2019-2020年八年级英语10月统考试题 牛津广州版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语10月统考试题 牛津广州版学校_姓名_ 班级_考号_听力部分 (20分)一 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节 听力理解 (共15小题,15分,每小题1分)听下面各段对话或独白,根据各段播放内容及相关小题,从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第1-3小题1. What day is it today? A. Sunday B. Friday C.Saturday2. How long does Lucys brother play puter each night? A. For four hours B. For three hours C. For two hours3. What does the man finally ask the girl to do? A. Talk to her parents about that. B. Tell her brother not to play games any more C. Talk to her teacher about that.听下面一段独白,回答第4-6小题4. How old is the womans son? A. 12 B. 14 C.155. Why does the woman buy her son Tony an encyclopedia? A. Because she wants her son to get to know more about the world. B. Because the book is very expensive and she thinks her son will like it. C. Because she wants to give her son a surprise.6. What can we know about Tony? A. He is lazy. B. He never wants to know about things he doesnt understand. C. He is interested in many things and always likes to ask why.听下面一段对话,回答第7-9小题7. What did David invent? A. A kind of cap B. A kind of box C. A kind of umbrella8. Why do we think Davids invention is good? A. Because it can protect us from the wind. B. Because it can protect us from the heavy rain. C. Because it can protect us from the snow.9. Where will David and Anna meet this Sunday? A. At Davids home B. At Annas home C. In the classroom听下面一段独白,回答第10-12小题10. How tall is the elephant when it is 12 years old? A. About 5 metres tall B. About 2 metres tall C. About 3 metres tall11. What kind of animal is the elephant? A. Gentle and strong B. Dangerous and strong C. Gentle and weak12. What does Amy think of the elephant? A. She thinks the elephant is very dangerous。 B. She thinks the elephant is very tall. C. She thinks the elephant is very useful.听下面一段对话,回答第13-15小题13. Who did Lily go to a movie with yesterday evening? A. Peter B. Kate C. Her parents14. Why does Lily think Kinyi Theater is the best? A. It is new and the seats are fortable. B. It has the best screen. C. It has the best sound.15. What did Peter do yesterday evening? A. Went for a walk B. Stayed at home C. Went shopping第二节 听取信息( 共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入标号为A-E 的空格中。 LilyLucyLooksShe is short and has long _A_hair.She is a little _D_ than Lily and has short black hair.CharactersShe is a _B_ girl.She is _E_ and more active than Lily.HobbiesShe is good at _C_She is good at drawing.笔试部分 (80分)二语言知识与应用(共两节,满分20分)第一节 单项选择(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)( ) 16. Some students sent flowers to the teacher as presents _ September 10th. A. in B. on C. at D. to( ) 17. Over two _ college students took part in the sports meeting last year. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of( ) 18. There is _ bread in the fridge. Would you like _? A. some/any B. some/some C. any/any D. any/some( ) 19. There _ a speech about how to learn English at school next week. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. are going to be( ) 20. Lucy is good at sports, _football, basketball and so on. A. includes B. included C. including D. include( ) 21. According to the survey, _ students like playing puter games. _ them _ 5000. A. the number of, A number of , is B. a number of , The number of , is C. the number of, A number of, are D. a number of,The number of, are( ) 22. My grandparents _ in the village in the past. But now they _ in the city. A. used to live, are used to live B. were used to live, are used to living C. used to live, are used to living D. were used to live, are used to live ( ) 23. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something special B. special something C. special anything D. anything special( ) 24. - Can you tell me what we can _ the broken window? - Well, youd better tell mum the truth and sat sorry. A. do B. deal C. deal with D. do with( ) 25. Jack runs _ I cant follow him. A. so fastly that B. such fastly that C. so fast that D. such fast that 第二节 语法选择(共10小题,10分,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从A,B,C,D项中选出最佳答案。 There are two twin boys. The are very _26_. One of them is happy and outgoing. He always looks on the bright side of things. His brother, _27_, is sad and unhappy. He has a negative(消极的)outlook on life. The parents want _28_ up the sad child. They came up with a plan and _29_ the two boys into different rooms. The sad boy was put in a clean room with all kinds of wonderful, interesting toys, _30_ the happy boy was put in a dirty room with a lot of horse manure(马粪)。 After an hour, the parents opened the door into the clean room. To their surprise, the _31_ boy was sitting, crying. He even didnt move or play with any toys. “Why are you crying?”asked the parents. “I dont _32_ anyone to play with!”he said. The parents then opened the second door. They were amazed. Their son was running excitedly around the room, and _33_ handfuls of horse manure into the air. “What are you doing?”they asked. “ Well,”said the _34_ little boy, “With all this horse manure lying around, I guess there may be a baby horse hiding in this room and I am going to find them!” _35_ we have a positive(积极的)attitude, difficulties are easy to overe(克服).( ) 26. A. differently B. different C. difference D. more different ( ) 27. A. but B. and C. or D. however( ) 28. A. to cheer B. cheered C. cheering D. cheers ( ) 29. A. puts B. putting C. put D. putted( ) 30. A. when B. before C. after D. while( ) 31. A. sadder B.sad C. saddest D.more sad( ) 32. A. had B. have C. has D. having( ) 33. A. thrown B. threw C. throwing D. to throw( ) 34. A. exciting B. excites C. excitement D. excited( ) 35. A. Where B. Because C. If D. Why三完型填空(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选择最佳答案。Although it was only autumn, everything outside was covered in white. Unexpectedly, we were hit with a big _36_ storm and no one was prepared.We have two apple trees in our backyard. Prana, our dog, loves _37_. When she goes outside, she usually grabs a dirty apple from the ground to eat later on. Prana knows that when she brings her treasure into the house, I am not always _38_, so she tries to hide it from me. It is our little game.On the day that it snowed too _39_ in the season, Prana went outside and I _40_ her from the window. I noticed that she was _41_ lots of holes and bringing out the apples buried beneath the snow. She seemed to be _42_ to dig up as many apples as she could.But when she came back inside, she brought back only one. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The yard was pletely _43_with birds. Prana had dug up all those apples for her bird friends to eat. She knew that they hadnt prepared _44_ food for the early winter.This beautiful act of unconditional love from a(an) _45_ taught me what real kindness was.( ) 36. A. sand B. snow C. thunder D. rain( ) 37. A. apples B. winter C. games D. bones( ) 38. A. clear B. correct C. happy D. surprised( ) 39. A. late B. beautifully C. lightly D. early( ) 40. A. met B. watched C. called D. heard( ) 41. A. hiding B. finding C. cutting D. digging( ) 42. A.determined B. suitable C. nervous D. encouraged( ) 43. A. hit B. marked C. covered D. taken( ) 44. A. by B. for C. with D. without( ) 45. A. teacher B. friend C. animal D. bird4 阅读理解(共15题,25分,注:第46-55小题,每小题2分,第56-60小题,每小 题1分) (A) In a big amusement park, there were some students sitting on the ground. They were listening to a speech after spending a happy morning there. At the beginning of the speech, the speaker told them a story about himself. “When I was in middle school, our class was once asked to write about our dreams. That night I wrote down my dream of opening up an amusement park. However, my teacher gave me an “F” and told me to write it again,”the speaker said. “Her reason was just that it was impossible for a poor boy to make such a dream e true. I went back home and asked my father what I should do. He told me to make the decision by myself. So I decided to make no changes. My teacher can keep the “F” and Ill keep my dream.” “And what happened?”the students asked. All of them were anxious to know more about the story. “This is what is happening now. You are listening to my speech in my dream park,”said the speaker. “I told you this story in order to make you know one thing: follow your heart , keep your dream and never let others destroy your dream.” When the students were leaving the park, their teacher went over to the speaker. “Thank you, Mr. Black. I think my students have learned a lot from your speech.Here I have to say sorry to you. Some years ago, I was once a dream stealer and stole a lot of students dreams, including yours.But you didnt give your dream up because of me,” she said and then left.( ) 46. The speakers teacher thought it was impossible for the speaker to make his dream e true because _. A. he was silly B. he was very poor C. he didnt study hard D. he was very lazy( ) 47. According to the passage, the speakers final decision was _. A. to hold on to his dream B. to give up his dream easily C. to follow his fathers advice D. to oppose his fathers advice( ) 48. The underlined words “a dream stealer” probably means _. A. a person who has a great dream B. a person who makes others give up dreams C. a person who has no great dream D. a person who gives up his dreams( ) 49. We can know from the passage that _. A. the speakers dream was too big to e true B. the speakers father encouraged him to keep his dream C. the speakers teacher felt sorry for what she had done some years ago D. the speakers teacher encouraged him to keep his dream( ) 50. The speaker told the students his story in order that _. A. he could show off his success to the students B. he could tell the students to keep their dreams C. he could make the students know more about his school life. D. he could tell the students he was poor.(B) Whos building the new China? Its not the factory or the business men and women of China. Its someone else. We see them every day, they work day and night in the terrible working conditions and weather. They build the roads, the theaters, the cinemas and the supermarkets. They even clean up our rubbish. They are Chinas migrant workers(农民工). More than 140 million workers have left their homes in the countryside to look for jobs in big cities all over China. They hope to be rich, but they realize they have many difficulties in making enough money. And one of the difficulties that these workers have is the pride and discrimination (歧视)from the people in cities. When night falls, everywhere I look I see the sad faces of the migrant workers. Many are living far away from those whom they love. Yes, they dress differently, they speak differently, and they have different habits, but they work hard. The people in cities regard them as outsiders, and most governments refuse to give them medical care and public schooling for their children. If China hopes to move into the future, many things need to change. The first is discrimination! We need to stop our discrimination against the migrant workers of China! They may not make as much money as some people in cities, but they are good honest people just trying to survive this game of life.These workers are very important and necessary to Chinas economic(经济的) development and have bee an important force for the change of Chinese society. They are building the new China, so we should help them.( ) 51. According to the report, _ is building the new China. A. the factory owners B. the business men and women C. the migrant workers D. the people in cities( ) 52. The main idea of the fourth and fifth paragraphs is _. A. moving forward B. the discrimination from the people in cities C. how to make more money D. a lonely life( ) 53. The word “survive”means “_”in Chinese. A. 活过来 B.挺过来 C. 活得累 D. 活得长( ) 54. Which one is NOT TRUE about Chinas migrant workers? A. We should help them. B. More than 14 million migrant workers have been in big cities to make money C. They are not weled by the people in cities because they regard themselves as outsiders. D. They have bee quite important to the change to Chinese society.( ) 55. What does the report mainly tell us? A. Chinas migrant workers condition is terrible. B. The condition for Chinas migrant workers needs to be changed for Chinas development. C. The people in cities are impolite to the migrant workers D. Chinas development only depends on the migrant workers (C)Helen Baker is a 16-year-old Australian. She likes music, swimming, going to the cinema and going camping with friends. Shes a very normal girl. But she has an unusual hobby:flying helicopters(直升飞机).Helen is a student at the Helicopter Flying School near Sydney. Here is her normal Sunday:7:00 Helen gets up.7:45-8:00 Helens parents drive her to the helicopter school. (Helen hasnt got a driving license.)8:00-10:45 Her lessons start. Helen is in a group with five other students. The teacher tells them how to fly a helicopter, for example, how to take off and how to land. Helen doesnt like classroom work very much, but she knows its important.11:00-12:00 Helen and her friends learn how to use the radio and how to read maps.12:00-1:00 Helen is in the pilots seat and her teacher is next to her. She flies for one hour. She loves it. She enjoys looking down at the Sunshine Coast.1:15 Helens dad drives her home. Hes very happy that shes back and that shes OK. “I hate watching Helen up in that helicopter,” he says, “Her mother and I get nervous. But we know she loves flying. She wants to be a pilot and we dont want to stop her.”( ) 56. Helen likes the following activities EXCEPT _. A. going to the cinema B. going camping with friends C. doing classroom work D. looking down at the Sunshine Coast( ) 57. Helen learns _ from 8:00 to 10:45 on Sunday. A. how to use the radio B. how to read maps C. how to swim D. how to take off and land( ) 58. Helens parents drive her to and back from the helicopter school because _. A. she hates driving B. she only loves flying C. she flies for an hour and is tired D. she hasnt got a driving license( ) 59. Helens study time lasts for _ hours at the helicopter school every week. A. three B. four C. five D. six( ) 60. Which could be the best title for the text? A. An Unusual Hobby B. A Great Pilot C. A Kind Teacher D. An Exciting Drive 五 写作(共三节,满分25分)第一节 单词拼写 (共5小题,5分,每小题1分)61. Before we hand in our papers, we should c_ the answers carefully.62. A car a_ happened to him yesterday.63. Stephen w_ the first prize in English speaking petition.64. I will go to Beijing by plane i_ of by train.65. My father p_ to buy me a new iphone 6 last week.第2节 完成句子(共5小题,10分,每小题2分)66. 小朋友不应该太依赖于他们的父母。 Children shouldnt _ _ their parents too much.67. 饭后散步有益于健康。 _ _ _ _ after dinner is good for our health.68. 科学家很想弄清楚恐龙为什么会突然灭绝。 The scientists really want to _ _ why the dinosaurs _ _ suddenly.69. 很久以前,这个村庄有座古庙。 _ _ _ _ , there was an old temple in the village.70. 我每天都要用大概2个小时完成作业。 It _ me about two hours _ _ my homework. 第3节 书面表达(共1题,10分) 据调查,学生近视率仍维持在高位水平,且越来越低龄化,目前约有70%的学生是近视眼。根据下面的提示内容,用英语写一篇80字左右的短文,并发表自己的观点。 提示内容: 近视的主要原因有:1. 学生睡眠不足 2. 长时间的看书、写作业,没有中途休息 3. 躺在床上玩手机、用电脑 近视的预防方法: 1. 认真做眼保健操,多进行体育运动 2. 养成正确的用眼习惯 参考词汇:近视的 shortsighted A survey shows that many students have bee shortsighted at a very young age. _xx学年上学期番禺区六校教育教学联合体英语学科10月份八年级参考答案1 听力部分1-5: CBABA 6-10: CCBAC 11-15: ACBABA. black B. quiet C. dancing D. taller E. funny2 单项选择题16-20: BABBC 21-25: BCDDC语法选择26-30: BDACD 31-35: BBCDC三完型填空36-40: BACDB 41-45: DACBC四阅读理解46-50: BABCB 51-55: CBBCB 56-60: CDDCA5 写作单词拼写61. check 62. accident 63. won 64. instead 65. promised完成句子66. depend on 67. Going for a walk 68. find out, died out 69. A long time ago 70. takes to finish书面表达A survey shows that many students have bee shortsighted at a very young age. At present, about 70% of the students are shortsighted. Here are some main reasons. Some students may not have enough sleep. They always stay up late. Some students spend a long time reading or doing homework without a break. Its bad for eyes.

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