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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期期中试题(IV)一、听力理解(本大题共17小题,每小题1分,共17分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子,并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画,选出与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。 B) 下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。5. What kind of animals does Tommy like best?A. Monkeys. B. Elephants. C. Tigers.6. Whats Tonys favourite sport? A. Playing basketball. B. Swimming. C. Running.7. What will the boy do in Xinjiang? A. Ride bikes. B. Ride horses. C. Drive cars.8. What does the girl think is the best way to travel? A.Taking a ship. B. Taking a plane. C. Taking a bus.9. How does the girl learn English after class?A.By working on the puter. B. By listening to English songs. C. By watching English movies. 10. What is Toms New Years resolution? A.Taking acting lessons. B.Eating healthier food. C.Taking more exercise.11. What does Ted want to be when he grows up?A. A cook. B. A pianist. C. A scientist.12. Where is Li Ming going to spend his summer vacation?A. In Beijing. B. In Hangzhou. C. In Shanghai13. What is Nick going to study?Aputer science. B. Playing basketball. C. Writing stories.14. How are William and Lucy going to the park?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.C)听下面长对话或独白,每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What s the weather like?A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.16. Why does John run every day?A. To pass his PE test. B. To join the school team.C. To be ready for the marathon. 17. How far does John run every day? A.About 10 kilometres. B.About 40 kilometres C.About 42 kilometres二、单项选择(本大题共13小题,每小题1分,共13分)18.-Look!Theres _umbrella on the table.Whose is it?. -I think _umbrella is Toms. A. an;an B. an;the C. the ;an D. the;the19.The news was so_that we were all_. A. excite;excited B. exciting;excited C. excited;exciting D. excited;excite 20. Bill,do you have anything_? A. say B. saying C. to say D. said21.Which is _city of the three,Beijing,Shanghai or Chongqing? A. larger B. the larger C. largest D. the largest22. In class,Mary listens to the teacher_than Linda. A. careful B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefully23. It took my son two weeks_the novel.A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading24.If you meet new words,you can _in the dictionary. A.look up it B. look it up C. look them up D. look up them25.Why not _the underground to the park this afternoon? A. take B. to take C. took D. taking26.There were _people on the ship at that time.A. hundred of B. six hundreds C. hundreds of D.six hundreds of27. She doesnt allow her son _TV from Monday to Friday. A. watch B. watches C. Watching D. to watch28.The room is _to hold 100 people. A. so large B. enough large C. large enough D. very large29.-_? -About 800,000. A. Whats the weather like in your city? B. How many population does it have? C. Whats the population of your city? D. What is the score?30. -I didnt pass the test yesterday. -_.A. Bad luck! B. No idea. C. Thanks a lot. D. Pretty good 三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Mike Robinson is a fifteen-year-old American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen.At the moment,Mike and Clare are in Cairo in Egypt,one of _31_and busiest cities in Africa. They moved here_32_their parents two years ago.Their father,Peter,works for a very big pany.The pany has offices in many countries,and it has sent Peter to work in Germany,France and China before.Peter usually stays in a country _33_ about two years.Then the pany moves him again.His family always goes with him. The Robinsons love_34_the world.They went to many interesting places._35_,in Egypt,they saw the Pyramids,travelled on a boat on the Nile River,and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens. Mike and Clare have also begun to learn the language of the country,Arabic.This language is _36_English in many ways,and they find _37_hard to spell and pronounce the words. However,they still enjoy learning it.And they have learned to _38_ German,French,Chinese and Arabic.Sometimes they mix (混淆)the languages.“Its_39_ fun,”said Clare. The Robinsons are moving again.The pany has asked Peter to work back in the US.Mike and Clare are happy about this.They have friends all over the world,but they _40_miss their friends in the US.They are counting down the days.31. A. bigB. biggest C.the biggest D. bigger32. A. withB. and C. as well D.also33. A. inB.at C.for D.on34. A. seeB. seesC. saw D. seeing35. A. For example B. Such asC. Like itD. The same as36. A.such asB. different fromC.same asD.different kinds of37. A. itB.thisC. thatD. they38. A. sayB.tellC.talkD. speak39. A. realB. reallyC.trueD. truly40. A. too B. eitherC. alsoD. as well四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题每小题1分共15分)(A)What will you do when you have something difficult to do? I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not glad at all. I thought she was the laziest mother in the world!For example, one day, I decided to invite some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were everywhere. And I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me to clean it, but she still said,“Do it yourself, girl.”Because of my “lazy mother”, I have to wash my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents do some housework. I even have to go to the dentist(牙医) by myself. It is really hard for me to do everything well, but I have learned a lot.As time goes by, I e to understand my mother. She makes me clever and active! What a great mother! A good mother is worth (值) one hundred teachers! Dont you think so?41 The writer used to_ when she had something difficult to do.A. give up B. be helped by her motherC. ask her mother for help D. ask her friends to help her42. What does the underlined phrase “in order” mean in Chinese?A.整洁的 B.预购中 C.正常的D.出故障的43. What would the mother say when the writer asked her for help?A. Ask your father for help, dear. B. Do it yourself, dear.C. Let me help you, dear. D. God helps you, girl.44. The writer has learned a lot by_ . A. asking her mother for help B. doing everything by herself C.talking with her mother often D.inviting her friends to her house45. What does the writer think of her mother?A. She is a lazy mother. B. She is an active mother.C. She is an unhappy mother.D. She is a clever and great mother.(B)Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer(志愿者)! Were a non-profit organization(非营利组织). We have volunteer jobs of all ages. Anyone,from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies can bee a volunteer.You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.“As a volunteer, I dont want to get anything. Seeing the childrens happy faces, Im happy, too.” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often played puter games in my spare time before. Now I help older people learn how to use puters.” said another volunteer at the age of 18.If everyone helps out a bit, well have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us 1 800 555 5756 or visit our website: activol.46. When do the volunteers help others? A. In their spare time. B. At weekends.C. On weekdays. D.In the evenings.47. _ can be a volunteer.A. Children B. Old women C. Anyone aged 12-70 D. Young people48. Volunteers want to get _ when they help others.A. money B. putersC. everything D. nothing49. Carlos Domingo does volunteer work with _.A. animals B. childrenC. puters D.older people50. We can read such a passage _.A. in a newspaper B. in a storybook B. C. in a picture book D.in a text book (C)Mr. and Mrs. Green lived in a big city. One summer they went to the country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much because it was a quiet, clean place. One day they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old man. He lived on a farm, and he was sitting in the warm sun in front of his house. Mr. Green asked him, “Do you like to live in this quiet place?”The old man said, “Yes, I do.” Mr. Green then asked, “What are the good things about it?”The old man answered, “Well, the people here know each other. They often e and visit me, and I often go and visit them. And there are also many children here.” Mr. Green said, “Thats interesting, and what are the bad things?” The old man thought for a moment and then said, “Well, the same things, really.”51. Mr. and Mrs. Green went to the country _. A. to see the old man B. to spend their holiday C. to see the quiet place D. to have a walk52. Mr. and Mrs. Green enjoyed the country because _.A. there were many children B. there was an old man C. it was far from the city D. it was quiet and clean53. Mr. and Mrs. Green took a walk _.A. in the afternoon B. early in the morningC. after breakfast D. in the evening54. The old mall said, “Yes, I do.” “I do” here means _.A. I like to live in this place B. I like the people hereC. I like to sit in the warm sun D. I like to go out for a walk55. The old man sometimes liked the people to _, but sometimes he didnt A. ask him questions B. keep the place quiet and clean C. e and visit him D. make interesting things 五、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的的句子,将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的,每小题1分,共5分) Miss Wang and her daughter are visiting the security education show(安全教育展)AMiss Wang BdaughterA: e on, dear daughter, so many pictures here!B: 56 A: They are about traffic safety.B: I am not interested in it.A: 57 B: Maybe. Oh! Mum, look at this picture, a boy is hit(被撞)by a car when he is running across the road. 58 .A: So it is!B: 59 That helps us stay safe.A: Yes. Lets go to another hall to learn more about how to protect ourselves.B: 60 . Lets go. A. Good idea.B. How terrible!C. Its my pleasure.D. What are they about?E. What do you think of them?F. But it has important meaning to everyone.G. I think we should follow traffic rules.第II卷 (非选择题 )六、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)6162.把你的想法写在笔记本上如何? How about _ _your ideas in your notebook?6364.请把收音机调大点儿声,以便爷爷能听清楚。Please turn the radio up a bit _ _Grandpa can hear clearly.6566.想起大熊猫和其他濒危动物,真让人伤心。Its sad to think of pandas and other animals _ _.6768.他写的话剧茶馆让他极负盛名。Hes especially _ _ his play Teahouse.6970滑冰比滑雪更受欢迎吗?Is skating _popular_skiing?七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) CountryCapitalLanguage(s)IndiaNew DelhiHindi and EnglishCanadaOttawaEnglish and FrenchRussiaMoscowRussianEgyptCairoArabicSingaporeSingapore CityMalay, Chinese, Tamil and English根据上面的表格用一个或两个词完成下面句子:71. If you go to , maybe some people can understand you.72. Egyptians speak .73. If you go to , you must learn Russian well.74. The capital of Singapore is .75. From the form(表格), we can see that is the most important language.八、综合填空(10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文完整。Teachers are important.But what role(作用)do they play?They help children learn.But they dont just help children with schoolwork.They also help them bee good,s_76_ people.World Teachers Day is on 5th October.But many c_77_celebrate Teachers Day on another day.For example,C_78_people celebrate it on 10th September.On Teachers Day,students t_79_their teachers.They may give them small presents.Some students give flowers.Some students e_80_go back to their primary school or high school.They visit their old teachers.If they cant visit them,they may s_81_them cards.Some students stay friends w_82_their old teachers for many years.What makes a good teacher?A good teacher l_83_to teach! They love their subjects and love to share what they know with students.They find fun ways to do that too.A good teachers class is never b_84_!A good teacher also care about his or her students.They teach students class subjects,and they a_85_ teach them something about life. Do you know a good teacher? Thank him or her today!九、书面表达(本大题15分)86.假如你是张辉,你的美国笔友Joe要来中国旅行,但他不知道该去参观城市A还是城市B,并请你根据下表给他发一封电子邮件,帮他分析利弊,确定其中一个城市作为他的目的地。城市A城市B旅馆(干净)可做的事情(有趣)食物(美味)公共汽车票(便宜)要求:(1)包含表格所提供的所有信息; (2)80-100词,可适当发挥。电子邮件格式已给出,不计入总词数; (3)使用含有比较级的句子(不少于3句)Dear Joe,_Yours,Zhang Hui 第I卷 (选择题)1 A B C D 6 A B C D 11 A B C D 16 A B C D 2 A B C D 7 A B C D 12 A B C D 17 A B C D 3 A B C D 8 A B C D 13 A B C D 18 A B C D 4 A B C D 9 A B C D 14 A B C D 19 A B C D 5 A B C D 10 A B C D 15 A B C D 20 A B C D 21 A B C D 26 A B C D 31A B C D 36 A B C D 21A B C D 27 A B C D 32 A B C D 37 A B C D 23 A B C D 28 A B C D 33A B C D 38 A B C D 24 A B C D 29 A B C D 34A B C D 39 A B C D 25 A B C D 30 A B C D 35 A B C D 40 A B C D 41 A B C D 46 A B C D 51 A B C D 42 A B C D 47 A B C D 52 A B C D 43 A B C D 48 A B C D 53 A B C D 44 A B C D 49 A B C D 54 A B C D 45 A B C D 50 A B C D 55 A B C D 56 A B C D E F G 57 A B C D E F G58 A B C D E F G59 A B C D E F G60 A B C D E F G第II卷 (非选择题)六、71 _ _ 72 _ _73 _ _ 74 _ _75 _ _七、76 _ 77 _78 _ 79 _80 _八、81 _ 82 _ 83 _ 84 _85 _ 86 _ 87 _ 88 _89 _ 90 _九、Dear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussions on whether students of Junior Three should do sports or not.70% of the students think _I think its true that we should concentrate on the lessons, but sports make us relaxed and we can have a good sleep every night. They help us a lot in study. Yours,Wang Ming第II卷 (非选择题)第II卷 (非选择题)六、6162 writing/putting down 6364 so that 6566 in danger 6768 famous for 6970 more than 七、71 Singapore 72 Arabic 73 Russia 74 Singapore City75 English 八、76.successful 77countries 78. Chinese 79.thank 80.even81.send 82.with 83.love 84boring 85.also九、 Dear Joe, _Yours,Zhang Hui答案一、1-5 ACBCA 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 BCABB 16-17 CA二、18-20 BBC 21-25 DDCCA 26-30 CDCCA三、31-35 CACDA 36-40 BADBC四、41-45 CABBD 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 BDBAC五 56-60 DFBGA六、61-62writing down/putting down63-64 so that65-66 in danger 67-68 famous for 69-70 more than 七、71 Singapore 72 Arabic 73 Russia 74 Singapore City 75 English 八、76.successful,77 countries 78.Chinese79.thank 80.even 81.send 82.with 83. love 84.boring85. also九、略daan第II卷 (非选择题)_

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