2019-2020年九年级中考英语(外研呼和浩特)总复习 考点跟踪突破36定语从句.doc

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2019-2020年九年级中考英语(外研呼和浩特)总复习 考点跟踪突破36定语从句.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级中考英语(外研呼和浩特)总复习 考点跟踪突破36定语从句.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级中考英语(外研呼和浩特)总复习 考点跟踪突破36定语从句.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年九年级中考英语(外研,呼和浩特)总复习 考点跟踪突破36定语从句 1The shop _C_ sells flowers is at the end of the street.(xx,长沙)Awho Bwhere Cwhich Dwhen2Tommy couldnt stop thinking about the boy _D_ made him a fool in the whole of class.(xx,潍坊)Awhom Bwhich Cwhat Dwho3Could you tell me the result of the discussion _A_ you had made in the meeting just now?(xx,白银)Athat Bwhen Chow Dwho4Where is the School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight?Im not sure.Is it in the hall _C_ can hold 300 people?(xx,鄂州)Awhere Bwhat Cthat Dwhen5What kind of movies do you like?(xx,达州)I like movies _B_ scary monsters.Awhich has Bthat haveCwhat has Dwhy have6I still remember the college and the teachers _C_ I visited in London years ago.(xx,安徽)Awhat Bwho Cthat Dwhich7The house _C_ Lu Xun used to live is now a museum.(xx,呼和浩特)Awhich BthatCin which Dthere8Do you know the man _A_ saved five people in the fire?(xx,宜宾)Awho Bit Cwhen Dwhom9When Robinson Crusoe got to the island,the first thing _B_ he did was to look for some food.(xx,广东)Awho Bthat Cwhich Dwhom10People _B_ smoke in a public place may have to pay 500 yuan as a punishment.(xx,佛山)Awhat Bwho Cwhich Dwhen11There are some words _B_ can cross countries and cultures,such as “OK”,“Huh” and “mama”(xx,漳州)Awhat Bwhich C/ Dwhat12I didnt see you last night.Where did you go?I went to see a movie called ing Home _D_ was directed by Zhang Yimou.(xx,兰州)Awho Bwhom Cwhen Dwhich13Do you know the old man _C_ is talking to our head teacher?Yes,hes my grandfather.(xx,营口)Awhom Bwhose Cwho Dwhich14The Gay Genius is the book _A_ I like to read every day.(xx,株洲)Athat Bwho Cwhat Dwhen15The first thing _A_ I am going to do this evening is to write to my father.(xx,茂名)Athat Bwhich Cwho Dwhat16The H7N9 bird flu is a disease _D_ can be very dangerous.A/ Bwho Cwhat Dwhich17Ill remember the old buildings _B_ I visited in the village.(xx,齐齐哈尔)Awhere Bwhich Cwho Dwhy18Do you know the girl _C_ is standing _ the tree?(xx,达州)Yes,she is my friend,Zhang Ying.Athat;in the front of Bwhom;underCwho;in front of Dwhich;behind19I know a place _B_ we can have a big meal.(xx,白银)Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dwhat20Dont talk about such things of _C_ you are not sure.Aas Bthose Cwhich Dwhat21Were talking about the piano and the pianist _D_ were in the concert we attended last night.Awhich Bwhom Cwho Dthat22A graduation ceremony is a custom _A_ takes place _ students graduate from a school.(xx,咸宁)Awhich;when Bthat;whoCwhich;whose Dthat;which


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