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2019-2020年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案)一、听力(30) 第一部分:听对话回答1-10小题,对话放两遍(10)( )1.What will the weather like tomorrow? A. B. C.( )2.What is Tony interested in? A. B. C.( )3.Where did Peters family go last summer holiday? A. B. C.( )4.What is John going to do this Sunday? A. B. C.( )5.Where does the dialogue probably take place? A.In a shop. B.In a school. C.In a hospital.( )6.Where is the girl going? A.To a bank. B.To a supermarket. C.To a post office.( )7.How long did the girl stay in China? A.For one year. B.For two years. C.For three years.( )8.Where are the two speakers probably when they are talking? A.At school. B.On the bus. C.At the bus stop.( )9.What does Henry do? A.A basketball player. B.A football player. C.A runner.( )10.What isnt Amy used to in Tibet? A.The food. B.The thin air. C.The weather.第二部分:(20)听短文回答13-15小题Information cardNora moved to Canada 13 years ago.Nora got on well with her friends in China and they went 14 almost every day after school.The weather was really cold in Canada and Nora felt 15 at first.Now her classmates in Canada are friendly to her.( )13.A.two B.three C.four( )14.A.swimming B.shopping C.skating( )15.A.excited B.worried C.lonely听短文回答16-20小题( )16.How many labs are there in Saras school? A.Two B.Three C.Four( )17.What is in the western part of the building? A.The libraries. B.The labs. C.The classrooms.( )18.On which floor is Saras classroom? A.The fifth floor. B.The seventh floor. C.The eighth floor.( )19.What is next to Saras classroom? A.The teachers office. B.The puter room. C.The meeting room.( )20.What is in front of the new building? A.A playground. B.A dining hall. C.A garden.二.指出划线部分发音不同于其它三个的选项。(10)() 21. A. businessB. busC. husbandD. such() 22. A. coupleB. mountainC. southD. loudly() 23. A. magicB. fantasticC. exceptD. exactly() 24. A. pie B. rideC. wifeD. indoor() 25. A. themeB. themC. theseD. northern() 26. A sinceB. enviromentC. realizeD. wife() 27. A. overB. lonelyC. openD. condition() 28. A. blockB. improveC. shoppingD. got() 29. A. wasteB. situationC. factoryD. municate() 30. A. spaceB. transportC. impossibleD. present三.写出下列动词的过去分词。(10)31.plan_32. cry_33. grow_34. carry_35. fall_36.draw_37. sell _38. put _39. write _40. has _ 41.marry_ 42.fly_43. is_ 44. do_ 45. stop_46.leave_47.begin _ 48.know _ 49. run _50. take_四.单项选择(15)() 51. It _ us a long time to wait for the next bus.A. spentB. tookC. costD. paid()5 2. -How long _ you _ ? - For three years.A. did get marriedB. havegot marriedC.havebeen marriedD. aremarried() 53. My sister _ from the USA.A. is just returnedhomeB. has just returnedto homeC. just returned homeD. has just returned home() 54. -I have _got to the station .What about you? -Not _. Im on the way to the station.A. yetalreadyB. yetyetC. alreadyalready D. alreadyyet() 55.My food was in the bowl _. A.for an hourB. since an hourC. an hour agoD. since then() 56. -Kitty, will you go to see the film of Pi this evening? -I _ it twice. A. will seeB. sawC. seeD. have seen() 57.-Look! I have bought a new puter?Cool! Where _you _it ? A. didbuyB. werebuyingC.willbuyD. arebuying ()58.Great changes _ in our school over these years. A. take placeB. have taken placeC. took placeD. have taken places () 59. -Have you been to Nanjing _? -No, never. But my father will take me to Nanjing next month.A. ago B. beforeC. already D. later () 60. The plane leaves _ Hong Kong at 10:30.A. inB. forC. toD. at ()61. His parents _ to Xian and theyll stay there for a week. A.has goneB. has beenC. have goneD. have been() 62. I havent seen Mr Wu for days. Where _ he _?A. hasgoneB. hasbeenC. didgoD. willgo() 63. The first dolphin show _ at 11:30 a.m. It _ on for about half an hour.A. beginshas beenB.beganhas beenC. was onhas begun D.beganhas begun() 64.His grandpa _ in xx. He _ for about five years. A.diedhas been deadB. was deadhas diedC. diedhas diedD. was deadhas been dead() 65. -How long _ you _ ? - For three years.B. did get marriedB. havegot marriedC.havebeen marriedD. aremarried五、完型填空(10) We _66_ to the park by underground. First ,we _67_ on Space Mountain. It moved _68_ high speed and was really _69_ .We were _70_ and laughing through the ride. Everybody _71_excited when a parade of Disney characters began _72_ in the afternoon. It was _73_ part of the day .I ran after them and couldnt stop _74_ photos. After the parade ,we watched a 4 D film .It was _75_ magic.We could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind.( )66.A. arrived B.got C.reached D.get( )67. A.had fun B.have a good time C.enjoy ourselves D.have a great time( )68. A.on B.in C.at D.of( )69. A.excited B.exciting C.frightening D.frightened( )70. A.screaming B.scream C.screamed D.screamed( )71.A.got B.bee C.turn D.get( )72. A.late B.latest C.later D.let( )73. A.the best B.best C.better D.good( )74. A.take B.took C.taken D.taking( )75. A.like B.same C.likes D.liking六、阅读理解(10) Everyone has worries. How do you deal with(处理,对付) your worries? Thereis always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it wont solve your problems. Grades at school are often a top worry for children. If you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions: Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me? How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isnt a test? Do I have a good place to do my homework? Have I tried different ways of studying?If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down all the things you could do - write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back. You can ask for help when youre worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.( )76. What do children often worry most about? A. Their hobbies. B. Their homework. C. Their grades at school. D. A fight with their friends.( )77. According to the passage, when youre worried, youd better_. A. work hard B. ask for help and talk to someone C. get ready for class D. do your homework( )78. If youre worried about grades, dont ask yourself “_”. A. Why are grades important? B. What do grades mean to me? C. How do I get ready for class? D. Why not give up my studies?( )79. If you had a fight with a friend, you could_. A. invite him or her to watch a game B. put the blame on him or her C. try to make new friends D. leave him or her alone( )80. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Who is often worried. B. When people are worried. C. How to deal with worries. D. What kinds of worries people have七.用所给词的适当形式填空。(20)81. I want something _(eat) because I am hungry.82.Li Hong moved house last month and she_ (想念)her old friends very much now.83.Youve changed a lot, Eddie. You used to _ (share) food with me.84.A big snow storm(暴风雪) made it _ (possible)for us to go out.85.Beijing is in the _ (north) part of China.86.His family _(move) out of Nanjing in xx.87.We _ (learn) about 1200 English words since two years ago.88.I _ (do) my homework at this time yesterday.89.Look! Who _ (ride) a bike over there?90._ you ever_ (find) my mobile phone anywhere? I cant find it now.91.They _ (work) in this factory for ten years.92.He hurried (catch) the early bus this evening.93.Amy has already (返回) from the UK.94.-Have you (曾经) thought of moving to a big city? -No,never.95.John and Daniel are brothers, and their (wife) are sisters.Thats interesting!96.The city of Chengdu is famous for its d local food.97.I hope you will enjoy (you), children.98.This is a saying that every c is not a pair.99.When i studied in Beijing, i lived in my (relative) house.100.My uncle often goes to Shanghai on (公事).八根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空限一词。(10) Spring is ing. Eddie is going to South Hill for his h 101 . Hobo says he has b 102 there before and he wants to go w 103 Eddie. Eddie is h 104 to hear this. He thinks,”if Eddie goes with me, he can take g 105 care with me. So he agrees and tells Hobo to get r 106 . Hobo is so e 107 . He p 108 all his things into a big bag. Then he tells Eddie to t 109 the bag. Looking at the heavy bag,Eddie begins to regret. If he has to c 110 all these things,will it be a holiday for him?101._102. _ 103. _ 104. _ 105. _106._107. _ 108. _ 109. _ 110. _九.选择恰当的词汇填空,每词一空,不重复。(10)In the past, feel a bit lonely, from time to time, change a lot, take action, get excited, cant stop crying, at the end of, move at high speed, have fun 111.The girl when she heard the bad news.112.We are excited to see the racing cars .113. the party, they sang a song together.114.Sun Yang when he came first in the swimming petition.115.We in last summer holiday.116.Mr Green when he lived alone in Shanghai.117. ,the roads were narrow and there were no tall buildings, but now the town has .118.My neighbour seldom goes out. I see her in the supermarket .119.The air has bee dirty in my town.We must to improve the situation.十、完成句子(10)120.我们主要通过邮件保持联系。 We _ _ _ email.121.现在的生活比以前好多了。 Now the life is _ _ _ before.122.在这天的末尾,我买了几串钥匙扣并观看了烟火。_ the end of the day, I bought a _ of key rings and watched _.123.室内过山车以高速移动实在令人激动。The _ roller coaster _ _ high _ and was _ exciting.124. 我们花了三个半小时飞到香港。_ _ us about three and a half _ to fly to Hong Kong十一、写作(15)谈论你家乡的变化,80词左右。Changes in my hometown


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