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2019-2020年高三英语上学期第五次月考试题(VIII)1.Whatarethespeakersdoing?A.Shoppinginthesupermarket.B.Doingsomecooking.C.Havingdinner.2.Whichtrainwillthewomantake?A.The10:00oneB.The10:20one C.The11:00one3.Wherewillthespeakergo?A.Toacaf. B.Totheirhouse. C.Toaclothesshop.4.Whoisthewoman?A.Asecretary. B.Ahotelclerk. C.Arestaurantwaitress. 5.Wherearethespeakersprobably?A.Atashopstore. B.Inagym. C.Inthewomanshouse.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Whatisthemessagemainlyabout?A.Afestival.B.Theweather. C.Aget-together.7.Whatdoesthewomanaskthemantodo?A.Payattentiontotheweatherchange. B.Waitforhercalltomorrownight. C.Trynottobelateforthedinner.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Whatdoesthewomansayabouttheman?A.Heisnotreadytotaketheposition. B.Heshouldgoonavacation. C.Hewilldoagoodjob.9.Whatisthemangoingtodo?A.Celebratewiththewoman.B.ThankMsRobertson.C.Goonvacation.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Whatistherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A.Husbandandwife.B.Fatheranddaughter.C.Bossandemployee.11.Whydoesthemanwanttogiveupsmoking?A.Thedoctoraskshimtoquit. B.Heplanstohaveababy. C.Thewomantellshimtodoso.12.Whatdoesthewomanorder?A.Orangejuice.B.Aglassofwater. C.Anicetea.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Whatwillthemandothisweekend?A.Recordaperformance.B.Buyavideotape.C.Gotoaconcert.14.Whatdoesthewomanthinkofthemansbehavior?A.Unbelievable. B.Funny.C.Meaningful.15.Whatwillthewomandofortheman?A.BuyhimaCD. B.Gethimaticket.C.Lendhimsomemoney.16.Whatcanwelearnfromtheconversation?A.ThewomandoesntlikeNightwish. B.Themanisexcitedabouttheingshow. C.Thereissomethingwrongwiththemansheart.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Whatisthespeakerdoing?A.Introducingsomeprofessorstothestudents. B.Showingsomepicturestothestudents. C.Tellingthestudentstheirtasks.18.Whatwillthestudentshavetodo?A.Interviewprofessors.B.Putthepicturesuponthewall. C.Gotoaretirementdinner.19.WhatdoweknowaboutProfessorLindaSpark?A.Shewearseyeglasses. B.Shehasherhaircolorchanged. C.SheisheadoftheMathematicsDepartment.20.Whatdoesthespeakerremindthestudentstopaymostattentionto?A.Thetime.B.Thetopic.C.Thewriting.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 “I think its a great thing when I know its going to help someone else.” said l3-year-old Spencer Goldstein,after collecting hundreds of pieces of baseball equipment for kids who can not afford to buy their own. Spencer collected the bats,balls,gloves,helmets and masks for his mitzvah(德行)project,which is a munity service project that many Jewish kids do around their bar or bat mitzvahs(成人礼). A bar mitzvah is a ceremony for a boy while a bat mitzvah is intended for a girl. The ceremony means that you are old enough to take on a grown-ups responsibilities. Spencer got the idea for his mitzvah project after seeing the Ugandan national team at last years Little League World Series. Some of the Ugandan players didnt even have their own gloves. And Spencers donations are going to a group called “Pitch for Baseball”a group that gives baseball equipment to kids in low-ine munities around the world. Mollie Schwartz and Mia Schwartz also came up with a sports-related mitzvah project. The money they raised went to the Israel Sport Center for the Disabled. They raised at least $9,000-enough to pay for at least three wheelchairs made for playing basketball. In Massachusetts,Abigail Miller decided to collect musical instruments for her mitzvah project. The instruments Abigail collected were then donated to groups that distribute them to kids who cant afford to buy them. “I want to make sure everybody can get the chance to enjoy music like I do,” Abigail said. Abigail collected more than three-dozen instruments-wind instruments,string instruments,keyboards,even a drum set. Whether its playing sports,playing music or something else,kids such as Spencer,Mollie,Mia and Abigail are using their mitzvah projects to change the world for the better. “They learned about generosity,said Mollies mother,Loft Schwartz,“and the power to make things happen”. 21. How did Spencer feel after collecting some baseball equipment? A. Tired. B. Confident. C. Proud. D. upset. 22. Spencer planned to begin to collect baseball equipment . A. when he was only thirteen years old B. after he saw some players wearing no gloves C. when he found a group offering equipment to others D. after he found his classmates still living in poverty 23. What do we know about Abigail Miller from the text? A. She collected sport equipment for the disabled. B. She hoped more things would be given to those kids. C. She sent the things she collected directly to those in need. D. She helped many kids have fun with music through her efforts. 24. From the passage we can know . A. some kids are famous for their funny projects. B. not all mitzvah projects are related to sports. C. the requirements are different for boys and girls. D. few girls are willing to do the mitzvah projects. 25. What can we learn from the text? A. Generosity. B. Bravery. C. Determination. D. Honesty. BOn March 15, Dunes View Middle School held a contest for school bands. Student bands tried out for the opportunity to perform at the school picnic,which will be held at the end of June. The winner of the contest was the band called Four Square.“Were very proud that we won the contest and are excited to perform at the picnic,” says Peter Zandt,who plays guitar in the band. “And since we hope to perform someday at other local places,like restaurants and parks,this will be a great first step.”The contest was the creation of music teacher Mr. Lopez and drama teacher Ms. Cho. The two thought of the idea while discussing recent years school picnics. “The picnic is one of the biggest events of the year,but it has bee a bit formulaic,said Ms. Cho. “The activities are the same every year .We thought that a performance by a student band would make the school picnic more interesting and fun.”Mr. Lopez,Ms. Cho,and three other teachers judged the contest,which took place in the gym. To see if the bands could present a wide range of musical skills,the teachers asked them each to prepare two songs:one song with original words,and another in which students played instrumental music only. The judges finally chose the band Four Square as the winner of the contest. Four Square is a rock band with an unusual twist:it includes a violin player! The members of Four Square write their own songs and practice three times a week after schoo1. Students and teachers agreed that the band petition was a big success. All are looking forward to the school picnic in June. 26. What can be the best title for the article?A. Famous Band Visits Schoo1. B. Teachers Give Music Lessons. C. Students Have Fun at School Picnic. D. School Holds Student Band Contest. 29. According to the article,what is unusual about the band Four Square?A. It is named after a popular childrens game. B. Its members practice several times a week. C. It is a rock band with a violinist. D. Its members all play guitar. 30. According to the article,what does the band Four Square hope to do in the future?A. Perform at the school picnic every year. B. Perform in many different places. C. Buy new instruments. D. Record an album. CIf you saw another kid ride her bike too fast around a corner and fall down, you might ride your bike more slowly on that turn. Yes, we humans are very sensitive to others mistakes. And the same is true for other animals. Animals mess up all the time. They might eat poisonous leaves, fall off a tree or let their prey(猎物) slip away. By watching others fail, an animal can avoid making the same mistakes, thus improving its chance of survivalScientists suspected that one part of the brain helps animals process information about others errors. Ceils in that part appear to bee more active when a person sees someone else making a mistakeBut researchers didnt know whether individual cells in this part of the brain play different roles in detecting errorsTo investigate the brains response to errors in more detail,the researchers taught a game to two macaques,a type of monkeyOne monkey could press a yellow or green button while the other watchedIf the first monkey pressed the right button,the team gave both animals a treatEvery couple of rounds,the two monkeys switched rolesMeanwhile, the scientists monitored individual cells in the animals brains When the first monkey messed up the game by pressing the wrong button,a group of cells in the second monkeys brain firedBut if the second monkey also made the wrong choice during its turn,some of the cells in that group didnt respondThose unresponsive cells reacted specifically to mistakes made by others,not to the monkeys own mistakesScientists believe other parts of the brain also might help people process information about anothers errors“You start to think about this other person and see things from his angle”Ellen de Bruijn,told Science NewsShe studies the brain at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands31According to Paragraph l,animals ability to learn from others mistakes Aused to be ignored by humans Bensures that they will never fail Cis being lost because of humans Dhelps them to survive better32The underlined word “detecting” in Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”. Acorrecting Bmaking Csensing Ddrawing33From the game the scientists taught to two macaques,we can see .Ahow the brain responds to mistakes Bwhich part of the brain is more activeCanimals can avoid the same mistakes Dhow the brain processes information34In the experiment mentioned,those unresponsive cells are only sensitive to .Athe same buttons Bothers mistakesCones own mistakes Dthe monkeys brain35Whats the main idea of the passage?AAn interesting experiment by scientists surprised usBAnimals can learn from mistakes like human beingsCMonkeys can avoid making mistakes by learning from usDThe brain cells are always sensitive to others informationD On the day of college graduation,I told my friends and family the news:I was leaving the country I had lived in since childhoodI just need a change,” I told them,but there was moreI was running from heartbreakMy relationship with the United States is the most tough one I have ever had,as a country I loved and believed in did not love me back Back in the 90s,my mother brought me from our home in the Caribbean islands to the USwhen I was 4 years oldShe worked as a live-in nanny(保姆)for two years,playing mommy for white kids whose parents had better things to doShe didnt believe that nanny meant maid,and did whatever was asked of herShe was thirsty to embrace her American dream,hoping that her children would be educated and she might have nannies of her own That was our pathget a “good education” When the neighborhoods with quality schools became too expensive for my mom to afford as a single parent,we went across the United States with GreatSchools. net as our pass:New Jersey,elementary school;Texas,middle school;Florida,high school;New York City,private universityFor a long time I survived by covering myself in all kinds of labels so that people would ignore the color of my skin,yet I existed on the edge of ugly,ignorant and uncultured“Black people dont really know how to swim,”a white lady told me when I worked as a swim instructor at my neighborhoods pool“The black children dont like to read very much,” I overheard one librarian discussing with another while l sat down reading a book a couple feet away I was never able to make America my homeWhen I stripped myself of the labels painfully one by one,beneath them there is a wounded colored woman who refuses to be faceless anymoreMy face may be disgusting to some since it bears proof that race continues to be a problemMy hope is that it will force Americans to re-examine their “postracial” beliefs36What was the real reason that made the author leave the United States? AIt couldnt provide her with good education BShe just needed a challenge in her way of life CThe way she was treated there broke her heart DShe was tired of living in a strange country34What can we infer about the authors mother from Paragraphs 2 and 3 ? AShe sacrificed a lot to live a better life in America BShe was quite content to work as a livein nanny CShe was particular about the schools her daughter attended DShe liked visiting all kinds of schools with the author38The author gives two examples in Paragraph 4 to show that .Ahow ignorant and uncultured many people are in USBshe needed to cover herself in all kinds of labelsCthe race problem is still serious in the United StatesDblack children often have no interest in reading books39The authors attitude towards the United States on race problem is .Asupportive Bpositive Cneutral Dnegative40The author writes the passage to expect .Aimmigrants to get ready for more hardshipBthe US to reflect on how it treats colored peopleCher family to understand her decisionDthe black people to re-examine their way of life第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When your son runs inside covered in mud and is excited about worms, he is probably ready for a camping trip. An outdoor excursion(远足) can be an excellent excuse to turn off the TV or the puter for a few days. _41_ As fun as it can be, camping with kids takes planning, practice and patience. Here are four ways to give your child a memorable camping experience.Start small. Your childs first experience doesnt have to be in the wildness with no running water. _42_ After youve mastered your own yard, book a one-night trip at a campground within a short driving distance of your house.Pick the right perfect site. Many campgrounds offer more than just nature. You can put up a tent at one with a playground or a pool, or even at one with organized activities. That way you can pick another site if your child gets bored with your nature hike. _43_ GocampingAmerica has a great tool for searching for a park anywhere in the country._44_ Its great to involve kids in preparing the camping, whether its packing snacks or deciding games. This is a great opportunity for your kids to make their decisions. Go through the list with your child and check off each item as you pack them in the bag or car.Take a hike. Most campgrounds provide maps and well-marked trails for every level of hikers. _45_ If you have a child who is wild about bugs, see how many bugs you can find on your walk. A daughter who loves taking photos? Bring a camera and capture as many different plants or as much wildlife as you can.A. Stay safe and connected.B. Make a list with your kids.C. Camp in the backyard first, and them go on a hike.D. Do your research and you will pick a site for your whole family.E. There is no better way to experience nature than walking through it.F. It can also work as a great family bonding experience for your child.G. Think about your favorite outdoor activities as a child and share them.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A few years ago, I was with a close woman friend in a grocery store in California. As we walked between the 46 , we became aware of a mother with a small boy moving in the opposite direction. The woman barely 47_ us because she was so bored at her little boy, who kept on pulling items 48 the lower shelves. As the mother became more and more impatient, she started to 49 the child and later began to shake him by the 50 . At this point my friend spoke up. As a wonderful 51 of three and founder of a kindergarten, she had probably_ 52 _ once in her life treated any child so badly. I 53 my friend would give this woman a solid mother-to-mother talk about 54 herself and about the effect this behavior has on a child. However, my friend said, What a 55 little boy ! How old is he? The woman answered 56 , He s three. My friend went on to 57 how curious he seemed and how her own three children were just like him in the 58 , pulling things off shelves, so interested in all the wonderful 59 and packages. He seems so bright and intelligent. my friend said. The woman had the 60 in her arms by now and a shy smile came upon her face. 61 brushing his hair out of his eyes, she said, Yes, he s very smart and 62 , but sometimes he wears me out. My friend _ 63 _sympathetically, Yes, they can do that; they are so full of 64 . But that is what makes him a kid. The woman 65 with approval. As we walked away, I heard the mother speaking more kindly to the boy, Well have your favorite macaroni and cheese this evening. she told him.46. A. lines B. prices C. shelves D. customers47. A. noticed B. paid C. acpanied D. realized48. A. in B. off C. by D. at49. A. point to B. pick up C. bend over D. yell at50. A. arm B. leg C. head D. hair51. A. assistant B. mother C. consultant, D. manager52. A. even B. already C. ever D. never53. A. suspected B. decided C. expected D. doubted54. A. controlling B. reminding C. blaming D. changing55. A. boring B. lovely C. disturbing D. promising56. A. happily B. loudly C. cautiously D. sadly57. A. ment about B. show off C. focus on D. agree with58. A. group B. meantime C. end D. store59. A. colors B. tastes C. drinks D. chocolates60. A. packages B. boy C. friend D. bag61. A. Quickly B. Regularly C. Gently D. Normally62. A. wise B .naughty C. young D. curious63. A. responded B. asked C. called D. thought64. A. humor B. courage C. activity D. energy65. A. refused B. nodded C. hesitated D. applauded第卷第三部分 英语知识运用第二节 (共10分;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。“Mother,” said Rachel, ing into the kitchen, with a garden hoe in her hand. “Ive just planted the rose that Grandpa gave to me.” “Well, thats very nice, dear,” said Mother, _66_ (clean) her wet hands on her apron. “Grandpa will be very proud of you.” “ I am very worried about it, though,” said Rachel. “ _67_ is it going to rain ? it is so dry outside _68_ all the grass is dying and everything is all drying up. I dont want Grandpas rose _69_ (die).” “I know,” said Mother. “This spring is the _70_ (dry) spring ever in the towns history, although the weatherman


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