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2019-2020年九年级第一次模拟考试英语试题(VIII)注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(客观性试题 共55分). 单项选择。(共20分,每小题1分)1. _ old lady in red is _ university professor. A .An; a B. An; / C. The; a D. The; an2. Is there _ todays newspaper A .something important B. anything important C .important something D .important anything3. You will achieve nothing _ you work hard A . unless B .when C. if D. that4. The _ trees we plant, the _ our world will be A . less; beautiful B. more; more beautiful C .little; beautiful D. least; best5. Could you tell me _? A .Where he lived B .where he lives C. where does he live D. where did he live6. _ weather! A . What a fine B . How a fine C .What fine D. How fine7. The girl _ is reading is my sister A . who B. whom C .which D. /8. I dont know _ these old clothesA. what to deal with B. how to do with C. what to do with D. to deal with how9. -Which do you like better, tea or milk? -I dont mind, _ is ok. A . any B . none C . either D .neither10. -How many birds are there in the tree? - _ A . No one B . Any C . None D . Neither11. Zhanglili is one of _ in China A . more beautiful teacher B. the most beautiful teacher C .the most beautiful teachers D . more beautiful teachers12. Hurry up, _ we will not catch the early bus A . and B . but C. so D. or13. - Thank you so much for the book that you send me. - _ A . No, thanks B. Im glad you like it C. Please dont say so D .No, its not so good14. We will fly a kite as soon as your homework_ A . finishes B .will be finished C. has finished D. is finished15. The cockies _ good, could I have some more? A . taste B .smell C. feel D .sound16. _ a new building _ in your school last year A . Is; built B .was; built C .Does; build D .did; build17. When the teacher came in, the students _ about the film A . are talking B. were talking C .talked D .talks18. Although Jim loves KFC, he tries _ it too often A . to eat B . not eat C. to not eat D .not to eat19. The young man is _ carry the heavy bag A . strong enough to B .enough strong to C .not enough to D .strong enough 20. I found _ difficult to learn English A . its B. it C. that D. this 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中中选择一个最佳答案。 Ian Scott Wilson, 13, studies at a middle school in the US. He thinks kids dont _21_ enough respect from the grown-up world. “Kids are usually ignored by adults”, he said.” They say: Thats a _22_ idea. You cant do that.”Thats why he took part in a national _23 for student made documentaries. He wanted to be heard. A documentary is a film or TV show that _24 a serious issue. Ian had never made one and wanted to try. Ian made a _25 film about problems at Walter Reed, a hospital in Washington. He won first _26 in the petition for middle school students. Walter Reed is taking care of many injured _27 of the Iraq war. Earlier this year, reports said that the hospital had problems. For example, some said the rooms were _28. Ian paid much attention _29 the issue because his 23-year-old brother is a soldier in Iraq.“I thought about how terrible it would be _30 these things happened to my brother,” Ian said.“It was that feeling that helped make Ians film _31 out”, said Joanne Wheeler. Wheeler helped run the petition. “Ian was very passionate, but he was _32 a good listener.” Ian interviewed 100 people for the _33. He reported on what was wrong. But he also _34 on efforts to fix the problems. Ian got a prize of $1,000. He decided to give the money to an _35 soldier staying in the hospital.21.A. getB. takeC. makeD. release22.A. goodB. sillyC. surprising D. exciting23.A. meetingB. petitionC. lectureD. interview24 A. talksB. tellsC. saysD. speaks25.A. 10-minuteB. 10-minutesC. 10-minutes D. 10-minutes26.A. roomB. placeC. areaD. price27.A. doctorsB. nursesC. soldiersD. engineers28.A. cleanB. uncleanC. politeD. impolite29.A. onB. inC. toD. at30.A. ifB. soC. whenD. while31 A. takeB. putC. workD. stand32.A. alsoB. eitherC. bothD. all33 A. contestB. hospitalC. agreementD. film34 A. reportedB. wroteC. putD. held35 A. illB. injuredC. amazingD. interesting III. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分)根据短文的内容, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。Passage 1 My grandfather is an eighty-year-old man. He always plains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better. Families arent families the way they used to be. A lot of families have broken down. If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together. And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now not anymore. Everyones working. No one has time to look after children at home. And the cars! No one walks anymore; everyone drives. We used to walk five miles to school every day, even in winter. But now we dont. And in school, the children dont have to think anymore. In math class, for example, we used to add, subtract, multiply and divide in our heads. Kids dont use their heads anymore; instead, they use calculators(计算器). Most families have puters now. In the past we didnt have puters. We didnt even have lights. My mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen. But now nobody eats home-cooked food anymore. And people dont talk to each other anymore. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think . Life used to be simple, but it isnt anymore.36. What does the grandfather think of the life now? A. He thinks the life is the same as it used to be. B. He thinks the life now is worse than it used to be. C. He thinks the life now is better than it used to be. D. He thinks the life now is very good.37. What does the underlined word marriage mean in Chinese? A.生活 B.工作 C.婚姻 D.家庭38. What has happened to students these years according to the passage? A. The students dont have to think anymore in school. B. The students use calculators in math class. C. The students used to walk to school, but now they dont. D. All of the above. 39. What changes have happened to some families? There are lights at home People like to eat home-cooked food Lots of families have puters Lots of couples live apart because of unhappy problems A. B. C. D.40. Which is RIGHT according to the passage? A. People have too much time to talk with each other. B. Life now is very simple. C. Some families have bee single-parent families. D. Lots of mothers stay at home and look after their childrenPassage 2 Hi,dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow First,eat different foods,especially fruit and vegetablesYou may have a favorite food,but youd better eat something different,if you eat different foods,you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质)your body needs Second,drink water and milk as often as possibleWhen youre really thirsty,cold water is the Nol choice(选择)Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙)your body needs to grow strong bones(骨头) Third,listen to your bodyHow do you feel when you are full? When you are eating,notice how your body feels and when your stomach(胃)feels fortably fullEating too much will not make you feel fortable and make you fat Fourth,limit(限制)screen timeScreen time is the time you watch TV,DVDs and videos,or using putersIt is good to take more exercise such as basketball,bike riding and swimmingYou cant watch TV for more than two hours a day Fifth,be activeOne thing youd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like bestFind ways to be active every dayFollow these rules and you can be a healthy kid 41You should eat different foods especially _Ameat Bhamburgers Csweets Dfruit and vegetables42Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?AJuice BMilkCCold waterDTea 43According to the passage,you should follow _ rules if you want to be healthyAfiveBnineCfifteenDthirteen 44According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?AWhen youre eating,you dont have to notice how your body feels BYou can eat your favorite food as much as possible CYou can watch TV whenever you like to get more informationDWe should try to live in an active way in our life 45Which is the best title(标题)of the passage? AHow to make yourself importantBHow to be a healthy kid CHow to be a popular kid DHow to make your parents healthyPassage 3Once you are in the examination room with the paper in front of you there is nothing else to do but give it your bestYou will find it goes by very quickly - so make the best of itMost people feel nervous and a bit scared before an exam but dont worry,once you start concentrating on the passage your nerves will calm down - youll be too busyAlways remember exams are not there to catch you out or make you failExaminers try their best to make the exams fair while keeping to the standard set for each levelThey want you to pass The exam is part of the Standard Grade courseAll your work will have prepared you for this and you and your teacher will have practiced close readingsYou know what you are doing Dont be put off by those sitting around youIf someone at the next table starts writing and you are only half way through reading the passage that is their problem not yoursIgnore themConcentrate on your readingBe totally selfish, this is one day you can think about yourself and getting your best mark If you find a question hard dont panicMove on to the next question after a minute or so but always remember to e back and put in an answer Dont worry if there are difficult words in the passage or something you dont understandIt would be a strange exam if everyone understood everythingRead through and carry on with the passageYou can still get enough marks to reach the level required even if there are some blanks in your reading46Your nerves will calm down if you _ Agive your best to read the passageCfeel nervous Bdont worry about the exam Dstart focusing on the passage47What should you do if you find a question very difficult? AI will feel afraid BI move on to see the next question CI e back and put in an answer DI give it up48Which of the following statement is right according to the passage? AYou need to get every answer right to get the higher grade in each level BIf you dont know an answer to a question it is best to leave it blank CIt is important to always write in sentences DIt is important not to be affected by those around you - dont start on the questions until fortable with the passage49Whats the main idea of this passage?AHow to get marks BHow to study wellCWhat to do in an examination DWhat to do when are afraid in an examination50Whats the best title of the passage?AStaying calm BDont be nervousCKeeping silent DTips of taking an examPassage 4Every teacher probably asks himself time and again:What are the reasons for choosing teaching as a career? Do the rewards of teaching outweigh the trying ments? Answering these questions is not a simple taskLets see what the author saysWhy do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didnt want to be considered for an administrative positionHe was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a step up toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up:money and powerCertainly I dont teach because teaching is easy for meTeaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my livingI teach because teaching is a profession built on changeWhen the material is the same,I change the more important,my students changeI teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes,to learn my own lessons,to stimulate myself and my studentsAs a teacher,Im my own bossIf I want my freshmen to learn to write by creating their own textbook,who is to say I cant? Such courses may be huge failures,but we can all learn from failuresI teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answerThe world is full of right answers to bad questionsWhile teaching,I sometimes find good questionsBesides,teaching gives me pace,and variety,and challenge,and the opportunity to keep on learningLast,teaching offers loveNot only the love of learning and of books and ideas,but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teachers life and begins to breathePerhaps love is the wrong word:magic might be betterThese are the real reasons I teach,these people who grow and change in front of meBeing a teacher is being present at the creation,when the clay(黏土)begins to breatheI teach because,being around people who are beginning to breathe,I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them51What do all Americans are to taught to get _when growing up? Amoney and power Bfreedom and happiness Cwealth and safety Dlife and money 52The author chose teaching as a career because teaching_ Ais full of love Bcan change anytime Ccan make people breathe DA & C53What does the author think of teaching_? Ait is difficult for him to do Bit is free to make mistakes Cit brings him too much Dit makes me him lose much54According to the passage,failure is also _ Aan enemy Ba lesson Ca teacher Da friend 55The best title of the passage is _ ATeaching is terrific BTeaching is difficult CWhy I like teaching DWhy I chose teaching as a career第II卷(主观性试题 共95分). 补全对话:(A)从所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话(共5分,每小题1分)Peter: Lets have a look in the South Seas Shopping Centre.A. Heres an antique shop.B. You almost dropped it.C. This is a book store.D. Are you sure its real?E. What can I do for you?F. Dont break anythingG. Lets go along this way.Judy: All right, but mind the steps as you go in.Peter: Thanks. 56_Judy: Ok, but watch out. The floors wet. You might slip.Peter: 57_ Lets go in.Judy: Right, but take care. 58_.Peter: Oh, I like this vase. Ill just pick it up and oops!Judy: Look out! 59_Peter: Gosh, the label says its 900 years old. But it only costs 64 yuan. Im going to buy it.Judy: Be careful. 60_(B)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词) 使对话完整。(共10分,每小题2分)A: Hi, Mary! 61._ this weekend?B: Hi, Jack! I am going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to join us?A: Yeah,62._. Which beach are you going to?B: We are thinking about driving from north to Radcilff Beach in Queensland. I like driving. And I also like watching fish in the sea.A: That sounds great. 63_? B: Well, we plan to leave at about 6 a. m. on Saturday.A: Great. 64._? B: Shall we meet in front of my garden?A: 65._. Ill see you there. Bye. . 句子翻译(共20分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共14分,每小题2分)66. 使他惊讶的是, 这个害羞的女孩跳舞这么好 _ _ surprise, the shy girl danced so well67. 他会说英语和法语 He can speak English_ well _ French68. 如果你想保持健康,就不要放弃 Dont give up, if you want to _ _69. 在老师的帮助下,丹妮在英语方面取得了很大进步 Danny _ great _ with the teachers help70. 他离开北京半年了 _71. 书能被电脑代替吗?_72. 现在汉语被全世界越来越多的人学习_ (B)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文。(共6分,每小题2分) We are in a society full of petition. In fact, everyone is born equal(平等的). You can do what others do. 73. Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjects. So everyone has his or her own advantages. Dont view(考虑) things from a single point of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.74. petition is not so terrible. Dont be afraid of it. And dont be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that self-confidence(自信) is the first step to success. 75. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day!III. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次)get take weekend dinner study big this or old country than buy What do you do to get pocket money (零花钱) from your parents? In Western 76. many children do chores to get pocket money. They usually start to do 77. at 10 years old.School students have to do homework and 78. for tests. They dont have a lot of free time in the week. They often do chores at the 79.Yong kids only do easy chores. So they dont 80. much money. But that is all right. Many of them only want to 81. candy. And candy is cheap! They help wash up after 82. and feed the family cat or dog.When they get 83. kids want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive 84. candy. Then they have to work harder! They often wash the family car, cut the grass, walk the dog 85. cook dinner.Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn to use a lawn mower (割草机) or how to cook. Or course, their parents help them at first.IV阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分) 根据短文内容要求完成任务。 Passage 1阅读短文,回答问题。 When William Thomas decided to rob(抢劫) a jewellerys shop, he made carefully plan. He watched the shop for some days, he found a good place to leave his car, he found a really heavy brick, and he even made plans for the jewellery immediately so that he wouldnt be caught. On the day of the planned robbery, he parked his car on a nearby road and walked around the corner to the jewellerys shop, carrying the brick under his coat.He looked up and down the road and then, when nobody was watching him, he took the brick from under is coat and threw it at the window. Unluckily, William had not checked how strong the glass in the shop window was. The brick hit the window and bounced back off the glass. It hit William on the head and knocked him unconscious(失去知觉).86. Where did the robbery happen, outside or inside the jewellerys shop?87. How many things did William do in preparation for his robbery?88. From which part did William plan to go into the shop?89. What did he take with on the day of the planned robbery?90. Did William rob anything?Passage2 阅读短文内容,填写表格,每空一词。Street Markets Around the WorldThere are many ways of shoppingYou can shop by telephone,by post or through your home puter,but for many people,the most exciting way to shop is also the most traditional-at a street marketYou can find market anywhere in the worldHere are four of them:There are many “floating markets” in Asia;perhaps the most unusual is in Thailand(泰国),at a place called Damnoen SaduakIts open from six in the morning to the noon every dayPeople sell fresh fruit from their boatsMany Belgians(比利时人)say that the Grand Place is the most beautiful square in the worldIt is the home of a colorful flower marketIts open every day except MondayOn Monday,instead of flowers,theres a wonderful bird market!One of the worlds most famous markets is in Mexico City-the Sonora MarketYou can buy toys,birds,herbs and medicineThere are all kinds of thingsIts open every day from early in the morning till

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