2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期中试题 人教新目标版(VI).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期中试题 人教新目标版(VI)题号一二三四五六七总分分数得分评卷人 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)B. Get good gradesC. Start a school magazine.( ) 7.Whats Homework Help about?A. How to get good grades B. How to be reportersC. How to write school events. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。 ( ) 8. Why does Peter Brown make the phone call?A. Because he wants to sell flowers.B. Because he wants to talk about a project.C. Because he wants to have dinner with Mrs. White.( ) 9. Whats Peters telephone number?A.532-865 B. 325-856 C. 253-358( ) 10. When will Peter Brown probably leave his office?A. At 3:30 pm B. At 4:00 pm C. At 4:30 pm听下面一段独白,回答第11至第12两个小题。( ) 11. What lesson were they having at this time yesterday?A. A physics lesson. B. A chemistry lesson. C. A geography lesson.( ) 12 What does Li Qiang think of the water behind his house? A. Its dirty. B. It has no smell . C. It has no color.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。( ) 13 What is Xiao Qiang doing?A. Watching TV. B. Writing a story. C. Reading a newspaper.( ) 14 What will Xiao Hua do during summer vacation?A. Go traveling. B. Visit friends C. Do homework.( ) 15.How do Xiao Hua and Xiao Qiang talk?A. Face to face. B. On the Internet. C. On the telephone.第三节听下面一篇短文。根据短文中建议的先后顺序将下面的内容重新排序, 并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。短文读两遍。A. Not asking too many questions. B. Not talking to others,C. Looking at the speaker in the face. D. Putting your arms on the knees,E. Making your body forward.16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _得分评卷人 二、单项选择。 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。( ) 21. Thailand is _ Asian country and London is _ European city. A. a,a B.an,an C. an,a D.a,an( ) 22. -_ do you practice your pronunciation? -By_ aloud. A. How, reading B. How, read C.What, reading D. What, read( ) 23. -Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today. -Dont worry. I will keep the _. A. secret B. decision C.grade D. answer( ) 24.Kates dad is getting old. She will go back home to see him _ it is convenient. A. no matter where B. no matter what C.no matter how D. no matter when( ) 25.The winner of the singing petition was a _ girl named Zhang Mei from China. A. 19-years-old B. 19-year-old C. 19-years-olds D. 19-year-olds( ) 26. Knowing how to ask for information_ _ important for us. A.polite,is B. politely, is C. polite, are D. politely, are( ) 27. Do you know how many cars _in Shanghai every year?A.produce B.will produce C.are producing D.are produced( ) 28. -Mr Green _ his son. -Yes, he enjoys talking about his son with any friends of his. A. worries about B. is proud with C. takes pride in D. gives up( ) 29. Peter got some Cs at school today, and it means that he _ the final exam. A.scored B. lost C.passed D.failed( ) 30. Chen Hui _puter games, but now he gives them up and concentrates on study. A. is used to playing B. is used to play C. used to play D. is used for playing( ) 31. -_important information theyve given us! It helps us a lot. A. What B. How C. What an D. How an ( ) 32. My pen pal Andrew found_ difficult to learn Chinese well. A. it B. that C. this D. Thats( ) 33. China is known _ its delicious food. A.to B. as C. for D. on ( ) 34. She _ 10 pounds last winter because she ate too much. A.put on B.put up C. put off D. put away( ) 35. -Excuse me, could you please tell me _ ? -sorry. But the bus stop is over there. You can go and check the bus lines. A. which bus goes to the sea Park B. where is the bus stop C. When I can get to the Sea Park D. How can I get to the bus stop得分评卷人 三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。 In 1608 an Englishman named Thomas Coryate traveled in Italy. He liked the country and 36 down everything interesting. But he found one thing 37 interesting than the others. In his dairy Thomas wrote: “ 38 the Italians eat meat, they use small forks. They do not eat with their hands because, as they say, people do not always have 39 hands.Before he went back to England, Thomas Coryate bought a few 40 .A t home Thomas had a dinner party to show forks to his friends. When the steak(牛排)was brought out, he took out a fork and wanted to 41 the steak as the Italians did in Italy. His friends were 42 when they saw this. He told them what the fork was. They all said that Italians were very strange people because the fork was not easy to use at all. Thomas Coryate tried to prove that his friends were 43 , so he began to show that it was easy to use the fork. But the first 44 of meat he took with the fork fell to the floor. His friends began to 45 _ at him and he had to take the fork away. People in England began to use forks only fifty years later. ( ) 36. A. broke B.wrote C. went D. calmed( ) 37. A. less B. much C. even D. more( ) 38. A. Why B. When C. WhichD. Where( ) 39. A. clean B.bigC. dirty D. safe( ) 40. A. knivesB. dishes C. forks D. plates( ) 41. A. use B. eatC. make D. drink( ) 42. A. worriedB. boredC. tired D. surprised( ) 43. A. honestB. correctC. wrongD. clever( ) 44. A. piece B. kiloC. poundD. Packet( ) 45. A. scream B. look C. Shout D. laugh得分评卷人 四、阅读理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。A“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When she saw the baby, she was surprised. The baby was born without ears.As time went by, the baby grew up. There was nothing wrong with his hearing. But some kids laughed at him because he didnt have ears. The baby was very sad, but his parents did nothing but felt sorry for him.The boys father talked with a doctor. “Could nothing be done?” the father asked. “ I believe I could give him a pair of outer ears, if they could be got.” The doctor answered. So they began to look for a person who would like to give his or her ears.Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have found someone and it will give the ears you need. But its a secret, ”said the father. The operation was very successful. Several years later, he got a good job.One day, he told his father “ But I must know who gave so much to me. I want to do something for him or her.” “I am sorry, but I cant tell you.” Said the father. The secret was kept for years, but the day did e. For the boy it was one of the darkest days. He stood with his father over his mothers coffin.Slowly, the father raised her thick brown hair to show that his mother had no outer ears. “Your mother said she was glad that she never let her hair be cut,” he said, “and nobody ever thought she was less beautiful, did they?” 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( ) 46.Why did the kids laugh at the boy?A. Because he heard nothing. B. Because he had only an ear.C. Because he had no parents. D. Because he had no ears.( ) 47. Who gave the ears to the boy?A. A doctor. B. His father. C. His mother. D. A good man.( ) 48.Why did the boys mother never let her hair be cut?A. Because she liked long hair.B. Because she didnt let her son know the secret.C. Because she had only an ear.D. Because she had no ears when she was born.( ) 49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. There is nothing wrong with the boys ears.B. The boys parents did nothing for the boy.C. Just after the operation, the boy knew the truth.D. Before the boy knew the truth, his mother died.( ) 50. From the passage, we know “_”.A. ears are very important B. no ears are goodC. parents love is great D. secrets are known by peopleBWhen the bell rings, every student takes out an iPad. The light from the screens makes their their young faces pretty and lively. Thats what happens every day at my school in the US. We use iPad in class. I felt surprised and excited when I got an iPad the first day I arrived at the school. But it was not free. I paid about $99 to rent it for three years. Every iPad at my school has a special learning system called Focus. Teachers put their teaching materials like textbooks and PPTs on it. When we have classes, we enter the system and download the materials with our iPads. It makes the classes interesting and efficient. For example, several weeks ago, we learned about former South African president Nelson Mandela. Our teacher prepared a video in which Mandela made an encouraging speech. We could not only watch the video, but also check the transcript(文字稿)at the same time. Because of the video, I know more about the great man. We also do our homework with iPads. If the homework is made up of multiple choices(选择题),we can know our grade right after we submit(提交)our homework. If its essays, teachers grade them online, without needing to look through so many papers. However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of my classmates play games or log on social networking websites(社交网站)in class. I believe the key to use iPads well is to have good self-control(自制力),isnt it?根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( ) 51. The writer paid about _ dollars to rent an iPad every year. A.99 B. 612 C. 33 D .204( ) 52. How is an iPad used in class? A .We enter the system-Focus and download the materials with it. B. We only turn it on. C. We record what the teacher said in class with it. D.We take photos of what the teacher wrote on the blackboard.( ) 53.The underlined word “efficient” means “_ in Chinese. A. 有影响的 B.高效的 C. 有活力的 D. 无聊的( ) 54. We cant _ with iPads.A. have classes B. do our homework C .play games D. grade our essays( ) 55. Whats the best title of the passage? A. How to use an iPad B .Have classes with an iPad C.How to have good self-control D. iPad is good for us C Sunny English Club for studentsTime: 16:00-18:00 every SaturdayTicket: 200 yuan a monthAdd: Zhou Yu StreetTel: 378-5290Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more! Ocean MuseumTime: 9:00-17:00 from Thursday to SundayTicket: 50 yuanAdd: Xue Yuan StreetTel: 543-9781 Health CenterTime: 9;00-17:30 from Monday to SundayTicket: 150 yuanAdd: Yong Le StreetTel: 380-1451Free examinations for these over 70.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( ) 56. Sunny English Club is for _. A. nurses B. policemenC.businessmenD. students( ) 57. You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year. A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1,200 yuanD. 2,400 yuan( ) 58. You can visit Ocean Museum _. A. on SundayB. on Wednesday C. on MondayD. anytime( ) 59. One can get free examination in the Health Center if he is _. A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D. 73( ) 60. If you have 50 yuan, you can go to _. A. Health Center B. Ocean MuseumC. Sunny English Club D. all of the aboveD In America, parents want their children to do something by themselves. For example, 61 . When the children are still very young, parents began telling them something about money. 62 . When the children bee a little older, parents teach them to save money. If the children want to buy something, 63 . Parents will tell them what they should buy and what they shouldnt. Parents are glad to see their children use their own money to help the others. By this way, children can learn to be helpful. Parents also teach their children to make a plan for using money. 64 . In America, people often sell some of their old things. 65 . If people buy them, they can get some money. Some children help others wash cars or sell newspapers to get money. A. So children often put the old things in front of their houses B. they can use their own money.C.they want them to use money wiselyD. It is good for them. E.They also tell the children how money can be used.61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _得分评卷人 五、词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从下面方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(选项中有两个词是多余的。)from out something surprise decide open walk if love what daughter nameOne evening, three old men came to a house and knocked at the door .The woman in the house 66 the door and said. “I dont think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please e in and have _67_ to eat” “We do not go into a house together .”they replied .“Why is that ?” She wanted to know. One of men explained ,“His 68 is Wealth(财富) .” He pointed to one of his friends.Then he pointed to another and said ,“He is Success ,and I am Love .You have to pick one of us .”The woman told the family 69 had happened .Her husband said.“Why dont we invite Wealth? Our house will be filled with money! But the woman wanted to have Success. Their daughter was listening _70_one corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion :“Wouldnt it be better _71_ we invited Love? I am sure our house will then be filled with 72 !They finally 73 to invite Love. The woman went out and asked the three men ,“Which one of you is Love ? P lease e in and be our guest(客人).”Love got up and 74 to the door .The other two followed. The woman was very 75 and asked, “I only invited Love, why are you ing in ?”The old men replied together :”Wherever Love goes ,we go with him .Wherever there is Love,there is also Wealth and Success!”66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._ 71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._得分评卷人 六、补全对话(5个句子,每个句子2分,共10分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Hello, Amy!B: Yes? A: Long time no see. Im Paula.B: Paula? You have changed a lot. 76. _. A:Yes, you are right. I had my hair cut. 77. _?B: Great. I like your new look. A:Thanks. By the way, I failed the English exam again. I feel upset. Maybe my way of learning English is not right. 78_?B: Sure. I think you should read English aloud in the morning . Its the best time to memorize things. A: OK. I ll have a try. B:79_?A:Never! I just listen to what the teacher says. B: You should write down the important things that the teacher tells you. Taking notes in class is an important way to learn English well. A: Thank you. I will do as you tell me. B:80_.得分评卷人 七、书面表达(15分) 在我们的生活中,有很多人或事可能会改变我们。请你以“_ changed me”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的经历和感受。要求:1.语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺。 2.文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。 3.80词左右。_ changed me_xx学年第一学期期中九年级英语答案听力部分01-05 BABAB 06-10 CABAC 11-15 AACAC 16-20 CEDBA单项选择21-25 CAADB 26-30 BDCDC 31-35 AACAA完型填空36-40 BDBAC 41-45 ADCAD阅读理解46-50 DCBDC 51-55 CABDB56-60 DCADB 61-65 CBEDA词语运用66. opened 67. something 68.name 69.what 70. from 71.if 72. love 73.decided 74.walked 75.sruprised补全对话76. You used to have long hair./77. What do you think of my new look?/78. Can you give me some advice?/79. Do you often take notes in class?/80. Not at all. /书面表达略

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