2019-2020年九年级英语《Unit 9 When was it invented》单元整理.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语Unit 9 When was it invented单元整理一词形转换及看音标写单词1.invent (n./pt./pp.) 2. adjust(adj.) 3.battery (pl.) 4.salt (adj.) 5.indoor (adv.) 6.create(n./ adj.)7.above (opp.) 8.popular (n.) 9. rise (pt./pp.) 10.develop(n./ adj.) 11.abacus(pl.) 12.fall (pt. /p p.)13.wood 14.operate(n./pt) / 15. / 5bAtEri 5CpEreitid 5slipEz/16. / TE mEust E5nCiiN in5venFEn/17 / Tei wE:nt Win i5nQf/ 18. / In TE 5nain 5ti:n 5fiftiz/ /二词组1.被用来做 2. 被某人发明3.可调节后跟的鞋子 4.加热冰激凌的勺子5.电动拖鞋 6.改变鞋子的风格7.最有用的发明 8.一种令人生气的发明9使顾客高兴 10.最后11薯片的历史 12.把撒在上13.偶然地,意外地 14. 三千多年前15.根据一个古老的中国传说 16.在户外火堆上 17.落入水中 18.散发令人愉快的气味 19.用这种方法,这样 20饮用水 21.继续留在那儿 22.在六世纪23环绕中国旅行 24.这种备受喜爱的运动25.超过 26.一个叫的加拿大医生_27.出生 28.在室内玩耍29.在漫长的冬季期间 30.的安全31.摔倒 32.把分成33.的目标 34.向移动35.自从那时 36.的数量许多的,大量的37.错误地/巧合的做某事 38在某方面犯错39.与相撞 40.一个发展中国家/一个发达国家41 人们相信/据说 42篮球的普及三 句子1.电话是什么时间发明的? 2.谁发明了电灯泡?(主动语态和被动语态)3.它它们被用来做什么?4.它们被用来在黑暗中看路。5.你认为什么是最有用的发明?6.它每天给人们更多的时间来工作和玩耍。7.茶直到1610年才被带到西方世界。8.对于运动员来说篮球的目标是使球进入篮筐。9.在美国NBA打球的外国球员的数量已经增加了。10. The flowers give out a _ smell. We often feel _ with them. They fill our life with great _. ( pleased/pleasure/pleasant)11. My father bought me a bike. I gave him a book. (改为被动语态)12. I saw her enter the room. (改为被动语态)Unit 9 单元整理答案一词形转换及看音标写单词1.invention/invented2.adjustable3.batteries4.salty5. indoors6. creation/creative7. below8. popularity9. rose/risen10.development/developing/developed 11.abaci/abacuses12. fell /fallen13. wooden14. operation/operated15. battery-operated slippers16. the most annoying invention17.they werent thin enough18. in the 1950s二词组1. be used for doing sth/be used to do sth2. be invented by sb3. shoes with adjustable heels4.heated ice cream scoop5.electric slippers /battery-operated slippers6.change the style of the shoes7. the most helpful invention8. an annoying invention9. make the customer happy10. in the end11. the history of potato chips12. sprinkle sth. on sth.13 by accident/chance14.over 3000 years ago15. according to an ancient Chinese legend16. over an open fire17. fall into the water18. produce a pleasant smell19. in this way20. drinking water21. remain there22. in the 6th century23. travel around China24. this much-loved sport25. more than /over26. a doctor named27. be born28. play indoors29. during the long winters30. the safety of31. fall down32. divide into33. the aim of34. move towards35. since then36. the number of/ a number of37. do sth. by mistake/chance38. make mistakes in sth.39. knock into 40. a developing /developed country41. It is believed/ said that42. the popularity of basketball 三 句子1. When was the telephone invented? 2. Who invented the light bulb? Who was the light bulb invented by?3. What is it used for? What are they used for?4. They are used for seeing in the dark.5. What do you think is the most helpful invention?6. It gives people more time to work and play every day.7. Tea wasnt brought to the western world until 1610.8. The aim of basket is for players to get a ball into the basket.9. The number of foreign players in Americas NBA has increased.10. The flowers give out a pleasant smell. We often feel pleased with them. They fill our life with great pleasure. ( pleased/pleasure/pleasant)11. I was bought a bike by my father. A bike was bought for me by my father.He was given a book by me. A book was given to him by me.12. I saw her enter the room. (改为被动语态) She was seen to enter the room.


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