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2019-2020年高二英语上学期开学考试试题(II)Lying in the sun on a rock, the cougar(美洲豹)saw Jeb and his son, Tom before they saw it. Jeb put his bag down quickly and pulled his jacket open with both hands, making himself look big to the cougar, It worked. The cougar hesitated, ready to attack Jeb, but ready to forget the whole thing, too.Jeb let go of his jacked, grasped Tom and held him across his body, making a cross. Now the cougars enemy looked even bigger, and it rose up, ready to move away, but unfortunately Tom got scared and struggled free of Jeb.“Tom, go” shouted his father.But Tom broke and ran and thats the last thing you do with a cougar. The second Tom broke free, Jeb threw himself on the cougar, just as it jumped from the rock. They hit each other in mid-air and both fell, The cougar was on Jeb in a flash, forgetting about Tom, which was what Jeb wanted.Cougars are not as big as most people think and a determined man stands a chance, even with just his fists. As the cougars claws(爪子)got into his left shoulder, Jeb swung his fist at its eyes and hit hard. The animal howled(吼叫)and put its head back. Jeb followed up with his other fist. Then out of the corner of his eye. Jeb saw Tom. The boy was running back to help his father. “Knife, Tom,” shouted Jeb. The boy ran to his fathers bag, while Jeb stated shouting as well as hitting, to keep the cougars attention away from Tom. Tom got the knife and ran over to Jeb. The cougar was moving its head in and out, trying to find a way through the wall Jeb was making out of his arms. Tom swung with the knife, into the cougars back. It howled horribly and ran off into the mountains. The whole fight had taken about thirty seconds.1.Why did Jeb pull his jacket open when he saw the cougar?A. To get ready to fightB. To frighten it awayC. To protect the boyD. To cool down2.What do we know about cougars?A. They are afraid of noisesB. They hesitate before they hitC. They are bigger than we think D. They like to attack running people3. How did Jeb try to hold the cougars attention?A. By keeping shouting and hittingB. By making a wall out of his armsC. By throwing himself on the cougarD. By swinging his fists at the cougars eyes4.Which of the following happened first?A. The cougar jumped from the rockB. Tom struggled free of his fatherC. Jeb asked Tom to get the knifeD. Jeb held Tom across his body“If music is the medicine of the soul(灵魂), let it play on,” said a famous person. I think he said so because probably he got some help from music. Music has some strange abilities. Medical scientists have found that a person that feels stressed can actually listen to some kind of music and bee well.The researchers said that since stress es as a result of life events such as starting a new family, starting a new business, and starting a new job, one can actually listen to good music and feel good because good music touches the human mind in a positive way. Music helps you to forget the life events that make you worried and remember the important events that once happened in your life.Depression(抑郁) is a disease cause by stress, smoking, social problems and so on. Depression is also caused by problems such as failure in business. Depression may bring us weakness, headache, and loss of concentration. Good music makes one remember happy moments or good days. If you play music about love, it makes you feel like falling in love again though you may have had several upset experiences. And such good feeling make you healthy.Anxiety(焦虑) is another health problem that can be controlled by music. Anxiety is a side effect of some major health problems such as cancer of the liver and cancer of the breast. Good music makes you feel relaxed and removes the pains from these diseases and you feel all right.Good music can send you to sleep. And you need to know that sleep puts your body in a healthy condition. Sleep takes away the effects of stress, depression and anxiety from a person.5. According to the famous person in Paragraph 1, music can_. A. treat many kinds of diseases B. help you keep healthy in your mindC. take the place of medicine in treating illness D. make you remember things happened in the past6. Good music helps people remove stress mainly by _.A. letting people have a good sleep B. making people think positively C. showing something new to people D. making people focus only on important things7. Which of the following is NOT a reason for depression mentioned in the passage?A. Stress B. Smoking C. Failure in business D. Loss of concentration8. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. The health benefits of listening to musicB. Stress can bring us many kinds of diseasesC. Some diseases have something to do with musicD. Tips for us to live a healthy and fortable lifeCCan you remember the first time you learned to ride a bike or drive a car?Learning these skills changed your life forever and opened up new horizons(视野).Learning about puters can be like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car. Once you have invested the time to master the skills,you will never go back to the old days. The new technology is simply too convenient and too powerful. Technological developments through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. We have continuously looked for better ways of doing things. Each invention and new development has allowed us to extend our capabilities. Today we see one of the most dramatic technologies ever developedthe puter. It extends the capabilities of our minds.puters have saved organizations millions of dollars. Furthermore,these same puter systems have opened up new opportunities that would have gone undiscovered or neglected. The puter may multiply what we can do,and the return on investment is high. The growth of puter usage is surprising. On the other hand,the puter can do serious damage. Invasion of privacy(侵犯隐私), fraud(欺诈), and puter-related mistakes are just a few shocking examples.The puter is like a double-edged sword. It has the ability to cut us free from some activities, but it can also cut deep into profits,personal privacy,and our society in general. How it is used is not a function of technology. It is strictly a function of how people decide to use or misuse this new technology. The choice is yours,and only through a knowledge of puter systems will you be able to avoid the dangers while enjoying the many,many benefits of the puter age.9. The writer thinks learning about puters is like learning how to ride a bike or drive acar because_.A. it is simple and practical B. it needs a lot of practiceC. it leads people to new life experiences D. it takes much time to master the skills10. According to the passage,puters bring people the following benefits except _.A. avoiding mistakes B. saving moneyC. making money D. opening up opportunities11. According to the writer,the bad effects of puters can be avoided if we _.A. have some knowledge of puter systemsB. tell people not to misuse putersC. have strict rules over the use of putersD. make more investments in the technologyDHome to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia(怀旧). Its fun to e home. It looks the same. It smells the same. Youll realize whats changed is you. Home is where we ran remember pain, live, and some other experiences; We parted here; My parents met here; I won three championships here. If I close my eyes, I can still have a clear picture in mind of my first home. I walk in the door and see a brown sofa surrounding a low glass-top wooden table. To the right of the living room is my first bedroom. Its empty, but its where my earliest memories are.There is the dining room table where I celebrated birthdays, and where I cried on Halloween-when I didnt want to wear the skirt my mother made for me. I always liked standing on that table because it made me feel tall and strong. If I sit at this table, I can see my favorite room in the house, my parents room. It is simple: a brown wooden dresser(化妆台) lines the right side of the wall next to a television and a couple of photos of my grandparents on each side. Their bed is my safe zone. I can jump on it anytime - waking up my parents if I am scared or if I have an important announcement that cannot wait until the morning. Im lucky because I know my first home still exists. It exists in my mind and heart, on a physical property(有形财产) on West 64th street on the western edge of Los Angeles. It is proof I lived, I grew and I learned.Sometimes when I feel lost, I lie down and shut my eyes, and I go home. I know its where Ill find my family, my dogs, and my belongings. I purposely leave the window open at night because I know Ill be blamed (责怪)by Mom. But I dont mind, because I want to hear her say my name, which reminds me Im home.12. Why does the author call her parents bed her “safe zone”(Paragraph 3)? A. It is her favorite place to play. B. Her parents always play together with her there. C. Her grandparents photos are lined on each side. D. Her needs can be satisfied there.13. Sometimes when she feels lost, the author will _. A. open the window at night B. lie down in bed to have a dream C. try to bring back a sense of home D. go toLos Angelesto visit her mom14. Why do you think the author leave the window open on purpose at night? A. Because she like being blamed. B. Because she know her mom will blame her, which reminds her she is home. C. Because she like the fresh air. D. Because she can have a good sleep with the window open.15. What is the authors purpose of writing this passage? A. To express how much she is attached to her home. B. To declare how much she loves her first house. C. To describe the state of her family. D. To look back on her childhood.EHave you ever wondered what actions make the most difference in your childrens lives? Children dont have to be smart to succeed. They dont have to be born rich and famous. All they need is the right outlook and a few smart habits.Successful children make friends wherever they go. Children who learn to get along with others from an early age are more successful in life.16Without them, wed have no support. Whatever the goal, friends are needed to achieve it. Do your children a favor by encouraging social interaction early.17They dont just hope for success; they are certain of it. They dont plain. They have a smile on their face and get on with the business of living. They feel pain just like the other children. The difference is that they dont let it hinder(妨碍) their progress.Successful children bee successful because they never give up. They fall. They fail.18The difference is that they use their mistakes the way they were intended. They embrace failure because it pushes them forward.Successful children ignore the naysayer (反对者). They dont worry about what other people think. They follow the path that is right for them, regardless of gossip.19 They are too busy working towards their goals. They do have concern for the feelings of others.Successful children share their success. They dont forget all the people who helped them get where they were going.20They dont criticize(批评) and reject(抛弃)those who are struggling. They take them by the hand and guide them up the ladder.A. Do you want to be a successful child?B. Social skills are vital(重要的) to human survival.C. Successful children look on the bright side.D. They make just as many mistakes as the other children.E. They take the time to teach others what they have learned.F. They dont engage in gossip either, because they dont have time for it.G. In fact, they dont even have to bee rich and famous.第二节 完型(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分60分)(一)School was over and I was both mentally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of my 21 to get home. Sitting at the front makes you 22 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.Janie, the driver, tries to break the 23 atmosphere by striking the match of 24 . I try to mind my manners and 25 listen, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day, 26 , her conversation was worth listening to.“My fathers sick,” she said to no one in 27 .I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes. With a sudden change of attitude and interest, I asked, “Whats wrong with him?” With her eyes wet and her voice tight from 28 the tears, she responded, “Heart trouble.” Her eyes lowered as she 29 . “Ive already lost my mum, so I dont think I can stand losing him.” I couldnt respond. I was 30 . My heart ached for her. I sat on the old, smelly seat thinking of the great 31 that my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, 32 still is, for her. I wouldnt like anyone to go 33 that.Suddenly I realized Janie wasnt only a bus driver. That was 34 her job. She had a whole world of family and concerns too. I had never thought of her as 35 but a driver.I suddenly felt very 36 . I realized I had only thought of people as 37 as what their purposes were in my life. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as 38 .For all I know, Im just another person in 39 elses world and many not even be important. I 40 not have been so selfish and self-centered. Everyone has places to go, people to see and appointments(约会)to keep. Understanding people is an art.21. A. anxiety B. determination C. decision D. attempt22. A. find B. carry C. look D. stand23. A. unpopular B. unfortable C. unusual D. unforgettable24. A. fire B. topic C. conversation D. discussion25. A. politely B. devotedly C. carelessly D. sincerely26. A. however B. therefore C. thus D. and27. A. surprise B. mon C. silence D. particular28. A. fighting B. avoiding C. clearing D. running29. A. asked B. lasted C. repeated D. continued30. A. for sure B. at ease C. in shock D. in despair31. A. mercy B. pain C. pity D. disappointment32. A. but B. yet C. and D. or33. A. over B. round C. through D. without34. A. almost B. nearly C. ever D. just35. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything36. A. sad B. embarrassed C. selfish D. worried37. A. far B. long C. much D. well38. A. unfit B. unselfish C. unnecessary D. unimportant39. A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. no one40. A. must B. may C. can D. should(二)A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she41play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill.42she loved her parents and her family, she desired to live in such a house and43all day about how wonderful and exciting44must feel to live there.At the age when she gained some45skill and sensibility(识别力), she46her mother for a bike ride47the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go,48 her keeping close to the house and not49 too far. The day was beautiful. The little girl knew50where she was heading!51the hill and across the valley, she rode to the52of the golden house.53she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path_54_ to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when she55 that all the windows were56 and rather dirty.So57 and heart-broken, she didnt go any further. She58 , and all of a sudden she saw an amazing59. There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she60that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her house.41. A. mightB. shouldC. wouldD. must42. A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. SinceD. But43. A. dreamedB. worriedC. askedD. shouted44. A. thisB. thatC. itD. which45. A. differentB. scientificC. musicalD. basic46. A. beggedB. chargeC. invitedD. paid47. A. insideB. outsideC. throughD. along48. A. insisting onB. relying onC. arguing aboutD. wondering about49. A. travelingB. runningC. ridingD. walking50. A. madlyB. rapidlyC. exactlyD. possibly51. A. OverB. DownC. AroundD. Beside52. A. windowsB. stepsC. centerD. gate53. A. UntilB. AsC. WhileD. Because54. A. gettingB. introducingC. leadingD. moving55. A. feltB. learnedC. concludedD. found56. A. newB. brightC. plainD. wide57. A. anxiousB. angryC. seriousD. sad58. A. turned downB. cheered upC. sat downD. dropped in59. A. hillB. valleyC. backgroundD. sight60. A. imaginedB. decidedC. realizedD. guessed第三节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满15分) Though Brazil is one of the richest 41 (country) in the world, much of it has not yet been developed. It was mainly for this reason that the Brazilian government decided to have a new city _42_(build) 600 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro. Designed by the great architect Lucio Costa, _43_ new city, Brasilia, replaced Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil in 1960. Brasilia has been carefully planned for modern living. Its wide roads, _44_ can take fourteen lanes of traffic, have been kept away from living areas. Children do not have to cross busy streets to go to school. Housewives can visitshopping centres _45_ foot, for in these _46_(special)designed living areas, cars are _47_(necessary). At first, the government had great difficulty _48_(persuade) people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia. Since 1960, _49_, the population _50_( grow)all the time. Brasilia has quickly establishe

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