.grandbabiesBneighboursCrelativesDvisitors【解析】A根据语境Then,并结合上句Id be a gardening grandma可知,作者自己也做了祖母,并且发现自己更愿意跟在“孙辈们”身后而不是去修理花草。15A.sightseeingBclimbingCsingingDdigging【解析】D根据上文Id be a gardening grandma可知,作者想成为一个会园艺的祖母,自然是在院子里挖(dig)东西或修理花草枝叶。16A.passBdifferCdevelopDseparate【解析】B根据but this:I will always carry _ me a heart she made from her own可知,尽管作者可能与自己的祖母有许多“不同”之处,但是有一点是类似的,即心中充满爱。17A.toBforCbeyondDwithin【解析】D对孩子们的爱意是作者从祖母那里继承下来,并且存于内心的东西。within在里面,故选D项。18A.cantBneedntCmustntDshouldnt【解析】B根据下文All I need to do is可知,此处指作者“不需要”真的去打造一座花园。cant不可能;mustnt禁止;shouldnt不应该。19A.treatBchallengeCdelightDvalue【解析】C作者将自己的孩子比作花儿,自己的孩子使自己开心(delight)就像祖母的花儿使她开心一样。treat治疗,招待;challenge挑战;value珍惜。20A.tendBmissCpromoteDinfluence【解析】A根据语境water them with love可知,作者全心全意地照顾(tend)着孩子们。miss错过,想念;promote促进;influence影响。C(xx广东东莞六校高三联考)“Paul must have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.” I _1_, picking them up. _2_ later I found more pieces. No quiet sighing this time. I _3_, “Who is throwing garbage?” No answer. Instead,I saw more bits of paper silently floating _4_ from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my sevenyearold son, Paul.“Stop making a mess.” “Its not a mess. Theyre _5_.” “Sorry, what did you say?” I hadnt heard him clearly.He didnt answer me. Paul has autism(自闭症)and _6_ answers a question, especially when hes _7_ attentively on something else. He ran down the stairs.“Where are my other butterflies?” he asked, _8_ around. Every time Paul _9_ five or more words together, my heart says a _10_ of thanks. But lately he seems to _11_ that the benefits of forming plete sentences when municating are _12_ of the effort. Butterflies. Of course. I rushed to _13_ them from the garbage, _14_ them off and handed them to my young artist. “Want to see them _15_ again?” he asked with a shy smile. “Oh yes! Theyre beautiful,” I whispered. He ran back upstairs to float his _16_ down again. They really did look like beautiful butterflies.That day Paul _17_ me to look up at _18_ instead of down at garbage. How many other masterpieces do I miss because Im too caught up in my _19_ to take time to appreciate whats right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. Its _20_ we look at it. Now, I look up.体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:生活哲理主题:如何看待生活语篇导读:“我”的儿子Paul患有自闭症,但是他却把飘着的纸片看作是飞舞的蝴蝶,而“我”看到的只是地上的一堆垃圾。生活亦如此,不是我们身上发生了什么,而是我们应该如何看待它。1AlaughedBsighedCamazedDshouted【解析】B根据第一段第四句No quiet sighing this time.可知,“我”叹了口气(sigh),把掉在地上的几张废纸捡了起来。2A.DaysBYearsCMomentsDWeeks【解析】C根据语境可知,一开始只是几张废纸,于是“我”边走边拾,过了一会儿发现了更多的废纸。由此可推知,时间应该很短。C项moments(片刻)符合语境。3A.called outBturned upCgot inDadded to【解析】A根据语境可知,这一次“我”不再静静地叹息,而是大声喊:“是谁在扔垃圾?”call out大声叫喊;turn up出现;get in进入;add to添加到。4A.upBdownCaway Doff【解析】B根据本句中的from upstairs可知,纸是从楼上飘下来的;又由倒数第二段倒数第二句He ran back upstairs to float his _ down again.可知,空格处意为“向下”,故B项正确。5A.planesBpapersCleavesDbutterflies【解析】D根据第三段第四句中的Where are my other butterflies?可知,“我”的儿子认为这是“蝴蝶”。6A.rarelyBfrequentlyCwillinglyDeagerly【解析】A根据Paul has autism(自闭症)可知,儿子有自闭症,他很少(rarely)回答问题。frequently经常地;willingly愿意地;eagerly渴望地。7A.devotedBdependedCfocusedDaddicted【解析】C根据语境可知,儿子专注于飘落的纸片,不回答“我”的问题。focus on专注于。devote献身于,专注于,与to连用;depend on依靠;addict上瘾,与to连用,都与语境不符。8A.showingBlookingCplayingDdrawing【解析】B句意:他一边问一边四处看(look around)。show around带领某人四处参观;play around到处玩耍,鬼混;draw around围拢,聚拢。9A.spellsBputsCpushesDaccumulates【解析】B根据上文可知,Paul患有自闭症,很少说话,所以每次当Paul把5个以上的词放在(put)一起时,“我”就很激动。spell拼写;push推;accumulate积累。10A.soundBremarkCreport Dprayer【解析】D根据语境可知,每当Paul多说话时,“我”就会因感谢而祈祷(prayer)。11A.refuse BhearCmind Drealize【解析】D根据本段第四句Paul的提问Where are my other butterflies?可推知,最近他似乎认识到(realize)了交流时说完整句子的好处。12A.worthyBawareCfondDtypical【解析】A根据语境可知,Paul最近认识到了交流时说完整句子的好处,这种好处是值得(worthy)努力的。aware知道的,意识到的;fond喜欢的;typical典型的。13A.hideBdestroyCrescueDremove【解析】C根据段首的Butterflies及本句中的garbage表达的语境可知,“我”跑过去把这些蝴蝶从垃圾堆里救出来。C项rescue(拯救)符合语境。hide躲藏;destroy毁坏;remove移动。14A.toreBdustedCcut Dseized【解析】B根据常识可知,垃圾堆里是很脏的,据此可以判断,要除去上面的灰尘(dust)。tear撕开;cut切;seize抓住。15A.throw BflowCland Dfly【解析】D根据本段中的He ran back upstairs to float his _ down again.可知,儿子拿到了“我”递给他的碎纸片,害羞地问我还想看它们飞吗?16A.masterpiecesBschoolworkCinventionsDimagination【解析】A根据young artist以及最后一段第二句中的How many other masterpieces do I miss可知,患有自闭症的儿子让这些碎纸片像蝴蝶那样在空中飞舞,这是“艺术家”儿子的杰作(masterpieces)。schoolwork功课;invention发明;imagination想象。17A.remindedBforcedCintendedDpermitted【解析】A句意:那一天,paul提醒(remind)了“我”要抬头看美的东西而不是低头看垃圾。force强迫;intend打算;permit准许。18A.mistakesBweaknessesCbeautyDscenery【解析】C根据本句中的instead of down at garbage可知,空格处与该处形成对比,由此可推知,“我”抬起头看到了“美”。19A.amusementBhouseworkCmunicationDhomework【解析】B根据上文“我”拾起地上的废纸可推知,“我”总是做家务活(housework),没有时间去欣赏眼前的东西。amusement娱乐;munication交流;homework家庭作业。20A.whenBwhetherCwhere Dhow【解析】D生活不是指在我们身上发生的事,而是我们要“如何”看待它。


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