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2019-2020年高考英语语法精讲精练专题三冠词冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,通常放在一个名词的前面,帮助说明该名词的词义,冠词是高考必考内容之一。冠词有三种: 定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a/an)和零冠词。xx年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲附录语法项目表中对冠词的考查:冠词的一般用法。纵观历年高考试题,试题中出现的考点主要有:冠词的位置;冠词的最基本的用法,理解泛指与类指、特指与专指的区别;冠词的习惯用法。xx年高考全国卷第72题考查的是定冠词the加在可数名词前面表示特指。xx年高考全国卷第70题(语法填空)考查的是定冠词the加在代词other前面表示特指;第78题(短文改错)考查的是将定冠词the改为不定冠词a表示泛指。xx年高考全国卷第65题(语法填空)考查的是固定短语as a result里的不定冠词a;第72题(短文改错)考查的是序数词first前面加定冠词the(根据语境也可以加代词my)。 I.冠词的基本用法:在学习冠词的用法时,必须明确特指与泛指的概念,特指是大家都知道的所指的事物或内容;泛指是指不明确、不特别指明的或者一类中任何具有代表性的人或事物。名词前用哪一个冠词、用还是不用冠词通常取决于名词的类别和意义。也就是名词可数还是不可数、单数还是复数、特指还是泛指。它们的关系可以用下表表示: 冠词意义 用法举例名词类别特 指泛 指表类别表示“一个(些)”可数名词单数the booka book/an ideaa book/an idea可数名词复数the booksbookssome books不可数名词the waterwatersome water II.不定冠词的用法:1指一类人或事,相当于a kind ofA plane is a machine that can fly.2第一次提及某人某物,非特指A boy is waiting for you.3表示“每一”相当于every,oneWe study eight hours a day.4表示“相同”相当于the sameWe are nearly of an age.5用于人名前,表示不认识此人或与某名人有类似性质的人或事A Mr. Smith came to visit you when you were outThat boy is rather a Lei Feng.6用于固定词组中A couple of, a bit, once upon a time, in a hurry, have a walk, many a time7用于quite, rather, many, half, what, such之后This room is rather a big one.8用于so(as, too, how)+形容词之后She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet. III. 定冠词的用法:1表示某一类人或物The horse is a useful animal.2用于世上独一无二的事物名词前the universe, the moon, the Pacific Ocean3表示说话双方都了解的或上文提到过的人或事Would you mind opening the door? 4用于乐器前面play the violin, play the guitar5用于形容词和分词前表示一类人the rich, the living, the wounded6表示“一家人”或“夫妇”the Greens, the Wangs7用于序数词和形容词副词比较级最高级前This is the first time that I have been to Beijing.He is the tallest student in our class.8用于国家党派等以及江河湖海、山川群岛的名词前the United States, the munist Party of China, the French9用于表示发明物的单数名词前The pass was invented in China.10在逢十的复数数词之前,指世纪的某个年代in the 1990s11用于表示单位的名词前I hired the car by the hour.12用于方位名词,身体部位名词,及表示时间的词组前He patted me on the shoulder. IV. 零冠词的用法:1专有名词,物质名词,抽象名词,人名地名等名词前Beijing University, Jack, China, love, air2名词前有this, my, whose, some, no, each, every等限制I want this book, not that one. Whose purse is this?3季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前March, Sunday, National Day, spring4表示职位,身份,头衔的名词前Lincoln was made President of America.5学科,语言,球类,棋类名词前He likes playing football/chess.6与by连用表示交通工具的名词前by train, by air, by land7以and连接的两个相对的名词并用时husband and wife, knife and fork, day and night8表示泛指的复数名词前Horses are useful animals. V.高考英语短文改错及语法填空考点分析及训练冠词 考点规律分析:短文改错对冠词的考查主要涉及冠词的误加和漏用,有时也考查不定冠词与定冠词以及零冠词的用法区别(包括 a 与 an 的区别)。其中,涉及最多的是,当一个单数可数名词表示泛指时,其前漏用不定冠词;另外,冠词在一些习语中的用法也是一个重要考点。语法填空主要涉及冠词的添加与选择。 冠词单句改错之真题训练:1. After a hour or so we began to feel very frightened.2. I decided to climb the tree to see where we were. 3. Some people read the books or watch television while others have sports. 4. Good health is persons most valuable possession. 5. Modern people know more about the health, have better food, and live in clearer surroundings. 6. There is public library in every town in Britain. 7. Maybe you could e during a winter holidays. 8. Today I visited the Smiths my first visit to a American family. 9. Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team. 10. Some wanted to see the programme while others preferred another. 11. Ill take this chance to wish you wonderful time on your birthday. 12. Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 13. For example, when I was a child, the rain was a mystery(奥秘). 14. We may be one family and live under a same roof. 15. As everyone knows, its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.16. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. 17. When I was boy, the most exciting thing was to celebrate the Spring Festival. 18. On Thursday I will have to decide what I want to do over a weekend. 19. And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of their own and discover an interest which can even last lifetime. 20. Ten minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. 21. As we all left home at early age, 冠词单句改错之模拟训练:1. Her sister, who is nurse, will marry one of the doctors in the hospital.2. It was such wonderful dinner that we enjoyed it very much.3. It was raining hard, so I had to borrow a umbrella.4. My friend Mary es from an European country.5. Mr Smith used to be physics teacher till he turned writer. 6. In small village like this, everybody knows everybody else.7. Only few of the children can read such books.8. For long time neither of us spoke to each other.9. Look, a girl in blue is my cousin.10. Look! A car has stopped there. A car is beautiful.11. She asked whether we came from a same city.12. The mountain was covered with the snow all the year round.13. You dont know what wonderful time weve had.14. People made the fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.15. Soon the plane was out of the sight.16. Great changes have taken the place in my hometown since 1978. 17. In the word, he is a good student and all of us like him.18. You say you took the book without his permission. In the other words, you stole it. 冠词单句语法填空之真题训练:1.In 1931,Addams became_ first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.2.Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for_while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.3.In that case, we will learn little about _world.4.A new collection of photos brings _unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.5.Apple Days are being held at all sorts of places with _interest in fruit, including stately gardens and mercial orchards(果园)6.It was _ cold January in 1925 in North Alaska.The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow7.They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make _ difference in the lives of others.8.El Nin, _Spanish term for “the Christ child”, was named by South American fisherman.9._prize for the winner of the petition is _two-week holiday in Paris.10. Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party? Well, you know hes _ wet blanket(令人扫兴的人).11.Janes grandmother had wanted to write _ childrens book for many years, but one thing or another always got in _ way.12.I just heard _ bank where Dora works was robbed by _ gunman wearing a mask.13._ more learned a man is,_more modest he usually bees.14.Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be _ Beethoven.学习札记:_参考答案及解析冠词单句改错之真题训练:1.a 改为 an,因 hour 读音以元音开头2.the 改为 a,因此处并非特指,而是泛指3.去掉 the,因这里的 books 表泛指,不表特指4.persons 前加 a,这里的 a 表泛指5.去掉 the,因health 表泛指6.public library 前加 a,因这里的 public library 是单数可数名词表泛指,故在其前用 a7.a 改为 the,因从含义上看,此处的 winter holidays 属特指或者是谈话双方都知道的8.a 改为 an,因 American 的读音以元音开头9.captain 前加冠词 the,captain 为特指10.the 改为 one,one 与下一行的 another 构成“一个另一个”11.wonderful 前加 a,该表达与 have a good time 类似,其中的 a 不可省12.去掉 a,catch sight of 是习语,意为“看见、瞥见”13.去掉 the,rain 在此泛指14.a 改为 the,因 same 前应用定冠词15.在 famous 前加 a,注意 mountain 是单数可数名词16.my diary 改为 a diary,keep a diary 意为“写日记”17.boy 前加 a,因 boy 为可数名词18.a 改为 the,因这不是泛指的周末,而是特指本周周末19.lifetime 前加a,指人的一生是 a lifetime20.fire 前加 the,因这是特指的一场火灾21.early前加an,at an early age意为“在年幼时”冠词单句改错之模拟训练:【参考答案】(1) nurse 前加 a,因 nurse 为可数名词。(2) such 后加 a,dinner 受形容词修饰时,其前通常要加不定冠词。(3) a 改为 an,因 umbrella 的读音以元音开头。(4) an 改为 a,因 European 的读音不是以元音开头。(5) physics 前加 a,因 teacher 为可数名词。(6) small 前加 a,因 village 为可数名词,在句中表泛指。(7) few 前加 a,因其前有 only 修饰,即习惯上说 only a few。(8) long 前加 a,a long time 意为“很长一段时间”。(9) a 改为 the,此处为特指用法。(10) 第二个 A 改为 The,特指前面已提到的事物。(11) a 改为 the,因 same 前习惯上用定冠词,不用不定冠词。(12) 去掉 the,在此 snow 为泛指用法。(13) wonderful 前加 a,因 have a wonderful time 为习惯表达。(14) 去掉 the,因 make fun of 为习语,意为“取笑”。(15) 去掉 the,因 out of sight 为习语,意为“看不见”。(16) 去掉 the,因 take place为习语,意为“发生”。(17) the 改为 a,因 in a word 为习语,意为“总之”、“一句话”。(18) 去掉 the,因 in other words 为习语,意为“换句话说”。冠词单句语法填空之真题训练:1the序数词前面加定冠词the。2a考查不定冠词的用法。让你的身体和思想休息一会。固定表达for a while一会儿。3world前加the考查定冠词的用法。此处特指我们所生活的这个世界。4anunsuccessful前面用an修饰。5aninterest是名词,前面应用an。6a考查泛指概念。句意:这是1925年阿拉斯加北部一个十分寒冷的一月。7amake a difference固定搭配,对有影响。8a此处考查泛指概念,厄尔尼诺现象,一个西班牙词条。9The;a考查冠词。句意:竞赛的优胜者奖是在巴黎两周的假期。第一空,“竞赛的优胜者奖”为特指,故应用定冠词the作限定;第二空,指“一段两周的假期”,故应用定冠词a限定。10.a句意:为什么你没邀请约翰参加你的生日聚会?唉,你知道他是一个令人扫兴的人。固定表达a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人或物。11a; the句意:琼的奶奶多年来一直想写一本儿童书籍,但总有这样那样的事情阻碍她不能实现。考查冠词。第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二空为固定表达get in the way妨碍,阻碍。12the; a句意:我刚听说Dora 工作的银行被一位蒙面持枪歹徒抢劫了。第一空为特指,表示“Dora 工作的那家银行”,第二空为泛指,表示“一位蒙面持枪歹徒”。13The;the 句意:一个人的知识越是渊博,他通常就越谦虚。考查固定搭配。the more.the more.越越。14a考查冠词。句意:Brian在创作音乐上极有才华,他很有可能成为一个像贝多芬那样的人才。本题考查不定冠词在人名前,表示:一个像那样的人。


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