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xx年呼和浩特市中考英语模拟题(1)一单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The teacher asked his students to write_800-word position.A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Lesson 12 is another way of saying the _lesson. A. twelve B. twelf C. twelveth D.twelfth3. En, this dish tastes_A. well B good C. badly D nicely4. -How do you like this shirt? -It looks nice, _ its too expensive.A. and B. if C. but D. or5. Fujian is _ the southeast of China.A. in B to C. on D. at6. Therell be _ trees on those mountains in a few years time.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of7Lily, where are you going My mother ask me _ some fruits.A. buy B .to buy C. buying D. to buying8. Is this your photo? No, it isnt _.A. my B. mine C. hers D. yours9. Stop _! The teacher is ing.A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. to talking10. May I leave now, sir? Youd better_ until they e.A. not to go B. to not go C. dont go D. not go 11. How are you feeling now, children? The more we get together, _well be.A. happy B. happier C. the happier D. the happiest 12. Hello! May I speak to your father? Sorry, he_ Hangzhou.A. has e to B. has been to C. has been in D. has gone to 13. Linda did nothing this morning, _ ? No. She got up too late.A. had she B. hadnt she C. did she D. didnt she14. _fine day! Lets go out for a walk, shall we? OK, Lets.A. What B. How a C. How D. What a15. Wele to our school! _A. Sorry B. No, thanks C. Thank you D. Excuse me二.完型填空(本题共25分,每小题1分) A阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 AOne night, a thief broke into an old mans house. He _16_ a noise and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband told his _17_ to be silent, while he said loudly, “My dear, these days thieves are _18_. If they take _19 _ their clothes and put them on the table, the people in the room will fall asleep and _20_ wake up.When the thief _21 _ this, he took off his clothes _ 22 and was ready to set out to work. At this _23_, the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” The thief was very frightened. He ran _24 as fast as he could and _25_ his clothes on the table.16. A. make B. made C. makes D. making17. A. son B. friend C. wife D. daughter18. A. cleverer B. more C. faster D. stronger 19. A. on B. in C. off D. from 20. A. couldnt B. cant C. may not D. mustnt21. A. listened B. heard C. hear D. listen to22. A. once B. then C. at once D. now23. A. moment B. hour C. minute D. quarter24. A. out B. away C. off D. after25. A. forgot B. got C. brought D. left BThe seasons in Australia are the opposite of ours. 26 it is winter here, it is summer there.Australia is 27 the south of the world. June, July and August are the winter months. The summer is in December, 28 and February. The north of the country is 29 than the south.Australias main problem is 30. A 31 large part of the country has no rain at all. In the centre of Australia is the largest desert in the world. But the east coast (海岸) has the rain 32 the year round. There are no dry months here.In March 1982, there was a terrible drought (干旱) in Australia. The summer rain didnt 33. There were 138 million sheep in Australia in this year. This was 14% of all the sheep in the world. Because of not 34 rain, the grass didnt grow well, the farmers 35 to sell many of their sheep and many sheep36 . It was a great disaster (灾难) for Australian farmers.Though the Australians lost a lot of sheep in 1982 and 37 of the land is sand, it is very rich. Australia is very large, 28 the population is quite small. The 39 of Australia is about seventeen million, and they say there are ten sheep for every person. Can you count 40 sheep there are in Australia now?26. A. BecauseB. SinceC. WhenD. As27. A. inB. onC. toD. near28. A. NovemberB. JanuaryC. MarchD. October29. A. colderB. coolerC. hotter D. warmer30. A. sunlightB. water C. weather D. air31. A. veryB. soC. tooD. much32. A. who B. halfC. allD. part33. A. haveB. fallC. giveD. keep34. A. plentyB. a littleC. muchD. enough35. A. haveB. hadC. mustD. needed36. A. diedB. deadC. deathD. dying37. A. muchB. manyC. few D. plenty38. A. butB. thoughC. or D. not39. A. peopleB. manC. womanD. population40. A. how manyB. how much C. the populationD. the number 三阅读理解(本题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2019-2020年九年级总复习模拟题(1)(含答案)The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all the morning. They were expecting an expensive parcel(包裹) of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds (宝石). When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the parcel was full of stones and sand! 41. The detectives were waiting at the airport for _. A. an hours B. a few hours C. the whole morning D. the whole afternoon42. The detectives were expecting _.A. a parcel of stones B. a parcel of diamonds to South Africa C. the thieves from South Africa D. an expensive parcel at the airport43. They stayed at the airport in order to _. A. see who would steal the diamond B. stop the parcel from being stolenC. meet somebody from South Africa D. send a parcel44. _ detectives opened the parcel.A. Two B. Four C. Five D. Six45. At last, the detectives _.A. found nothing but some diamonds in the parcelB. found the parcel had been taken away before the plane arrivedC. didnt receive the right parcel D. caught the thievesBDear Kitty, Im happy to know that you like the storybook. And thank you for the red sweater. In Australia, we dont have Mid-Autumn Festival. But we have Halloween(万圣节前夕) on 31st October every year. Its an interesting festival. In the evening, our children dress up as witches(巫婆) ghosts(鬼) and animals. We play a game. Its “Trick or Treat.” “Treat” means to give us sweets or presents. Well go from house to house and say, “Trick or Treat”. If someone does not give sweets or presents, we will play a trick(捉弄) on him later. Many people put pumpkin lamps(南瓜灯) in front of their houses on Halloween. They make the pumpkins look like faces and put candles(蜡烛) in them. Tell me some more interesting things about China. Write to me soon. HAPPY HALLOWEEN KITTY! HowHOEHHHHLLOWEEN Love, Mary46. What did Kitty give Mary? A. A red sweater. B. A storybook. C. Sweets D. A trick.47. Which country is Mary in?A. B. C. D.48. Whats the meaning of the phrase “ dress up” in this passage?A. 穿衣服 B. 脱衣服 C. 装扮 D. 赶走49. When do children play “ Trick or Treat”?A. In the evening B. At noon. C. In the morning. D. In the afternoon.50. What do people often put in front of their houses on 31st October?A. Big trees. B. Some moon cakes. C. Some presents. D. Pumpkin lamps.C Here is a page from a magazine.TopicIntroductionPageNumber2 more killed by bird flu(禽流感)Another two people died of bird flu in China.1-2Chinese college students facing too much costMany students feel it difficult to afford their education.3-5The 4th session of the 10th NPC(十届人大四次会议) attracted the worldThe conference was held in Beijing during March 5 March 14, xx6-914% more money for new countryside this yearThe government will spend more money in building the new countryside . Farmers can live a better life in China.10-11Jokes and riddlesSomething funny to read12People who moved China, xxHong Zhanhui, the student who did part-time jobs for his family.13-15Learn to be a good cookTeach you how to cook delicious food16-17Will Shanghai own a Disney Park(迪士尼乐园)?Shanghai is waiting for the government to discuss whether to build the Disney Park18-20Super voice girlLi Yuchun, a cool singer who doesnt like wearing shirts21-22A website to study English Englishabc. 23-2451. On page 12, you can learn something about_.A. a website to learn English B. Disney ParkC. Jokes and riddles D. Super voice girl52. If you want to know something about the 10th NPC, which page can you read in the magazine ?A. Page 3-5 B. Page 6-9 C. Page 18-20 D. Page 23-2453. What is not mentioned above ?A Bird flu in China. B. College students C. Cooking D. Weather report54. According to the magazine , has the Disney Park been built in Shanghai? A. Yes B. Not yet C. I dont know D. More or less55. From the information above, we can know _. A. Chinese colleges students pay a lot for their education B. No bide flu has appeared in China so far C. Less money will be spent in building the new countryside in China D. Hong Zhanhui is an excellent cook. DSome students are talking about open-book exam:May: We students have so many burdens(负担) . Maybe examination is the greatest one. Open-book exams can make our burdens lighter, I think. At least it means that we need not learn so many things by heart any more.Hill: Open-book exams does not mean students do not need textbooks any more. Instead, it shows how much students really understand about the book. It may mean we need spend even more time learning history and politics because the open-book exam means going deeply into the textbooks. Sun: We need a long time learning for history and politics exams because there are so many things to remember. And sometimes the results are not very good, even if we have spent a long time studying. If we are able to take books into our exams, we will save time and we wont have so many headaches. Tang(teacher): Open-book tests are harder for students because the tests make them feel they do not need to understand the textbooks any longer. They rely on (依靠) the books and spend most of their time looking for answers during exams. Sometimes they might not even be able to finish their tests because they have wasted too much looking for answers.56. Who think open-book exam is easier for students? A. May and Sun B. May and Tang C. Sun and Hill D. Tang and Hill57. Today Students _. A. like to learn history and politics by heart. B. have so many burdens. C. are healthy enough to remember all the things. D. are not very clever, so they need open-book exams58. What does Tang think makes some students not be able to finish their tests in time? A. They cant do it at all. B. The time for tests is too short. C. They waste time learning the answers by heart. D. They dont understand the textbooks very well.59. Hill thinks that open-book exam means “_” A. students do not need to read textbooks any more B. students will save time and they wont have so many headaches. C. how much students really understand about book. D. students need not learn so many things by heart any more60. According to the text, which do you think is NOT true? A. You can take your textbook with you in an open-book exams B. You need to learn more things in the history and politics books by heart in an open-book exam C. The open-book exam may mean going deeply into the textbook.D. It has two sides to have an open-book exam - good and bad.第卷 四、补全对话:(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在空白处,使对话恢复完整,其中两项是多余的。A: Hello ,61._B: Sorry, She is out.A: When will she e back?B:62._A: When she es back, Could you ask her to call me as soon as possible? I want to ask her about Terra Cotta Warriors.B: Sure.63._A: My telephone number is 45781265.B:64. _A: My name is Lily.B: Okay, I will tell her to call you when she es back.A:65. _. Good bye.B: Good bye.A. At about ten.B. This is Lucy speaking.C. Whats your telephone number?D. Thank you.E. Is Lucy at home. Bob?F: Not at all.G. And your name, please.五词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从方框内选择适当的词填空,并用其适当形式填空。e true, be worth, as well as, leave out, pay for, fall in love with, fight with, be popular with, borrow from, go swimming 66Shall we _ next week? 67. I should be smart _strong for my job interview. 68. Look! Tom is _ others. Lets go and stop them. 69. Anything except this one can be _ me. 70. This CD _teenagers. 71 .How much did you _ the fashionable clothes? pay for 72.The necklace _ a lot of money. 73. They _ each other at their first sight. 74. Will his prediction _? 75 .Dont _ any of your mistakes. 六、阅读填词(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Jack is one of my f_76_(朋友). He is only e_77_(八) years old. He s_78_(学习) at Zhongshan Primary School. He likes making things very much. There is a cat in his house. He likes it very much. One S_ 79_ (星期天) he got up very early. He walked through the back door and tried to cut a p_80_(块) of wood. It was very noisy, and his mother was waken up. When she s _81_(看见) what he was doing, she was not h_82_(高兴) and said to him, “Stop! It is d_ 83_(危险). You may hurt y_84_(你自己).” But Jack smiled and said,” Mom, dont w_85_(担心) about me. I will be OK.” That day he made a small house for his cat.七、书面表达(共1小题,共10分)假设你是李华,已报名参加暑期英语夏令营。根据夏令营的活动安排,你需要准备一份关于英语阅读的发言稿。具体要求如下:1对英语阅读重要性的认识;2个人开展英语阅读的情况(12点具体做法)及感悟;3将来的打算。参考词语:play an important part, in the past, borrow books, at the beginning, something easy and interesting, bee interested in, in the future, form a good habit of, read every day, be helpful for 书写要求:1词数:100词左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 2可根据具体要求及参考词语适当发挥;3文中不得出现真实姓名。Good afternoon, everybody,Im very pleased to be here to talk about my English reading. As we all know, Thanks for listening!xx年呼和浩特市中考英语模拟题(1)英语答案一单项填空 (本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1 B 2D3 B 4 C5 A 6 D7 B 8 B 9 C 10D 11 C 12B 13 C 14A 15 C二完形填空(本题有25小题,每小题1分,共25分)16 B 17C18A19C 20B 21B22C 23A24 B 25 D26C 27A28B29C23B31A32C33B34D 35B36A37A38A39D40A三阅读理解 (本题有20小题,每小题1分,共40分)41C 42D43B44A45C46A47C48C49A 50D 51C52B53D54B55A56 A 57 B 58D 59C 60B四、补全对话:(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)61.E 62.A 63.C 64.G 65.D五词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从方框内选择适当的词填空,并用其适当形式填空。66.go swimming 67e true 68.fight with69.as well as 70.is popular with71.pay for72.is worth 73.fall in love with74.borrow from 75.leave out 六阅读题词(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)76 friends 77 eight 78 studies 79 Sunday 80 piece81 saw 82 happy 83dangerous 84 yourself 85 worry 七书面表达(共1小题,10分)Good afternoon, everybody,Im very pleased to be here to talk about my English reading. As we all know, reading plays an important part in learning a language. Its very necessary to read a lot. In the past, I often borrowed books from the library. At the beginning, I read something easy and interesting. Later, I began to read longer and more difficult stories, like Dannys Dreams. By reading, I have improved my English and bee more interested in learning English. I plan to read some English novels and simple English poems during this summer vacation. In the future, I will read more English books. And I will form a good habit of reading and try to read every day. Im sure reading will be quite helpful for my further English learning. (113 words)Thanks for listening!

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