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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第4周周练试题牛津版一、单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分)( ) 1. I have _ to tell you about my best friend. A. something other B. other somethingC. something else D. else something ( )2. _ he is, _ he feels. A. The busier; the happy B. The busy; the happy C. The busier; the happier D. The busier; the happiest ( )3. Its known that Suzhou is _ in the world. A. one of the most beautiful countriesB. one of the beautiful countries C. one of the most beautiful citiesD. one of the most beautiful city( ) 4. My roommate is a girl _ round eyes and long hair. A. has B. with C. had D. is having( ) 5. _ you are tired and hungry after a days work. A, May be B. Must be C. Can be D. Maybe( ) 6. Linda is glad to help others _, so we often ask her for help. A. any time B. any times C. on time D. at one time( ) 7. English is Marys _ subject. A. the better B. better C. best D. the best( ) 8. My sister is kind _ her friends. She would like _ things with them. A. with; to share B. with; sharing C. to; to shareD. to; sharing( ) 9. -What _ honest boy!-Yes, and he is _ best student in our class, A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. an; the( ) 10. The picture is _ beautiful than that one. A. very more B. much more C. many more D. more much( ) 11. Todays newspaper is so _ that I feel_. A. boring; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; boredD. bored; boring( )12. -Which sport is _, football, basketball or volleyball? -I think football is. A. more popular B. popular C. the most popular D. the more popular( ) 13. -Im so hungry. May I have _?-Of course. How about a piece of cake? A. anything to eat B. something to eat C. anything eating D. something eat ( )14. She makes her class _ and always makes the students_. A. interesting; laughing B. interesting; laugh C. interested; laugh D. interested; laughing( )15. Lily is a good student. She works harder than _ students in her class. A. any other B. others C. the other D. other二、完形填空(10) Once upon a time, there was a stone bird. She lived in a beautiful forest between 16 mountains(高山). The bird was very 17 , so she could only walk on the ground. But she enjoyed looking up at the trees every day. She dreamed one day she would be able to 18 and enjoy viewing the beautiful countryside from up high. But that 19 was gone after a great fire. In the forest, all the plants and animals were dead. The stone bird was the only form of life able to survive(幸存) the fire, but when she saw what the forest was like, she was 20 , and couldnt stop crying. She cried and cried for hours, then days. She 21 with such feeling that her tears(眼泪) were wearing away her stone body. Finally the bird turned into a pool of 22 . But when the 23 came out, the pool flew into the sky and became a happy little cloud. It could fly over the trees and 24 everything below. Since then, the little cloud traveled all over the world, enjoying the views of all the forests and beautiful countryside. And remembering what destruction(毁灭)fire brought to its own forest, the cloud is now very careful to 25 its rain down on any tree it sees burning.( ) 16. A. two B. three C. four D. several( ) 17. A. heavy B. light C. weak D. tall( ) 18. A. walk B. run C. fly D. jump( ) 19. A. dream B. house C. food D. friend( ) 20. A. sad B. tired C. excited D. bored( ) 21. A. laughed B. shook C. nodded D. cried( ) 22. A. fire B. air C. water D. stone( ) 23A. sun B. moon C. star D. earth( ) 24A. look out B. look for C. look after D. see( )25. A. push B. pull C. pour D. put三、阅读理解(18)(A) Mr Smith is an old man. He is very kind, so many people like him. He likes travelling. But there is something wrong with his eyes, so he cant see clearly. One day he came to New York by train. He went there to visit his best friend. After he got there in the evening, he found his friend wasnt at home. So he had to find a hotel to live in. The next day, his friend didnt e back. In the afternoon he went to buy two bottles of wine. When he came back to his room, he found a fly(苍蝇)on the wall. But he thought it was a nail, so he put the bottles on it. Of course, it came down to the floor and they were broken. He had to buy another two bottles. The waiter in the hotel knew this, and then he put a nail into the wall. When he came back, he looked up at the wall and found the fly was there again. So he walked carefully and hit hard. At once he cried loudly.( )26. People like Mr Smith because_.A. he is very old B. he is very kind C. he has two bottles of wine D. he likes travelling( ) 27. Mr Smith stayed _ when he came to New York. A. at his friends home B. at his parents home C. in a restaurant D. in a hotel( ) 28. What does nail mean in Chinese?A.锤子B.钉子C.衣架D.壁柜( ) 29. In fact, the second time Mr Smith saw_ on the wall. A. a fly B. a nail C. a bottle of wineD. a picture( ) 30. How many bottles of wine did Mr Smith buy?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.B The Nile is the longest river in the worldIt flows across the all Egypt,from south to northAncient Egyptians mainly lived by the NileBack in the old days,the river flooded once a yearAfter the flood,it left behind rich black soilThis black soil was good for growing plants,and ancient Egyptians knew it Ancient Egyptians grew many things,such as wheat,cucumbers,onions,lettuces,and beansAmong all of those,wheat was one of the most importantAncient Egyptians use them to make bread and beerThey ate bread and drank beer every dayMeat was very little thenOnly rich people could afford itEven so,they would only eat meat during festivalsOn those special times,they would also drink wine made from grapes Ancient Egyptians ate a lot of fruitsThey really liked dates and figsThey sometimes trainedbaboons to climb up trees and collect figs for themThey used dates and figs to make cakes and then sweetened them with honeyAncient Egyptians did not know about sugarThey were the first people in the world to keep bees and collect honey( ) 31How did the ancient Egyptians get the rich land? AThe flood left the rich black soil to them BThey stopped the Nile from running and got the land CThe sea around them left soilDThey got soil from the mountains( ) 32What are dates and figs? AThey mean“calendar” BThey are two kinds of vegetables CThey are two kinds of fruits DThey are two names of animals( )33How could ancient Egyptians get honey? AThey grew it on land BThey kept bees CThey bought it DThey made it from sugar( ) 34What do you think of ancient Egyptians? AThey were clever and hardworking BThey were lazy CThey were friendly DThey were brave四、单词拼写(10)1_(谎言)will always hurt peoples feelings.2.Is it_(真实的)that John is the boss of the pany?3. The strange man_(撞)into a child and drove away at once.4. My brother didnt do well in the English_(竞赛).5. Sara and Amy would like to be_(社会的) workers when they grow up.6. Youd better_(信任) your parents in this matter. They are always right,7.You can erase mistakes with a (橡皮)。8.We are looking forward to the next (假期)。9.Its really fun to learn different kinds of foreign (语言)。10.The important meeting began at 6 p.m. and (结束) at 10 p.m.五选词填空(10)Sharewith; try ones best; walk past; care about; something; choose; she; high; bad; make friends 1.The old mans health was changing from bad to ,then the worst.2.we should to work hard to get a good future of our own.3.The young people tiny times 3to be the best film in xx.4.My best frieng Sandy always me when I am sad.5.Do you often with honest people in your daily life.6.Who is willing to your cake the new friends.7.When he my desk,he always knocked my books onto the floor.8.-Can she tell you everything about ?-Yes,we are true friengs.9.-Do you know the of yaoming?He is almost 2.3 metres tall.10.Sorry,dear!There isnt in the fridge.W e have to go to the supermarket.六完成句子。121. We shouldnt (说任何人的坏话)2. I like (英国学校的生活) very much.3.Mark looks smart and (很有幽默感).4.Benny is (一个诚实的男孩)and he never tells lies.5.I hope someone can listen to my problems and (给予我帮助)6.Id like to tell Millie everything because she can (保守秘密).七、书面表达(25)根据下列提示,写一篇文章描述你最好的朋友。_

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