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2019-2020年中考试初三英语听力原文第一节 听句子,选出与所给句子内容相符的图画。听音前你有10秒钟读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1. Lily plays the piano very well.2. It is snowy these days.3. He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.4. Eating more vegetables is good for our health.5. She had a toothache, so she went to the dentist.第二节 根据所听到的句子,选出恰当的应答语。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)6. How often do you play basketball?7. Happy birthday!8. What day is it today?9. Hello! May I speak to Jenny, please?10. Lucy was ill this morning, so she didnt e to school.第三节 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。 听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)11. W: Which fruit does your mother like, Frank?M: She likes apples and oranges, but I think she likes lemons best. Q: Which fruit does Franks mother like best?12. W: Can you e to my party, Eric?M: When is it?W: Sunday afternoon.M: Oh, no, I cant. I have a piano lesson.Q: When is the party?13. W: You must have a rest, John. You really have been working too hard these days.M: But I cant. The test is ing the day after tomorrow.W: Oh, dont worry. I believe you can pass it.Q: Why cant John have a rest?14. W: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library?M: Yes. Go straight. The library is on the left, next to the pizza house, across from the supermarket.Q: Wheres the library?15. W: e on, Jack. Dinner is ready.M: I m ing. Oh, what delicious food. It smells good!W: Would you like a chicken hamburger?M: No, thanks. Id like a beef hamburger. Q: What does Jack want to eat?第四节 听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。听音前你有15秒钟的读题时间,注意听三遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)My name is Betty. Im from England. When I got to Beijing three months ago, I felt lonelyand sad. I had no friends to talk with, and I was not used to the food here. Whats more, I was notgood at Chinese. At that time, I didnt know what to do but cry. When I was sad, my Chineseteacher helped me. He not only helped me with my poor Chinese, but also taught me how to smileat life. Now, I dont feel lonely. I live happily again. On weekends, my classmates and I often goto some villages to help some poor students. We send some old books to them and often play withthem. I think Im much luckier than them. As my teacher says, “Happiness is in your heart forever,but you need to find it and feed it.”

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