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2019-2020年九年级英语试题听力材料总体说明:1录音稿中“M”表示男声,“W”表示女声。读题时注意男女声顺序。小题序号只读一遍,读作“No.”.2读录时要严格依照下面录音说明中的时间间隔要求。要保证两题之间给学生留出读题、做题的时间。3. 读录前,请添加30秒钟的音乐。xx学年度第一学期期末质量检测 九年级 英语试题停顿1秒继续:听力部分(每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)停顿3秒后,开始读试题:(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。1. Lets go to see the stamp collection show.2. What can we do to help improve the environment?3. Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?4. I think it is very important to protect the environment.5. Whats the weather like in Beijing?停顿20秒继续:(二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对应的图片。(男女声各读一遍)6. The most beautiful nature photograph is Toms photo of the mountains in Xiangshan Park.7. Ginas photo shows the size and beauty of Tiananmen Square.8. The best photo in the Music category shows us the movement and the sounds of this great new band, and the fun which their fans are having.停顿20秒继续:(三)录音中有六组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。9. W: Alan, e here. Supper is ready.M: Im ing soon, Mum. Ill finish the cleaning right now.Q: Whats Alan doing now?10. M: Nancy, why were you late for class this morning?W: I got up late and missed the bus.Q: Why was Nancy late for class?11. W: Look! I spend 200 dollars for it.M: 200 dollars for a CD like that? I cant believe it! Its not worth it.Q: What does the man think of the CD?12. M: Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?W: Almost. Ive got a watch for my husband, but I cant find anything for my father. He would probably like a coat or a tie.Q: What did the woman buy for her husband for Christmas?13.W: May I help you?M: Yes, I want to look for Room 1104. My father is ill.Q: Where are the two speakers talking?14. W: What do you think of the tea?M: Im not enjoying it. Im afraid its too weak.Q: What does the man think of the tea?停顿20秒继续:(四)录音中有两段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。W: Hi, Daming. Wheres your friend, Tony?M: He is downstairs. He is watching a basketball match on TV.W: He himself is good at playing basketball.M: Sure. He is interested in all kinds of outdoor activities.W: Thats why he always stays healthy.M: And strong too. Exercise makes him look like a man!W: Anyway, Id prefer to stay indoors and sing Karaoke or play chess with classmates.M: Me too. What about singing for a while with me now?W: Great.停顿20秒继续:听第二段对话,回答第18、19、20小题。M: Hey, Nancy. Whats wrong? You look unhappy.W: I quarreled with my best friend, Lucy. What should I do?M: Well, you could write a letter and say sorry to her.W: Oh, I dont like writing letters. It gives me too much trouble.M: Maybe you should call her up.W: No, I dont want to talk about it on the phone.M: Well, you should say youre sorry.W: Yes, I know I should, but its not easy. I dont think she can forgive me.M: Oh, I remember its her birthday next Sunday. You should go to her house with some flowers.W: Well, thats a good idea. Ill buy her fifteen flowers. It will surprise her, I think.M: Fifteen? She will be as old as me.停顿20秒继续:(五) 听力填表。(男女声各读一遍,语速适当放慢)录音中有一篇短文,是对乘坐公交车是否给老年人让座情况的分析介绍。听短文两遍后,请根据表格内容提示,记录相关信息。In Beijing many people like to take a bus to school or to work. But when an old person gets on the bus, are you willing to give your seat to him?Some people on the bus dont like to help the old. They just close their eyes, listen to music without looking at them. Some will turn their faces to look out of the windows. Even when the bus driver keeps asking people to help the old, they just sit on the seats. These people are not kind or friendly.However, we should help each other because everyone needs others help. Next time, please be polite to help the person who needs help on the bus. You can let the old people get on or get off the bus before you, or give your seats to the people with children. Then all the people will live a happy life.停顿20秒继续:听力测试结束,请同学们继续答题。


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