2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature习题 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature习题 新人教版选修6.单项填空1That is the only way we can imagine_the overuse of water in students bathrooms.AreducingBto reduceCreduced Dreduce解析 考查非谓语动词。the only way有两个定语,一个是定语从句we can imagine,另一个是to reduce.不定式作定语修饰the only way。答案 B2_?That would be great!Please drop me off at the library.ACould you bring me the billBWould you like me to give you a liftCCould you tell me the postcode for ParisDWould you like to have my email address解析 考查口语交际。答句句意:那太好了!你在图书馆让我下车就好。根据句意可知B项正确。答案 B3You cant _ him in the knowledge of wild plants.Afit BmatchCsuit Dget解析 句意:在野生植物知识方面,你无法与他相比。fit,match,suit,get这几个词中,只有match可以指在能力、水平上“与相配”。答案 B4My mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will.Aanxious BashamedCweak Dpatient解析 anxious“担心的”。句意:如果我们说回来,而没有按时回来,妈妈总是担心。答案 A5We dont want to_ him as chairman of the meeting.He is not fit for the position.Aconsider BpickCrefer Dappoint解析 句意:我们不想任命他为会议的主席。他还不适合这个职位。consider认为;当作(consider sb.as sth.);pick选择;挑选(pick sth.from sth.);refer提交,委托(refer sth.to sb.);appoint委派,任命(appoint sb.as sth.)。根据题意可知答案。答案 D6The rescue team made every _ to find the missing mountain climber.Aforce BenergyCeffort Dpossibility解析 make every effort“尽一切努力”。句意:营救队尽一切努力寻找登山人员的失踪者。答案 C7Mary had taken_to see that her guests had everything that they could possibly want.Aefforts BpainsCattempts Dendeavours解析 take pains to do sth.“下苦功夫做某事”。句意:玛丽尽力确保让她的客人们得到他们可能想要的东西。答案 B8If you want to _ in the world,you must learn to work hard while you are still young.Amake much of yourself Bmake the way outCmake you out Dmake your way解析 根据语境应是“如果你想成功”,故选D项。make ones way除了可表示“到(某地),(向某地)走去”之外,还可表示“成功;有出息”。make much of sb.重视;make sth.out看清;辨认清楚;make sb.out看透;弄懂某人。答案 D9Over the past 20 years,the Internet helped change our world in_way or another for the better.Aany BoneCevery Deither解析 考查固定短语。in one way or another意思是“以某种方式”。答案 B10To avoid being fat,Im trying to_the childrens diet a little.Aform BvaryCassess Dsuit解析 vary是动词“变化,改变”。句意:为了避免增肥,我试着改变孩子的饮食。答案 B11The two books have almost nothing in mon;they_greatly from each other.Avary BdifferCchange Dtell解析 vary与change表示“变化,改变”;differ from表示“与不同”;tell from表示“把与区分开来”。答案 B12I appreciate your hard work,but I cannot have a _ that youll surely get promoted.Atrust BbeliefCfaith Dguarantee解析 guarantee“保证,确保”。句意:我很欣赏你的勤奋工作,但我不能保证你将一定能被提升。答案 D13He_and ran as fast as he could to safety.Apaniced BpanickedCto panic Dpanicking解析 句意:他惊慌起来,赶快跑到安全的地方。panic的过去式和过去分词是panicked;另外,空白处是句子的谓语,非谓语形式是不能选的。答案 B14They appointed him _ Ambassador _ the United Nations.Ato be;of Bas;toCto;in Dto;to解析 第一个空可为to be或as,但第二个空必须是of,意为“联合国大使”,应为所属关系。故选A项。答案 A15It is all agreed that a good education doesnt_ a good job.Aguarantee BresultCdepend Dswear解析 句意:大家都一致认为受过良好的教育不能保证有一份好工作。guarantee 保证。B项,结果,导致;C项,依靠,依赖;D项,发誓;这三项都不符合句意。答案 A.完形填空Im sitting in a quiet room at the Millcroft Hotel,a peaceful place hidden back among pine trees about an hour out of Toronto.Its just past noon,late July,and Im_1_the desperate sounds of a lifeordeath_2_going on a few feet away.Theres a small_3_burning out the last of its short lifes energies in a(an)_4_to fly through the glass of the window._5_,its not working.The great effort offers no hope for survival.Ironically (讽刺地),the struggle is part of the trap.It is_6_for the fly to try hard enough to succeed in_7_through the glass.This fly is doomed (注定失败)It will_8_there on the windowsill.Across the room,ten steps_9_,the door is open.Ten seconds of flying time and this small creature could reach the outside world it_10_.With only a small effort now being_11_,it could be free of this selfset_12_.The breakthrough possibility is there.It would be so_13_.Why doesnt the fly try another approach,_14_dramatically different?How did it get so locked in on the idea_15_this particular route and determined effort offer the most promise for success?No doubt this way makes_16_to the fly.Regrettably,its an idea that will kill it.Trying harder isnt necessarily the solution_17_achieving more.It may not offer any real_18_for getting what you want out of life.Sometimes,in fact,its a big part of the problem.If you_19_your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever,you may_20_your chances for success.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了“我”在旅馆里看到一只苍蝇不停地试图穿过玻璃飞出去,这无疑是在自杀。它完全可以从旁边开着的门飞走。“我”从这件事得到启发:人们在遇到困难的时候,不应冒昧地尝试,应该有所突破,才有机会获得成功。1.A.seeingBcrying outCwatchingDlistening to解析句意为:我听到了绝望的声音。listen to“听到”。A、B、C三项均没有“听到”的意思。答案D2A.struggleBcryCyellDtest解析struggle意为“挣扎,斗争”;cry意为“哭,喊叫”;yell意为“叫喊”;test意为“测试”。由第二段第四句中“the struggle is part of trap”的提示可知,此处应选用struggle。答案A3A.birdBflyCinsectDworm解析bird意为“鸟”;fly意为“苍蝇”;insect意为“昆虫”;worm意为“爬虫”。由第二段第五句中的“the fly to try hard enough to succeed in.”可知,B项正确。答案B4A.experienceBdirectionCforceDattempt解析experience意为“经验,经历”;direction意为“方向”;force意为“武力”;attempt意为“尝试”。根据上下文语境可知,苍蝇正在尝试穿过玻璃飞出去。答案D5A.ThusBSoCAlthoughDHowever解析thus意为“因而”;so意为“所以”;although意为“虽然”;however意为“然而”。句意为:虽然苍蝇不断地尝试穿过玻璃窗,然而并不奏效。前后两句是转折关系。答案D6A.unusualBlikelyCimpossibleDmon解析unusual“不同寻常的”;likely“可能的”;impossible“不可能的”;mon“寻常的”。由常识可知,苍蝇是不可能成功穿过玻璃飞出去的。答案C7A.diggingBbreakingCpushingDjumping解析dig“挖掘”;break“打破”;push“推”;jump“跳”。短语break through意为“突破,冲破”,符合语境。答案B8A.killBdieClieDstick解析kill“杀死”;die“死”;lie“撒谎,躺”;stick“粘贴”。由常识判断,如果苍蝇不断地撞击玻璃,就会死在那里。答案B9A.awayBfarCnearDdistant解析away“距离远”;far“远的”;near“近的”;distant“远的”。away用在名词后,表示距离某地有多远,符合语境。答案A10A.dreamsBthinks ofCmissesDlongs for解析dream“梦想”;think of“考虑”;miss“怀念,错过”;long for“渴望”。句意为:只需十秒钟的飞行,这只苍蝇就能飞到外面它所渴望的世界。答案D11A.doneBownedCwastedDplanned解析do“做,完成”;own“拥有”;waste“浪费”;plan“计划”。根据语境可知,它之前的努力都白费了,故C项符合语境。答案C12A.aimBtrapCnetDgoal解析aim“目的,目标”;trap“陷阱”;net“网”;goal“目的”。由第二段第四句中的“the struggle is part of the trap”可知,trap符合语境,即自我设置的陷阱。答案B13A.easyBnecessaryChardDobvious解析easy“轻松的,容易的”;necessary“必要的”;hard“艰难的”;obvious“明显的”。句意为:突破的可能性就在那里,是那么简单。答案A14A.attemptBanythingCstruggleDsomething解析something“某事,某物”,常用于肯定句;anything“任何事物”,常用于否定句和疑问句。在表示请求、建议或征求意见的疑问句中常用something。答案D15A.thatBwhatCwhichDwhere解析that可引导定语从句,也可引导名词性从句;what引导名词性从句;which引导形容词性从句;where可引导定语从句和状语从句。从句中不缺任何成分,且句中先行词是idea,所以其后要用that来引导同位语从句,对idea进行补充说明。答案A16A.senseBdifferenceCeffectDeffort解析sense“感觉,意识”,常和make构成短语,make sense意为“有意义”;difference“区别,不同”;effect“影响”;effort“努力”。句意为:毫无疑问,这种方法对这只苍蝇来说是有意义的。答案A17A.ofBfromCoffDto解析在solution的后面常跟to表示的不定式,是固定搭配。意为“解析法”。答案D18A.adviceBsupportChopeDpower解析advice“建议”;support“支持,支撑”;hope“希望”;power“力量”。此处与最后一段中的“If you_your hopes for a.”相照应,故用hope符合语境。答案C19A.riskBgetCmakeDtake解析risk“冒险,冒的风险”;get“获得”;make“制作”;take“带走”。句意为:如果你冒险把你的希望放在比以往更艰难的突破上,你就可能有扼杀成功的机会。答案A20A.failBkillCachieveDfulfill解析fail“失败”;kill“杀死”;achieve“获得,达到”;fulfill“执行,履行”由语境可知,此处应用kill。答案B.阅读理解Former Irish President Mary Robinson was just making a polite conversation with an Ethiopian (埃塞俄比亚的) teenager about her wedding day.The 16yearold had already been married for a year.“She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said,I had to drop out of school, ” Robinson said in a telephone interview.“That conveyed to me the reality,” said Robinson,the first woman to serve as Irelands president and former UN.High missioner for Human Rights.“Her life,as far as she is concerned,had more or less ended.”Robinson said keeping girls in school was one of the most important things policymakers could do to address the ing challenges of an everincreasing population,predicted by the United Nations to reach 7 billion soon.“European countries are concerned about aging populations,but this is much less of an issue than the huge number of people which we are going to see over the next 40 years when the population goes from 7 billion to 9 billion,”she said.“Almost all of that increase will be in poor developing countries,so that we have a very big challenge.”Family planning experts worry in particular about the future population explosion in SubSaharan Africa.In May,the United Nations projected the world population would reach 9.3 billion in 2050 and 10.1 billion by 2100.Much of that growth will e from Africa,where the population is growing at 2.3 percent a yearmore than double Asias 1 percent growth rate.If that rate stays consistent,which is not certain,Africas population will reach 3.6 billion by 2100 from the present 1 billion.Joel Cohen,a professor of population studies at Rockefeller University and Columbia University in New York,said universal secondary education offered a way to reduce population in high birth rate regions.In addition to providing information about birth control,a secondary education teaches women to reduce their own fertility,improve the health of their children and allows them to move from a mindset of having many children in the hope that some will survive to improve the quality of each childs life,Cohen wrote in the journal Nature.【语篇解读】人口的快速增长困扰着世界。有关人士指出,控制人口快速增长的一种方式就是提高女性的受教育水平,进而改变人们头脑中固有的传统生育观念。1In the first paragraph,the author introduces his topic by_.Agiving an exampleBexplaining the authors opinionsCdescribing the poor education systemDing straight to the topic解析篇章结构题。在本段中,作者以爱尔兰前总统Mary Robinson与埃塞俄比亚的一位已婚少女的交谈为例引入话题,所以A项正确。答案A2What can we learn from the passage?ARobinson is happy after talking to the Ethiopian girl.BRobinson is a successful expert in population studies.CRobinson is worried about the population growth.DRobinson encourages female education.解析推理判断题。第二段引号中的内容提到“欧洲国家担心出现人口老龄化问题,但与人口快速增长相比,这算不了什么。几乎所有的人口增长都发生在发展中国家,这将是一个巨大的挑战。”由此可推断她担心的是人口增长问题。答案C3What is Joel Cohens view about secondary education?AIt provides basic knowledge of heahh.BIt reduces aging population.CIt makes people pay more attention to education.DIt can change peoples parenting ideas.解析推理判断题。由最后一段的最后一句可知,Joel Cohen在自然杂志中写到中学教育可以改变人们的育儿理念。答案D4According to the passage,the most important way to control high population growth is_.Alet girls go away from AfricaBkeep girls in schoolClet young girls remain singleDkeep girls in families解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句前半部分中的内容可知,控制人口快速增长的最重要的方式之一是让女孩儿上学。答案B.短文改错My father is a good husband who usually goes to work at 7 am and back at 7 pm on time. ,yesterday evening,he didnt e back as usual.So we waited him to have supper in the sitting room.But he still didnt show after two hours.Worrying about him,Mom tried to get in a touch with him.But there was answer on the phone.Three hours ,there was finally a knock on the door.Mom ran to it in .When she opened the door,Dad appeared,pletely drunk.Mom was about to shout at him Dad shouted loudly,“I love my wife.”He repeated this sentence again and again. this,Mom took Dad to the bedroom and put him in bed gently with a smile on face.


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