2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题八 非谓语动词练习.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题八 非谓语动词练习用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.(xx重庆卷)Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way _(use)the sun and the stars.2.(xx陕西卷)After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress,Anne Benedict went on _ (thank)all the people who had helped in her career.3.(xx陕西卷)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother _(take)good care of at home.4.(xx天津卷)_(absorb)in painting,John didnt notice evening approaching.5.(xx天津卷)_ (work)for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.6.(xx安徽卷)_(ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.7.(xx福建卷)_ (learn)more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.8.(xx天津卷)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only _ (find) it didnt fit.9.(xx天津卷)Clearly and thoughtfully _ (write),the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.10.(xx重庆卷)Group activities will be organized after class _ (help) children develop team spirit.11.(xx福建卷)_ (spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.12.(xx江苏卷)The lecture _ (give),a lively question-and-answer session followed.13.(xx湖南卷)Children,when _ (acpany) by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.14.(xx大纲全国卷)Today there are more airplanes _ (carry) more people than ever before in the skies.15.(xx北京卷)Last night,there were millions of people _ (watch) the opening ceremony live on TV.16.(xx北京卷)There are still many problems _ (solve) before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.17.(xx山东卷)Theres a note pinned to the door _ (say) when the shop will open again.18.(xx重庆卷)The producer es regularly to collect the cameras _ (return) to our shop for quality problems.19.(xx浙江卷)Amie Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _ (appoint) to guard her.20.(xx安徽卷)While waiting for the opportunity to get _(promote),Henry did his best to perform his duty.21.(xx四川卷)The manager was satisfied to see many new products _ (develop) after great effort.22.(xx陕西卷)Its quite hot today.Do you feel like _ (go) for a swim?23.(xx湖南卷)_ (understand) your own needs and styles of munication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.24.(xx北京卷)When we saw the road _ (block) with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.25.(xx重庆卷)The engine just wont start.Something seems _ (go) wrong with it.答案1.using2.to thank3.taken4.Absorbed 5.Having worked6.Ignoring7.To learn8.to find 9.written10.to help11.Having spent12.having been given13.acpanied14.carrying15.watching16.to be solved17.saying18.returned19.appointed20.promoted21.developed22.going23.Understanding24.blocked25.to have gone.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Please hand on the papers to those _(seat) at the back of the classroom.2.The fireman told us the trouble they had _ (get) the fire _(control).3.After walking on the zigzag path to the mountain top for a few hours,the tourists gathered under trees _ (provide) shade and sat down to have a rest.4.The students in our school expected there _(be) more time for reviews and exercises before the College Entrance Examination next year.5.Weve had a good start,but next,more work needs _(do) to achieve the final success in English study.6.The boy,_ (occupy) with his school work every day,felt rather tired and wanted to have a whole day to relax.7.The old couple walked rather slowly,and could be seen,from time to time,to stop and rest,_(stare) out to sea.8.The airport is far from here,and _(get) there on time,youd better take a taxi.9.Whom do you expect to have _(deliver) the baggage to the airport? 10.With so many exercises _(finish),the students are having a hard time.11.We entered the caf and sat down by the window,waiting _(serve).12.These diagrams are especially helpful when we have a concrete problem _(solve) at hand.13.People believe that the China Dream is not very difficult _ (realize) so long as the whole nation works hard for it.14.There are some tall trees in our campus,some _(measure) more than forty meters.15.Curious and _(astonish),I rushed out of my dormitory when I heard the noise of three gunshots.16.To answer a telephone call,the careless woman went out of the kitchen,_(leave) the soup _ (cook) over the gas.17.The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed _(discover) the big river.18.Many of the one-family children are so accustomed to _(praise) that they react violently when they hear something different.19.All reference books _(search),he didnt find the key to the question.20.Ben received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _(finish),he accepted it happily.21.We tried _ (open) the window,but it was still hot in the room.22.According to the new law,the people found _(put up) “harmful” advertisements on the streets will be punished strictly.23._ (strike) by strong snowstorms,the area faced severe water and electricity shortage.24.Id rather have a room of my own,however small it is,than _(share) one with others.25.Most of the guests _ (invite) to the wedding last week were his classmates and friends.26.What in the world put you in a really bad mood?_ (stick) in the traffic for hours.27._(discuss) for a whole night,we still couldnt agree on when to start and where to go for the holiday.28.Every morning Jacks wife will stand before the mirror,_(dress) carefully until she has to go to work.29.A modern stadium in that new town,_ (plete) soon,will be an ideal place for people to have all kinds of sports in.30._(follow) the instructions very carefully when _(fill) in the form.答案1.seated2.getting;controlled3.providing4.to be5.to be done/doing6.occupied7.staring8.to get 9.deliver10.to finish11.to be served12.to solve 13.to realize14.measuring15.astonished16.leaving;being cooked17.to have discovered18.being praised19.searched20.finished21.opening22.putting up23.Struck24.share25.invited26.Being stuck 27.Having discussed28.dressing29.to be pleted30.Follow;filling.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。Freud was one of the first scientists _1_(make) serious research of the mind.The mind is the collection of activities _2_(base) in the brain that involve how we act,think,feel and reason.He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams _3_(search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems.He also tried hypnosis.He wanted to see if _4_(put) patients into a sleep-like condition would help ease _5_(trouble) minds.In most cases he found the effects only temporary.Freud worked hard,although what he did might sound easy.His method involved _6_(sit) with his patients and _7_(listen) to them talk.He had them _8_(talk) about whatever they were thinking.All ideas,thoughts and anything that entered their mind had to _9_(express).There could be no _10_(hold) back because of fear or guilt.答案1.to make2.based3.to search4.putting 5.troubled6.sitting7.listening8.talk9.be expressed 10.holding.仿真模拟阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(xx黑龙江大庆市高三一模)Years ago,when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries,I _1_ (live) in the heart of a city.The rent for my apartment was really cheap _2_ it was in the middle of one of the busiest neighborhoods in town.People who visited me used to ask me _3_ I could sleep.“Doesnt the sound of the traffic bother you?How can you get used to _4_ much noise?”You see,there were also rows and rows of shops and bars playing loud music day and night and my apartment was above a really loud and noisy _5_.But I found it all fascinating.If I were ever short _6_ cash and couldnt afford to do anything much,which in those days was usually the case,I could always go outside and take _7_ look around.You see,there were always a great number of tourists visiting the shops,so I could always find someone _8_ (interest) to talk with.And Joe,the owner of the bar below me,could always give me a little money to survive on in exchange for _9_ (do) a few odd jobs for him.At the time,I suppose,I thought I was poor.Sometimes,we dont realize how _10_ (fortune) we are,do we?【语篇解读】作者是一个穷困潦倒的画家,住在嘈杂的闹市区。难以继日时,Joe会施以援手,这让作者感到非常幸运。1.lived考查一般过去时。本文描述的是多年前的事,因此用一般过去时。2.because考查连词。“我”的公寓的房租很便宜,因为“我”住在最繁忙之一的街区里。3.how考查引导词。根据语境可知,此处表示“外边是繁忙的街区,那我是怎样睡着的?”。4.so考查固定结构。“so much不可数名词”意为“如此多的”。5.one考查代词。“我”住的公寓在一个很吵闹的商店/酒吧上面。one代指商店或酒吧。6.of考查介词。be short of意为“缺少/短缺”。7.a考查固定短语。take a look 意为“看一看”,是固定结构。8.interesting考查形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示“我找到某个有趣的人去交谈”。9.doing考查非谓语动词。介词“for”后应跟动词ing形式。10.fortunate考查词性转换。根据语境可知,此空应填其形容词形式。

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