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2019-2020年高三英语上学期第一次月考试题(V) 第一部分:听力测试(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答 有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A 19.15. B 9.15. C 9.18. 答案为B。 1What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? ASchoolmates. BColleagues. CTeacher and student. 2What are these people going to do? APhone Alice. BWait a little longer. CTry to find Alice. 3What is Tony doing? AHe is checking his emails. BHe is fixing his puter. CHe is working on his paper. 4What does the man want to do? AApply for a job. BAdvertise a product. Cplain to the manager. 5Why didnt the man go on the trip? AHe had something important to do. BHe wanted to stay at home. CIt would cost too much. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 6Which year of college is the student in? AThe first year. BThe second year. CThe third year. 7What does the student do on Wednesdays? AHe watches movies. BHe plays basketball. CHe goes to the French club. 8What is probably the woman? AA newspaper reporter. BA basketball coach. CA French teacher. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 9What does the woman want the man to do? Ae to the theatre with her. BTake care of her little brother. CBuy tickets for her mother. 10What is the womans plan for the evening? ATo see a play. BTo date Joe. CTo watch a video. 11How does the man feel about the misunderstanding? ASorry. BAmused. CAwkward. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。 12What are the students doing? AVolunteering at a discount store. BHelping prepare for an emergency. CPractising teaching at a primary school. 13Why is Sophie the group leader? AShe is more mature. BShe is better with children. CShe is experienced in emergency aid. 14Where did they get the information they needed? AFrom the parents. BFrom the teachers. CFrom the Internet. 15What did they buy yesterday? ABatteries, canned food and blankets. BFlashlights, blankets and medicine. CCanned food, bottled water and candles. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 16. The fact that she never apologized _ a lot about what kind of person she is. A. means B. says C. expresses D. contains 17. I met some tourists while I was working in the travel agency _ vacations included an unexpected adventure. A. whose B. where C. which D. as 18. - Hi, Tom. _? - Very well. Long time no see! I miss you very much. A. What are you doing B. Whats going on C. How do you like it D. Hows it going 19. We were going to paint the house ourselves, but when we considered the _ in time and effort, we decided to get a painter to do it for us. A. cost B. charge C. expense D. price 20. _ myself of the past pleasant days, I have some related photos pinned beside my desk. A. Remind B. Reminding C. To remind D. Reminded 21. Weve been through a bit of a bad period, but things are _ again now. A. looking up B. picking up C. turning up D. holding up 22. _ you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, its going to be tough to keep your motivation level high. A. Until B. When C. If D. Unless 23. Sorry for being late, Cathy. I was held up in the traffic. Its all right, Joe. I the newspaper, anyway. A. am reading B. have read C. read D. have been reading 24. Just in front of our house _ with a history of 1,000 years. A. does a tall tree stand B. a tall tree is standing C. stands a tall tree D. a tall tree stands 25. - Do you feel like going swimming this afternoon? - _ What about now? A. Wed better not. B. That sounds great! C. Oh, Im afraid not. D. What a pity! 26. Youd better take an overcoat with you because temperatures there _ fall to 10 below zero in the summer. A. can B. shall C. must D. should 27. Many experts hold the view _ when trained for a certain period of time employees will bee more efficient at work. A. 不填 B. that C. unless D. until 28. It is reported in the newspaper that its a mistake to think of Florida only _ its tourist attractions. A. in terms of B. in place of C. in need of D. in short of 29. If Professor Wang came here today, he would be surprised by what _ in science and technology by the students. A. has invented B. had invented C. had been invented D. has been invented 30. They must have thought everything was safe, or else they _ us. A. would warn B. would have warned C. might have warned D. should warn 第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was a December 23 many years ago. For a single mom who was supporting my children pletely 31 , Christmas was looking bleak(凄凉的). Our tiny house had just two bedrooms. With no doors on the childrens rooms, I could see and hear them at all times. It made them feel 32 , and it made me feel close to them. It was early evening. The snow was falling softly, 33 , and my children were both asleep. I was wrapped in a blanket, sitting at the window, watching the snow, 34 I heard someone knocking at my front door. 35 , I wondered who would stop on such a snowy winter night. I opened the door and found a couple. “Are you Susan?” The man stepped forward as he 36 a lot of boxes for me. Nodding stupidly, unable to find my 37 , I was sure they thought I was mentally disabled. Finally ing to my 38 , I invited them in. The couple introduced themselves and told me their 39 were all gifts for my little family. My 40 angels then handed me a white envelop, and took turns hugging me. They wished me a Merry Christmas and disappeared into the night as 41 as they had appeared. Amazed and deeply 42 , I looked around me at the boxes and gifts and felt the ache of depression suddenly being 43 into a childlike joy. I began to cry. I cried hard, sobbing tears of the deepest 44 . Suddenly, I 45 the envelope. Like a child, I 46 it and a shower of bills spread onto the floor. 47 them up, I counted the money, then recounted it to 48 I had it right. Sobbing again, I said it loud: “One hundred dollars.” One 49 from plete strangers had magically turned a painful day into a(n) 50 one that we would always remember with happiness. 31. A. apart B. firmly C. simply D. alone 32. A. fortable B. independent C. secure D. confident 33. A. silently B. roughly C. brightly D. hurriedly 34. A. because B. if C. unless D. when 35. A. Excited B. Alarmed C. Disappointed D. Pleased 36. A. picked up B. dug out C. held out D. set up 37. A. voice B. attention C. imagination D. thought 38. A. senses B. interests C. ideas D. aims 39. A. wishes B. goals C. choices D. packages 40. A. humorous B. strange C. mysterious D. funny 41. A. quietly B. suddenly C. quickly D. slowly 42. A. frightened B. upset C. satisfied D. touched 43. A. designed B. accelerated C. transformed D. revolved 44. A. sadness B. shame C. regret D. gratitude 45. A. located B. remembered C. mentioned D. covered 46. A. felt B. found C. opened D. recognized 47. A. Gathering B. Separating C. Turning D. Putting 48. A. figure out B. make sure C. pick out D. decide on 49 A. interview B. check C. visit D. talk50 A. absurd B. accessible C. special D. awful 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2.5分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Being raised on the edges of the great Okefenokee Swamp(沼泽)has its advantages. For me, one of these was having a father who knew the swamp and taught me to respect it and enjoy it. He had lived as a child along the edges of the swamp for several years. As a result of his efforts, I learned to hunt along its edges and to both fish and camp within its environs(周 围地区). On at least two occasions I have canoed(乘独木舟)all the way through the Okefenokee camping overnight for 23 nights each trip. I have sought to teach my children not to fear the swamp and its mysteries, but instead to learn how to enjoy it. As a part of that I have been sure to teach my sons about how to go camping in it. In the early part of this year, I was able to introduce my youngest son, now in college, the beauty of the great swamp. By planning ahead and achieving a camping permit from the headquarters office of the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge, we were able to paddle in about 6 miles and camp overnight at the Coffee Bay shelter along the canal. It was a good family outing for those who were physically capable of paddling a canoe for medium distance. The camping was on a hard surface and that could make for some unfortable sleeping for some people; however, the novelty(新奇)of it and the opportunities to see many types of birds and other wildlife made it worthwhile. The Park Service did a good job of posting highly visible trail markers as well, for those of us who might be afraid of making a wrong turn in such a broad watery and overgrown region. Those who would like to try such a trip should begin the process 3 4 weeks in advance by calling the office to make a reservation for a camping spot along one of the many trails marked out through the swamp, and the information should be learned about at their Internet website. 51. What is the main benefit for the author when he lived on the swamp? A. He watched a lot of rare birds that lived there. B. He learned hunting, fishing and camping there. C. He enjoyed the beautiful natural scenery there. D. He experienced some adventurous trips there. 52. The author planned the spring camping mainly to _. A. have a good spring holiday in the great swamp B. have an unforgettable sleep outside his home C. let his youngest son know the beauty of the swamp D. learn to control or paddle a canoe along the canal 53. Visitors should call the office 3 - 4 weeks in advance _. A. because they need to book their camping place B. in order that they will not lose their way in the great swamp C. so that the headquarters office will give them a permit D. so that they can know more information about the great swamp 54. We can learn from this passage that _. A. the author and his family paddled a canoe for the longest distances B. the author and his son had some fortable sleep in the camp spot C. the authors father was an experienced teacher on the knowledge of the swamp D. the author thinks the great Okefenokee Swamp is not scaring but mysterious 55. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. The beauty of the great Okefenokee Swamp. B. How to protect the great Okefenokee Swamp C. How to survive in the great Okefenokee Swamp D. Camping and canoeing within the Okefenokee SwampB There is no denying that digital technology has the power to benefit education, improve learning and introduce new and creative ways. However, with over 1.4 billion spent by schools on technology over the past year alone, researchers say this technology isnt being used to its full potential and promise. As we know, classrooms worldwide are being equipped with advanced technology. However, all too often they are being used without a strong understanding of how to attain their educational power. Teachers just use them to support traditional teaching methods rather than considering new ways of teaching with them. It has also been reported that in spite of the billions being invested by schools, test scores in reading and math have bee unsuccessful since xx without any evidence that this huge investment is making a difference. In other words, schools are spending billions on technology but with very little proof that this approach is improving students basic learning. Teachers say that for the past decade, technology has been prioritized(优先) above teaching, and they are really concerned about the problem and some schools unwise measures. Schools should only invest in technology when they have a very clear understanding of what they need, what it can do, and what it will achieve. Students say how valuable they find the technology they have access to within school. Not only does it help them find new ways to enjoy subjects that are traditionally boring, but its also preparing them for college and work life in ways that would never be measured by traditional tests anyway. To conclude, puter-based technology is a method, not an end. It is a tool that can be used to achieve instructional goals, but is not a goal in itself. Large-scale educational reform will never be easy, but it could be much less difficult if we let go of our out-date views of teaching, schooling and society. By carefully balancing technological investments with teaching and curriculum investments we will start to prepare our children for the challenges in the real world. 56. What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us? A. The benefits of modern technology. B. Teachers misusing modern technology. C. The popularity of modern technology. D. The relationship between education and modern technology. 57. What is implied in the result of the test in reading and math? A. The schools efforts to use the technology turned out a failure. B. The governments investment has improved the students abilities. C. Modern technology shouldnt be bined with traditional methods. D. The students in the classroom have been troubled by modern technology. 58. How do the teachers feel about the schools actions according to the passage? A. Satisfied. B. Confused. C. Worried. D. Angry. 59. What is the students attitude towards the modern technology? A. It is a waste of time. B. It is valuable and helpful. C. It makes them feel relaxed. D. It helps in traditional tests. 60. Which of the following suggestions does the author agree with? A. Modern technology should be an aim rather than a way. B. The government should stop investing in modern technology. C. Teaching should be the only way to help children grow up. D. Teaching investment should keep up with the investment in technology.C Many of us are quick to blame others for how we feel: “He makes me so mad!” or “She really hurt my feelings.” But did someone really “make me angry” or are we feeling the anger in us getting kicked up in response to the way someone behaved towards us? The difference between the two is in who the responsible party is for the way we feel. If we blame others for our feelings we will eventually feel reasonable at whatever our retaliation (报复)may be, and we will explain that it was their fault, not ours. “They were driving me mad”. When we blame others for the way we feel we have in fact given power to others for the state of our emotional wellbeing(健康). The truth is, no one controls our feelings but us. If we are finding that people in our lives really know how to “push our buttons” then we are not doing a good enough job at protecting our “buttons.” We are the ones leaving our buttons out in the open so that other people can “push them.” Ultimately, the switch for our buttons is inside us not on the outside. While there are some things in life that are clearly out of our control, like the weather or a flight thats two hours late, how we act and respond to other peoples behavior is not among them. Our responses to others are well within our control. If someone is “making us” so mad, for example, that we get angry, we are not doing enough to learn about what drives our anger and how to properly cope with it. my suggestion is taking time before you get angry, and putting some work into taking an inventory(清单) of the past. An inventory can show you how much of your past experiences influence your feeling reactions in the current moment. When we finally realize that so much of our present feelings and reactions are driven from within ourselves and our own past experiences, we will be ready to make the changes in our lives that will better secure our buttons so that they are no longer left out in public for everyone to push at will. 61. What result will appear if we blame others for our emotions? A. We consider others to be correct. B. We consider ourselves to be correct. C. We consider we were driving ourselves mad. D. We consider they were driving themselves mad. 62. Whats the authors attitude towards feelings? A. We should blame others for the way we feel. B. We should enable others to control our feelings. C. We should let others know our daily life clearly. D. We should control personal feelings ourselves. 63. According to the author, which can always be under our control? A. The weather conditions. B. The delay of a flight. C. Other peoples feelings. D. Our own behavior. 64. Which proverb best suits the authors advice in Paragraph 5? A. A burden of ones choice is not felt. B. A friend is easier lost than found. C. Think twice before acting. D. A good beginning is half done. 65. What does the underlined phrase “push our buttons” probably mean in Paragraph 3? A. Force us to do a good job. B. Make us angry. C. Take off our buttons. D. Let us down.D Should girls go to school only with other girls? Is it better for boys to attend all-boy schools? Educators at school for girls in Washington D.C. believe children in classes of the same sex do better, but other experts say there is no real evidence to support that idea. They believe there are other more important things that make a school effective. Excel Academy is the first all-girl school in Washington, D.C. that is independently operated and supported by taxpayers. It was established in xx and opened its doors in xx. The Excel Academy provides free education to children from families without much money. It serves more than 600 girls from preschool, the youngest children to grade five. Three meals are served each day. One of its students is 10-year-old Anyreah, who attended kindergarten in a classroom with boys. She says boys have di

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