2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解寒假统编(2).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解寒假统编(2)xx高考阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。As we enjoy the summer ocean waves along the beaches, we may think nervously about Steven Spielbergs Jaws and the great fear that sharks inspire in us. Yet we are happy to see global efforts to protect the declining number of sharks. The world has realized that we need the species, like sharks, to keep a balanced ecosystem.Sharks, in particular, are “in” these days. Thanks to good public policy and famous stars such as Jackie Chan and Ang Lee, killing sharks for fin soup is no longer cool.The demand for shark fins has been rising for decades, threatening sharks with extinction - up to 100 million sharks are killed each year just for their fins. But we have started to reverse the trend, particularly in many areas of the United States and overseas where restaurants once proudly provided delicious shark fins on the menu.In California, a ban on the sale and possession of shark fin soup has gone into effect this year through the efforts of Wild Aid and other organizations.Overseas marketing and public efforts featuring posters on public transportation systems and TV ads have been underway for the past few years. These efforts all show signs of success, on both the supply side and the demand side of trade in shark fins. Actually, stopping the killing of sharks is part of a broader movement to stop the killing of wild animals and the buying and selling of wildlife products. These products e from hunting elephants, tigers and rhinos, besides killing marine life.Whether it is shark fin soup or ivory piano keys, killing animals is big business. The hunting of elephants in search of ivory tusks for luxury(奢侈的)goods has bee a full-scale war. The decrease of African elephant populations is alarming. Together with international partners, the United States is leading the worldwide effort to reduce demand for high-end products that rely on killing animals. 1. The underlined word “reverse” in Paragraph 3 probably means _. A. follow B. keep C. change D. show 2. From the passage, we know _. A. a lot of wild animals have been killed for products B. Jackie Chan and Ang Lee make fin soup popular C. Steven Spielbergs Jaws inspires us to protect sharks D. the number of African elephants has been increased3. What can we infer from the passage? A. People have kicked the habit of having shark fin soup. B. Shark fins will not be available any more in restaurants. C. Global efforts have succeeded in stopping killing wild animals. D. More animals for high-end products will be saved.参考答案13、CAD xx高考阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Beaches are not only great for lying on and doing water sports, and in fact one of the best ways of enjoying them is a classic beach walk. Here at iWantSun. Co. Uk, weve been searching the globe to find you the worlds best and most glorious beach walks, and heres our pick of the top.The Footpath of the Gods, Amalfi Coast, ItalyThe name says it all really and you truly do feel up there to walking along this wonderful mountain coastal path, which offers some of the most striking views on the planet. The path begins at town of Bomerano to charming Positano along the UNESCO World Heritage area of the Amalfi Coast. The whole walk will take you approximately four and a half hours to plete and pass over narrow rocky paths, past sheer cliffs and shining blue bays.Sydneys Great Coastal Walk, AustraliaSydneys coastline is one of the most beautiful and diverse in the world. Here you have national parks, historic sites, steep cliffs, sparkling beaches and quiet bays all in one place. Sydneys Great Walk runs all the way from Barrenjoey in the north to Royal National Park in the south and takes an incredible seven days to plete. However, if youre not up to doing the full walk, then there are many different parts of the walk that you can do right in the city. Walking from the citys famous Bondi Beach to the sweeping curve of Bronte Beach takes just an hour, which takes in some top scenery.Great Ocean Walk, AustraliaThe Great Ocean Walk stretches 104 km along Victorias famous Great Ocean Road, located on the southern coast of Australia, from the resort town Apollo Bay to the magnificent Twelve Apostles. The Twelve Apostles are the areas famous stone landmarks which stand out like giants from the sea. The walk passes through a range of landscapes and sights, from national parks, famous surfing spots and deserted beaches, to wild coastlines, cascading waterfalls, lush forests, historic lighthouses and ghostly shipwrecks. Day walks and shorter three-hour walks such as the Wreck Beach Walk or the Lighthouse Cemetery and Lookout Walk can also be enjoyed.So next time when youre looking for a beach holiday dont just think about the resorts and the sand, but consider a more active sun holiday, discovering some of the best beaches in the world.1. The author intends to tell us _.A. the wonderful beaches in the world B. the worlds best places for beach walks C. the beautiful beaches in Australia D. the ideal tourism resort for health2.When you arrive at the Amalfi Coast _.A. you will be fascinated by the scenery B. you must be fed up with the footpathC. you can start walking from Positano D. you may be trapped in narrow rocky paths3. What is special about Sydneys Great Coastal Walk? A. It starts from Royal National Park in the south. B. It takes about more than five hours to plete. C. It really has the longest coastline in the world. D. It provides visitors a variety of great landscapes.According to the fourth paragraph we can know that _. A.the Twelve Apostles exists below the surface of the sea B.most visitors can finish the 104 km walk in three hours C.Apollo Bay is at the end of the Great Ocean Walk D.the Wreck Beach Walk can also give visitors pleasure参考答案14、BADD 【浙江省金丽衢十二校xx高考英语第二次联考】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。C Think of the last time a song really moved you, or meant something to youListening to andplaying music affects marry different sections of the brain, affecting us physically as well.Why are we as humans so connected to music? Making music is something that we are born with. Theres a reason we refer to music as the“universal language”;there has been no known human culture without music,Dancingandmusic came before agriculture, and possibly even before languageThe fact that whale music andhuman music have so much in mon suggests that music may exist before humans and that wemay be lateers to the musical scene rather than being the inventors of music We begin life being affected by music; babies first begin to respond to music even beforetheir birth,Whether or not its true, everyone has heard that playing classical music; for your babysupposedly helps him or her bee smarter. A study done in the United Kingdom concluded thatchildren were able to .recognize and even preferred music that they had heard lip to three monthsbefore birth. Although it made no difference whether it was rock music or country music, thebabies who were exposed to faster songs showed a stronger preference for that song than thosewho had heard something slower. Researchers have also found that the playing of soft backgroundmusic or a mothers soft singing actually helps premature (早产的)babies. Those who were.subjected to the music tended to gain weight faster and were able to leave hospitals earlier thanthose who werent. However, the study in the UK uncovers no links between babies listening tomusic and increased intelligence or brain development. Another experiment at the University of California at Irvine pared the puzzle-solvingabilities of 3-year-olds who were given piano lessons with those of others who sang, usedputers, or did nothing. The children studying the piano were better at the puzzlesAlso, highschool students with a musical background seem to do better in their SATs,Whether its naturalintelligence that helps the children do better in both music and math,or the music that helpsdevelop other areas, you cant deny the benefits of a musical background. On the other hand, its possible that some music and lyrics(歌词)could be had for childrenand teenagersThe lyrics of todays popular music are stated more and more clearly. A study oilmass media and teenagers showed that a group of 14- to 16-year-olds in 10 different southeasterncities listened to music an average of 40 hours per week. Obviously, the music they are listeningto plays a large part in their lives,and especially influences self-identity. So any bad influencesin the music will have a very direct effect on the teenagers.Several other experiments mentioned in the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement on the Effect of Music Lyrics and Music Videos on Children and Youth supported this idea. One study from Sweden found that children who developed a preference to rock music were more likely to be influenced by their peers than by their parents. Others showed links between a predilection for heavy metal and detrimental behaviors, including taking drugs, self-killing risk, and other risk-taking habits. The American Acajeny of Pediatries (AAP) doesnt support the idea of censorship(检查制度), but strongly encourages parents to monitor what their children are listening to. 50.Music is regarded as the “universal longunge” because_51.Acording to Paragrapg 3,what afgerts bubies preference for songs? A.The tone B.The specal C.The style D.The lyries【参考答案】50、C 5154、BDAD 【浙江省金丽衢十二校xx高考英语第二次联考】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。DOk, I said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice. Whats going on with you and your friend I? J. is the leader of a group of third-graders at her campa position Lucy herself occupied the previous summer. Now shes the one on the outs, and every day at snack time, she tells me all about it, while I offer up the unhelpful advice all summer long.Shes fond of giving orders , Lucy plained. Shes fat, Lucy mumbled(含糊地说) ineo he bowl We are going upstairs, I said, my voice cold, We are going to discuss this. And up we went. Id spent the nine years since her birth getting ready for this day, the day wed have to havethe conversation about this horrible word. I knew exactly what to say to the girl on the receivingend of the teasing(嘲笑),but in all of my imaginings, it never once occurred to me that mydaughter would be the one who used the F word一Fat. My daughter sat on her bed, and I sat beside her.“How would you feel if someone made funof you for something that wasnt your fault?”I began.“She could stop eating so much,”Lucymumbled, mouthing the simple advice a thousand doctors and well-meaning friends and relativeshave given overweight women for years Its not always that easy,”I said.“Everyones different in terns of how they treat food”Lucy looked at me, waiting for me to go on. I opened my mouth,then closed it. Should I tell herthat, in teasing a womans weight, shes joined the long, proud tradition of critics who go after anywoman with whom they disagree by starting with youre ugly and ending with“no man wouldwant you and there must be something wrong with any man who does?Should I tell her I didntcry when someone posted my picture and mented,“Im sorry, but arent authors who writebooks marketed to young women supposed to be pretty?” Does she need to know, now, that life isnt fair? I feel her eyes on me,waiting for an answerI dont have. Words are my toolsStories are my jobIts possible shell remember what I sayforever, and I have no idea what to say. So I tell her the only thing I can e up with that is absolutely trueI say to my daughter,“I love you,and there is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you,But Im disappointed in you right now. There are plenty of reasons for not liking someoneWhat she looks like isnt one of them.” Lucy nods,tears on her cheeks“I wont say that again,”she tells me,and I pull her close,pressing my nose against her hair. We are both quiet, and I dont know if I have said the rightthing. So as we sit there together, shoulder to shoulder, I pray for her to be smartI pray for her tobe strong. I pray for her to find friends,work she loves, a partner who loves her, and for the worldnot to deprive(剥夺)her of the things that make her who she is,for her life to be easy, and forher to have the strength to handle it when its not. And still, always,I pray that she will neverstruggle as Ive struggled, that weight will never be her cross to bear. She may not be able to usethe word in our home, but I can use it in my headI pray that she will never get fat55,The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 indicates that Lucy, A. often makes fun of her friend J. Bhas turned against her friend J C gets along well with her friend J. D. has begun to pete with her friend J,56.Why does the author want to discuss with Lucy? A. Because she wants to offer some other helpful advice. B Because she has prepared the conversation for nine years. C Because she is really shocked at Lucys rudeness D. Because she decides to tell Lucy a similar story of her own57. What does the author want to tell her daughter? A. It is not easy to take the doctors advice to eat less BPeople shouldnt plain because life is unfair. C She herself was once一laughed at for her appearance. D. People shouldnt be blamed for their appearance.58It can be inferred from the passage that A. the author earns a living by writing stories B the author is a fat but good-looking woman C the author will stop loving her daughter for what she said D. the authors daughter agreed with her from.the very beginning59 We can learn from the last paragraph that A. Lucydeeply moved by her mothers prayer B a mothers prayer will shape her daughters attitude towards life C. the author allows her daughter to use the F word in her head D the author hopes her daughter will never have weight trouble60 The authors attitude towards her daughter can be best described as A. loving but strict B. indifferent but patient C. satisfied and friendly D. unsatisfied and angry【参考答案】55、B 5660、CDADA


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