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2019-2020年七年级英语上学期12月月考试题牛津译林版 时间:90分钟 总分:120分一单项选择(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)1. Children like to _ in different costumes at Halloween.A. dress themselves up B. dress up themselves C. dress themselves D. dress themselves up as 2. Would you like _ more wonderful things at the party?A. to find off B. to find out C. to look D. finding out3. This new bike is _. She wants_A. Andys; show me it B. Simons; to show it to me C. Millies; show me it D. Amys; to show it to me4. I am _ in watching the dragon dance and I think it very _.A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interested5. They give us a treat _ some candy and we give some chocolates _ them _a treat.A. as, to, of B. of, as, to C. as, of, to D. of, to, as6. If it _ tomorrow, we can go for a picnic.A. isnt rain B. doesnt rain C. will not rain D. wont rainy7. -_umbrella is yours? -The yellow one behind the door.A. What B. Where C. Whose D. Which8. They will wear _ costumes _ this year.A. monkeys, in B. monkey, in C. monkey, / D. monkeys, /9. Many friends e _ my birthday. We dance and sing _ the birthday party.A. at, on B. on, at C. on, on D. at, at10. My family _ a big one and my family always _ a party on Thanks-giving Day.A. is, have B. are, have C. is, has D. are, has11. I always go to the parks _ a bus _ a sunny morning.A. in, in B. in, on C. on, in D. on, on12. The weather experts say it will be very cold _ _ winter _xx.A. in, /, of B. in, the, of C. in, the, on D. on, /, of13. We have parties _ Christmas and _ New Years Day.A. at, on B. on, at C. on, on D. at, at14. Our school sports meeting starts _ 7:30 p.m. _ the morning _ October 30th.A. at, on, on B. in, on, on C. at, on, of D. in , in, on15. What do we have _ lunch? -Some rice and fish. Mother tells us about that _ breakfast.A. for, at B. at, for C. for, for D. at, at二、完形填空 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Do you know your grandparents? Are they 16 ?17 people in Yangzhou are happy. In the morning you can see old people play sports in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Chan 18 always in them. They say they are also 19 after their sons and daughters go to work and grandchildren go to school. Mrs. Chan is in a Yang Opera(扬剧) club. 20 she learns to sing the opera in the 21 . Its really interesting. Mr. Chan is in a(n) 22 club. There he can run, swim and 23 ball games. Their friends Mr. and Mrs. Zhang arent in 24 clubs. They play puter games at 25 because they want to 26 more about their grandchildren. Their grandchildren all love 27 very much. These days some old people want 28 a shopping club. In the club they can 29 about how to buy things at a 30 price. How happy the old people in Yangzhou are!16. A. sad B. excited C. happy D. happily17. A. Old B. Young C. Small D. Big18. A. is B. am C. are D. be19. A. difficult B. busy C. right D. boring20. A. But B. Though C. So D. Because21. A. clubB. class C. room D. party22. A. artB. sports C. musicD. English23. A. playB. do C. actD. see24. A. no B. any C. someD. not25. A. schoolB. city C. park D. home26. A. knowB. think C. findD. watch27. A. usB. him C. themD. you28. A. havingB. to have C. haveD. has29. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks30. A. highB. expensive C. forD. good 三、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A Club OneOpen hour: 5:00p.m.6:30p.m.Day:MondayFridayActivities:Beijing opera(京剧),playing thelute(琵琶)Age:8 to 12Telephone:88830401Club TwoOpen hour:5:30p.m.6:30p.m.Day:Thursday and FridayActivities:Making cards, drawing pictures Age:12 to 13Telephone:88930501Club ThreeOpen hour: 4:30p.m.6:00p.m.Day:TuesdayActivities: puters, dancingAge:10 to 13Telephone:88730401Club FourOpen hour: 3:30p.m.4:50p.m.Day: Monday FridayActivities:Making cards, singing Age:15 to 17Telephone:8894030231. You can go to _ if you have time from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. AClub One BClub Two CClub Three DClub Four32. We cant_ on Tuesday. Aplay the lute Bmake cards Csing Ddraw pictures 33. Where can you read the passage? AIn the school library BIn a storybook COn clubs walls DIn an English book.B My daughter Eyen is ten years old. She is in Grade Three in a primary school. She is a cute girl though(虽然) she has some strange ideas sometimes.One day she asks me, “Mum, what is your favorite subject?” I think for a while and answer, “It is difficult to tell. I love singing, so music is my favorite. And I am good at English. My history teacher also says I am excellent. Well, I can say I dont like science. But science is important for us, you know. So you must do well in it. What is your favorite subject , Eyen? Tell me something about your subjects, dear.”“ I like Chinese. It is easy. I like English because my English teacher likes me very much. I cant stand(忍受) Maths. It is serious(严肃的) and sad.”“Do you mean your Maths teacher is serious and sad?”“No, it is Maths, not the Maths teacher.”“Why do you think so?”“Because Maths has so many problems! Isnt it sad all day?” 34. The mother doesnt like _ though it is important. A. music B. Maths C. English D. science35. The girl thinks _ is serious and sad. A. her Maths teacher B. Maths C. her Chinese teacher D. Chinese 36. Why doesnt the girl like Maths? A. Because it is too easy . B. Because it is difficult to learn. C. Because there arent many problems in it. D. Because her teacher doesnt like her at all.37. What does the underlined word “excellent” mean? A. Very good. B. Very sad.C. Very bad. D. Very easy. C October 31st is HalloweenWhere does Halloween e from? The Celts(凯尔特人)think October 31st is the last day of their year and they think ghosts e back to Earth on this daySo people treat the ghosts and then lead(带领)them away by wearing strange costumesToday a lot of people around the world celebrate this old festivalThey usually have parties, dress up and tell stories about ghostsChildren play games at Halloween parties Here are some games for children: 1.Ask your friends to bring a pumpkin lantern to the party. Give a present for the best one. 2.Hide some small pumpkins in the garden and play “Find the pumpkin”. 3.Get apples outPut lots of apples in the water and then try to get them out! But no hands ! 4.Tell ghost storiesSit around on the floor and share exciting ghost stories with yourfriends.38. What do children do at Halloween parties? A. They eat a lot of apples. B. They tell stories about ghosts. C. They look for their friends. D. They play with ghosts.39. Which is RIGHT according to(根据) the passage? A. All people around the world like Halloween. B. October 31st is the 1ast day of a year. C. “Find the pumpkin” is one of the games for children at Halloween parties. D. Children sit around on the floor and tell stories to ghosts. 40. What does the word“hide”mean in Chinese? A. 寻找 B. 选择 C. 种植 D.隐藏41. This passage is about_ A. when Halloween is and ghost stories B. when Halloween is and Halloween gamesC. where Halloween is from and ghost stories D. where Halloween is from and Halloween games DDo your parents ever say, “act like a lady” or “be a gentleman” to you? But in the eyes of todays teenagers, what should a lady or a gentleman be like? Lets take a look.What is a gentleman? The girls have their ideas: Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman doesnt always get angry. He wants others to be well and happy. He is always ready to help. There is a boy in my class and I think he is a gentleman. If I dont do well in the English exam, he will say, “You will do better next time.” That makes me feel happy. Chen Tingting of Shenzhen: A gentleman always says, “Ladies first” When students clean up the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There are no gentlemen in my class. When there is something to eat, the boys in my class always get them before girls!What is a lady? Boys tell us what they think a lady is: Wu Yifan of Dalian: A lady is quiet and kind, but shes not shy (害羞) and she can talk about her ideas in front of others. To me, Dong Jie, a film star, is a lady. She is pretty and kind. She does a lot for others. Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just beautiful but clever. She never says bad words. She is quiet and kind to others. I dont think there is a lady in my class. Most of the girls are “wild beauties”, I think.42. What does Huang Xiaoyu think a gentleman will do if she doesnt do well in the English exam? A. He will say “Youll do better next time” B. He will get angry C. He will say “Youre so careless.” D. He will laugh at her43. Why does Wu Yifan think Dong Jie is a lady? A. Because she is quiet. B. Because she likes expressing (表现) herself C. Because she is pretty and kind. D. Because she is very shy.44. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage? A. Wang Lichao thinks pretty-looking is enough for a lady. B. Huang Xiaoyu thinks there is a gentleman in his class C. Chen Tingting thinks there is a gentleman in his class D. Wu Yufan thinks a lady cant talk about her ideas in front of others.45. What does the underlined words “wild beauties” mean in this passage? A. Beautiful and kind girls B. Pretty but rude girls C. Gentle and shy girls D. Clever girls 四、词汇运用 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)46. Can you give me some _ rice, Im very hungry now. (much)47. Its ten oclock now. Let your sister (go) to bed right now.48. This duck is lovely. (it) name is Betty.49. My grandpa likes listening to the news on the_(收音机) every day.50. I have dancing lessons_ a week. (two)51. Our school sometimes organizes the students to visit the_ . (博物馆)52. Most students like keeping _ (日记) in their daily life.53. It is important and good for us to brush our _ after meals. (牙齿)54. The bag over there is one of my (偶像).55. Thank you for _ my birthday, Im so happy. (庆祝) 五、任务型阅读 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Today, there are many problems between parents and children. Many people always ask, “ Why do we often argue(争论)?” Parents show their love for children in different ways. They cook nice food, buy new clothes for them. They also care about their studies. Parents always ask “ You must work hard”, “You should do your homework”, “Why not do homework for your exam?” all the time. When children get bad marks, their parents get very angry. They stop their children watching TV, playing games or going outside until (直到)they are good at their studies. Why? Most families have only one child. The child is the hope of the family, they want the child to be the best. Many children want to do things themselves. They want to do many unusual things that parents dislike. They sing pop songs, listen to the QQ music and other new things. They enjoy surfing on the Internet and playing QQ games. They spend a lot of time chatting online. In their parents eyes, these are a waste of time. For these reasons, parents and children often argue._56_ Do Children and Their Parents Argue?ReasonParents want their child to be the _57_ A. They _58_ their children in different ways.B. Their children should _59_ hard all the time.C. Its _60_ for their studies to _61_ TV and play games on the Internet . Many children want to do many unusual things that parents dont _62_. A. They like to _63_ pop songs, listen to the QQ music and other _64_ things.B. They usually surf on the Internet , play QQ games and _65_ online with their friends. 六、缺词填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据对话内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使对话完整。(每空一词) The diet and lifestyle are very important for our h 66 . If we dont get the r 67 kinds of food, we may have some health problems.Some people often eat too much meat and other food h 68 in fat(脂肪), like hot dogs and hamburgers. They do not have e 69 fruit and vegetables. They are usually too fat or too thin. They are all not healthy. The best w 70 to keep fit is to eat different food to meet our different n 71 .Water is very important for us too. Some people d 72 drinking water. They drink sports drinks because these drinks are cool and sweet. And they can give us m 73 energy. But they have much sugar in them. We should not have too many sports drinks.We should also do more exercise. Everyone should spend about an hour e 74 every day. For a lot of people, their diet is OK. They should not change w 75 they eat. They will be healthier if they do some exercise. 八、书面表达 (计30分)A根据中文意思,翻译下列句子,词数不限。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)76. 你会做南瓜灯笼吗?77. 谢谢你借给我你最喜欢的书。78. 请别捉弄我们的新同学。79.你进我房间之前必须先敲门。80. Kitty对装扮成老虎感兴趣。B写作(计 20 分)再过一段时间,中国最重要的节日春节就要到了,请以“My small targets of this Spring Festival” 为题,根据表中所给中文提示写一篇 100 词左右介绍你这个春节小目标。 要求:要点全面,补充得当,行文流畅;开头已经给出,不计入总词数;不得出现真实的人 名、校名等信息。词汇:贴春联 put up couplets;亲戚 relatives;祝福话语 blessings;微信 Wechat。My small targets of this Spring FestivalThe new Spring Festival is ing in a few days. Now I am setting some small targets of the ing new year. 七年级英语12月监测答案一 单选 15 ABDAD 610 BDCBA 1115 DBACA二 完形 16-20 CACBC 21-25 ABABD 26-30 ACBAD三阅读理解 31-33 DDC 34-37 DBBA 38-41 BCDD 42-45 ACBB四词汇运用46. more 47. go 48. Its 49.radio 50. twice 51. museum 52.diaries 53. teeth 54. heroes 55. celebrating 五、任务型阅读56. Why 57. best 58. love59. work/study60. bad 61. watch 62. like63. sing 64.new 65. chat六、缺词填空66. health 67.right 68. high 69. enough 70. way71. needs 72.dislike 73. much 74. exercising 75. what八、书面表达A句子翻译76. Can you make pumpkin lanterns?/ Can you make a lantern out of a pumpkin?(单复数都可以)77. Thank you for lending me your favorite book.78. Please dont play a trick on our new classmate.79. You must knock on the door before ing into my room.80. Kitty is interested in dressing up as a tiger. 作文略

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