2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空基础选练(3).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空基础选练(3)完形填空。阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 What is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right? Perhaps you dont even try any more because you think what you do is not 36 enough. Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time, 37 whatever it is that we work so hard doing, it seems that there is 38 someone else who can do it much better. I have always enjoyed music and it is 39 to me that every musician has a 40 of their own. My father_41 several instruments and when he played with others, it was not difficult to _42 his sound in a group. Whether it was guitar or another instrument, he had his own 43 sound. I 44 read of a music teacher who mented to a discouraged student, “ 45 else can make the sound that you make. The sound that you make may not be the same as someone elses but who is to say which is 46 . ” It is said that, “ 47 is in the eye of the beholder(观看者), ” perhaps it could be said that “a delightful sound is in the ear of the 48 . ” Every person has a different tone of voice that 49 only to them, 50 we all know people with an unforgettable laugh or a way of 51 that is unique to them. It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all. It 52 be the way you whistle or the sound of your footsteps. Each person has a(an) 53 on the world in some way. Someone else can do what you do, but they cannot do it 54 the same way that you do it. The next time you feel 55 , remember “Nobody else can make the sound that you make. ”36. A. easy B. hard C. simple D. good 37. A. when B. although C. because D. if38. A. seldom B. sometimes C. never D. always 39. A. satisfying B. interestingC. inspiring D. convincing40. A. gift B. song C. life D. sound 41. A. created B. designed C. played D. checked42. A. pick out B. call up C. turn down D. give off43. A. special B. powerful C. perfect D. loud 44. A. evenB. yet C. onceD. still45. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody46. A. bigger B. deeper C. better D. lower47. A. interestB. beautyC. patience D. honesty48. A. speaker B. receiver C. looker D. listener 49. A. belongsB. adds C. adapts D. devotes50. A. but B. yet C. for D. and 51. A. speaking B. walking C. jumping D. running52. A. must B. would C. might D. could53. A. effect B. opinion C. duty D. choice54. A. carefullyB. exactlyC. cautiously D. seriously55. A. annoyed B. puzzledC. botheredD. discouraged 【参考答案】3655、DCDBD CAACA CBDAD ACABD【xx界黑龙江省哈三中高三上第三次验收考试】完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can e to life. Even though this is a 36 and necessary stage of our growth, it is often painful or 37 if we dont realize whats happening. In fact, confusion is often the 38 that tells us a change is taking place within us. These changes happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from babyhood to 39 to teenage years and beyond. With each change from one 40 to another, we find ourselves 41 goodbye to an old friend, the identity (个性,身份) that we 42 in order to move through that particular time.Sometimes we shape these identities in relationships or jobs, and when we change, those areas of our life bee 43 . Usually, if we take the time to look into the changing surface of things, we will find that a change is taking place 44 us. For example, we may go through one whole part of our lives creating a protective shell around ourselves 45 we need it in defense of ourselves. One day, 46 , we may find ourselves feeling limited and bored, wanting to move outside the 47 we used to need; the new part of ourselves cannot be born within the 48 of the shell our old self needed.We may feel a strange 49 of excitement and sadness as we say goodbye to a part of ourselves that is 50 and make way for a whole new identity to 51 in its place. We may find inspiration in working and studying when we think of the image of an animal who sheds (蜕毛;蜕皮) in order to 52 way for new skin, fur, or feathers to 53 . For example, keeping a piece of snake skin, or some other symbols of change, can 54 us that death and rebirth are simply natures way of growing. We can give in to this process, letting go of our past self with great love and gratitude, and 55 the new with an open mind and heart, ready for our next stage of life.36.A. naturalB. dustyC. humorousD. rare37.A. movingB. confusingC. tiringD. scared38.A. reportB. noticeC. signD. idea39.A. brotherhoodB. neighborhoodC. adulthoodD. childhood40.A. animalB. peopleC. schoolD. stage41.A. sayingB. speakingC. tellingD. reading42.A. showedB. leftC. shapedD. realized43.A. influencedB. remained C. defendedD. directed44.A. ofB. withinC. forD. between45.A. althoughB. whileC. untilD. because46.A. moreoverB. thereforeC. howeverD. so47.A. areaB. shelterC. roomD. space48.A. limitsB. contentsC. connectionD. requirement49.A. influenceB. mixtureC. appearanceD. relation50.A. dyingB. ingC. escaping D. running51.A. e backB. e downC. e outD. e across52.A. beeB. reachC. nameD. make53.A. appearB. disappearC. goD. exist54.A. convinceB. remindC. warn D. tell55.A. hopingB. imagingC. welingD. supplying【参考答案】完型:36-40 ABCDD 41-45 ACABD 46-50 CBABA 51-55 CDABC阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One cold night, I was growing sick of my life in San FranciscoThere I was walking home around one oclock in the morning after a 36 practice at the theatre With the opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines by heart. I was having 37 handling my part-time job at the bank in the daytime and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about 38 both acting and San Francisco. I had 39 too much of city life.As I walked down the 40 streets under the tall buildings, I felt very small and cold, so I began 41 both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out 42 a few homeless people under blankets.About a block from my 43 , I heard a sound behind me. I 44 quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me 45 so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I 46 what the noise had been. It had been my wallet 47 to the sidewalk.Suddenly I wasnt cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where Id heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk 48 for 15 minutes, my wallet was 49 to be found.Just as I was about to quit the 50 , I heard the garbage truck stop to the sidewalk next to 51 . When a voice came from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened and out jumped a small blonde man with an 52 look in his eyes. “Is this 53 youre looking for?” He asked, holding up something like a wallet.It was already 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I couldnt get much sleep, but I had got my wallet back. I also had got back some 54 of city life. I realized the city couldnt be a bad place 55 people were willing to help each other.36AfortableBseriousCtiresomeDfortunate37Afort BdesireCpainDtrouble38Asetting upBgiving upCholding upDpicking up39AexpectedBchangedCcontrolledDpossessed40AdesertedBcrowdedCblankDnarrow41ArunningBjumpingCmovingDmarching42AtowardsBexceptCincludingDbetween43AbankBtheatreCapartmentDoffice44AstoodBwalkedCturnedDleft45AsatisfiedBconfusedCfrightenedDannoyed46Aturn outBfigure outCgive outDpull out47AbelongingBaddingCstickingDfalling48AgratefullyBanxiouslyCskilfullyDdelightedly49AnowhereBanywhereCeverywhereDsomewhere50AinstructionBtrainingCsearchDacting51AitBhimCsomeone Dme52AamusedBunpleasantCuneasyDembarrassed53AwhatBwhoCwhicheverDwhomever54AproductionBjudgmentCfriendshipDappreciation55Aas soon asBas long asCas far as Das well as【参考答案】CDBAA ABCCC BDBAC DAADB 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 The one thing I can _1_ from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge挑战. You can never be the best suffer because the ocean _2_ an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some suffers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive活跃有力的and _3_. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it _4_ from any other sport. Ive _5_ to tell every girl I know to do something that people dont think girls can do. Its part of being human to advance to new _6_, so shouldnt it be expected that girls should step up and start _7_ the limits of things boys and men used to dominate主宰? Therere women _8_ side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys _9_ the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to _10_, and they will.(B)1. A. take B. get C. make D. keep(C)2. A. catches B. includes C. offers D. collects(A)3. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm(D)4. A. known B. right C. far D. different(B)5. A. chosen B. tried C. learned D. promised(A)6. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts(C)7. A. reaching B. accepting C. pushing D. setting(D)8. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working(C)9. A. of B. from C. on D. with(B)10. A. think B. succeed C. perform D. feel1. 【解析】B 作者不是从其他运动,而是从冲浪运动中获得get了无止境的挑战的体会。再则,前文The feeling I get when Im surfing across that water,being one with the ocean也有暗示。take from减少,降低;get from从得到;make from由制造; keep from阻止,隐瞒,抑制。2. 【解析】C 你永远也不会是最好的冲浪手,因为大洋呈现、提供offer的是任何人都控制不了的、数不尽的、各种各样的海浪。catch抓住,捕获;include包括,包含;offer提供;collect收集,聚集。3. 【解析】A有些冲浪手自由自在、娴熟流畅,有些冲浪手则活跃有力、生机勃勃。注意这两个句子的并列关系,应该特别注意free 和 flowing之间词义的顺承和协调自由而流畅,后句的aggressive and_3_也应该是这样一种意义联系,故选择A,sharp可以表示精明敏捷的,迅速活泼,有力有为意思,其它三项在意义上与aggressive的顺承和协调相距甚远。4. 【解析】D 所有的这些都在吸引着我去冲浪,并使之不同于different其他运动。注意此段第一句The one thing I can get from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.也有所暗示。bedifferent from和不同。befar from远离,远非;known和right通常不与from搭配。 5. 【解析】B 我尽力try地劝我所认识的每一个女孩去做人们认为女孩不能做的事情。choose选择、挑选;try试图、努力;learn学习;promise答应、许诺。6. 【解析】A 朝着新的水平level不断前进是人类活动的组成部分。level水平,水准,标准,级别;point 点,尖端;step步调,步伐,步骤,措施;part 部分,局部。7. 【解析】C 所以女孩子们难道不应当拾级而上,开始冲破push男人们过去主宰的事物的极限吗?reach到达,伸出;accept 接受,认可;push突出,突破攻击;set 放置,树立,调整。8. 【解析】D在我们国家有女性和总统不仅仅一起坐sit,步行walk,战斗fight,而且并肩工作work着。同时注意句子的一般现在时意义特征,表示经常性的行为。9. 【解析】C所以为什么女孩子不能够肩并肩地与男孩子一起踢足球,外出一起冲浪呢?介词on表示在供职、是的成员,on the football team的意思是是/成为足球队队员。10. 【解析】B 给女孩子一个获得成功succeed的机会,让她们思考think,感觉feel表演perform,她们就都会有所成就。xx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a _41_ old man who loved everything. Animals, spiders, insects. One day _42_ walking through the woods the nice old man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly. He _43_it home. A few days later, a small _44_appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours _45_it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to _46_making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go_47_ farther. Then the man decided to help the _48_ , so he took a pair of scissors and _49_the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then came out _50_. _51_it had a swollen (浮肿的) body and small, shriveled (枯萎的) wings. The man _52_ to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would _53_ to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! _54_ , the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to _55_ . What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting (限制的) _56_and the struggle required for the butterfly to _57_ the tiny opening were Natures way of forcing fluid (液体) from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its_58_ from the cocoon. Sometimes _59_ are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to go through our life without any challenges, it would weaken us. We would not be as _60_as what we could have been. And we could never fly.41. A. coldB. kindC. politeD. tiresome42. A. unlessB. ifC. whileD. because43. A. tookB. movedC. circulatedD. dashed44. A. signB. shadowC. shadeD. opening45. A. andB. untilC. asD. then46. A. stopB. preventC. appealD. adapt47. A. anyB. moreC. noD. much48. A. bugB. butterflyC. animalD. fly49. A. take downB. take apartC. cut downD. cut open50. A. greedily B. easilyC. hardlyD. quickly51. A. Generally B. EvenC. SoD. But52. A. soughtB. lastedC. continuedD. began53. A. enlargeB. shortenC. tightenD. darken54. A.In conclusionB. In timeC. In factD. In particular55. A. walkB. flyC. fleeD. run56. A. wingB. taleC. subjectD. cocoon57. A. get outB.get throughC. get awayD. get down58. A. freedomB. outeC. balanceD. reliability59. A. strugglesB. passionsC. mannersD. spirits60. A. weakB. intelligentC. giftedD. strong参考答案41-45 BCADC 46-50 ACBDB 51-55 DCACB 56-60 DBAAD

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