2019-2020年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版(I).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版(I)一单项选择(共20小题,每小题分,满分20分)( ) 1. Mr. Li has worked in this factory _. A. since1987 B. for 1987 C. in 1987 D. from 1987( ) 2. Millie _lots of letters from her homtown since she _ to the city. A. has received ;came B. has received ;es C. has received ;has e D. will receive ;es( ) 3. The old woman lives _, but she doesnt feel _.A.alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely( ) 4. - _ have you known that man in red? - Since ten years ago. A. How long B. How oftenC. How manyD. How soon( )5. They didnt _ until they got a new building. A. be married B. get married C. marry to D. marrying ( )6.Where is Mr Green now ?I havent seen him for a few days . He _ to Hong Kong .A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone( )7. Noise pollution was a serious problem here _. A. since then B. in the future C. once a week D. in the past ( )8. We invite experts to give lecture _ in our college. A. from a day to night B. from time to time C. from one to another D. from past to now ( )9. How many places have you visited _ xx? A. when B. before C. after D. since ( )10. Have you ever heard about the famous octopus (章鱼) Paul? Yes. It was an amazing octopus. But sadly, it _ for several months.A. died B. have died C. have dead D.have been dead( )11.The film_for 3 hours. A.has finished B.has been over C.finished D.has over( ) 12.My uncle_ a worker, but now he is a cook. A.is used to be B.used to be C.is used to D.used to being( ) 13.China develops so fast. -Thats true. It_ a lot already. A.has changed B.changed C.will change D.changes( ) 14.Last Thursday when I got to the station, I _ I had left my ticket at home. A.understood B.realized C.believed D.seemed( )15. Nothing in the world is_ if you set your mind to do it. A.impossible B.wonderful C.interesting D.necessary( ) 16.My uncle will_ home from the USA tomorrow. A.return back B.return to C.return back to D.return( ) 17.He likes playing tricks on others, but_, he is a good boy. He is willing to help others. A.in this way B.in some ways C.in that way D.in a world( ) 18.The Statue of Liberty is in_. A.Japan B.English C.China D.the USA( ) 19.How was your summer camp, Ben? -_. I made so many friends. A.Fantastic B.Not really C.Boring D.Of course( ) 20.We can change the channel on TV with a_. A.keyboard B.mouse C.cursor D.remote control二.完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for 21 food than they can eat and others often forget to 22 the lights when they leave the classroom. Waste can bring a lot of problems. 23 China is rich in some resources(资源),we are short of others, for example, fresh water. It is said that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. 24 if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use 25 the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say no. 26 the students waste things everywhere. In our everyday life, we can do many things to 27 waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish 28turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try 29 more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. 30 can be stopped one day if we do our best. ( ) 21. A. much B. many C. more D. less ( ) 22. A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close( ) 23. A. Though B. Because C. As D. When( ) 24. A. And B. So C. But D. Yet( ) 25. A. on B. for C. after D. in( ) 26. A. But B. And C. Also D. Though( ) 27. A. stop B. start C. save D. clean( ) 28. A. to wash B. wash C. washing D.washed( ) 29. A. to order B. to not order C. not order D. not to order( ) 30. A. Water B. Waste C. Things D. Food三、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) AJack and Lucy always make a timetable for their weekends. The following table is their arrangement for the activities of next weekend.SaturdaymorningafternooneveningJackcheck e-mailhave a piano lessongo to Anns partydo homeworklisten to some musicLucyFreebuy some clothesgo to Anns partywatch cartoonsSundaymorningafternooneveningJackget up earlymeet Lingling and Tony in the parkFreeplay table tennishave a picnicLucystay in bedmeet Lingling and Tony in the parkFreerevise for testhave a picnic( ) 31. Jack wont _ next weekend. A. do his lessonsB. go shopping C. do sports D.see Lucy( ) 32. You can visit Jack _. A. on Saturday morningB. on Saturday evening B. on Sunday afternoonD. on Sunday evening( ) 33. You can ask Lucy to help you with your lessons _. A. on Saturday morningB. on Saturday evening C. on Sunday morningD. on Sunday afternoon( ) 34. You can _on Saturday morning. A. play table tennis with Jack B. go to Anns party with Lucy C. chat with Jack on the Internet D. see Jack and Lucy in the park( ) 35. _ is / are Jack and Lucys friend(s). A. Ann B. Lingling C. Tony D. all of them BA writer, Mo Yan has written many short stories, with his first work printed out in 1981.The Swedish Academy spoke highly of his work. The 57-year-old is the first Chinese writer to win the prize. He has such a special way of writing. If you read half a page of Mo Yan you will know it as him, said the head of the Academy. Born Guan Moyan, he writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means dont speak in Chinese.He began writing while a soldier in the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and received international fame in 1987 for Red Sorghum: A Novel of China. Made into a film, the story happened in the eastern China countryside, where he grew up, during the 1920s and 1930s.He has a large readership. His other works include Republic of Wine, Life And Death Are Wearing Me Out and Big Breasts and Wide Hips. After it was put into English twenty years later, the book won him a lot.His latest novel, Frog, about Chinas one child, won the Mao Dun Literature Prize - one of his countrys most important prizes - last year.Mo and the other Nobel winners for medicine, physics, chemistry and peace, received their prizes on 10 December - the date of the death of prize creator Alfred Nobel in 1896. ( ) 36.Mo Yan is a writer born in the _. A. 1920s B. 1930s C. 1940s D. 1950s( ) 37. Mo Yan is his _. A. family name B. pen name C. novel D. born name( ) 38. From the article we know that Mo Yan _. A. got Nobel Prize for his fame B. got Nobel Prize because he once wrote a novel of China C. got Nobel Prize for his novel Frog D. got Nobel Prize for his special way of writing( ) 39. Mo Yan means _in Chinese. A. speak highly for himself B. dont speak C. one child D. Guan Moye( ) 40. Which story is NOT written by Mo Yan? A. Republic of Wine B. Frog C. Red Sorghum D. One Child五、填空(每小题1分,满分10分)A.根据句意及汉语意思完成单词。41. We should do our best to protect the _(环境).42. The train is moving at high_(速度)。43. There are many new_(工厂) in our city.44. Can you go_(帆船运动) with me?45.We decide to make an_(采访) with Mr Liu.(B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。46. My uncle got _ (marry) two months ago.47. The Internet makes_(municate) by email.48. We must do something to stop the air _ (pollute).49. He has moved to the _ (north) part of the city.50.The _(wife) of the policemen often worry about the safety of their husbands.六完成句子。(每空1分,共15分)1.艾米五一假期有许多计划。Amy has many plans for the_ _holiday.2.我们将要乘飞机直飞香港。Were going to_ _ _ _to Hong Kong.3.每天我们匆忙地去赶早班车。We_ _ catch the early bus every day.4.这家老的电影院已经变成了一家大型超市。This old cinema_ _ _ a large supermarket.5.你会用电脑收发邮件吗?Can you use the puter _ _ and_ _?七、根据首字母提示补全短文。(请把单词写在下面的横线上,共10分)Sandy went to see her grandma last week and asked her many questions about the 1. h_ of the old city。 Her grandma told her that she had 2. l_ in the city 3. s_ she was born, so she 4. k_ the city very well. She 5. m_ to a new flat three years 6. a_ and now she 7. m_her old friends very much. She says it is 8. d_ to see her old friends. She often goes to the park and 9. p_ Chinese chess(象棋)。She doesnt feel 10. l_ any more.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._八、书面表达(满分15分)请根据以下内容提示,写一篇题目为“Changes in Sunshine Town”的英语短文。要点:1.这些年阳光镇发生了很多变化。2.过去,道路又窄又脏,垃圾到处都是;现在,道路宽敞干净,路旁有花有树,很漂亮。3.几年前,人们住在又小又旧的房子里,如今,他们大多数人都搬进了新的公寓。政府还见了许多街道,商店和大楼。过去人们只能听录音机或者看电视,现在家家户户有手机,电脑。现在的小镇就是一个现代化的城市。4.过去人们出门只能步行或者骑自行车。现在人们可以乘公共汽车,有的人家还有自己的轿车。5.现在阳光镇的人们生活很舒服。要求:1.包括以上要点,不需要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 2.表达清楚,语法正确; 3.词数80左右。_

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