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2019-2020年九年级英语(下)(沪教牛津版)Unit1检测题 (时间:60分钟;满分:100分). 听力试题(每小题1分,共15分)第一题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项。每组对话读一遍。 1. Who is the man? A B C 2. What can Betty do? A. B. C.3. Where is Lingling from? A. B. C.4. What is Mr Lis job? A. B. C.5. What is the boys favourite pet? A. B. C.第二题 对话理解 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每组对话读两遍。6.Which subject is Helens favourite?A. Maths. B. puter Studies.C. Geography.7.Who is the tallest boy in Mikes class?A. Jim. B. Simon. C. Mike.8.Who has the most flowers of the three?A. Tom. B. Kate. C. Ann.9. What time did the boy get to school this morning?A. At 7:00 a.m. B. At 6:50 a.m. C. At 7:10 a.m.10.What are they talking about?A. Crossing the road. B. Staying at home. C. Going shopping.第三题 语篇理解 这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。11.Who is the principal of the language school?A. Mrs King B. Tim King C. Sam King12.When do lessons start every morning?A.8:00 B.11:00 C.8:3013.What do they do in the afternoon?A. They must learn English B. They are free to do anything C. They take exams14.Why does Mr King ask the students not to worry about the exam? A. Because it is not hard and a dictionary can be used B. Because the exam will be taken in three weeks C. Because the results of the exam will be sent to the students home addresses15.Where will they have lunch? A. Theyll have lunch at their school B. Theyll have lunch at home. C. Theyll have lunch outside the school. 单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分)请你从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. The girl is tall enough _ the apples on the tree.A. reaching B. to reachingC. reach D. to reach17. What are you _ ?Im looking for my book.A. looking forB. findingC. finding out D. seeing18. With a microscope, a whole new world of investigation _. A. turns upB. makes upC. opens up D. calls up19. We should _ a new school here.A. take upB. pick upC. set up D. make up20. That film is not _ as interesting as this one. A. nearlyB. nearC. almost D. mostly21. We have lots of things in mon _ music.A. besidesB. exceptC. except for D. beside22. That _ a good idea. A. smells B. tastes C. sounds D. feels23. My mother told me not _ out at night.A. go B. going C. to go D. goes24. It is summer now in China, _ it is winter in Australia. A. beforeB. until C. while D. since25. The book is very _.A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests.完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。Have you ever been to the Great Wall in China? Its 26 of the wonders of the world and is 27 to people all over the world.The Great Wall 28 long ago. Everybody in China will tell you that it was built in the Qin Dynasty (秦朝). In fact, it 29 a long period of time in Chinas 30 .We can 31 tell how many years it took. We dont know how many stones 32 build the wall. We dont know how many people died in building the Great Wall. We 33 can say that it was built 34 the blood and sweat of the Chinese nation. If you have a chance to go to China some day, 35 to go there and have a look at the great wonder. 26. A. the only one B. one C. a D. ones27. A. unknownB. satisfied C. strange D. known28. A. built B. has been built C. was built D. had been built29. A. paid B. used C. spent D. took30. A. history B. books C. stories D. drawings31. A. never B. hardly C. almost D. no longer32. A. are used to B. were used toC. use to D. used to33. A. alone B. there C. then D. only34. A. of B. in C. with D. at35. A. sure B. be sure C. want D. being sure.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。AHere is some information about some of the wonders of the world. I am sure you will be interested in them. The Pyramids of Egypt There are about eighty pyramids known today. The most well-known was for Pharaoh(法老) Khufu. It is known as the “Great Pyramid”. Its also the largest one. Workers used about 2.3 million blocks of stone to build it. (A) 用了20年的时间才把它建成。The Hanging Gardens of BabylonThe garden sat on a hill. It was a large and wonderful structure(建筑物). Many parts of the garden were high up on large columns(支柱). There were many big and green trees with lovely flowers. Although there are many different ideas about the garden, we are not sure whether this wonder ever existed(存在)! The Lighthouse of Alexandria The Lighthouse of Alexandria was designed about 2,000 years ago. It was in Egypt, too. (B) It was one of the ancient wonders of the world , about 135 metres high. It was once the highest building in the world. Although it doesnt exist now, many people e to see its relic(遗址) every year. 36. The passage has talked about _ wonders of the world. A. oneB. two C. threeD. four37. “_” has the same meaning as Sentence A.A. We built it for twenty years. B. It spent twelve years building it. C. It took twenty years to build it. D. Workers took twelve years to build it. 38. _ raised high up the parts of the garden.A. Big green trees B. Lovely flowersC. Stones D. Large columns39. The Chinese meaning of Sentence B is “_”.A. 它是世界奇迹之一 B. 它是世界古代奇观之一C. 它是世界古代奇观 D. 它是世界自然奇观之一40. Which is NOT true?A. The Great Pyramid used many stones to build.B. Scientists can prove that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon has ever existed. C. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was in Egypt. D. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was about 135 metres high.BJane Goodall is a famous scientist. For more than 40 years,Goodall lived mostly in Tanzania in East Africa,studying chimpanzees.As a young child,Jane Goodall was interested in animals. She grew up in the English countryside and was always climbing trees or riding horses. When Jane was 23,she got a chance to go to Africa. Even though she had never been to college,she got a job with a famous scientist named Louis Leakey. One day Louis Leakey said he needed a volunteer. He needed someone to go to a lake in Tanzania to study a kind of chimpanzees. Jane was excited. On July 16,1960, she began her exploration(探索)At first,the chimpanzees ran away from Jane. But with time passing,they got used to her being around. Every day,Jane would follow the chimpanzees,taking notes on their behavior. She learned many new things about chimpanzees. She watched how a chimpanzee made a tool. She learned how some chimpanzees became good leaders. She watched how mother chimpanzees raised their children. She watched animals get angry and get upset. She wrote everything down so others would understand animals as she did. She learned that if you pay really close attention to animals,you will understand what they are “saying”.41 .What is the best title of the passage? A. Jane Goodalls college life B. Jane Goodalls family C. Jane Goodall,a famous scientist D. Jane Goodall and Louis Leakey42. What is the correct order of the following according to the passage? a. Jane went to Africa. b. Jane started her exploration. c. Jane worked with Louis Leakey. d. Jane was born in the countryside. e. Jane followed chimpanzees. A. d-a-e-b-c B.b-a-c-d-e C. a-d-c-b-e D. d-a-c-b-e43. Louis Leakey chose Jane Goodall as a volunteer to_. A. plant trees B. raise horses C. study chimpanzees D. do experiments44. Jane_the chimpanzees behaviors to help others understand them. A. wrote down B. took pictures of C. made videos of D. drew pictures about45. From the passage we can infer(推断)that_ A. mother chimpanzees raise their children B. people can municate with animals C. animals dont get excited D. chimpanzees make tools.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(每小题1分,共5分)46.The box is _ (几乎) empty.47.Father _ (鼓励) me to study French well.48.The song _ (听起来) beautiful.49.I got up late this morning, so I _ (错过) the first bus.50.I wound like more _ (信息).根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)51.他不知道怎样去图书馆。He doesnt know_ _ go to the library.52.我们想开辟一条新路径。We want to _ _ a new route.53.谁发现了美洲大陆?Who discovered _ _ _ ?54.我们必须建立自己的政府。We must _ _ a state of our own.55.莫言作为一名作家而出名。Mo Yan _ _ _ a writer.书面表达(共20分)袁隆平被称为“杂交水稻之父”。由于他的努力,中国的水稻产量大幅度提高。请根据以下提示对他进行介绍。 提示:Father of Hybrid Rice, finished university in the 1960s,developed hybrid rice in 1973 要求:1语法正确,表达流畅;2拼写正确;3词数:70左右。_Unit 1 Great explorations检测题参考答案及听力原文15 BCCAB 610 BBCCA 1115 CCBAA16.D 此题考查“形容词 + enough + for sb.+ to do”结构,意为“对某人来说够能做”。句意:这个女孩够高,能够到树上的苹果。17.A look for意为“寻找”,强调“找”的动作。 find意为“找到,发现”。强调“找”的结果,其宾语是丢失的东西或人。 find out 着重表示通过查询、理解、分析、思考等“弄清楚,查明”一件事情,其后的宾语常常是某种情况或事实。see 意为“看见”。句意:“你在找什么?”“我在找我的书。”故答案选A。18.C open up“开辟,(机会、新情况)出现,打开,开启”。turn up “开大;升高(音量、热量等)”; make up “组成,编造”;call up “打电话”。句意:显微镜开创了科学研究的崭新世界。故C项符合题意。19.C 句意:我们应该在这儿建一座新学校。set up意为“建立,设立”,符合题意。pick up“捡起,拾起”;take up“开始从事”;make up “组成,编造”。 20.A 句意:那部电影远不及这部有趣。nearly与almost在多数情况下可换用。但almost 所表达的程度比nearly更接近一些。nearly 可与not 连用,但不能与其他否定词连用;almost可与no, none,never, nothing,nobody等否定词连用。21.C 句意:除了音乐之外,我们还有很多共同点。besides“除之外(还)”,有附加的含义。except “除之外”,含有排他的含义。except for“除之外,只是”。beside “在旁边”。22.C smell“闻起来”;taste“尝起来”;sound“听起来”;feel“摸起来”。句意:那听起来是一个好主意。故C项符合题意。23.C tell sb. (not) to do sth.意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”,是固定结构。故选C。句意:我妈妈告诉我夜间不要出去。 24.C 由句意可知,前后两句在意思上表转折,应选表示转折含义的while。25.A 句意:这本书很有趣。interesting形容词,意为“有趣的”,可以作定语,也可以作表语,常指物。interested形容词,意为“感兴趣的”,常指人。interest作动词,意为 “使感兴趣”;作名词,意为“兴趣,爱好”。 26. B one of 表示“之一”。27. D be known to 意为“为所熟知”。28. C 由语境可知此处为一般过去时的被动语态。29. D 表示“花费(时间)”,且it 作形式主语,故只能用take。30. A in Chinas history意为“在中国的历史上”。31. B hardly意为“几乎不”。32. B stones作主语,谓语动词用复数;且由句意可知应用一般过去时的被动语态。 33. D only意为“只有”,符合句意。alone意为“单独的”;there意为“在那里,往那里”;then意为“那时”。34. C 介词with表示手段或工具,意为“用”。35. B if引导条件状语从句,主句为祈使句。句意为“如果某一天你有机会去中国,一定要去看一看这个伟大的奇观”。36. C 由小标题内容可知,文章共介绍了三处世界奇观。37. C 本题实际上是考查对汉语的翻译。由“20年”可知B、D两项不符合,由汉语意思知应用被动语态,故选C项。38. D 由“Many parts of the garden were high up on large columns(支柱).”可知。39. B 由one of“之一”可知C项不正确,由ancient wonders“古代奇观”知A、D两项不正确,故选B项。40. B 由“we are not sure whether this wonder ever existed(存在)!”可知选B。 41. C 阅读全文可知,短文主要讲述了名叫Jane Goodall的女科学家的故事。故选C。42.D 阅读全文可知故事情节的顺序为:Jane出生在乡下Jane去了非洲Jane和Louis Leakey一起工作Jane开始她的探索Jane跟随着黑猩猩,故答案应选D。43.C 由第四段中的第二句“He needed someone to go to a lake in Tanzania to study a kind of chimpanzees.”可知答案应选C。44.A 由短文最后一段中的第一句“Every day, Jane would follow the chimpanzees, taking notes on their behavior.”可知答案应选A。take notes“记笔记”。45.B 从整篇文章中Jane对黑猩猩的观察及黑猩猩的表现可推断出人们能与动物交流,故B项正确。46.nearly47.encourages48.sounds49.missed50.information51.how to52.open up53.the American continents54.set up55.is known asOne possible version:Yuan Longping is called “Father of Hybrid Rice”. He is one of the most famous scientists in China. In the 1960s,he finished university. Since then, he has spent plenty of his time developing the new type of rice. In 1973,together with other scientists,he developed hybrid rice. It was a great success. Because of Dr Yuans hard work,China now produces enough rice every year to feed its people. What a great man he is!听力原文第一题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项。每组对话读一遍。1.M: Who is the man?W: He is Yang Liwei. He is from China.2.M: What can you do, Betty?W: I can ride a bike, but I cant play the piano.3.M: Where are you from, Lingling?W: Im from China. Im Chinese.4.M: What is Mr Lis job?W: He works in a hospital. Hes a doctor.5. W: Do you like cats? M: Yes, but I like dogs best!第二题 对话理解 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每组对话读两遍。6. M: Helen, do you like Geography?W: No, Im not good at it. But I like puter Studies best.7. W: Look! Who is ing here, Mike?M: Its Simon, the tallest boy in our class. He is even taller than Jim.8. W: Tom has more flowers than Kate.M: But Tom has fewer flowers than Ann.9. W: What time do you usually arrive at school?M: At 7 oclock in the morning, but this morning, I was ten minutes later than usual because of the bad traffic.10. W: You were lucky enough not to hurt yourself. M: I will never walk across the road when the red light is on.第三题 语篇理解 这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 Mr King is the principal of a language school in Canada and he is now making a speech to wele his new foreign students: “ Hello, everyone. My name is Sam King. Wele to our school. I hope you will enjoy your time with us . Every morning from 8:30 to 11:30 you will be in the classroom learning English. Lunch will be in the school at 12:00. There is a lot of delicious food and fast food, too. In the afternoon and evening you are free to do what you want to do and youll be able to speak English. There will be lots of time for speaking. If you need to see the doctor, the school will take you to the hospital. Next, some news about your exam. You will take it in three weeks. You may use a dictionary in the exam. Dont be too worried about this. The exam is not very difficult. Your results will be sent to your home addresses about four weeks later. Thats all. Thank you. Have a nice stay in Canada.


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