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2019-2020年九年级培优英语试题1I本卷考试时间80分钟,满分100分。I.单项选择(共15小题,计15分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. When did accident happen?Oh, it was on Sunday towards the end of this summer, as far as I can rememberA. an; the B.不填;the C.an;不填 D. the ; a2. Shall ! leave here ahead of time, Mr. Green?Yes, of course. You really should do about that: cough!A, nothingB. anythingC, somethingD. everything3. The doctor asked the nurse he worked to contact him whenever it was necessary,A. with himB. whoC, with whomD. whom4 My daughter mastered Japanese In less than two years.Did she? She have a gift for language,A, mustB. mightC. shouldD. can5. People know little about the long-term effect of the A (H1N1) flu vaccine will be.A whatB. whichC. whomD. that6. I was so tired that I closed my eyes,I fell asleep.A . for the moment B. the moment when C, the moment D. at the moment when7.If you find yourself no one can help you, please call me.A. whereB. whenC. whichD, what8.The 6-year-old girl pleted the course successfully, all the judges with her excellentperformance.A. surprised B. surprising C. to surprise D. having been surprised9.My goodness! We have missed the flight.We it, but we were caught in the traffic jam.A. must have caught B. ought to catchC、might catchD. could have caught10.In those days you could buy a Picasso $300.Really? I know little about paintings.A. forB. withC. atD. by11.The outside of the buildingto be wood but actually is made of a fiber and cement material.A. appearsB. seemsC. looksD, proves12.How the little boy wishes that one day he an astronaut like Zhai Zhigang!A. will be B. is going to be C, were D、could be13.When I entered the room, I found him well for this difficult but important exam.A, prepareB. preparedC, preparingD. to prepare14.“Have you ever seen the movie Netting Hill?Yes. While in Britain, I them a couple of times,A. have seen B. sawC. had seenD, would see15.Im afraid I cant finish the book this week.A. Please go ahead B. Thats right C、Not at: all D. Take your timeII.完形填空(共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 答案。“ I love you, Pop, I love you too, John.John is four, and Im his grandpa. Ive16 where the name “Pop” came from. He has called me this since he was able to talk, it was original to him. Were17 , arent we, Pop? He often says. He always 18 to wear his boots when I do. Were twins,” he tells me, though sometimes it takes much imagination on my part to see the similarity.John stayed overnight with me recently. It was a _19 time for both of us because it was the first time he had slept at my house for a night since I had been living 20 . Johns grandmother-“Neenyhe called her-had died only a few weeks before 21 after she had a brief fight with cancer, It was only half a month since she was diagnosed with cancer.On this night, we read stories and played games as usual. But this night we also 22 . Neeny and the things we three had done together, I could see that he was trying to 23 . me. “ Ill sleep next to you so you wont be lonely,” he said seriously .The hustle and bustle(忙绿)of Christmas had stopped us from some of the necessary discussions that needed to 24 at a time like this. John was feeling the hurt of his 25 , and his grandmother had always loved him,John did keep me from being lonely that night and what i saw when ! 26 the next morning 27 me in a way I shall never forget. Around my shoes on the floor beside the bed wereJohns little ones, as close to mine as they could be 28 .Were friends, you know, John had said as we lay together before falling asleep. People 29 people, especially when the 30 are difficult for them, and the people are grandfather and grandmother.16.A, forgottenB. repliedC. knownD. accepted17.A. enemiesB. starsC. friendsD. babies18.A. continuesB. refusesC. remembers D. wants19.A.relaxingB. pleasant C. specialD. traditional20.A. happilyB. aloneC. quietlyD. sadly21.A. EasterB. Mother Day C. New Years Day D. Christmas22.A. worried about B. talked about C. calmed down D. set down23.A. fortB. persuadeC. praiseD. understand24.A. break out B. turn out C. turn upD. take place25.A. hungerB, memoryC, failure D. loss26.A. started off B. cooled off C. woke upD. stood up27.A. remindedB. changedC. warnedD. touched28.A. placedB. thrownC. madeD. used29.A. appreciate B. needC. hateD. blame30.A. momentsB. bodiesC. dreamsD. othersIII.阅读理解(共3篇15小题,每小题2分,计30分)第一节,阅读下面短文,从A、.B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。AWhen Krista was eleven years old, her eye disease seemed to stabilized(稳定),She very much wanted to live in the country, especially if it meant we could have more pets. So we took a chance and moved to the more affordable Hudson Valley, It would turn out to be a difficult change for Krista.She couldnt fit in with the clique(派系)at her new school. She hated “different” and calling attention to herself and- hated her round, fat face and bloodshot eye. Growing so temfied, she would never.be able to make friends. The girls at the school made fun of Iter, “Do you only have one pair of pants?” one asked. Krista and I decided to shop for pants the next time we went to see Dr. Weiss,On our shopping trip, she stopped hi the middle of a street in New York and said, “Are we shopping because I need pants or are we letting that girl tell us what to do?” With only one pair of pants, she clearly needed more. But she was developing a tough strength and wonderful values.Krista wanted to be an artist; her teachers in New York had praised her work. But there was one more barrier: She was kicked out of the art program because her grade wasnt good enough. She dug in. took art lessons and signed up for a .six-week summer course at the Rhode Island of Design.Krista wrote her college application essay about her eve and how shed first discovered the problem. “One eye Is open Shut that. Open the other one. Shut that one because it doesnt work Left: eye, right eye, and left eye. Right eye is the wrong eye,”Kristas senior year of high school, Sumdge (her pet dog) and her summer art school experience had given her the confidence she needed. She could bee an artist. She didnt have to believe the teachers at the high school who told her she wasnt talented. She began to shop at thrift store(廉售店) and buy wildly colored old clothes, and put patterns and colors together in a magnificent way.31. The reason why the family moved to Hudson Valley is that .A.people were kind and the scenery was beautiful thereB.the family was poor, so they could only afford to buy a house thereC.Krista, whose eye has disease, wanted to live in the country to keep more petsD.Krista hoped to go to a new school to study the arts. 32. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that .A.Krista had more than one pair of pants indeed.B.Krista did things according to the girls wordsC,Krista was developing a tough strengthD,Krista is a strong-minded girl, and she has her own opinion about values.33.The underlined phrase dug in” paragraph 4 most probably means ”A work hard in spite of other peoples wordsB .started eating food in front of youC,made a protective place for oneself by diggingD.mixed something into soil by digging34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Kristas right eye was not the wrong eye.B.Kristas college application essay was about her dream to be an artist.C.Krista owed her success to her pet dog and her summer art classes.D.Krista agreed with the teachers who told her she was talented35.Krista was not allowed to work on the art program probably because .A.she was not used to the school life after she moved from Mew York .B.she had some trouble with her right eyeC.she needed an improvement in artD.her teacher thought she was different from othersBFor some kids, old photos and baby pictures are embarrassing. For others, they are cherished keepsakes. But for thousands of children living in orphanages (孤儿院)worldwide, these records of the past simply dont exist. Either the kids parents werent around to take pictures, or the picture have been lost. Whatever the reason, the Memory project is giving orphans a lasting memory of their youth.Over the last two years, the Memory project has provided hand-painted pictures to more than 4,000 children living in orphanages in poor countries. Ben Schumaker, 24,got th idea when he was visiting an orphanage in Guatemala, in Central America. But hes not creating the pictures alone. Students in hundreds of high school art classes across the U.S. paint them using photos sent from the orphanages,Schumaker believed that the artists benefit from the project as much as the orphans do. There are two purposes of the project, he told TFK, a magazine for children, One is to offer a special gift to the child abroad. The other is to help open the eye of the student who is painting Staring into the eyes of another person. Schurnaker believes, creates a real connection. This connection make more students in U.S. schools realize the needs of the poor children. “Its about planting a seed,” he says,Schumaker is also working on Books of Hope, a project in which students of all ages put together homemade books for children in Uganda and India. He hopes that one day children in Uganda and India will send books to the U.S. Its Important to me to have it be a two-way exchange, said he.36.Old photos and baby pictures are clearly nowhere to be found to,A. the kids in rich families B. the kids in mon families-C. the kids in poor countriesD. the kids without parents37.Howcan the orphans in Guatemala get a continuing record of their youth?A.By hand-painted pictures that Ben Schumaker paintedB.By the photos the orphanage taken for themC.By the photos taken by the U.S. students in high schools.D.By the Memory Project started by Ben Schumaker38.Which statement is true according to the passage?A. Memory Project has provided hand-painted pictures to more than 4,000 children in rich countries B. Students in hundreds of high school art classes across the U.S. started the Memory ProjectC. The hand-painted pictures were painted according to the photos from the orphanages D. The hand-painted pictures were painted according to the TV news from orphanages in Guatemala39.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A.Thespecial gifts that the worlds poor children receivedB.The benefits that the Memory Project brings C. The need of the U.S. schoolsD. How to help the orphans40.According to the passage, Schumaker helps the kids in.A. two countries B. three countries C. four countries D, Five countriesCScience Daily- Dutch ecologist Roxina Soler and her colleagues have discovered that subterranean (地下的) and aboveground herbivorous (食草的)insects can municate with each other by using plants as telephones. Subterranean insects send chemical warning signals (信号) through the leaves of the plant. This way, aboveground insects are warned that the plant is already ” occupied.Aboveground, leaf-eating insects prefer plants that have not yet been occupied by subterranean root-eating insects. Subterranean insects send out chemical signals through the leaves of the plant, which warn the aboveground insects about their presence, This messaging makes it possible for spatially-separated insects to avoid each other, so that they do not pete for the same plant.In recent years it has been discovered that different types of aboveground insects develop slowly if they feed on plants that also have subterranean insects and in turn so it is the same with subterranean insects. It seems that a good way has developed t)irough natural selection, which helps the subterranean and aboveground insects to municate with each other. This wont cause unnecessary petition to take place.Through the green telephone lines, subterranean insects can also municate with a third party, like the natural enemy of caterpillars (毛虫),Parasitic wasps (寄生蜂)lay their eggs inside aboveground insects. The wasps also benefit from the signals sent by the leaves, as these help them find more insects for their eggs.The munication between subterranean and aboveground insects has only been studied in a few systems. It is still not clear how widely this happens, say the researchers.41.How do subterranean and aboveground insects municate with each other?A. By sending signals through the leaves, B. By giving off particular smells.C, By making soft and beautiful sounds. D. By the signals sent by parasitic wasps.42.After finding a plant occupied by root-eating insects, aboveground insects will usually .A. send out warning signalsB. pete for the same plantC. choose to leave the plantD, fight with the root-eating insects43.Aboveground insects will develop more quickly if their food plantsA. are often visited by parasitic waspsB. are not occupied by root-eating insectsC. have more green leavesD. have more subterranean insects44.What does the underlined part “a third party” m Paragraph 4 include?A. Aboveground insects.B. Root-eating insects. C. Caterpillars, D. Parasitic wasps.45.What would be the best title for the passage?Amunication between different insects.B.How do animals prevent petition?C.Insects use plants as telephones,D.Plants bee the home of the subterranean insects.IV.综合填空(共10小题,共10分)阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空e处填入一个适当的词,或用括号中单词的正确形式填空, 使短文完整连贯。Asked by one of my students the other day 46 he should do to fix up his relationship with his parents, I couldnt help suggesting that he read some nice 47 As food is to the body, so are books to the 48 , Reading does .49 to a rebellious(叛逆的)student. However, not every book is 50 reading. You cannot be too careful in choosing one to start with. A very popular book of advice for young people, entitled Chicken Soup for the Teenage Sour is often 51 . (think) to be a worthwhile book. One could get a lot from reading it. The book I want him to read will not only interest him 52 make him think a lot as well. He will be the way his parents want him to be. I see no reason why he shouldnt take my53 . seriously. For one thing, he will have no difficulty 54 (municate) with his parents. For another, he wont get into trouble anymore. No one ever said it was easy growing up. 55 when you get in touch with books can you find the solution to your problems, 1 dont know whether my student will take his defeat well, but I will be happy he grows up through trial and error.V.单词拼写(计5分)56. Great efforts have been made to help c 56 . animals because a large number of them are dying out57Jenney would like to buy a laptop, which w 57. only, one kilograms, so that she can carry it wherever she goes.58. Many advertisements are aimed s 58 at teenagers, so we have to be careful not to be misled.59.To be h 59 , I dont think we have a chance of arriving there in time.60.Thousands of college students in Shanghai, working as v 60 for the World Expo xx,are doing their parts.VI.短文改错;(共10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单同。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()、并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2,只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。例如: It was very nice to get your invitation to spend weekend with you. Luckily I was theampletely free then, so Ill to say yes .Ill arrive in Bristol at around 8 pm in Friday evening,onA boy called Christian, who was short and thin and wore a pair of glass, ing to my class when I was in my ninth grade. There was empty desk next to me md he sat down. I didnt think he was very nice, but I was sure she was not the type that Id like to make friends with him. One day. I, together with some boys made fun of him when he walks past us alone. I said Christian hasnt got any friend. Hes too stupid” Christian was In tears. Then I realized I behaved impolite towards him. I wrote him a note asked him to forgive me the next day sir class. Later we became good friends, sharing a lot for each other,VII.书面表达(共15分)目前,许多学校对学生采取封闭式管理,学生对此看法不一,请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。有的同学认为有的同学认为你的看法:1.学校限制学生的自由;1、学校是学习的地方 2.学生和社会接触少;2.学生应该安心在学校学习3.学生的兴趣和爱好不能得到充分的发展。3.学坐缺乏自觉性,需要老师帮助指导。注意:1.词数100左右;2.短文幵头己给出不计入总词数。Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day


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