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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumourSection自我小测1新人教版必修.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1She returned home only to find the door open and something _(miss)2Can you imagine yourself _(stay)in a lonely island?3The news that he told us was very _(excite)4The tree _(stand)in our garden is very tall.5Do you think this book _(tire)?6Im sorry to keep you _(wait)for a long time.7They kept their employees _(work)for five hours without a rest.8All of us are _(interest)in the _(interest)movie.单句改错1Tom,dont have the horse run all the time._2I heard that his job was raise dogs._3He thought the book was very interested._4The woman found that her necklace missed._5Lets get down to do the work._6I cant imagine him say such words._7Im a senior 1 student,studied in No.1 Middle School now._8My friend wanted to buy a gift for his mother with the remained 60 dollars._9The boys amused themselves by slide down the banister(楼梯扶手)_.单项填空 1To my surprise,the food he made was _.AinvitedBinviteCinvites Dinviting 2Our teacher uses a very good _ method.Ateach BtaughtCteaching Dteaches 3We are _ in that _ plan.Ainterested;interestedBinterested;interesting Cinteresting;interestedDinteresting;interesting 4I smelt something _ in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute? Aburning BburntCbeing burnt Dto be burnt 5When I went there,I found their work _.Adisappoint BdisappointsCdisappointing Ddisappointed 6The woman _ out of the room when no one was looking.Aslid BslidingCto slide Dslides .完形填空Charlie Chaplin was the first international star of the modern era.He was especially beloved for his Little Tramp _1_.He was the first screen artist to write,_2_ and perform in his own films;in fact,_3_,Charlie Chaplin even wrote the music for his movies.He was also the first artist to use his work to pass a _4_ of equality and justice for all_5_ for the “little guy”Charlie Chaplins career and life made _6_ the first global icon(偶像);his too small hat,his too large shoes and his trademark moustache were instantly _7_ by audiences from Chicago to China,from Iowa City to India.And they _8_ are today.All of these make Charlie Chaplin the first citizen of our global village.Chaplin,a native of London,was born in _9_ on April 16,1889 to music hall performers.Chaplin only saw his _10_ twice until the age of seven.The man _11_ him and his mother about a year after Chaplin was _12_.During Chaplins earliest years,his mother was a(n)_13_ and performer.Then her voice gave out,her stage career _14_,and she began actively _15_ Church of England services.At the age of _16_,Chaplins mother was considered as the insane(精神病)and sent to Cane Hill lunatic asylum(疯人院),and the _17_ sent Charlie and his brother to live with his father,_18_ had by then stopped all payments of child support.Charlie Chaplin lived with his father only a short time _19_ his mother was released(释放)from the lunatic asylum and then _20_ Charlie and his brother,to live with her once again.1A.character BbehaviourCpersonality Dgentleman2A.act BshootCdirect Dedit3A.in case of Bin this caseCin case Din some cases4A.possibility BmessageCculture Dpromise5A.generally BwidelyCespecially Dtotally6A.him BthemCus Dit7A.believed BrecognizedCrealized Dknown8A.really BalwaysCstill Dever9A.happiness BluckCpoverty Dpeace10A.brother BteacherCmother Dfather11A.taught BleftCloved Dexpected12A.born ByoungCill Dold13A.actor BartistCdancer Dsinger14A.ended BbeganCbroke Dcontinued15A.attending BworkingCjoining Dasking16A.eight BsevenCnine Dten17A.mother BpoliceCfamily Dcourt18A.which BwhatChe Dwho19A.then BwhenCbefore Duntil20A.took away Bpicked upCtook apart Dbrought up参考答案.1答案:missing 2答案:staying 3答案:exciting4答案:standing 5答案:tiring 6答案:waiting 7答案:working 8答案:interested;interesting .1答案:runrunning2答案:raiseraising3答案:interestedinteresting4答案:missedmissing5答案:dodoing 6答案:saysaying7答案:studiedstudying 8答案:remainedremaining 9答案:slidesliding .1解析:inviting意为“诱人的;吸引人的”。答案:D2解析:词组teaching method是固定短语,意思是“教学方法”。答案:C3解析:表示人对某事感兴趣,应用词组be interested in;表示某物有趣,则用interesting。答案:B4解析:本题考查动词ing形式的用法。宾语something与burn是主动关系,其中burning的含义是“燃烧的,着火的”。答案:A5解析:disappoint是动词,意思是“使失望”;disappointing表示“令人失望的”,多用来修饰事物;disappointed表示“感到失望的”,多用来修饰人。答案:C6解析:句子缺少谓语动词,排除B、C项;再根据下文的was looking可知句子的时态应为过去时态,排除D项。答案:A .1解析:卓别林因其扮演“小流浪汉”的角色而深受大家喜爱。此处character指“角色”,符合句意。behaviour意为“行为;举止”;personality指“个性”;gentleman意为“绅士”。答案:A2解析:卓别林以其自编、自导、自演出名,句中提到了write(编剧)和perform(演出),所以direct(导演)符合逻辑。act和perform都可指“表演”;edit意为“编辑”,shoot可指“拍摄”,都与上下文不符。答案:C3解析:in some cases指“在某些情况下”或“有时”。in case of意为“假设;万一”;in this case意为“既然这样”;in case意为“万一”。答案:D4解析:pass a massage指“传递信息”;possibility意为“可能性”;culture意为“文化”;promise意为“允诺”。答案:B5解析:卓别林在电影中传达了一种平等和正义的信息,“especially(尤其)”面向小人物。答案:C6解析:全文谈卓别林的生平、事迹,他成为人们的偶像,所以应该选him,前后逻辑一致。答案:A7解析:他的小帽子、肥大的鞋子和标志性的小胡子为观众所“认可”。答案:B8解析:用still指前面提到的内容在今天仍然被人们接受。答案:C9解析:通过下文看出卓别林的童年是贫困的。答案:C10解析:根据下文可以看出是他父亲,后面讲他和妈妈一起生活。答案:D11解析:上文提到只见过其父亲两次说明其父亲“离开”了他们。答案:B12解析:此处讲述卓别林童年的事情,侧重他爸爸离家的时间是在卓别林出生后一年左右。答案:A13解析:通过下文“her voice gave out”推断,她应该是一个歌手。答案:D14解析:根据上文看出其演艺生涯结束了。答案:A15解析:attend意为“出席;参加;参与”。答案:A16解析:从第10空所在位置的句子,可以看出是在他七岁的时候。答案:B17解析:四个选项中只有法庭有权利让他父亲再抚养他们。答案:D18解析:此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词为人,所以用who。答案:D19解析:下文提到他妈妈从精神病院出来后把他们接走,这表明在妈妈出院前,他们是和爸爸在一起。答案:C20解析:pick up指“接走”;take away指“取走”;take apart意为“拆开;粗暴对待”;bring up意为“教育;培养”。根据句意选B项。答案:B


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