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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit13Weretryingtosavetheearth测试(新版)人教新目标版一、汉互译。1.使我充满活力_ 2.轻音乐_3.让我想离开_ 4.怎样挣钱_ 5.科学研究_ 6.为了,以便_7.濒危动物_ 8. 留在外面_ _ 9瞄准,针对_ 10. 例如_二、根据首字母或汉语提示写单词1. Her expression _ (导致) me to believe there was some problem.2. The _ (想到) of going out in the rain and fog discouraged him.3. She is an English teacher and she has a good _ (知识)of English.4. The waitress s_ me coffee after the meal.5.Huanan Tigers are one of _ (濒临灭绝的) animals.6.Thea_picturemakeseveryoneafraid. 7. When we shop on line, good-sound words sometimes m _ us. 8. If the suit dont fit you, you can c_ buying another one. 9.Didyouhave_快乐)attheeveningparty? 10. At first, they felt a bit t_, then they became more and more confident. 三选择正确答案。( )1. Snowy days _ children happy. A. give B. let C. make D. send( )2. Much noise makes me _.A. stressing out B. stressed out C. to stressed out D. happily( )3. Students need to know_.A. what to learn English well B. how to learn English well C. how to learn English good D. what to learn English good( )4. Id _ stay at home _ go to the cinema.A. better, than B. sooner, rather C. rather, than D. like, than( )5. The picture in an ad looks _ better than the real thing.A. very B. little C. lots of D. much( )6. The book will lead you_ English well.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. leanrt( )7. -What is mom cooking in the kitchen? Chicken. I guess. How nice it_.A. looks B. smells C. tastes D. sounds( )8. Mr Hu is _ interesting _ everyone likes his lessons.A. such, that B. so, that C. too, to D. very, that( )9. I study hard _ I can catch up with my classmates.A. so that B. because C. in order to D. as( )10. Many ads _ teenagers.A. are aim to B. aim to C. are aimed at D. aim at( ) 11.Loud music makes me _. So I feel very happy.A. energetic B. stressed out C. energy D.stress out( )12. _ her _ me very angry. A. Waiting / make B. Waiting for / make C. Wait for / makes D. Waiting for / makes( )13. _ giving a gift _ you feel easy?A. Is / make B. Dose / make C. Dose / makes D. Do / make( )14. The movie made _ feel energetic. A. he B. his C. they D. them()15. People will spend more time _ their meals.A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. ate()16. I need a new jacket. This one doesnt _ the cold.A. make out B. hand out C. work out D. keep out( )17.Her teacher was annoyed _ Tom because he made a lot of mistakes in the English Test Paper.A. at B. with C. in D. for( )18.Dont forget _ the tap when you dont use it.A. turn off B. turn on C. to turn on D. to turn off( )19. The children were made _ homework first.A. do B. to do C. did D. doing20.I _ an expensive gift for my birthday, but I could not _ it.A. accepted, received B. received, accept C. accepted, receive D. accepted, received( )21.We arrived _ late than there were no seats left.A. much B. too C. so D. very( )22. The number of students who _ the English club _ 20. A. take part in ; is B. join ; are C. take part in ; are D. join ;is( )23. The girl _ is sitting under the big tree is Toms cousin. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which( )24. I want to buy the book “Cold Mountain”. Do you know its_? Not really, Maybe three dollars. A. cover B. size C. color D. price( )25. Dont forget _ my parents when you are in Beijing.-OK! I wont. A. to see B. sees C. seeing( )26._ an ad can lead you to buy something you dont need at all. A. On time B. Sometimes C. At times D. in time( )27. We wont go fishing if it _ tomorrow. A. rains B. will rain C. rained D. rainy( )28. She went there _ early _ she got a good seat.A. so; that B. too; to C. such; that D. enough; to( )29. The students in our class are helping the farmers. Some are picking oranges, _ are picking apples. A. the other B. another C. others D. other( )30. The rainy day _ me unhappy. A. make B. makes C. to make D. making( )31. Dont forget _ the window when you leave your room. A. closing B. close C. to close D. closes( )32. Our dreams will e_ A. truth B. truly C. true D. truly( )33. When his mother came into his room, he pretended _. A. to asleep B. sleeping C. slept D. to be asleep( )34. How do you feel _ pollution? A. of B. to C. about D. with( )35. I think its hard _ clothes or other personal things for people. A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. buys( )36. Loud music makes me _. A. to be happy B. happy C. happying D. being happy( )37. Please make yourself _. A. like home B. home C. to be home D. at home( )38. The funny story makes us _ a lot. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed( )39. The boy is made _ the piano for three hours a day. A. playing B. to play C. play D. played( )40. You should make your clothes _. A. be cleaning B. to be clean C. clean D. cleaned四用所给词适当形式填空1Some of the ads tell the _ (true) and some dont.2Its raining today,_ (rain) days make me sad.3They told me that they had a lot of homework _ (do).4These measures _ (aim) at preventing violent crime(暴力犯罪)。5Please answer the _(follow) questions in English .6Breakfast is _( serve) between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m.7Jim works for an _ (advertise) pany.8The koala is _(list) among Australias endangered animals.9A good teacher encourages independence of _(think).10 The police will tell the _ (true) of the accident in a few days.11 The boy gave the money back to the _(own)12The students are _ (confuse) about the _ (confuse) problem.13Im considering _ (study) in Beijing or Shanghai.14I felt _(embarrass) when everyone looked at me.15Shes always wearing a _ (shine) coat.16 I want to be a _ when I grow up, because I am very interested in _ and I like working on _ studies. (science)17Everyone must admire the _ (beautiful) of a mothers love.18This coat is_(fortable), I want another one.19Tom did his homework so_(care) that he made so few mistakes.五翻译:根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(横线处不限词数)1你说的话使她生气了。 What you said made _ _.2请坐下,是你自己更舒服些。 Please sit down and make _ _ _3他让那个小男孩成了他的工人。 He made _ _ _ _ _4这部电影使我难过。 The movie made _ _.5他让我在那儿等了两个小时。 I was made _ _ there for two hours by him.6他很聪明,知道如何赚更多的钱。 He is very clever and he knows _.7我不喜欢阴雨天, 因为它常常使我伤感。I dont like _, because it often _.8学生应该学会如何学习,否则你会觉得压力太大。Students should learn _, or you will _.9同潘长江相比, 赵本山很高。 _, Zhao Benshan is very tall.10我把钥匙忘在家了。 I _ home.11那天我起的很早以便能赶上第一班火车。 That day I got up early _.12.给予要比接受好。 Its better to _ than _.13他假装没听见我说话,继续听音乐 He _ and went on listening to music.14我可以邀请你吃饭吗? Can I _?15李明,有你的电话。 Li Ming, _.四句型转换1After he finished his homework,he went out for a walk his homework,he went out for a walk(改为同义句)2He could hardly catch the train(改为反意疑问句)He could hardly catch the train, ?3We spent twenty minutes cleaning the room yesterday(同义句转换)It twenty minutes the room yesterday4We are going to study in two months(就画线部分提问) are you going to study?5My grandpa joined the Party thirty years ago(同义句转换)My grandpa the Party for thirty years

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