2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版(V).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版(V)一、听力(听读空间第14页的单元检测,每小题1分,满分20分)二、单项选择(共12分,每小题1分,满分12分)( )1. I feel _ because my job is too _. A. bored, boring B. bored, bored C. boring, boring D. boring, bored( )2. Mr. Fat has _ money than Mr. Thin, but he has _ friends. A. more, fewer B. more, less C. fewer, more D. less, less( )3. Sandy is _ I, so she sits in front of me. A. taller than B. as tall as C. not as tall as D. the tallest ( )4. _ the students in my class _ 50. A. A number of, is B. A number of, are C. The number of, is D. The number of, are( )5. -Would you please not smoke here? Look at the sign. - _. A. No, I will B. Yes, I willC. Sorry, I willD. Sorry, I wont( )6. How much time do you _ _ playing the piano every day?A. spend; practice B. spend; practicing C. take; to practice D. take; practicing ( ) 7. I like the TV channel with _ programmes but _ advertisements.A. more funny; less B. more funny; fewer C. funnier; less D. funnier; fewer( )8. -_ do you go the Swimming Club a week? Twice a week. A. How often B. How long C. How many times D. How soon( )9. They usually get there a little _ than we _. A. early; get B. earlier; do C. earlier; get D. more early; do( )10. The Maths problem is so difficult that _ students can _. A. few; work it out B. a few; work it out C. few; work out it D. a few; work out it( ) 11. The museum is two kilometers _ here. A. far away from B. away from C. from away D. far away( )12. Chinese students have _ weeks _ in the summertime than British students. A. more; on B. less; off C. more; off D. fewer; on 三、完型填空(共10分,每小题1分,满分10分)I share a big office at school with twelve other teachers. Sometimes its a 1 place. Students are ing and going with their homework books. Other students stand in line and are ready to recite(背诵). But there are also students who e to the 2 office just to hang out. They like it here because the teachers are 3 .In the past Chinese teachers used to be very strict. They were like cold parents. Things are 4 now. For example, Pamela, a teacher in my office, is a warm person and her students love her. They enjoy talking to her during lunchtime and 5 with her. She is their teacher and she is also their friend.There is 6 with friendship between teachers and students, but there can be problems. Your teacher is still your teacher and a student must respect(尊重) that. Friendship doesnt mean you will get good grades for poor work. It doesnt mean you can act 7 in the classroom and not be punished(惩罚). The 8 of a teacher is to teach and the job of a student is to learn. And the 9 thing to remember about friendship is that you must 10 have respect for each other, especially if your friend is your teacher.( ) 1.A .free. B. busy C. good D. bad( ) 2.A.teachers B. students C. teachers D. students( ) 3.A.friends B. friendly C. happiness D. happy( ) 4.A .different B. difference C. important D. importance( ) 5.A.playing B. buying C. to play D. to buy( ) 6.A.something right B. nothing right C. something wrong D. nothing wrong( ) 7.A .bad B. badly C. good D. well( ) 8.A.work B. chance C. job D. time( ) 9.A.more important B. most important C. more delicious D. most delicious( ) 10.A .never B. sometimes C. always D.seldom四、阅读理解 (共10分,每小题1.5分,满分15分) (A)Joe Brown had a shop. He sold meat in his shop. One Thursday a woman came into his shop at five to one. “Im sorry Im late,” she said. “I need some more meat for my dinner tonight.”Joe had only one piece of meat in his shop. He took it out of the fridge and said, “This is $6.50.”“That piece is too small,” the woman said, “havent you got anything bigger?”Joe went into the room behind his shop, put the piece of meat into the fridge, took it out again and closed the door with lots of noise. Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said, “This piece of meat is bigger and more expensive. Its $8.75.” “Good,” the woman said with a smile, “give me both of them, please.”( ) 1.Joe Brown was _. A. a waiter(侍者) B. a runner C. an singer D. a shopkeeper( ) 2.When did the woman e to Joes shop? A. Early in the morning. B. Early in the afternoon. C. Late in the evening. D. At about one oclock at night.( ) 3.Why didnt the woman want that piece of meat? A. Because she had no money. B. Because it was bad. C. Because it wasnt big enough. D. Because it was too big.( ) 4. How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge? A. Only one piece of meat. B. Two pieces of meat. C. Several pieces of meat. D. Many pieces of meat.( ) 5. Could Joe give the woman both pieces of meat? A. Of course not. B. Certainly. C. He would try his best. D. Yes, he could.(B)Tom and Joseph are best friends. They spent their summer vacation in Africa. When they were walking through the desert(沙漠), they started to argue(争吵) about something. Tom became very angry and slapped(掌击) Joseph in the face.Joseph felt hurt, but he didnt say anything to Tom. Then Joseph wrote in the sand(沙地): “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”They kept on walking until they found a small lake. They decided to have a bath. But when Joseph got in the water, he started to sink(下沉). Tom jumped in after him and pulled him out. His friend saved his life. After he became well again, Joseph wrote on a stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.”Tom couldnt understand it. “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand. Now you write on a stone. Why?” he asked.“When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand, and the wind can take it away.” Joseph answered. “But when someone does something good for us, we must write it in stone so that no wind can ever take it away.”( ) 6.Tom and Joseph went on a trip in _. A .Europe B .America C. Africa. D .Asia( ) 7. Tom slapped Joseph because _.A. he wanted to play a trick on JosephB. he argued with Joseph and got angry with himC. Joseph took him the wrong way in the desertD. Joseph played with sand ( ) 8. When they found a nice place, they decided to _.A. buy some sand and stones for their friendsB. find something delicious to eatC. have a swimming petitionD. have a rest and wash themselves ( ) 9. The underlined sentence means that we should _.A. let other know we are angry with themB. forgive(原谅) others for bad things as time goes byC. make sure what we write will always be thereD.keep important things in sand but not on stone( ) 10. The most suitable title(题目) of this article may be _.A. Tom saved JosephB. Tom slapped JosephC. A friendship saved in stone D. Travel in Africa五、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)(每空一词)The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous buildings both in France and in the world. It is 324 m metres high, weighs about 10,000 tons. Do you know the most interesting thing of the Eiffel Tower? Let me tell you about it. It can get higher in summer. The tower is made of iron (铁). In summer, when the weather gets hot, the tower rises up about 18 centimetres because of physical (物理) change. Let me tell you how people built the Eiffel Tower. More than one hundred years ago, the French government held a petition to choose the best monument (不朽的作品). At last, a man named Alexander Gustavo Eiffel won the petition. After winning the petition, Eiffel began to build the tower soon. He spent about two years finishing building the tower. He finished the tower in 1889. people was surprised at its beauty when they saw the tower. The Eiffel Tower was named after its designer, Alexander Gustavo Eiffel. He also designed the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像). The Eiffel Tower The facts of the Eiffel Tower Its 1 is 324 meters and the weight is about 10,000 tons. It is made of 2 . In 3 , when the weather gets hot, the tower rises up 18 cm because of physical change.How did people build the Eiffel Tower? Eiffel won the petition the French Government held. Eiffel began to build the tower in 1887 and 4 years later, he finished it. Who designed the Eiffel Tower?The 5 of the Eiffel Tower was Alexander Gustavo Eiffel. 新北区实验中学xx学年第一学期第一次月考 八 年 级 英 语 xx.10学校_ 班级_ 姓名_学号_名姓 级班校学一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)1234567891011121314151617181920二、 单选(共12小题,每小题1分,满分12分)123456789101112三、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)12345678910四、 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)12345678910五、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1._2. _3._4._5. _ 六、 用所给词的正确形式填空. (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1.Americans always call it _(饼干) while English people call it biscuit.2. Their bedroom is much _ (整洁的) than ours.3. The students are in the same class, but they speak different_ (语言).4.I think _ (物理) is very interesting. I like it best.5. The man is very _ (幽默). He is good at telling jokes.6.I was too weak to walk any _(far).7.You can be as_(care) as him in doing homework.8. He did _ (bad) in the writing petition than Tom.9.China _(day) is a popular English newspaper for English learners in the college.10.There are at_(little) thirty sheep at the foot of the hill.七、用所给动词的适当形式填空(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)Mille is my buddy. We often practice (play) badminton together after school. Last week, our team (not win) in the match because of Millies fault(失误). I was so sad and (say) a bad word about Millie. Then Millie wasnt willing (talk) to me any more. I wanted to buy her a gift and say sorry, but _(choose) a gift is really hard for me. Remember, its easier to lose friends than (make) friends.八、句子翻译(共8小题,每题1.5分,满分12分)1. 她总是面带微笑,并且从不说别人的坏话。She and never .2.我每天比她花更多时间做作业。I spend _.3.我的苹果比你的大,但你的比我的多。My apples are _,but_.4.我那生病的小狗总是让我很难过。My little _.5.在所有的学科中,我最喜欢法语。_, I like _.6.当我们读无聊的书的时候,时间似乎过得更慢Time _ when _.7. 她每天最多有两小时的家庭作业。She has _ homework every day.8.我花了一个小时玩电脑游戏,又一个小时下象棋。I had one hour for_, and _.九、书面表达(满分10分)假如你的朋友Kate想了解你心目中理想的学校是什么样的,请以“My ideal school”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文介绍一下。提示: 1.离家不远,有一个大花园和一个很大的图书馆;(自己发挥一点)2.每天上午9点开始上课,下午4点下课;一个班大约有20个学生;3.学校里的老师非常友善;只有一小时的作业,有很多时间进行课外活动;(自己发挥一点)4.每月学校组织一次郊游。5.发表感想。My ideal school

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