2019-2020年高二英语 Unit 20 Lesson 2 Atificial Intelligence教案 北师大版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit 20 Lesson 2 Atificial Intelligence教案 北师大版选修7教材分析本课是有关人工智能的听力课。学生将要听到三篇有关人工智能的听力材料,分别是:人对“机器人”的访谈, 介绍一不科幻电影xx:太空漫游的专题小报告,及电影xx:太空漫游的对白节选。学生将通过听力材料了解人工智和机器人,并能用本文将要学习的有关澄清事实和提问题的功能句型来谈论这个话题。也将要练习通过听力材料的关键词来识别说话人,或通过捕捉语言的风格分辨说话人间的关系;学习利用语境预测听力内容和缺失的信息,并复习 note taking的听力学习策略和提高对听力学习策略使用的意识。本课计划按两课时完成,第一课时重点是通过听力材料掌握澄清事实和提问的功能句型,并能落实到口语当中。第二课时通过听电影xx:太空漫游的相关介绍及电影对白节选来学习练习听力策略,主要是在听力前预测相关信息,并在听力过程中写下关键信息;并掌握一些固定搭配的用法。教学内容话题:人工智能;听力重点词汇:Category, autonomous, in advance, give away, take over, official, invest, colleague, rescue, exit第一课时First Period (listening & speaking)教学目标通过本课学习,学生能够:1. 通过听力材料关键词来识别说话人,并且通过捕捉语言的风格分辨说话人之间的关系2. 用澄清事实和提问的表达法填空,并应用到口语中3. 提高对人工智能和机器人的兴趣,以及与之相关的语言学习兴趣教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeBefore-listening (9 mins)Step 1Show a poster of the movie AI, and explain the meaning of artificial and intelligence.slide 2 开门见山,让学生认识本文标题,并激发学生对本课学习兴趣WC2Step 2Show another two posters of movies and ask the students to tell the category and leading roles of theirs.slide 3 通过电影海报引导学生进入本课主题人工智能和机器人,并进一步提高学生兴趣。WC2Step 3Show a picture of a movie terminator, and ask the students to work out the main difference between robot and humanslide 4 通过图片让学生观察,并想出机器人和人的本质区别,进一步把学生引入听力话题。WC,2Step 4Show some more pictures about robots and discuss with the students about what robots can and cannot do slide 5 了解学生有关机器人的背景知识,为听力作铺垫WC,3While-listening (31 mins)Step 5Ask the students to read the questions and predict some information about Ananova slide 6 通过听力问题来猜测听力大意及相关具体信息,培养学生预测的听力学习策略WC,2 Step 6Introduce Ananova by using its websiteslide 7 让学生了解一些有关采访主人公的信息,增加学生对听力主题的背景知识,降低第一遍的听力难度WC,2Step 7Ask the students to guess the meaning of new words in context.slide 8 让学生识别听力材料中的新单词,为下一步听力做准备WC,5Step 8Ask the students to listen to the tape and answer the questions. listen to the tape twice if necessaryslide 9 让学生听出一些具体信息。WC,6Step 9Ask the students to read the functional expressionsslide 10让学生迅速感知有关澄清事实和提问的表达法,为下一步听力和填空做准备WC,3Step 10Ask the students to predict what kind of functions expressions can be filled into the blanks.slide 11-12让学生预测听力填空题答案,加深对有关澄清事实和提问的表达法的理解,同时为听力填空做进一步铺垫。WC,3Step 11Ask the student to listen to tape and fill the blanks with the expressions they read(break the listening materials into three parts and listen to them separately and do the exercises accordingly).slide 13-15在听力材料中进一步感知,并应用澄清事实和提问的表达法WC,10After listening (5 Mins)Step 12Ask the students to read the notes on page 103 (about the robot friend), and try to use the functional expressions to clarify the notes by following the examples given by the teacher.slide 16-18让学生在老师的引领下,开始应用澄清事实和提问的表达法WC,5Step 13Ask the students to design their own robot dog by referring to the notes on page 103, and present it to the class, and answer the questions of the classmates by using clarifying expressions. (this could be the optional)slide 19让学生在更自由的空间,用澄清事实和提问的表达法进行互动,巩固并掌握这些表达法。WC/GW,5Second Period (listening & speaking)教学目标通过本课的学习,学生能够:1. 能尝试通过阅读题目预测听力内容大意及所要填的信息范围;2. 听懂简单的专题报告并写出关键信息;3. 识别听力材料中的新词;4. 在语境中应用本文学习的固定搭配5. 畅想人工智能发展前景,并用英语讨论教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeBefore-listening (6 mins)Step 1Show the students two pictures from the movie: xx: a Space Odyssey, and illicit some background information about the movie.slide 2-3以图片制造悬念,进而引入本课主题,增强学生对本文听力练习的期待。WC3Step 2Present the students with the listening strategies involved in this lesson, and exemplify how to predict the possible answers for the blank filling tasks, and let the students do some prediction by themselvesslide 4-5直接给学生听力策略,提高其听力学习策略的意识;并通过示范,让学生学会如何根据相关信息预测填空题中可能用的答案WC3While-listening (34 mins)Step 3Ask the students to listen and fill the blanks(listen to the materials twice if necessary)slide 6让学生带这自己的预测去听,培养其听具体信息的能力; 也让学生在听力中检测自己预测的准确性,IW/WC,8Step 4Ask the students to reflect if their predictions are correct, and if the predictions are helpfulslide 7让学生反思听力前预测方法是否准确,是否有效,增强听力学习策略的印象和使用意识WC,3Step 5Ask the students to read the passage on page 23 (excise 7), and draw their attention to the blocked or underlined wordsslide 8让学生在语境中感知生词和搭配,为学习更多新的搭配做准备WC,3Step 6Ask the students to choose proper expressions to substitute the underlined words.slide 9让学生在现有的语境中替换表达法,提高其语言灵活性,及同义词替换的能力。WC,5Step 7Give the students definitions of two new expressionsslide 11在已经感知新表达法的基础上,深化对其理解,并能上升到用英语给定义的层面WC,2Step 8Ask the students to do more bland filling exercises (on page 23, ex 8)slide 11-12让学生在理解新表达法的基础上,在语境中应用IW/WC,5Step 9Ask the student to listen to the listening materials and answer the questionsslide 13-14让学生练习听具体信息的能力IW/WC,8After listening (5 mins)Step 10Ask the students to retell the story of the listening materials by using the text extracts and pictures from the movieslide 15让学生以图片和和听力节选句子为参考,复述听力故事,让学生进一不感知新词并在口语中得到应用GW,5Step 11Ask the students to discuss if the robots will have feeling and be more intelligent than human being. (this is optional)slide 16让学生在听力的基础上进行输出,实现语言的内化;通过讨论提高学生对科技的兴趣,和理解科学发展与人类的关系。GW,5


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